Firefox doesnt show svg sprite - firefox

Any solution, why IE and Chrome will be show my svg-sprite, but Firefox prefers to show nothing. There will be the place for the icon and on source code it will be showen, but it seems that firefox doesnt render it.
I include the svg and call the icom by this way
<svg class="icon icon-spoon-knife" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<use xlink:href="/adminCSS/pic/sprite.svg#icon-spoon-knife">
Again, chrome and IE show it, firefox wont...
Hope you can help!
Thank you

Try adding a width and height to your svg tag or CSS. I believe Firefox's table-cell sizing algorithm sets it to 0px × 0px if it's not declared.
<svg class="icon icon-spoon-knife" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16">


svg stack doesn't fill all available width and height of img

I'm exporting svgs from figma and unite in svg stack to adress later using icons.svg#ID.
Html code is: <img src="icons.svg#logo" class="svg-logo-dims"/>
Class "svg-logo-dims" sets width and height, for example: width: 20px; height: 20px for img. Why my svg doesn't cover 20x20? It's centered in img element with a lot of free space. I have to object-fit: cover to make it look like in figma layout.
On the other hand if i insert raw svg in my html, specifying same width and height it would be really 20x20 without free space.
svg markup (deleted other svgs):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><svg viewBox="0 0 354 519" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><style>:root>svg{display:none}:root>svg:target{display:block}</style><svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 20 20" id="logo" xmlns=""><path d="M18.01 5.694a9.092 9.092 0 01-3.718 12.316 9.053 9.053 0 01-5.352 1.02A9.097 9.097 0 015.694 1.976a9.07 9.07 0 018.06-.266 9.055 9.055 0 014.256 3.984z" stroke="url(#hpaint0_linear_0_497)"/><defs><linearGradient id="hpaint0_linear_0_497" x1=".756" y1="8.723" x2="20.965" y2="9.992" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset=".288" stop-color="#555248"/><stop offset=".78" stop-color="#1B1A17" stop-opacity="0"/></linearGradient></defs></svg></svg>
It seems i found a solution. Gulp-svg-sprite possible has an error. It adds viewBox of first underlying svg and sets it to whole svg tag:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><svg viewBox="0 0 354 519" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><style>:root>svg{display:none}:root>svg:target{display:block}</style><svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 354 519" id="ads-bg-ico"...</svg></svg>
After deleting duplicating viewBox from parent svg element, all underlying svgs inside parent svg become to work properly and fill img element.
UPD: with release of svg-sprite 2.0.0 rootviewbox: false option added

SVG picture is returning black image in flutter inspite of giving a color image from assests

here is the code where i m going to add the svgpicture but i m getting black image
new Container
child: new SvgPicture.asset('assets/camera.svg')
this is mine camera.svg file
<svg xmlns="" width="13.607" height="13.608" viewBox="0 0 13.607 13.608">
<g id="Group_5" data-name="Group 5" transform="translate(-57.8 -130.498)">
<g id="Group_4" data-name="Group 4">
<g id="Group_3" data-name="Group 3">
<path id="Path_2" d="M69.415 139.294a6.792 6.792 0 0 0-2.586-1.621 3.933 3.933 0 1 0-4.452 0 6.814 6.814 0 0 0-4.577 6.433h1.063a5.741 5.741 0 1 1 11.481 0h1.063a6.763 6.763 0 0 0-1.992-4.812zM64.6 137.3a2.87 2.87 0 1 1 2.87-2.87 2.874 2.874 0 0 1-2.87 2.87z" class="cls-1" data-name="Path 2"/>
This is probably happened because of the corrupted SVG files from the internet. I faced this problem earlier and tried many ways to solve it. But finally, I solved it with the help of this software, svgcleaner.
Download the application into your OS, from here
After installation,
import your SVG.
Click run.
Success! Here you can see your SVGs' cleaned successfully.
After cleaning, you can grab those SVG files from the output folder location and add those files into your flutter app without seeing any black coloured SVG.
It works perfectly fine for me.
flutter_svg can not understand Internal or Embedded CSS.
Hence you need to remove the internal css and write inline css.
<path style="fill:#566e83;" ...
It can remove the unsupported tags such as and compress the svg file at certain level
this is cause of inline css .....
remove this lines and try ... your problem will be solved... flutter svg cant read inline CSS
Edit the style like I did below in order to change the color:
<svg xmlns="" width="13.607" height="13.608" viewBox="0 0 13.607 13.608" style="fill: #ff0000;">
<g id="Group_5" data-name="Group 5" transform="translate(-57.8 -130.498)">
<g id="Group_4" data-name="Group 4">
<g id="Group_3" data-name="Group 3">
<path id="Path_2" d="M69.415 139.294a6.792 6.792 0 0 0-2.586-1.621 3.933 3.933 0 1 0-4.452 0 6.814 6.814 0 0 0-4.577 6.433h1.063a5.741 5.741 0 1 1 11.481 0h1.063a6.763 6.763 0 0 0-1.992-4.812zM64.6 137.3a2.87 2.87 0 1 1 2.87-2.87 2.874 2.874 0 0 1-2.87 2.87z" class="cls-1" data-name="Path 2"/>
First using the svg image you have provided I'm getting the following an error on the console
I/flutter ( 7705): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY SVG
I/flutter ( 7705): The following UnimplementedError was thrown in
parseSvgElement: I/flutter ( 7705): The element is not
implemented in this library.
You can remove this section on the image to resolve that issue:
Second, the image is being displayed properly, just verify you have added the proper assets registration on pubspec.yaml file, as follow.
- assets/camera.svg
Which means you have a folder called assets at a root level.
Third the image is not a camera picture is just like a person icon.
Use as follow and you will see:
height: 120.0,
width: 120.0,
color: Colors.yellow,
child: SvgPicture.asset('assets/camera.svg'),
I put a Yellow color background to show a better result.
Hope this help.
Even I faced this problem in flutter, the problem is with the SVG file and I cleaned the SVG file using this website and it worked well then.
Nothing you have to do buddy! just open that svg file in your android studio. and remove style attribute from there.
Please follow below steps to resolve this error:
copy your svg picture code.
convert your svg code to inline CSS using this tool css-inliner
paste your new svg code to the existing svg file
restart the app, this will resolve your problem.
This is because the flutter_svg package does not render the internal CSS of your svg code.

