Implementing SSO into Joomla 3 to gain access to the website - joomla

I have been asked to create an internal intranet. One of their criteria is to allow employees to access the site using Google SSO. This isn't to log into the backend, it is purely to gain access to the site.
I am creating it in Joomla 3. Can anyone advise how I would go about this?

I think the best approach is adding Joomla SAML capabilities. There is a Joomla3.3 SAML plugin [1] that you can use to connect with Google (Google will act as Identity Provider) [2]
Then you may add SAML to the rest of the intranet's apps.


LDAP SSO between portal built in Laravel and SAS

We have built a portal in PHP(Laravel) + Angular for a client. User Authentication is done through LDAP.
Client also has a SAS solution for Analytics and it also has LDAP Authentication (SAS Viya).
We need to redirect the user from our portal to SAS portal and the user should get logged in automatically as both portals are authenticating the users through same LDAP.
We tried a few things, but it didn't help.
I am looking for some guidance on how to implement this and if there is any programming/configuration required on our side or on SAS side.
Hard to be specific without fully understanding your use case, but you could look to handle authentication to Viya using the SASjs Adapter (disclaimer - my team built it)
Just set the LoginMechanism to REDIRECTED in the config object to support SSO or alternative login flows. If you need help, my team can be contact on, else just raise an issue on the github.
We have an implementation on Angular that may help:
We have integrated a VIYA Visual Analytics report into a corporate web application, using the SDK (so not realy a redirect) with single sign on.
(I don't know all the details about how we did it. my roll was in the personalization of the report, where we went further than ordinary row level security.)

Multi Domain with single login,

I have been planning to create a laravel+vuejs apps stretching across subdomains (presentation creator, forms creator, polls creator etc.,each in a subdomain) and will have 2 version of the same web app (indian version with different languages and content and international with different language and content) in 2 different domain say and but I want users from any app or domain to login with the single user login say from we have WAP versions of the websites served from and and also mobile apps for both.
Now, normal users based on the userid and password, the user from .com domain will
be able to access apps and content only from .com domain and .in
will be able to access only from .in
Users will be able to login using facebook, linkedin, google, etc.,
We will have only a single app for iOS and Android and based on the username and password the apps will be able to access corresponding domain.
wap sites will login using the same
mobile app will be able to access data from the domain through an appID and Key.
others will be able to embed the presentations and forms into their website using an api key and secret.
certain users will be able to transfer data created in one domain to another user in the other domain
admin users will be able to transfer data from both domains.
other platforms may be able to login using the user id from this platform.
is all this part of SSO (Single sign on) ?
is this achievable in laravel ?
is it advisable to write the sign in server in a different framework ?
different tech like SAML Outh2.0 and Open ID with terms like Authorization, authentication and id provider make it all confusing and baffling for a start up.
can some one tell me what tech are involved in the above process. and what one should be aware before jumping in to start development.
That's a lot of questions :)
OAuth 2.0 based technologies will give you the best options, since:
It has the most up to date app security options
It is designed to be web, mobile and API friendly
Access tokens are designed to cross domains
No it will not - you will need to build most of the above behaviour yourself, and implement a software architecture, as for any other security technology.
An Authorization Server will externalise logins / passwords and issue tokens. Your apps will then need to implement 'flows' including:
Web token based security and session management
Mobile token based security and session management
API token validation and claims handling
Integrating third party security libraries
When new to OAuth tech the best choices and design patterns are not clear, as you indicate. If it helps, my blog has some details you may find useful, but it is not a simple journey:
Step by step tutorials and code samples
Design posts on the tricky areas
Blog Index
This is not a Solution but an article I stumbled upon which explain the terminologies involved in user authentication and SSO.
Laravel authentication an overview
Hope this helps others who are looking for an answer like me now or in future.

Is there another way to access google APIs other than OAUTH2?

I'm trying to write a CLI script (ruby) to manage my youtube videos. Technically I'm updating a script that I used in 2012 to do this. It appears that since 2012, youtube has discontinued the simple client authentication mechanism and moved to OAUTH2 (though I'm not totally sure).
I'm wouldn't be the first to say that OAUTH2 is hell (just google it). It's been 3 hours and I still haven't gotten my old script to even authenticate with google (using the youtube_it ruby gem).
I simply do not understand why I would need to use OAUTH to access my own account on Google? What am I missing? I thought OAUTH was so that separate users could give access to applications to temporarily access their data.
Is there another way? What am I missing. As one blogger commented OAUTH2 is enough to make one want to change careers. Even the lead dev quit the project.
The Youtube API docs is specific in stating that if you're going to use Youtube API (or other Google APIs), you must learn how to use OAuth:
If your application will use any API methods that require user
authorization, read the authentication guide to learn how to implement
OAuth 2.0 authorization.
Youtube has a Ruby Quickstart sample which includes the OAuth process.
I simply do not understand why I would need to use OAUTH to access my own account on Google?
I think OAuth answers exactly that question, "how will Google products know if you are who you claim to be?"
Read the OAuth Google guide for more info.
OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and google. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account, and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices.
for more detail study :-

oAuth Access Token

Hallo i am new to oAuth and i created a rest connection to Magento with that example
the php script is working and i can connect to magento. But i have to enter the admin credentials and after that i have to click the Authorize button.
now my "magento rest project" is triggered by a database. so i was searching the last hours how do i get the accesstoken without really clicking on the button? is there something like that for cli or is it even possible?
thank you very much for helping me to understand it.
cheers pat
It would be possible if they supported the client credential grant, or kind of possible if they supported refresh tokens. Unfortunately, they don't support either.
For the authorization code grant that you are implementing, an authorization decision is made by asking the user if they are willing to allow your client to access their data (to protect the user's privacy). This is mentioned in the Magento docs as well.
The built in Magento REST Api functionality doesn't support grant types other than authorization code grant.
I managed to use a customized oAuth2 library ( (customizing the class so that it's compatible with the Zend Framework that magento is based on). It will let you choose your own grant type (in your case, Client Credential Grant).
The downside is that I had to re-create all the REST API endpoints. The upside is that it's not that hard, at least not harder than creating a custom endpoint using Magento's built in REST API functionality.

Login to my own webapplication with another website's credentials(eg: login with google)

I have developed a web application (spring mvc, spring security) which has a its own login.
Now I want to change the application to login with an another web site's (2nd web) credentials and also need to get some user details from 2nd username, user role list for create authentication object.
Please help me to choose best way to do this.
Is openID or oauth2 better for my client application?
OpenID and oAuth are 2 different things.
Lately, Google announced it stops supporting OpenID, so maybe oAuth2.0 is a better option for you.
Note that if you choose oAuth of 3rd-party, you force your users to have account there. for example, if your application (the resource server) uses Facebook for authentication/authorization, your users will HAVE TO have account on Facebook (you want that?!).
If you work with OpenID, your users have several options of where to hold their account...
If you have another 3rd party (or in-house, it does not really matter) authentication server and you want to authenticate your users with it - you have to know what specifications it supports. For example, if it supports oAuth2.0, you can pretty easily configure your app to work with it.
Hope that helps...
If I understand you correctly, you are talking about using Social Networks like Google+, Facebook, to be able to login to your application (This is identity services, where you don't have actual password, but rather access token with limited scope).
For that there is a Spring Social, project, that provides set of abstractions, for such kind of integration, including additional Spring MVC Controllers, needed for proper authentication in this Social Networks.
