GNU Parallel timeout for process - parallel-processing

I want to use GNU Parallel for this command:
seq -w 30 | parallel -k -j6 java -javaagent:build/libs/pddl4j-3.1.0.jar -server -Xms8048m -Xmx8048m fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.hsp.HSP -o pddl/benchmarks_STRIPS/benchmarks_STRIPS/ipc1/movie/domain.pddl -f pddl/benchmarks_STRIPS/benchmarks_STRIPS/ipc1/movie/p{}.pddl -i 8 '>>' AstarMovie.txt
I have a timeout of 600 seconds in the java program but parallel doesn't execute it. Processes can run for 2, 3, 4 or more hours and never stop.
I tried this command based on the GNU tutorial online, but it doesn't work either:
seq -w 30 | parallel -k --timeout 600000 -j6 java -javaagent:build/libs/pddl4j-3.1.0.jar -server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.hsp.HSP -o pddl/benchmarks_STRIPS/benchmarks_STRIPS/ipc1/movie/domain.pddl -f pddl/benchmarks_STRIPS/benchmarks_STRIPS/ipc1/movie/p{}.pddl -i 8 '>>' AstarMovie.txt
I saw in the tutorial that GNU Parallel uses milliseconds - so 600000 is 10 minutes which is what I need but after 12 minutes the process was still running. I need 6 processes to run at once for a maximum of 10 minutes each.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Why do people feel the need to edit posts for small changes like '600seconds' to '600 seconds'? Stop doing it for karma..

The timeout for GNU Parallel is given in seconds, not milliseconds. You can test it with this snippet which waits for 15 seconds but with a timeout that cuts it off after 10 seconds:
time parallel --timeout 10 sleep {} ::: 15
real 0m10.961s
user 0m0.071s
sys 0m0.038s


zsh history with timestamp slow when piped

I have set zsh to store 100K lines of history and to save timestamp for every command, and noticed odd behaviour when I try to print history with timestamps.
Running history -i 1 takes around 2 seconds.
Running history -i 1 > out or history -i 1 > /dev/null takes around 0.4 second.
But running history -i 1 | cat takes around 30 seconds, same for piping through grep.
To be sure I checked that the lines that format and output the time are responsible, commenting them out makes the piped command run in few seconds, also replacing localtime with gmtime makes the piped command take only ~15 seconds.
I also tried creating a binary that calls localtime 100000 times, but it doesn't take 15 seconds to run.
What can be causing such slowness when piping?
Example output of running history -iD 1 (-D to show duration too):
100080 2022-03-27 19:33 0:01 history -i 1
100081 2022-03-27 19:33 0:00 history -i 1 > out
100082 2022-03-27 19:33 0:00 rm out
100083 2022-03-27 19:33 0:00 history -i 1 > /dev/null
100084 2022-03-27 19:33 0:30 history -i 1 | cat
100085 2022-03-27 19:34 0:30 history -i 1 | grep history

Is there any way to Run codes between multiple Nodes on HPC

I am trying to run let's say 10 different codes each saved in it's respective directory named as 1,2,3,..,10.
#PBS -l nodes=10:cores=1
This means I had 1 thread each on 10 different CPU's. Now I had to submit a job so that each directory get's 1 thread of 1 CPU only, and similarly other directories 2,3..,10.
Codes are for molecular dynamics and runs for several hours, and they are independent as well. I tried by Gnu Parallel but I failed to employ each 10 CPU's. May be Gnu Parallel is made to distribute jobs in between 1 CPU cores. I know MPI can, but I don't know exactly how. May anyone please suggest.
I do not have access to a PBS cluster, but Example 2 from might be what you are looking for:
#PBS -lselect=6:ncpus=4:model=san
#PBS -lwalltime=4:00:00
seq 64 | parallel -j 4 -u --sshloginfile $PBS_NODEFILE \
"cd $PWD; ./myscript.csh {}"
Adapted to your situation (untested):
#PBS -l place=scatter
#PBS -l nodes=10:cores=1
seq 10 | parallel -j 1 --sshloginfile $PBS_NODEFILE --wd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ./myscript {}
You need place=scatter because otherwise the same host may be listed twice in $PBS_NODEFILE, and GNU Parallel ignores duplicates.

