JBOSS EAP 6.2 submodules - java-8

I am going through a rough time implementing my design. Basically it is a web service which has 3 layers. Interface, Business logic and Back end connection service. I need to refer a jar file in module by another module jar. Is it possible? and how this can be achieved?
If I explain more, there is a modules called "Transactions", "Gateway" and "Utility". Both Transactions and Gateway are using Utility. Interface calls Transactions. Then Transactions calls Gateway.
I am using Java 1.8 and JBOSS EAP 6.2

Have a look at the class loading documentation (the link is for WildFly, but it works the same in JBoss EAP 6.x). You can setup deployment dependencies by referencing the deployment.Transactions.war dependency.


How to override weblogic application libraries?

I am developing a plugin for an application that is deployed in Weblogic 10.3.6. I need to use jersey 2.25 api in the plugin. The application ships jersey 1.8 in its APP-INF/lib folder. So, when I deploy the plugin the classes are all mixed up and throws class cast exception. I cannot modify the application. I have deployed the jersey 2.25 jars in DOMAIN_HOME/lib folder. Is there a way to use the new libraries instead of the supplied one in the application? If it is not possible can you suggest me any workaround to do so?
Do you deploy a share-lib which is based on jersey related jars. Remove that share lib. And try again, you may be success. But 10.3.6 don't support jersey 2.25.

Best alternative to Weblogic startup classes in Websphere?

I am working on a Server Migration Project from Weblogic to Websphere. The problem is that in Weblogic, we are already using a class specified as Startup-class in Weblogic (and arguments to the class like log4j config file) which is present in a jar which is added to Weblogic classpath by editing the startup script. This jar initializes a global log4j file which is for all the apps deployed on the server and not for any particular app. Each app is distinguished by a category of log4j.
Now I could not find a similar thing in Websphere. So what is the best solution? I can create a new application which would do all initializations like that of the startup classes. I thought of using startup-beans but read in some IBM documentation that they are deprecated due to EJB 3.1 Session Beans. Also how to make sure this app loads first? By giving Websphere xml file startup weight 1 like here?
I am using Weblogic 6.3.2 and Websphere 8.5
The WebSphere migration toolkit suggests to replace the WebLogic T3StartupDef and T3ShutdownDef implementations with either a ServletContextListener implementation, session startup bean (Singleton), or a servlet that is configured to load at startup time. If you haven't used the WebLogic to WebSphere migration toolkit, check it out. It provides a lot of help especially with deployment descriptor extensions.
The #Singleton session bean in EJB 3.1 replaces the proprietary WebSphere startup bean.
The best approach depends on the type of module you need the startup logic.
If you are considering the custom services option, note that the com.ibm.websphere.runtime package is not available in Liberty if you are considering the Liberty server.
It sounds like custom services (or a custom feature on Liberty profile) are the best analog if you need to run logic during server startup. Otherwise, if you just need to add a library to every application, then create a shared library and then either associate it with the server or associate it with specific applications or modules.

Example using Jersey (REST resource), OSGi (Apache Felix), and Maven (build and deploy)?

