What is the best setup for Xamarin player to communciate with a dev environment using vmware? - xamarin

I seem to hit a catch-22 situation. I have a windows 10 virtual machine set up within vmware workstation 12. On that VM is my full visual studio 15 development environment. This is my preferred dev environment and I do not wish to change it.
How can I use the above dev environment with the Xamarin android player?
Installing it on the same VM as my dev environment is not supported
Installing it on my host machine isn't acceptable because the xamarin player installation demands the disabling on hyper-V which will impact my vmware setup
What are my options for have xamarin player work with my VM?

One option is to skip the 3rd-party Emulators (Xamarin, Visual Studios, Genymotion, etc...) and create a VMWare Android Guest and you can run your VisualStudio'15 Guest VM side-by-side of a Android Guest VM. As long as they share a network then Android's debug bridge (adb) can connect to it and thus Xamarin can connect to it.
The Android-x86 site has the .iso's and there are a number of blog posting around that walk you through the process of creating a Android-base d Guest VM.
FYI: Does the "vmx.allowNested = TRUE" not work in your situation?


How to deploy a UWP to a Galaxy TabPro S with windows 10 OS?

I'm trying to deploy a UWP app from my Alienware 18, Laptop with Windows 10, version 1803 to a Tablet Galaxy TabPro S with Windows 10 version 1803 as well.
I had activated developer mode on the device target and the USB device discovery option as well.
First I tried connecting a USB Cable from my laptop to the tablet which has a USB-C port.
But My laptop doesn't even find it.
What I want is to find a way to deploy a UWP from my laptop to the tablet, I made some research and I found out that, only HoloLens and Windows Phone 10, are findable using USB Connection.
So what step should I follow to successfully remote debug my app to a windows 10 Tablet.
I would appreciate details because I tried to follow remote deploying but I haven't been able to successfully find the tablet.
The Windows 10 on your tablet, just like on your development machine, supports remotely debugging over the network rather than over USB. Make sure both machines are in developer mode, with the other machine also having Device Discovery turned on as described here. Both should connect to your WiFi as a private network. After that it should be as simple as configuring your project to deploy to the other machine, rather than locally, as described here and here. Don't forget to pair them with a PIN.
If you host a web API on your development machine, configure your firewall as described here.
Use remote debugging over at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/remote-debugging?view=vs-2017
Make sure you follow the instructions, sometimes remote debugging is barred by firewall so check that.
Alternative right click your main project, go to store then click create packages for sideloading and then send the package over at your Samsung device.
So what step should I follow to successfully remote debug my app to a windows 10 Tablet.
To run a UWP app on a remote machine, you must attach to it using the Remote Tools for Visual Studio.
In some scenarios, the remote tools are automatically installed when you deploy to a remote device. For example,
For Windows 10 PCs running Creators Update and later versions, remote tools will be installed automatically.
Then, your remote device and the Visual Studio computer must be connected over a network or connected directly through a USB or Ethernet cable. Debugging over the internet is not supported.
After that, you need to configure the Visual Studio project for remote debugging. In the properties of the project, select the Debug and choose the Remote Machine from the Target Device list. In general, I will input the remote machine's IP address, you could choose Find to choose the device from the Select Remote Debugger Connection dialog box.
Next step, please move to your Tablet, you need to Set up the remote debugger. You must have administrative permissions on the remote computer. Then, open the Start menu and search for Remote Debugger. If you could find it, just start it normally. If you cannot find it, you need to install it Remote Tools manually. See this link to Download and Install the remote tools. Once the Remote Debugger started, you could do some configurations. After that, you could choose Start Debugging on the Debug menu (Keyboard: F5). The project is recompiled, then deployed to and started on the remote device. Please read Run UWP apps on a remote machine in Visual Studio for more information.

Can't install Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator

So I have a HP laptop, and as many HP users know it's a nightmare to install Hyper-V on it. But I somehow managed. Hyper-V is running on my laptop and I have all the necessary hardware requirements:
SLAT is enabled
VT-x is supported and enabled
I'm running 64 bit Windows 8.1 Professional
I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 3
Hardware D.E.P. is enabled and supported
And yet when I run the Phone Emulator installation I get the following display:
I can't figure out what's going on or why I keep getting the error. Hyper-V is running as shown:
I've spent two days already trying to figure this out and searching on Google for a solution to this problem. Some of the things I've tried:
Flashing my BIOS
Resolving issues with the Realtek BlueTooth driver (this causes issues with Hyper-V)
Reseting my BIOS
Doing a clean install of my whole system
Installing all Windows Updates
Installing all Visual Studio updates
Enabled / Disabled D.E.P.
Any advice is appreciated. If you need the log from the emulator installation let me know and I'll post it here.
I've attempted to install winsows server standard 2012 and tried enababling hyper-v and installing visual studio and the phone emulator there, and that works and I'm able to run the emulators with no problem.
When I tried the same thing back after installing windows 8 again it installs hyper-v but fails to start windows after installing visual studio update 2 with the phone images etc. The only way I can boot back into windows is if I turn off virtualization in bios.
So it turns out that HP Pavilion laptops support all that is needed to run Hyper-V, however it looks as if HP is blocking the SLAT functionality from working properly with Hyper-V thus not allowing it to run correctly. This looks like it's blocked at the BIOS level.
Updating the BIOS doesn't solve the issue.
The way I came to this conclusion is that Windows Server running Hyper-V runs the Windows Phone emulator with no problems, and it's a Microsoft decision to not require SLAT when running Hyper-V on Windows Server while requiring it on Desktop version of Windows.
Seeing how I paid extra for a more powerful laptop to be able to use features like Hyper-V, and to have an experience such as this due to a manufacturer configuration has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Needless to say this is the LAST time I'll ever buy an HP laptop.