Parallel processing or multi-threading in Shell scripting

I am writing a script in shell to pull files from application using curl call, and to pull 100 files it is taking more than 30 minutes.
I want split this into multiple chunks and do a parallel curl call (eg: 10 files each call).
I am new in parallel processing/threading.
Q : "I want ... do a parallel curl call ..."
For all possible syntax details, start with man parallel
Next, one may use also some curl-tricks, yet only those that do not collide with the parallel syntax-elements.
As the fileIO-ops are both slow and bear rather a high ( yet maskable ) latency, a number of concurrent processes might grow well high :
parallel --jobs 24 \
--dry-run \
curl \
ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-{1}/{1}-{2}/{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}_*.jpg \
::: "LKLN" "LKRO" "LKPM" \
::: $( seq -f "%04g" 2011 2020 ) \
::: $( seq -f "%02g" 4 6 ) \
::: $( seq -f "%02g" 1 31 ) \
will yield a demo of :
curl ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-LKLN/LKLN-2020/LKLN-2020-06-29_*.jpg
curl ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-LKLN/LKLN-2020/LKLN-2020-06-30_*.jpg
curl ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-LKLN/LKLN-2020/LKLN-2020-06-31_*.jpg
curl ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-LKRO/LKRO-2011/LKRO-2011-04-01_*.jpg
curl ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-LKRO/LKRO-2011/LKRO-2011-04-02_*.jpg
curl ftps://a.b.c.d/node7-LKRO/LKRO-2011/LKRO-2011-04-03_*.jpg
all split among the said 24 parallel-orchestrated processes
Finally feel free to adapt your scripting strategy so as to meet and match your actual transport, storage, processor and memory capacities, logging and self-reporting needs.
And you became a next master of the parallel-orchestrated processing.
All credits, since 2007, go to Ole Tange!