I seem to be really struggling here. What I want to do (in this order) is:
1) Build a RESTful resource using a Jersey application and resource w/annotations (this is not the issue).
2) Package, install, and start that bundle into the Felix OSGi container, as an HTTP service, including dependencies.
3) Package, install, and start a WAR in the OSGi container that may incorporate #2 as a dependency.
And I would like to be able to do all of this using Maven.
I cannot seem to find a working example of even the individual steps, especially involving Maven, that work let alone the combination of those steps. I have tried cobbling together various q&a from across the web with varying levels of success but not an end-to-end working example yet.
Any pointers would be appreciated...
I do not have an example for Jersey but I have a tutorial for CXF with Apache Karaf (which uses Felix). It shows how to create a Rest service and build it with maven. Using Apache Karaf you can then deploy the bundle directly from the maven repo. Moving this to Jersey probably just means to exchange the lib and use another blueprint config to initialize the rest service.
Apache Karaf also allows to deploy wars and wabs but I have not yet tested them.
Apache Stanbol does most or all of this (not sure if the war packaging is included out of the box) to implement its RESTful services.
You'll have to dig through its codebase but searching for Jax-RS annotations in there should point you to the right places.
I also am really struggling with exactly what you are attempting to do. So far, I seem to be really close but alas not quite there, here's what I've been doing:
creating a War with Maven that defines my Jersey Resource's
bundling it with maven bundle plugin ( see section Adding OSGi metadata to existing projects without changing the packaging type ). Which allows me to run the restlets in Tomcat and test.
define a target in Eclipse that includes resources from my locally defined p2 site which I create with the p2-maven-plugin plugin. In this way I can gather up any of the dependencies from the WAR project into a p2 site, which I can deploy to an Eclipse defined target
Where I am stuck is trying to register the Jersey Resource's as services, for which I've tried:
using the JAX-RS OSGI connector, for which I eventually gave up on because it uses glassfish jersey which seems to export a version 2 API of Jersey when Jersey hasn't even defined a version 2 API yet. This caused package resolution problems when I wanted to use version 1.17 of Jersey libs.
registering the Resources using a Whiteboard a la Apache Felix HTTP Service, my current approach which doesn't seem to work yet.
And, finally, if the preceding doesn't work I'll try Amdatu
Another route I might try is from the Jersey project OSGI chapter
I tried this combination and made it up and running -
1- Modularity Specification-->OSGi specification
2- OSGi implementation-->Apache Felix 4.4.0
3- OSGi Runtime-->Apache Karaf 3.0.3
4- Software Architecture Specification of REST – JAX-RS
5- JAX-RX implementation-->Apache CXF – 2.7.5
You can refer this nice tutorial - http://java.dzone.com/articles/building-cxf-rest-service-osgi
Now, I am also planning to move to Jersey from CXF as the Jersey is the light wait reference implementation of JAX-RS. Now I am planning to use Jersey with Apache Felix/Apache Karaf. You can install Jersey in Karaf and deploy your Jersey Rest Web Services as Bundle. You can refer this tutorial - https://vzurczak.wordpress.com/2014/09/30/web-applications-with-osgi-working-with-jersey/
Here's a good example on github : https://github.com/ddragosd/jax-rs-on-karaf

How do I make JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean use JAX-WS 2.1?

I'm working on a project that delivers web services using Jersey, which has a dependency on JAXB 2.1. I have to add a feature that fetches data from another web service. The way this has been implemented elsewhere uses a Spring JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.
When Spring tries to initialize this bean it fails with a : ClassCastException (com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.bind.api.JAXBRIContext).
It appears that this is because JavaSE6 includes JAX-WS 2.0 API.
The only solution I have found suggests putting the 2.1 jars in the JRE endorsed directory. This isn't an option - I'm sharing a server with other application teams so I can't mess with the JRE.
Does anybody know of another way to make Spring use the 2.1 jars?

How to integrate a SpringSource dm Server into another OSGi-based application server?

I would really like to use SpringSource dm Server, but our customer requires us to run our apps on their application server (Websphere). Is there a way to integrate SpringSource dm Server with other application servers? At least dm Server is build on OSGi, and many other application servers (including Websphere) are based on OSGi as well. Is it possible to run a SpringSource dm Server as a websphere component?
SpringSource dm Server is based on the Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework (and should not be confused with the Spring DM technology, included in dm Server, which can run on Equinox, Apache Felix, and Knopflerfish).
However, embedding dm Server in another application server, such as WebSphere Application Server, based on Equinox would be a non-trivial piece of work. It would be necessary to get both products to use the same version of Equinox, which they currently do not, then modify dm Server to support embedding in the server (e.g. to integrate with the host server's application invocation mechanism, thread pools, and class loading scheme).
If you think this support is important, please raise a requirement (which requires a simple registration) against dm Server.
Spring DM is deployed on a Knoplerfish OSGi implementation.
Websphere is deployed on an Equinox OSGi implmentation.
So the question becomes - are the two interchangeable? They both support R4, so I would say, yes, they are.
The next question would be to check dependencies, particularly with respect to things like HttpServices.
I would say this would be ok, but I think the final proof would be try deploying it. Easiest would be to drop the bundles into a Websphere deployment. You'll need your bundles and whatever spring bundles you're using.
I'm also interested in this topic. Another way of looking at this problem is that you want an application depoyable in both Spring dm server and a traditional app server (Websphere, weblogic, JBoss, ...).
The OSGi containers are embeddable inside non-OSGi applications, so it is theoretically possible to deploy an app to both Spring dm server and the same app + OSGi container to a traditional app server.
Now, as usual, the devil's in the details, including such topics of web development and bridging servlets between the outer app server and the OSGi container.
I do not think that this is really the case ...
see the following link for this: http://apsblog.burtongroup.com/2008/11/websphere-7-osgi.html
But it seems on the other side, that the trend is clear ... there will be a time when OSGI based application can be deployed on Java EE application servers
