Deploying Angular-fullstack app on Heroku using Codeship - heroku

I'm trying to deploy a website via CodeShip unto Heroku. The site is built with Yeoman's Angular-Fullstack generator, which is pushed to GitHub. Codeship detects the push, builds the entire thing and then the trouble start.
Angular-Fullstack is set up so that the dist/ folder contains the entire Heroku app, so blindly deploying everything will not work on Heroku.
Locally, I can use the Heroku toolbelt to login, add a remote inside the dist folder, and then use grunt buildcontrol to deploy the entire thing unto Heroku.
But in Codeship there are a few caveats:
* I cannot install the Heroku toolbelt with wget because it needs sudo and Codeship doesn't support that
* If I could, I couldn't login to Heroku using the CLI because I cannot interact with the shell in Codeship
* I cannot go into the dist/ folder and after adding the remote, simply push to Heroku because I need to enter my credentials.
Is there a way that I missed here? I'd like to let Codeship handle everything from building to deployment to Heroku (only on the master branch).

Figured it out!
I skipped the step where I was trying to install the Heroku Toolbelt, and just added the repo on Heroku as remote:
git remote add heroku ssh://[your-heroku-app-name].git
Codeship has public keys available for every build. So, I added that publick key to my Heroku account.
Then I noticed that Git was still trying to push using HTTPS instead of SSH, so I added this to the deployment script:
git config --global url.ssh://
This made sure that Git uses the SSH url for Heroku. I then let Codeship build the entire project and push it with grunt buildcontrol:heroku.


heroku finds an old project that i ave deleted on my heroku homepages

When I try to disable static files on Heroku it keeps linking to a previous project. However, I deleted all my Heroku projects so there are none in my account.
How is this possible and how do I fix it? The heroku CLI seems to be trying to find vast-depths-55781 but the project I just created is immense-ridge-40969:
Heroku determines which app it should use based on your configured Git remotes.
Run git remote -v to see which ones you have set up; I suspect you'll see one pointing to vast-depths-59781. Remove it by its name, e.g.
git remote remove heroku
You could manually add a remote for your new app (or have just changed the previous one's URL), but Heroku provides a dedicated command for setting this up:
heroku git:remote --app immense-ridge-40969
Now heroku commands should default to the new app in that folder. (You can always provide the --app argument to tell heroku to operate against a different app if you wish.)

Deploy to Heroku from parse server example successfully but repo size 0

I have deployed the Parse-Server-Example to the Heroku directly through the github and it is successfully deployed, but my Heroku App dashboard shows that the repo size is 0.
Could you help me?
Your Heroku repo size will be zero because you are linking parse-server through github and it's not stored on Heroku. What you can do to change this is clone your repo by installing Heroku command line tools and this command.
heroku git:clone -a project-name
Make whatever changes you like and push back to heroku by using
git push heroku master
After pushing your project to Heroku it should tell you the size of your repo.

Setting up an existing Heroku application on a new machine

I've an existing project that works fine on another machine, but I've just upgraded and from within the project development directory, everytime I run a heroku command I have to post-fix it with --app
I feel like I've missed an application setup stage, but I can't figure out what, as everytime it states:
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP.
Help appreciated.
You can solve this by adding the Heroku app to your .git/config folder.
If you are in the root of your project, run the following command:
git remote add heroku
This will set a line in your .git/config file which the heroku command line tool uses to figure out what app you're using :)
In other words, your local repo doesn't have Heroku app URL configured against an app name
Similarly what we do with git remote add ( we pass git URL as a destination for push/pulling of code )
that how our git know which repo/URL to hit (push/pull from )
Heroku also follows the same method/process.
All you have to do is add Heroku app URL (so that ur Heroku command have a reference for app URL )
it will know against which URL you are running your command against
To confirm if remote named Heroku has been set for your app:
git remote -v
if not configured or if you want it for an existing app
heroku git:remote -a app_name
it's a way to link your folder to the Heroku app
The Heroku recommended way:
heroku git:remote -a my-heroku-app-id -r what-i-want-to-call-it
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP
The other answers address the first part of that statement, it is perfectly acceptable to run heroku commands in any directory. For example I have a customer facing front end project /front-end and a rails based /back-end project. I often work in the /front-end directory and if I have to connect to the production database I'll run heroku run rails c -a back-end. After I exit irb then I'm back in my desired directory.

Deploy to heroku directly from my github repository

How can I deploy my app to Heroku directly from my GitHub remote repository?
Does a command for that exist, like this?
heroku push
Any tips? Tricks?
You can put services in between Github and Heroku which may achieve a similar result to what you want.
There are presently two addons in the Heroku Addon library which would be able to do this for you via Continuous Deployment. (
wercker (
Basically, when you add and setup these addons they install a webhook into your projects github repo and then when you push to the repo, the webhook is triggered which triggers the service to grab your code (run tests if you want) and then push the code to Heroku.
Heroku recently added option to synchronize deployment with GitHub
There is no way to push from one git remote to another. You will have to clone from github and then push to heroku.
snap-ci is an easy way to setup a deployment pipeline from Github to Heroku
git clone git://
cd ruby-sample
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open
It was as default example from heroku. You can get an idea. right ?
Create a 'Deploy to Heroku' button and include in the README -

Managing Heroku Multiple environments with existing app

I've got an app, that has 'heroku' configured as a remote, to one application.
Let's call this app 'MyAppDev'
However, I have another app, called 'MyAppLive'
I want to configure deployment like this:
git push staging
push to MyAppDev
git push production
push to MyAppLive
How can I do this?
Also, what about environment variables?
Both apps have MongoLab, so I'd like the MyAppDev app to use it's own db....
Here are the steps that you'd need to follow
git remote rm heroku - this will remove the heroku remote from your application
git remote add production <production apps heroku git repo url> - this will add a new remote named 'production' pointing at the production apps git repo url (you can get this from the My Apps page on
git remote add staging <staging apps heroku git repo url>
This now means you can do git push production master or git push staging master to push your codebase to either repo.
NOTE If you need to push branches to Heroku you need to push them into the master branch of Heroku.
eg. assuming a staging branch locally you would do;
git push staging staging:master
To push your locally staging branch into master of the staging remote.
Any addons you use would need to be duplicated to the staging application.
Config variables can either be done manually via heroku config:set or you can use the plugin detailed at the bottom of this page which allows you to push and pull your Heroku variables into a .env file suitable for running with Foreman locally. Becareful about overriding variables though - I tend to do my variables manually as I don't typically have many.
