Bash difference between pipeline and parameters - bash

I need to write a script which gets a file from stdin and run over the lines of it.
My question is can I do something like that :
TheFile= /dev/stdin
while read line; do
or can I write --done<"$1"
or in that case the minute I send a parameter to the function which is a file it will be sent to the while function ?

Where to start... Are you sure're up for this?
What are you trying to do with the lines of the file? You might be better off not iterating like your example, just using sed, awk, or grep on it like this example:
sed -e 's/apple/banana/' $TheFile
That will output the contents of $TheFile, replacing all occurrences of "apple" with "banana". That's a trivial example, but you could do much more.
If you really want to loop, then remove the $() from your example. Also, you cannot have a space after = in your code.


bash - loop through file contents and append to string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
A variable modified inside a while loop is not remembered
(8 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
In my bash script, I'd like to read the contents of a file and append each line of the file to an empty string via a loop. This seems like it would be easy to do and I thought I had implemented it correctly based on some other posts on SO (like Concatenate inputs in string while in loop), but the end result still seems to be an empty string. I'm clearly doing something wrong, but I'm not very experienced with bash scripting so I could use a quick hand.
My bash script:
cat .env | while read line
and the .env file it references:
I'd expect the output to be FOO=barBAZ=bim, but it just writes an empty string. If I toss an echo "$SOME_STRING" inside of the loop, I do see the string building up as expected, though.
I'm going to assume that this has something to do with the way that I'm reading the file contents and/or looping through it - for example, I tried a for/in loop through a space-separated string instead of a while loop through the file contents, and that worked fine.
Thanks much!
By putting the read loop in a pipe, you are building the string in a subprocess. Instead, do something like:
while read line; do
done < .env
echo "$some_string"
But, really, don't do any of that. Instead, do:
some_string=$(tr -d \\n < .env)
It's worth noting that sometimes you want to keep the subprocess, but you need to be aware that the variables will lose their values at the end of the process. But it is sometimes very convenient to do things like:
cmd | {
while read line; do
echo "in pipe, some_string=$some_string"
echo "after pipe, some_string=$some_string"

Variable not getting assigned in bash after a curl hit

I have a shell script where I have a statement:
isPartial = $searchCurl| grep -Po '\"partialSearch\":(true|false)'|sed 's/\\\"partialSearch\\\"://'
now, if I just echo the RHS
$searchCurl| grep -Po '\"partialSearch\":(true|false)'|sed 's/\\\"partialSearch\\\"://'
it prints "partialSearch":true, but the variable isPartial doesn't get initialized .
Why is this happening and how can I fix it ?
Since the number of backslashes in your examples varies, it is not clear to me if the double quotes are already escaped in the input text. I’ll assume they are not, i.e. the input text looks something like:
sometext... "partialSearch":true ... sometext...
..bla bla bla... "partialsearch":false ...
and my examples below will work under this assumption.
There are a number of points to be made.
You seem to be trying to parse JSON input with regular expressions. While this could be acceptable for quick-and-dirty one-time jobs where you know the exact format of the data being processed, in general it is a very bad idea. You should use a JSON parser like jq.
You obviously have stored some bash code in the variable searchCurl. This is considered bad practice. Instead of searchCurl="... code ..." you should do function searchCurl () { ... code ... } and call searchCurl without prefixing it with a dollar sign. Variables are for values, functions are for code.
In most cases, if you are going to use sed, it’s better to use it for everything without invoking grep. Sometimes it can be simpler to have both. See below for an example.
To assign the output of a command to a variable, you have to use command substitution.
In short, if in your input text you have only one match of '"partialSearch":(true|false)', this is what you want:
isPartial=$(searchCurl|sed -rn 's/^.*"partialSearch":(true|false).*$/\1/p')
If you have more and the input text is one big line as I suppose, usage of grep -o might simplify the task of splitting the input into one match per line, so that
isPartial=$(searchCurl|grep -Po '"partialSearch":(true|false)'|sed -e 's/^.*://')
might be what you want (and in this case, isPartial will hold a space-separated list of true and false).

Substitution of substring doesn't work in bash (tried sed, ${a/b/c/})

