In interface builder I have an image button with the text set to "Save"
Here is a screenshot of how it looks when the app is run. The button on the right is one without text so you can see what it should look like. As you can see with text it looks bad as the App is throwing in that ugly grey color on it's own.
I'm struggling to create a simple scrollable text box in Unity. I've followed this tutorial and others, but instead of the text scrolling like it should, it moves the entire text object up and down.
In the hierarchy, it is simply a panel with a text child.
Here's what the Panel looks like
And here's the textlog
Can someone help me figure out what exactly is going wrong?
I have a bunch of buttons. They appears as an graphical image. If a user clicked on a button I can determine with
which button the user pressed. But the title of the button appears in the view. I want only to show the image and give the button a invisible title. But I think that is not possible.
Me second solution is to create for each button an outlet. But I think with 30 buttons that is a very bad solution.
Option 1:
For the button text color property set opacity to 0. The text is there, but fully transparent.
Option 2:
You may use the tag value to identify a button so you do not have to rely on the button title. You can set the tag value in interface builder (Xcode) or in code. (The tag is an integer.)
I usually prefer option 2 as it is resilient to text changes over time (think of typos, translations for other languages etc.).
I have an NSButton created in Interface Builder with the style "Round Textured". When the button is disabled, the text colour does not go grey as you would expect. Oddly enough when the button contains an image instead of text, the image does go grey, as seen in the below screenshot (top buttons are enabled, bottom buttons are disabled).
How can I get the text to go grey when the button is disabled?
Update: So it gets weirder: the view containing the button is shown in a popover and every second time the view is shown the button is greyed out.
It seems, at least in Yosemite, as long as you set button.wantsLayer = YES on the button view, that it then works. Go figure.
I am, no matter what I try, unable to change the back button colour and default image.
Here is what it looks like rite now:
The leftmost arrow is the default and the right most is my custom arrow.
This is how I set it up in storyboard:
How do I remove that pesky default image and replace it with my own?
The button you are adding is overriten by the default back button provided by the navBar. The only way you could do that is by adding it from within the code and by creating an UIButton inside the UIBarButton with an image and/or text, you should set its action a popViewController.
I made a PushButton to open up a Font Panel like they did here:Make NSButton open fonts panel
I did all of these through the Interface-Builder by dragging buttons and Labels onto the MainMenu View and i have nothing inside my AppDelegate.h and .m
Im really new to objective c and cocoa so i was wondering if anyone could give me an in depth explanation on how to use that font panel to edit the font in a Label or a Text Field.
Both label and text field are class NSTextField.
The style of the text they display is determined by the attributes on their NSAttributedString.
The Attributed String Programming Guide on Apple's developer site goes into detail on how to handle attributes. The font is one of those inside an attribute called paragraph style.
That should get you started on what to look into.
The Cocoa text architecture is pretty rich and can take some time to get familiar with.
One thing to note, when a text field is in edit mode, it uses something called the field editor for rendering , which is normally a shared instance of NSTextView that is owned by the window and basically appears in front of the text field during editing.