I have a custom loaded object in three.js. I want to change dynamically its geometry by inputs' values and change distance from camera to the object.
Could someone help me how to automatically zoom in/out camera when object changes its dimensions so that the object will be fully located on the screen?
I'm working with game dev. He has implemented all the boardgame using Blender. He also added some sprites inside directly and linked the sprite to the Camera inside Blender so that when this camera moves, all the sprites will move accordingly to always face the Camera.
Now my question is, how can I implement this using react-three-js. I see that I can export the Camera object from blender (after exporting the GLTF with the Camera inside) and see it in my GLTF in threejs (under gltf.cameras[0])
My question is, How can I change the camera position of the GLTF (not a copy in threejs) so that I can keep the rules he added for the sprite to always face the camera?
Any constraints created in Blender will not be included when exporting files to other formats. Those would need to be recreated in three.js. In this case I'd recommend using gltfjsx to create a JSX representation of your model, and then using the <Billboard /> component to keep objects facing the camera.
If you have many (100+) sprites, it may be necessary to export them as points, and then assign a THREE.PointsMaterial that applies whatever appearance you need with a texture. Those points will face the camera automatically, as shown in this example.
I have been trying to zoom into specific part of a model on click. I have managed to do it for the default axes but the issue is that my orbit controls are enabled and when i rotate the scene my axes changed and now when i click it zooms into another part of model?
I am very bad at three.js - but I believe I have cobbled together a basic raycast on a set of objects, to select the object of interest.
I am now trying to have OrbitControls.js focus the target vector on that object, i.e., once selected, be able to orbit around that object. I have tried a few variations, where some lead to what appears to be an empty (or out of camera range) scene.
where obj is the raycast object and controls is the OrbitControl instance.
The quick(?) question: how do you set the orbit center of three.js OrbitControl given an object from a raycast?
It turns out that the fbx model on raycast seemed to return one of its child objects in the child object's coordinate system (though the material coloring seemed to color the whole object). Setting it to the parent seems to have solved it.
Check to see if it's a child object or child segment that is returning the same local coordinate
for controls.target setting, the vector3 is an object that needs to be copied .copy (thanks #WestLangley)
I am using Threejs and oribt control.
I want a feature, if I give the object name. orbit control should rotate and focus ( make visible in center of screen ).
Could some one help me on this?
I have an array of 3d objects loaded from collada file. When I'm trying to change the color of material of an object from the array, color changes for all the objects in the array.
arr[5].material.color.setHex(0x00CC00); will update color for all objects in array. I assume it happens because the share one instance of material since objects are the same. Is there anyway to apply color individually? Thanks
The way it works right now you need to have a different material per object. In the future maybe Object3D will have a color property.