C++11 Check two sets of variadic template arguments match - c++11

This question relates to an earlier one I asked regarding implementing something akin to Qt's signal/slots in C++11.
Consider the following (very simplified signal dispatcher, that in this example does nothing of any use, it's just to demonstrate the pattern/problem):
template< typename... TYPES >
class Signal
Signal() = default;
~Signal() = default;
template< typename... PARAMETERS >
void broadcast( PARAMETERS &&... p )
// static_assert to confirm PARAMETERS can map to TYPES
This works well enough, but there's some unwanted type conversion going on in practice. e.g.;
// acceptable use.
Signal< int, unsigned, float, char >().broadcast( 1, 2u, 0.f, 'a' );
// should fail compilation, first parameter is a float, 4th is an int.
Signal< int, unsigned, float, char >().broadcast( 0.f, 0, 0.f, 0 );
// acceptable use, first parameter is const, but it's convertible.
const int i = 3;
Signal< int, unsigned, float, char >().broadcast( i, 2u, 0.f, 'a');
// acceptable use, first parameter is const &, but it's convertible.
const int & j = i;
Signal< int, unsigned, float, char >().broadcast( j, 2u, 0.f, 'a');
There should be no silent float to int conversion. Conversion of const/const & in this instance should be possible (the format of TYPES should not have const or & as all data should be passed by value).
I'd like to prevent compilation where such unwanted type conversion happens. I thought to wrap up both TYPES and PARAMETERS in tuples, iterate over the tuple and confirm that each type in a given tuple parameter index matches (including using std::decay), but then I couldn't see a way to do that at compile time so that it could go in a static_assert.
For reference, compilers of choice are clang (latest on OS X 7.3 (clang-703.0.31)) and vc14.
Is what I want to do possible and, if so, can anyone offer any pointers?

Using (once again) the all_true bool pack trick from Columbo:
template <bool...> struct bool_pack;
template <bool... v>
using all_true = std::is_same<bool_pack<true, v...>, bool_pack<v..., true>>;
template <class... Args>
struct Signal {
template <class... Dargs, class = typename std::enable_if<all_true<
std::is_same<Args, typename std::decay<Dargs>::type>{}...
void broadcast(Dargs &&...) {}
This SFINAE's away the function if the parameters don't match exactly.

Here is a metaprogram I quickly came up with. It is a bit coarse, but can be implemented in a more better way. You should probably use the decayed type (std::decay) in the metaprogram to get correct result.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename... T> struct param_pack {};
template <typename, typename> struct is_all_same_impl;
template <>
struct is_all_same_impl<param_pack<>, param_pack<>>
static bool const value = true;
template <typename T, typename S, typename... Rest, typename... SRest>
struct is_all_same_impl<param_pack<T, Rest...>, param_pack<S, SRest...>>
static bool const value = false;
template <typename T, typename... Rest, typename... SRest>
struct is_all_same_impl<param_pack<T, Rest...>, param_pack<T, SRest...>>
static bool const value = is_all_same_impl<param_pack<Rest...>, param_pack<SRest...>>::value;
template <typename, typename>
struct is_all_same;
template <typename... FSet, typename... SSet>
struct is_all_same<param_pack<FSet...>, param_pack<SSet...>>: is_all_same_impl<param_pack<FSet...>, param_pack<SSet...>> {};
int main() {
std::cout << is_all_same<param_pack<int, char, float>, param_pack<int, char, int>>::value << std::endl;
return 0;
UPDATE :: More simpler version
template <typename... T> struct param_pack {};
int main() {
std::cout << std::is_same<param_pack<int, float, int>, param_pack<int,float,int>>::value << std::endl;
return 0;
So you can do something like:
static_assert( is_same<param_pack<Args...>, param_pack<std::decay_t<Dargs>...>>::value, "Parameters do not sufficiently match." );