Run million of list in PBS with parallel tool

I've huge size(few million) job contain list and wants to run java written tool to perform the features comparison. This tool completes the calculation in
real 0m0.179s
user 0m0.005s
sys 0m0.000s sec
Running 5 nodes(each have 72 cpus) with pbs torque scheduler in the GNU parallel, tool runs fine and produces the results but as I set 72 jobs per node, it should run 72 x 5 jobs at a time but I can see only it runs 25-35 jobs!
Checking of cpu utilization on each node also shows low utilization.
I desire to run 72 X 5 jobs or more at a time and produce the results by utilizing all the available source (72 X 5 cpus).
As I mentioned have ~200 millions of job to run, I desire to complete it faster(1-2 hours) by using/increasing the number of nodes/cpus.
Current code, input and job state:
example.lst (it has ~300 million lines)
#PBS -l nodes=5:ppn=72
#PBS -N job01
#PBS -j oe
#work dir
export WDIR=/shared/data/work_dir
cd $WDIR;
# use available 72 cpu in each node
export JOBS_PER_NODE=72
#gnu parallel command
parallelrun="parallel -j $JOBS_PER_NODE --slf $PBS_NODEFILE --wd $WDIR --joblog process.log --resume"
$parallelrun -a example.lst sh {}
# parallel command options
# create tmp dir and work in
mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
cd $TMP_DIR/
# get file name
mk=$(echo "$i" | cut -d- -f1-2)
nk=$(echo "$i" | cut -d- -f3-6)
#run a tool to compare the features of pair files
/shared/software/tool_v2.1/tool -s1 $data/inf_tf/$mk -s1cf $data/features/$mk-cf -s1ss $data/features/$mk-ss -s2 $data/inf_tf/$nk.pdb -s2cf $data/features/$nk-cf.pdb -s2ss $data/features/$nk-ss.pdb > $data/$i.out
# move output files
mv matrix.txt $data/glosa_tf/matrix/$mk"_"$nk.txt
mv ali_struct.pdb $data/glosa_tf/aligned/$nk"_"$mk.pdb
# move back and remove tmp dir
cd $TMP_DIR/../
rm -rf $TMP_DIR
exit 0
PBS submission
Login to one of the node : ssh ip-172-31-9-208
top - 09:28:03 up 15 min, 1 user, load average: 14.77, 13.44, 8.08
Tasks: 928 total, 1 running, 434 sleeping, 0 stopped, 166 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.1%us, 0.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 98.4%id, 1.4%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 193694612k total, 1811200k used, 191883412k free, 94680k buffers
Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 707960k cached
15348 ec2-user 20 0 16028 2820 1820 R 0.3 0.0 0:00.10 top
15621 ec2-user 20 0 169m 7584 6684 S 0.3 0.0 0:00.01 ssh
15625 ec2-user 20 0 171m 7472 6552 S 0.3 0.0 0:00.01 ssh
15626 ec2-user 20 0 126m 3924 3492 S 0.3 0.0 0:00.01 perl
All of the nodes top shows the similar state and produces the results by running only ~26 at a time!
I've aws-parallelcluster contains 5 nodes(each have 72 cpus) with torque scheduler and GNU Parallel 2018, Mar 2018
By introducing the new function that takes input on stdin and running the script in parallel works great and utilizes all the CPU in local machine.
However, when its runs over remote machines it produces a
parallel: Error: test.lst is neither a file nor a block device
A simple code that echoing list gives the same error while running it in remote machines but works great in local machine:
cat test.lst # contains list
cat # GNU parallel submission script
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=72
#PBS -N test
#PBS -k oe
# introduce new function and Run from ~/
dowork() {
parallel sh {}
export -f dowork
parallel -a test.lst --env dowork --pipepart --slf $PBS_NODEFILE --block -10 dowork
cat # run/work script
#create temporary folder in current dir
mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
cd $TMP_DIR/
# split list
mk=$(echo "$i" | cut -d- -f1-2)
nk=$(echo "$i" | cut -d- -f3-6)
# echo list and save in echo_test.out
echo $mk, $nk >> $data/echo_test.out
cd $TMP_DIR/../
rm -rf $TMP_DIR
From your timing:
real 0m0.179s
user 0m0.005s
sys 0m0.000s sec
it seems the tool uses very little CPU power. When GNU Parallel runs local jobs it has an overhead of 10 ms CPU time per job. Your jobs use 179 ms time, and 5 ms CPU time. So GNU Parallel will be using quite a bit of the time spent.
The overhead is much worse when running jobs remotely. Here we are talking 10 ms + running an ssh command. This can easily be in the order of 100 ms.
So how can we minimize the number of ssh commands and how can spread the overhead over multiple cores?
First let us make a function that can take input on stdin and run the script - one job per CPU thread in parallel:
dowork() {
[...set variables here. that becomes particularly important we when run remotely...]
parallel sh {}
export -f dowork
Test that this actually works by running:
head -n 1000 example.lst | dowork
Then let us look at running jobs locally. This can be done similar to described here:
parallel -a example.lst --pipepart --block -10 dowork
This will split example.lst into 10 blocks per CPU thread. So on a machine with 72 CPU threads this will make 720 blocks. It will the start 72 doworks and when one is done it will get another of the 720 blocks. The reason I choose 10 instead of 1 is if one of the jobs "get stuck" for a while, then you are unlikely to notice this.
This should make sure 100% of the CPUs on the local machine is busy.
If that works, we need to distribute this work to remote machines:
parallel -j1 -a example.lst --env dowork --pipepart --slf $PBS_NODEFILE --block -10 dowork
This should in total start 10 ssh per CPU thread (i.e. 5*72*10) - namely one for each block. With 1 running per server listed in $PBS_NODEFILE in parallel.
Unfortunately this means that --joblog and --resume will not work. There is currently no way to make that work, but if it is valuable to you contact me via
I am not sure what tool does. But if the copying takes most of the time and if tool only reads the files, then you might just be able symlink the files into $TMP_DIR instead of copying.
A good indication of whether you can do it faster is to look at top of the 5 machines in the cluster. If they are all using all cores at >90% then you cannot expect to get it faster.