SVG with 10.000+ nodes - fast in IE and Safari, slow in Chrome and Firefox

I'm facing a problem that I thought would have been easier to solve than it actually is.
I want to create a puzzle with 4860 pieces for a game. The mesh of the puzzle is made with SVG. Below I'm reporting part of the code, just to give you an idea. The code is working as you can see in the last link I gave you.
I created in defs a list of paths (18 in total), then a long list of 4860 so that I can make my puzzle.
When the mouse moves over one piece, I want this piece to be highlighted.
That's the code (first part), followed by a series of tags like the one in the example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.4, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" width="1200" height="1200" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
.use1 {
stroke: #000000;
fill: #ffffff;
fill-opacity: 0.1;
stroke-linecap: butt;
.use1:hover {
fill: #ffffff;
fill-opacity: 0.8;
stroke: #3273BE;
stroke-width: 10;
.base {
<path id="a0" d="m152.199493 121.414993c-0.349991 2.4 -0.3 4.8 0 7.169998c1.200012 8.3 6.6 15.9 16.3 17.419998c12.858994 2 14 -5.5 23.2 . (...) "/>
.... the other 17 paths .....
<image x="0" y="0" width="1200" height="720" xlink:href="lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-recensione.jpg" />
<use xlink:href="#C5" x="-50" y="-50" transform="scale(0.088) rotate(0)" class="use1" id="1"/>
... x 4860 ....
You can see the result here:
If you open it in Safari or IE it works PERFECTLY with no lag. If you open in Chrome or Firefox to highlight a piece it's extremely slow. You can imagine when I put this SVG inside an HTML page ... !! Instead in IE and Safari it keeps working great.
My question is: how can I solve this problem with Chrome and Firefox?
I've already tried to remove extra decimals (to "optimize svg") but it didn't work.
Edit I noticed that in Chrome and Firefox, if I zoom in (like 400%) it works PERFECTLY. Once it has all the elements together, it keeps having problems (compared to IE and Safari)
Reducing accuracy would only help parsing speed. Once the SVG was parsed, it shouldn't make a difference.
I am not sure what, if any, optimisations FF and Chrome use when testing hover for SVG elements. But I would certainly try reducing the complexity of the pieces. For instance, the piece "g1" has 89 path commands in its definition. You should be able to reduce that by 4x, at least, and still get an accurate jigsaw piece shape.

Flip all embedded Images in a SVG file

I have an SVG file which contains about 50 embedded images. Now I wish to flip all the images vertically. The only way i found that does this is:
Copy the xlink:href to a browser and download the image
Flip the image in any image editor
Convert the image to a href code
Replace the xlink:href with the one newly generated
I don't want to use any SVG programs please, I hope for a coding help
Example code
<svg contentScriptType="text/ecmascript" zoomAndPan="magnify" xmlns:rdf=""
xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" baseProfile="full"
contentStyleType="text/css" id="svg2" version="1.1" width="460pt" xmlns:dc=""
xmlns:cc="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 460 130" height="130pt"
<image x="0" y="0" width="460" xlink:href= ""
id="image6418" height="130"/>
Add transform="scale(1, -1)" to the images. You may need to translate them back if they aren't centred round the origin. So in the case above you want to add this to the image element:
transform="translate(0, 130) scale(1, -1)"

Embedded SVG is trimmed

I embedded an SVG object in an HTML page as follows:
<embed id="svgImg" src="bo5rkbgs5vtsmv053regld2t14.svg"
type="image/svg+xml" />
However, the resulting image (both on Firefox and Chrome) is trimmed and it look like that:
(Notice how "Step Response" and "Time" do not appear properly). I have checked the file on the server side and it is fine. Any ideas?
Having had a second look at your code your svg image is still too small.
You need to set the height to 100% and the image height to 500px.
<embed id="svgImg" height="100%" type="image/svg+xml" src="s1d5ckv8bojltpturlonh1uap5.svg">
<svg width="576" height="500" viewBox="0 0 576 432" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
This fixes the problem in firefox v8.0
Just tweak your viewBox attribute so that it fits your image.
For example, you could try this:
viewBox="-10 -10 596 452"
To generate the viewBox dynamically with JS, something like this should work:
var bbox = document.documentElement.getBBox();
var viewbox = document.documentElement.viewBox.baseVal;
viewbox.x = bbox.x;
viewbox.y = bbox.y;
viewbox.width = bbox.width;
viewbox.height = bbox.height;
Note that this needs to be done on the svg document, so you may need to reach into it from the html document that embeds it, if so have a look at this example.