Before to write, of course I read many other similar cases. Example I used #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh
I have a very simple script that reads lines from a template file and wants to replace some keywords with real data. Example the string <NAME> will be replaced with a real name. In the example I want to replace it with the word Giuseppe. I tried 2 solutions but they don't work.
#read the template and change variable information
while read LINE
sed 'LINE/<NAME>/Giuseppe' #error: sed: -e expression #1, char 2: extra characters after command
${LINE/<NAME>/Giuseppe} #error: WORD(*) command not found
done < template_mail.txt
(*) WORD is the first word found in the line
I am sorry if the question is too basic, but I cannot see the error and the error message is not helping.
The input file should not be changed, i want to use it for every mail. Every time i read it, i will change with a different name according to the receiver.
Thanks your answers i am closer to the solution. My example was a simplified case, but i want to change also other data. I want to do multiple substitutions to the same string, but BASH allows me only to make one substitution. In all programming languages i used, i was able to substitute from a string, but BASH makes this very difficult for me. The following lines don't work:
CUSTOM_MAIL=$(sed 's/<NAME>/Giuseppe/' template_mail.txt) # from file it's ok
CUSTOM_MAIL=$(sed 's/<VALUE>/30/' CUSTOM_MAIL) # from variable doesn't work
I want to modify CUSTOM_MAIL a few times in order to include a few real informations.
CUSTOM_MAIL=$(sed 's/<VALUE1>/value1/' template_mail.txt)
What's the way?
No need to do the loop manually. sed command itself runs the expression on each line of provided file:
sed 's/<NAME>/Giuseppe/' template_mail.txt > output_file.txt
You might need g modifier if there are more appearances of the <NAME> string on one line: s/<NAME>/Giuseppe/g

Running sed ON a variable in bash script

Apologies for a seemingly inane question. But I have spent the whole day trying to figure it out and it drives me up the walls. I'm trying to write a seemingly simple bash script that would take a list of files in the directory from ls, replace part of the file names using sed, get unique names from the list and pass them onto some command. Like so:
inputs=`ls *.ext`
echo $inputs
test1_R1.ext test1_R2.ext test2_R1.ext test2_R2.ext
Now I would like to put it through sed to replace 1.ext and 2.ext with * to get test1_R* etc. Then I'd like to remove resulting duplicates by running sort -u to arrive to the following $outputs variable:
echo $outputs
test1_R* test2_R*
And pass this onto a command, like so
cat $outputs
I can do something like this in a command line:
ls *.ext | sed s/..ext/\*/g | sort -u
But if I try to assign the above to a variable in the script it just returns the output from the ls. I have tried several ways to do it: including the whole pipe in the script. Running each command separately and assigning it to a variable, then passing that variable to the next command and writing the outputs to files then passing the file to the next command. But so far none of this managed to achieve what I aimed to. I think my problem lies in (except general cluelessness aroung bash scripting) inability to run seq on a variable within script. There seems to be a lot of advice around in how to pass variables to pattern or replacement string in sed, but they all seem to take files as input. But I understand that it might not be the proper way of doing it anyway. Therefore I would really appreciate if someone could suggest an elegant way to achieve, what I'm trying to.
Many thanks!
Update 2/06/2014
Hi Barmar, thanks for your answer. Can't say it solved the problem, but it helped pin-pointing it. Seems like the problem is in me using the asterisk. I have to say, I'm very puzzled. The actual file names I've got are:
test1_R1.fastq.gz test1_R2.fastq.gz test2_R1.fastq.gz test2_R2.fastq.gz
If I'm using the code you suggested, which seems to me the right way do to it:
ins=$(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/..fastq.gz/\*/g' | sort -u)
Sed doesn't seem to do anything and I'm getting the output of ls:
test1_R1.fastq.gz test1_R2.fastq.gz test2_R1.fastq.gz test2_R2.fastq.gz
Now if I replace that backslash with anything else, the sed works, but it also returns whatever character I'm putting in front (or after) the asteriks:
ins=$(ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/..fastq.gz/"*/g' | sort -u)
test1_R"* test2_R"*
That's odd enough, but surely I can just put an "R" in front of the asteriks and then replace R in the search pattern string, right? Wrong! If I do that whichever way: 's/R..fastq.gz/R*/g' 's/...fastq.gz/R*/g' 's/[A-Z]..fastq.gz/R*/g' I'm back to the original names! And even if I end up with something like test1_RR* test2_RR* and try to run it through sed again and replace "_R" for "_" or "RR" for "R", I'm having no luck and I'm back to the original names. And yet I can replace the rest of the file name no problem, just not to get me test1_R* I need.
I have a feeling I should be escaping that * in some very clever way, but nothing I've tried seems to work. Thanks again for your help!
This is how you capture the result of the whole pipeline in a variable:
var=$(ls *.ext | sed s/..ext/\*/g | sort -u)

use sed with for loop to delete lines from text file

I am essentially trying to use sed to remove a few lines within a text document. To clean it up. But I'm not getting it right at all. Missing something and I have no idea what...
for f in "${items[#]}"; do
sed '/${f}/d' "$1"
What I am thinking, incorrectly it seems, is that I can setup a for loop to check each item in the array that I want removed from the text file. But it's simply not working. Any idea. Sure this is basic and simple and yet I can't figure it out.
Much better to create a single sed script, rather than generate 19 small scripts in sequence.
Fortunately, generating a script by joining the array elements is moderately easy in Bash:
regex=$(printf '\|%s' "${items[#]}")
sed "/^$regex/d" "$1"
(Notice also the addition of ^ to the final regex -- I assume you only want to match at beginning of line.)
Properly, you should not delete any lines from the message body, so the script should leave anything after the first empty line alone:
sed "1,/^\$/!b;/$regex/d" "$1"
Add -i if you want in-place editing of the target file.