"Max jobs to run" does not equal the number of jobs specified when using GNU Parallel on remote server?

I am trying to run many small serial jobs with GNU Parallel on a PBS cluster, each compute node has 16 cores, as I intended to use multiple compute nodes therefore I passed the option -S $SERVERNAME to GNUParallel, however what confuses me is that the number of jobs started on the node using -S $SERVERNAME does not equal to the number of jobs I specified when I intended to spawn more than 9 jobs, below are my observations:
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel --version
GNU parallel 20160922
Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016
Ole Tange and Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
GNU parallel comes with no warranty.
Web site:
When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication
please cite as described in 'parallel --citation'.
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ hostname # this shows my hostname
When use GNUParallel as local host without -S $SERVERNAME, there is no problem, I intended to spawn 10 jobs, and GNUParallel started 10 jobs:
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel --progress echo ::: `seq 1 10`
Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:local / 16 / 10 # 10 jobs spawned, no problem
Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
local:10/0/100%/0.0s 1
local:9/1/100%/0.0s 2
local:8/2/100%/0.0s 3
local:7/3/100%/0.0s 4
local:6/4/100%/0.0s 5
local:5/5/100%/0.0s 6
local:4/6/100%/0.0s 7
local:3/7/100%/0.0s 8
local:2/8/100%/0.0s 9
local:1/9/100%/0.0s 10
When I use GNUParallel to spawn less than 10 jobs using the -S $SERVERNAME, still no problem.
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 1`
Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 1 # When the number of jobs is less than 10, no problem
Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:1/0/100%/0.0s 1
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 8`
Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 8 # When the number of jobs is less than 10, no problem
Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:8/0/100%/0.0s 1
shelob001:7/1/100%/1.0s 7
shelob001:6/2/100%/0.5s 3
shelob001:5/3/100%/0.3s 8
shelob001:4/4/100%/0.2s 5
shelob001:3/5/100%/0.2s 2
shelob001:2/6/100%/0.2s 6
shelob001:1/7/100%/0.1s 4
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 9`
Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 9 # When the number of jobs is less than 10, no problem
Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:9/0/100%/0.0s 1
shelob001:8/1/100%/1.0s 5
shelob001:7/2/100%/0.5s 8
shelob001:6/3/100%/0.3s 2
shelob001:5/4/100%/0.2s 6
shelob001:4/5/100%/0.2s 9
shelob001:3/6/100%/0.2s 3
shelob001:2/7/100%/0.1s 4
shelob001:1/8/100%/0.1s 7
Here is what confuses me, when I try to use a job number >=10, the number of jobs spawned is always one less than wanted, here I want to spawn 10, only started 9 jobs:
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 10` # I want to start 10 jobs
Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 9 #why here "Max jobs to run" is 9?
Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:9/0/100%/0.0s 2
shelob001:9/1/100%/3.0s 1
shelob001:8/2/100%/1.5s 7
shelob001:7/3/100%/1.0s 4
shelob001:6/4/100%/0.8s 9
shelob001:5/5/100%/0.6s 8
shelob001:4/6/100%/0.5s 3
shelob001:3/7/100%/0.4s 5
shelob001:2/8/100%/0.4s 6
shelob001:1/9/100%/0.4s 10
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 11`
Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 10 # it seems the jobs started is one less than I specified
Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:10/0/100%/0.0s 1
shelob001:10/1/100%/3.0s 2
shelob001:9/2/100%/1.5s 8
shelob001:8/3/100%/1.0s 3
shelob001:7/4/100%/0.8s 4
shelob001:6/5/100%/0.6s 5
shelob001:5/6/100%/0.5s 7
shelob001:4/7/100%/0.4s 10
shelob001:3/8/100%/0.4s 9
shelob001:2/9/100%/0.3s 6
shelob001:1/10/100%/0.4s 11
[fchen14#shelob001 ~]$
I checked the status of the compute node using "top", it does show that only 9 Cpus are used when I use seq 1 10. Hopefully I have made my problem clear, could anyone point out the possible cause of this problem? Any suggestion is welcome.
Thank you very much!
Looks like you found a bug. Workaround: -j+1
