How to handle refresh token expiration in OkHttp? - okhttp

I want to navigate to login view when refresh token expires. How can i handle this case using OkHttp in android. Server responds with error code 403 forbidden when refresh token expires. Are there any ways to handle refresh token expiration case?


What is the response code when Truspilot refresh token expires?

I am using Trustpilot API and I need to handle a scenario when refresh token expires. I did not find the response in API documentation.
If the API indicates that your token is expired, the scenario is covered. How you handle this is the scope of you application and not the API.

Laravel passport - refresh token problem with bad connection

There is API on Laravel, which uses Laravel Passport for authentication. All worked well with the default settings. Then we decided to change the lifetime of the access token to 1 day and 1 month accordingly. It caused a problem with the refresh token.
Example: Access token is expired and the app sends the refresh token request to API. Then the app loses internet connection and can't get a new token. (Server sends new tokens but the app is unavailable). After the internet connection returned, the app sends a new refresh request but get 401. So apps need to get new code from API to authenticate the user. I don't think it's a good idea to force the user to login every day.
Any suggestions? Maybe there is some way like "handshake" to solve that problem? I mean refresh token only after confirmation the app got new tokens.
If I correctly understand your question, you're saying that you initially have an Access Token1, Refresh Token1 pair, and when the Access Token1 expired you try to request a new Access Token using the Refresh Token1.
Now, for some reason, you fail to receive this new Access Token2, Refresh Token2 pair, so what does the user do?. Well, you see this from the Consumer's point of view. If you see the same scenario from the Oauth2 Server's point of view.
The Server does not know if you failed to receive the token or you received it and failed to save. The server's job was to generate a new access token based on your valid refresh token. And as soon as it creates a new access token, it invalidates the old refresh token. This is the standard Oauth2 implementation.
You may try to make it so that the Old refresh token is not immediately revoked on new access token generation. But this introduces a possibility of replay attacks.
Hence, The standard practice is to have the User log-in again.

Jhipster - JWT expired

I have a Jhipster application that uses JWT as authentication method.
Lately my server started to print repeatdely this error message: Security exception for user xxxxxx - JWT expired at 2018-05-03T23:47:49+0000. Current time: 2018-05-04T17:18:28+0000
Always with the same user. Usually when a token expires and the user checked the option remember me the token is refreshed.
What could be happening? This specific user is not able to refresh the token and keep sending requests with the expired token?

VSTS API Refresh Token Expires

I'm using the VSTS REST API. I use the refresh token, as instructed, to refresh the access token. This morning, the refresh tokens stopped working. Do they expire? If the access token and refresh token have both expired, how do I proceed? I can't find anything on this.
For reference:
Yes, the refresh token will be expired, you need to send request to re-authorize to get access token and refresh token again (your previous steps to authorize).
The previous access token and refresh token have been expired after get new access token.
I manage the team that implements this flow. The answer from #starain is correct and this flow is described in detail in the OAuth 2 specification. Your observation that the refresh token is invalidated so frequently #scottndecker is not consistent with the implementation. A refresh token in our system has a default lifetime of one year. The token can also be invalidated manually by users. We obviously must honor the user's right to revoke a previously granted authorization. If you want to share some more information we can certainly look into this behavior.
Seems that when the auth.token expires (after one hour), the auth.refreshtoken become invalid too? What is the auth.refreshtoken purpose then? When I decode the auth.refreshtoken on, it should expire sometime in 2020. (Now it's 2019).
While the auth.token is valid, I can refresh and get a new token. So is the idea that I should setup a job that refreshes the token within one hour?
The documentation claims:
If a user's access token expires, you can use the refresh token acquired in the authorization flow to get a new access token. This process is similar to the original process for exchanging the authorization code for an access token and refresh token.

Invalid Credentials - Google plus access token error

I have an issue with Google plus access token. It is giving me "Invalid Credentials" error message sometimes, sometimes the same token show as active.
Following are the steps
The user confirms permission to access Google account with selected scopes.
The refresh token and access token is retrieved and saved to long time storage.
Used to refresh the token when ever needed by using stored refresh token
But sometimes I've experienced strange behaviour:
Requests to Google APIs return Invalid Credentials (401) error. Refreshing the access token (using the stored refresh token) does not work.
Access token refresh method
Using googleapis npm module to refresh token
oauth2Client.refreshAccessToken(function (err, tokens) {
if (err) {
console.log('error', err);
console.log('access tokens', tokens.access_token); // Access token
console.log('refresh tokens', tokens.refresh_token); // Refresh token
What can be the reason for this behaviour?
Does this behaviour related to with any google api rate limit? because the same token works sometimes and not other-times.
Is there a way to validate the refresh token?
Every time you refresh your access token using refresh token, you will given by new access token.The refresh token has no expiry. You can use the refresh token as many as possible for refreshing the access token
