Passbook changeMessage displaying user friendly URL - apple-push-notifications

Lets imagine I have a backField with data below:
attributedValue:"<a href=''>Link</a>",
changeMessage: "Key-1 field changed:%#"
I wish to display user friendly - Key-1 field changed:Link at the lock screen when push notification arrives, instead of - Key-1 field changed:<a href=''>Link</a>.
Is there any option to achieve it?

Remove changeMessage from your back field.
Now, create a special back field with the content of your push message and set its changeMessage to %#.


How to click a button in email to save a file Power Automate

I receive monthly around 200 e-mail like the image in attach, and would like to use power automate to:
Receive an e-mail from a specific sender;
The subject contains specific words "ex: invoice";
Click in a button (link);
Save the file from that link inside a sharepoint file:
If possible I would like to save file name as a part of the e-mail subject for example the bold part (XXX Invoice - R1234/12AA2226-10-22 - )
I tried some flows without success.
Appreciate if someone can help me :)
I tried some flows in the internet but without success
You won't need to click a button. You can trigger a power flow with 'When an email is received' then add a condition - has attachment and subject or body contains = 'invoice'. Use then add step Get Attachments.
Here's a similar flow - but add a condition after step 2 to filter only these types of emails.

How do you place default message in the semantic react ui search?
Below is images of how the semantic react ui search widget looks like. In the second image, I was wondering how you can put a prompt message to indicate to the user a message on what the search bar is meant for. In this case, it's "search". When the user types in, it erases the Search and starts reflecting what the user is typing. I thought it would be defaultValue, but it seems that you can't have value and defaultValue set at the same time. I still want to be able to read what the set value is when the user types into the box.
You can use defaultValue as initial value in component, no problem.
Then read the user input value in event (onBlur for instance) like this:
onBlur(e) {
If you want to read value each new character pressed you can use in onSearchChange event:
onSearchChange(e) {
EDIT: included accepted answer in comment below:
for Semantic React UI Search

ReactiveCocoa - observing isFirstResponder property and UITextField with clearsOnBeginEditing set to YES

I am new to ReactiveCocoa, but I think it's very nice and outstanding technique for reducing code complexity. I just started experiencing with the framework, and not everything is clear for me at the moment, so excuse me if my problem can be solved in some obvious way.
In my app I have login view controller with simple form contains two text fields (username and password) and a button. I would like the button to be disabled if any of two text fields is empty. So, I wrote this code:
RAC(self.loginButton, enabled) =
[RACSignal combineLatest:#[self.userTextField.rac_textSignal,
reduce:^(NSString *username,
NSString *password) {
BOOL valid = (username.length > 0 && password.length > 0);
return #(valid);
It's very simple and it's working. The problem is that one of my text fields (the password field) has secureTextEntry and clearsOnBeginEditing properties set to YES. I will try to explain unwanted behavior that I am experiencing with this configuration:
Let's assume that both username and password fields are NOT empty. In this case the button is enabled. When user taps on password field, it becomes first responder (keyboard appears and user can enter his password), but because of clearsOnBeginEditing being set to YES for that field, the previously entered password is cleared from the text field. That's way password field is now empty. The problem is that signal is not being sent, so the button remains enabled, despite the password field is empty.
My first idea to solve this issue (well, more like workaround solution) was to observe isFirstResponder property on password field beside observing text changes. That's way the block that checks if button should be enabled would be called when password field becomes first responder. I don't know if this solution works, because I have no idea how to implement it using ReactiveCocoa. I have looking for creating a signal for isFirstResponder property changes, but without a luck. It might be not the best approach in order to solve this issue, but nothing comes to my mind at this point.
Then, the question is: how to observe isFirstResponder property with ReactiveCocoa?
And more general question: how to observe text field's text changes when clearsOnBeginEditing is set to YES?
I found out that I can create signal for UIControlEventEditingDidBegin event that should give me substitution of observing isFirstResponder property changes:
[self.passwordTextField rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidBegin]
Unfortunately this does not solve the issue. Now I understand that field is cleared AFTER it becomes first responder, and clearing field automatically after it becomes first responder does not send signal for text changes. That's way when validation block is executed it still thinks that password field is not empty, and the button remains enabled despite password field was cleared and it's empty.
Unfortunately the -rac_textSignal only listens for UIControlEventEditingChanged. If UIControlEventEditingDidBegin were added, you'd be all set.
I suppose you could patch this into it and submit a pull request?
- (RACSignal *)rac_textSignal {
return [[[[[RACSignal
return [RACSignal return:self];
concat:[self rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged|UIControlEventEditingDidBegin]]
map:^(UITextField *x) {
return x.text;
setNameWithFormat:#"%# -rac_textSignal", [self rac_description]];

Cocoa-Bindings : Update NSObjectController manually?

In my little cocoa application I have bound the properties of a class to some text fields with help of a NSObjectController. The only problem I have so far: you always have to leave a text field before the NSObjectController updates the class with the current input.
This becomes a problem if the user doesn't leave a texfield and clicks on a Save/Submit Button right away. The class doesn't contain the current input. Always a bad thing.
I am looking for a way to avoid this. Like telling the NSObjectController to get the current input even if the user had exited the field. If this is possible I could put this command in the save-Method before saving and all would be fine.
Send a commitEditing message to your controller in the handler for the OK button. This will do what you're asking for. It's as simple as:
- (void)save:sender {
if (![self.myObjectController commitEditing]) {
// Handle error when object controller can't commit editing
// Other stuff
If you go to the text field's value binding and check the "Continuously Updates Value" option, that will cause the new value to be set on the model object each time the user changes it, i.e. once for each keystroke. That would ensure that the model had the correct value before closing the window, though it may be a bit overkill, depending on what the effects (if any) are of the value being set in your data model.

Display a success message to user in a SharePoint Document Library after validation in ItemAdding Event

When validating a document in the ItemAdding event there are many ways to display errors to the user, but there doesn't seem to be a way to display successes to user, like a validation was successful. An info message to the user at the top of document library would be great.
public class MyItemEventReceiver : SPItemEventReceiver {
public MyItemEventReceiver() {}
public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties) {
// Do some validation
// If successful display message to user - can't seem to do
// If unsuccessful cancel and go to the error page - easy
In the event handler you have a Property called Cancel when set to true it will redirect you to the Error Page. Whereas when you dont distrub it, it will redirect you to the Metadata page of the document, i.e it will as you for the Name and Title of the document. Being said that out of the Box it is not possible to archive what you want to do. One alternate approach I would suggest is that once the validation is successful, set a Flag in the Session / Property Bag of the List with the Document GUID as the Key and in the Final Landing page deploy a Custom Web Part that will check for the this GUID and if there is a Value then It will display the Message.
Umm... edit List's AllItems.aspx or edit your masterpage, add Literal control to it. At ItemAdded event just refer to that control and set it's value.
Maybe it turns out you even need code-behind for that masterpage. Refer here.
