I am currently trying to get the list of projects I have on my asana account and post them on a webpage. I have already set up my oauth in Ruby which works. I am having issues figuring out now how to call the asana API for the projects. Here is the code that I am currently using:
get '/workspaces' do
if $client
"<h1>Workspaces</h1>" \
#u1 is an unordered html bulleted list; li defines the list item
$client.workspaces.find_all.each do |workspace|
get "\t* #{workspace.name} - projects:"
$client.projects.find_by_workspace(workspace: workspace.id).each do |projects|
get "\t\t- #{projects.name}"
"<ul>" + $client.projects.find_all.map { |w| "<li>#{w.name}</li>" }.join + "</ul>"
redirect '/sign_in'
I am getting the error message :
undefined method `get' for #
file: app.rb location: block (2 levels) in <class:SinatraApp> line: 42
What other method should I be using other than get?
It looks like you want to output the values. Use puts if you want output it into your console.
puts "\t* #{workspace.name} - projects:"
However, I noticed you are using redirect "/sign_in". I assume you are using some kind of framework? Then, use your framework's output methods.
I am trying to scrape the next page of the website called https://www.jobsatosu.com/postings/search. Because there are many jobs, there are many pages. Our team successfully scraped the first page like this:
def initialize
#agent_menu = Mechanize.new
#page = #agent_menu.get(PAGE_URL)
#form = #page.forms[0]
I am working on trying to scrape the next page. Also, we were told to use Nokogiri and Mechanize in Ruby. I just have to scrape the next page and do not have to parse it.
This is what I did:
def next_page
#page_num += 1
new_url = "https://www.jobsatosu.com/postings/search?page=#{#page_num}"
#new_page = #agent_menu.get(new_url)
#new_form = #new_page.forms[0]
I made one page_num for all to share. If someone calls the method, then it gets iterated by 1 and it gets the new URL, puts it in #new_page.
I haven't tested this out, but any thoughts on this code?
You need to initialize #page_num = 0 before use
In the first time #page_num is nil so #page_num += 1 raises execption
NoMethodError: undefined method '+' for nil:NilClass
Actually you don't describe variable before using but in this case, you need to do
I'm not using Rails and I haven't done any internationalization before, so I'm trying to understand how this particular example works but I'm a little bit stumped:
The r18n-desktop gem reads from a YAML file for translations. Pretty straightforward.
YAML file en.yml:
edit: Edit user
name: User name is %1
count: !!pl
1: There is 1 user
n: There are %1 users
signup: !!gender
male: Он зарегистрировался
female: Она зарегистрировалась
Test ruby code:
require 'r18n-desktop'
R18n::Filters.add('gender') do |translation, config, user|
puts translation
puts config
puts user
include R18n::Helpers
class Ayy
attr_accessor :gender
girl = Ayy.new
girl.gender = :female
puts t.user.count(5)
puts t.log.signup girl
There are 5 users
puts: can't convert R18n::Translation to Array (R18n::Translation#to_ary gives R18n::Untranslated) (TypeError) from localization-test.rb:13:in puts' from localization-test.rb:13:in '
Addenum: Looks like the error is in puts rather than the "translation". The actual result of a translation is log.signup[] though so the gender isn't getting through.
What is t.log.signup() expecting?
Seems like you forget to set a filter for !!gender custom type.
R18n has only few built-in filter — like !!pl. Gender filter is not built-in, you need to define it manually.
R18n Filter docs already contains simple filter example for gender:
R18n::Filters.add('gender') do |translation, config, user|
mySpiderScript.rb:119:in ` block (3 levels) in <main>': undefined method `links' for #<Mechanize::Image:0x120a7e38> (NoMethodError)
agent2 = Mechanize.new
page2 = agent2.get('http://www.mywebsite.net')
page2.links.each do |link2| #line 119
name = link2.href.to_s
How do I fix this so that the script keeps running?
Here is what page2.body returns.