How to run Windows Phone emulator in VMware

I'm trying to make a simple Windows Phone application on a Macbook Pro. So I'm running Visual Studio in Windows 7 inside of VMware Fusion.
When I try to run the phone emulator, this is what I get.
I looked for settings that I could modify to the virtual machine settings but didn't find any.
Unfortunately this technique will probably not work for you. I had the same issue when I was on my PC and wanted to create iPhone applications. VMWare (and other Virtual Machines) are not fully gfx enabled. You need to check the box that says "Accelerate 3D graphics
What I would suggest is to install Windows 7 on your Mac using BootCamp.

VMWARE: For installing Visual Studio 2010 and connecting to it remotely?

I am trying to find a solution for installing Visual Studio 2010 (VMWARE) and connecting to it remotely so that both i can use the pc and the receiver can monitor what i am doing.
There seems to be so many different solutions for VMWARE and i am little of which will work.
It would be ideal if it was free of charge, i notice the "VMWARE PLAYER" is - but i think is only to run virtual machines???
If anybody has had any success of running VMWARE with visual studio 2010 i would look to hear your comments or any advice
TO clarify, i am looking to run visual studio 2010 in VM.
In order to run VS2010 in VM you will need:
VMWare Server 2.0
Licenced operating system
Follow those steps:
Install VMWare server on the physical host
Create a new virtual machine
Install operating system on your virtual machine
Install VS2010 + any other software you need for development
Connect your VM to internet so it can be connected to from internet (open necessary firewall ports)
On a side note: why do you want the receiver to have access to your development environment in the first place? Won't it suffice to give him access to your deliverables only? If you are developing a web site - publish it and give him access. For desktop apps give him the link to a site where you can dump your nightly builds...
I agree with Jakub, but you could also use ESXi on a system do the same thing and have for a few trade shows I would do the following
1) VMware ESXi, use 4.01 located at VMware vSPhere Hypervisor ESXi
2) Use Microsoft Windows 2008, you can be granted a 60 day license for testing.
3) Install Microsoft VS2010 (in my case it was Microsoft VS2008, its all our group uses.
The only issues I have found are when installing Visual Studio 2008, the OS detection might cause a few issues. VS2010 should be able to correctly detect the OS you are using.
The other testing bed the developers I support use are based around the same thing, but use Xen for the hypervisor. We have found on long haul networks using tunnels, VMware ESXi's remote console sessions can be crazy and produced odd graphical draws and even latency.
Good luck with Visual Studio 2010. And I hope your teams work out.

Windows phone 7 takes forever to deploy

I'm playing around with windows phone 7 development, when I press F5 Visual studio takes forever to deploy the app, I get
Window Phone Emulator is doing complete OS boot.
What would be the problem?
PS: I'm using windows 7 on Mac with Parallels Desktop
The emulator isn't supported running inside or side by side other VM's at this stage. It is implemented as a VM itself. VM's running on windows platforms will be detected by the emulator startup and a specific error message provided. I've noticed several people having the same issue from Parallels on Mac ... presumably the VM detection doesn't work over there to stop the attempt.
System requirements documented here and here for your reference.
Similar to how we have to run a Mac to develop for iPhone without hassles, you'll need to run a PC to develop for Windows Phone 7 - at least for now.
You may also find your issue with the WIndows Phone Emulator is because the Emulator actually the real phone ROM running in a Virtual Machine.
Since your situation is a VM (Windows 7 on Parellels on Mac) this may explain your performance issue. Developers using VMWare have had similar issues plus Virtual PC / Hyper-V does not support Windows Phone 7 at all.
Running virtual machines on virtual machines is a massive performance hit, your only solution may be a cheap PC installation of Windows Phone 7 tools etc on compatible hardware ie Graphics Card / with WDDM 1.1 compatible drivers etc.
For my WP8 deployment, I notice that disconnecting my MacBook Air from the power source will slow the deployment down considerably (so will the debugging and tracing).
Simply plug the laptop back to the power source and everything will become fast again.
Don't kill the emulator between debug sessions. There is no need.
Also - Visual Studio 2010 Express For Windows Phone, which is installed with the tools, is much more responsive as it has less features running.
So if speed is really an issue, that may be an option.