����JFIF���ICC_PROFILE�lcms0mntrRGB XYZ �*acspAPPL���-lcms
gTRC, bTRCL chrml$mluc
enUSsRGB built-inmluc
enUS2No copyright, use freelyXYZ ���-sf32
Y� J����*��������������XYZ o�8��XYZ $����XYZ b����paraff��
$.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342��C
From the comments:
[T]he body is not a valid mechanize object. How to skip it?
There are lot of ways to validate your object before trying to invoke a method on it. One way is to use the poorly-documented safe navigation operator (&.) introduced in Ruby 2.3.0. For example, using your existing code:
page2&.links&.each do |link2|
This will return nil if the object in page2 doesn't respond to #links, or the result of page2.links doesn't respond to #each. Program flow will then continue after the #each block formed by your page2&.links&.each method chain.
How can I access Twitter::Cursor hash values returned by the Twitter API?
I am following the Jumpstartlab Microblogger tutorial for using the Twitter gem via the jumpstart_auth gem.
I am on iteration 4 step 1. I can return a friends object with the following code:
def friends_last_tweets
friends = client.friends
puts friends
=> Twitter::Cursor:0x00000104051928
However, the example account, 'client' in this case, has two 'friends' not just one so why does it only return one object? I thought maybe that object is the array or arrays with all of the friends accordingly in hash values within, thus use [] to access, but this returns "undefined method for Twitter::Cursor". I run each on the Twitter::Cursor object and it returns two fixnums:
def friends_last_tweets
friends = client.friends
friends.each { |f| puts f }
=> 18908095
So surely these numbers must represent each 'friend object' within the Twitter::Cursor object me thinks. I need to access the key/value pairs within that object, yet my attempted hash accessing results in undefined method or variable.
In case it's version issue related, I'm using Twitter5.11.0 and Jumpstart_auth 0.6.0.
those answers didn't helped me to get the last message (maybe the API changed in the meantime), that's how I finally did it:
def everyones_last_tweet
puts "\n\n here are the latest tweets of your friends:"
friends = #client.friends.collect { |f| #client.user(f) }
friends.each do |friend|
puts "\n\n#{friend.screen_name} wrote: \n\t #{friend.status.text}"
return ""
I'm not happy with that return string though
Access the 'friends' object in the same way you accessed the 'followers' object earlier in the tutorial in order to get a list of your followers' screen names.
To get an array of followers' screen names:
screen_names = #client.followers.collect {|f| #client.user(f).screen_name }
To get an array of friends' screen names:
screen_names = #client.friends.collect {|f| #client.user(f).screen_name }
To get the last tweet of a friend, you can use the object_id's you posted above, as:
last_tweet = #client.user(object_id).status.tweet
I hope this helps. I was caught on this issue for a while too.
So I have a method and when I pass in a straight URL (see code below) the method returns just fine. When I pass in the URL using #{} for the possibility of using different location in Craigslist, it throws the error shown at the bottom. I suppose my question is twofold:
Why doesn't Nokogiri allow me to open this?
Can I change this to accept the URL?
def get_post_date(listing_url)
# This method takes in a page and returns a date hopefully in a date format
# but right now text
listing = Nokogiri::HTML(open(listing_url)).css("p")
setter = ""
for element in listing
if element.css('time').text!=""&&setter==""
post_time = "poop" # Time.parse(element.css('time').text)
return "poop"
location = "sfbay"
# THIS throws an error
p get_post_date("#{location}.craigslist.org/sfc/vac/4248712420.html")
# THIS works
p get_post_date("sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/vac/4248712420.html")
c:\>ruby cljobs.rb C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/open-uri.rb:35:in
`initialize': No such file or direct ory -
sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/vac/4248712420.html (Errno::ENOENT)
from C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/open-uri.rb:35:in `open'
from C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/open-uri.rb:35:in `open'
from cljobs.rb:7:in `get_post_date'
from cljobs.rb:40:in `'
In order to open a URL you need to require OpenURI. Otherwise nokogiri will try to open a file.
require 'open-uri'
listing = Nokogiri::HTML(open(listing_url))