Short circuit dispatching and stop condition in a string-literal to type matcher

I am playing with some piece of code, taken from Avoid if-else branching in string to type dispatching answer from Vittorio Romeo, but rewritten to use with C++14 cause Vittorios version uses C++17 fold expressions. I also thought the rewrite would be a good exercise.
Here is the code:
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
template<char... Cs>
using ct_str = std::integer_sequence<char, Cs...>;
template<typename T, T... Cs>
constexpr ct_str<Cs...> operator""_cs() { return {}; }
template<typename Name, typename T>
struct named_type
using name = Name;
using type = T;
template<typename... Ts>
struct named_type_list { };
using my_types = named_type_list<
named_type<decltype("int"_cs), int>,
named_type<decltype("bool"_cs), bool>,
named_type<decltype("long"_cs), long>,
named_type<decltype("float"_cs), float>,
named_type<decltype("double"_cs), double>,
named_type<decltype("string"_cs), std::string>
template<std::size_t... Is, char... Cs>
constexpr bool same_impl(const std::string& s,
std::integer_sequence<char, Cs...>,
const char c_arr[] = {Cs...};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != sizeof...(Cs); ++i) {
if (s[i] != c_arr[i]) return false;
return true;
//Original C++17 (fold expression)
//return ((s[Is] == Cs) && ...);
template<char... Cs>
constexpr bool same(const std::string& s, std::integer_sequence<char, Cs...> seq)
std::cout << "checking '" << s << "' against '";
std::initializer_list<bool>{ bool(std::cout << Cs)... };
std::cout << "'\n";
return s.size() >= sizeof...(Cs)
&& same_impl(s, seq, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Cs)>{});
template<typename... Ts, typename F>
void handle(named_type_list<Ts...>, const std::string& input, F&& f)
using expand_type = int[];
expand_type{ 0, (same(input, typename Ts::name{}) && (f(Ts{}), false), 0)... };
//(void)std::initializer_list<int> {
// ( (same(input, typename Ts::name{}) && (f(Ts{}), false) ), 0)...
//Original C++17 (fold expression)
//( (same(input, typename Ts::name{}) && (f(Ts{}), true) ) || ...);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const std::string input{"float"};
handle(my_types{}, input, [](auto t)
std::cout << typeid(typename decltype(t)::type).name() << "\n";
// TEST: define std::vector with value_type (matched type "float") and add a few values
using mtype = typename decltype(t)::type;
std::vector<mtype> x;
x.push_back(2.2); // <-- does not compile
return 0;
I assume problem lies in the handle function that seems not to stop the evaluation properly. It should stop at the first invocation of f() in case of a match. Instead, it executes f() in case of a match as expected, but continues executing the remaining types in the named_type_list.
The current code results in this output:
checking 'float' against 'int'
checking 'float' against 'bool'
checking 'float' against 'long'
checking 'float' against 'float'
checking 'float' against 'double'
checking 'float' against 'string'
Actually I have no clue how to get that fixed. I tried to rewrite the C++17 fold expression using the std::initializer_list trick and also tried to use an expander (the uncommented part in the handle body. So I guess it is the expression itself not working properly.
Unfortunately I am out of ideas whats really happening at this point, also the fact that I am not experienced with Meta-Programming/Compile-time evaluation.
Another problem arises with an possible use of this code:
My use case would be in an XML property reader where I have type/value tags, e.g. <attribute type="double" value="2.5"/>, applying something like the handle function to get the typename from the type attribute value. That type I could use to further process the value.
For this I added within the handle f()-body in main() 3 lines, defining an std::vector with the found type and trying to add a value to it. This code does not compile, g++ responds with
error: no matching function for call to ‘std::vector<std::basic_string<char>, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char> > >::push_back(double)’
I guess this is the mixup out of compile-time and run-time behaviour and it does not work this way and that makes me curious how I could further process/use the matched type.
Thanks for your time on explanation, any help is greatly appreciated!
||, of course, short-circuits. Your version doesn't. I don't see short-circuiting as essential to correctness here, but if you want, it's easily implemented with an additional bool:
bool found = false;
expand_type{ 0, (!found &&
same(input, typename Ts::name{}) &&
(f(Ts{}), found = true), 0)... };
The second problem is because your handler function must be validly callable for every possible type in the type list, but you can't push_back 2.2 into a std::vector<std::string>. As an example, you might have something that obtains the value as a string, and the handler body could lexical_cast it to mtype.

SFINAE expression fails to compile with clang

This looks like an issue in clang (I've already opened a bug here), but I'd like to be sure that I'm not doing a mistake.
Consider the following code:
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstddef>
template<std::size_t N, std::size_t M, std::enable_if_t<not (N>M)>* = nullptr> // (1)
struct S: public S<N+1, M> { };
template<std::size_t N>
struct S<N, N> { };
int main() {
S<0, 1> c{};
It fails to compile with the following error:
8 : error: non-type template argument specializes a template parameter with dependent type 'std::enable_if_t M)> *' (aka 'typename enable_if M), void>::type *')
struct S { };
The same code works as expected using the following line instead of (1):
template<std::size_t N, std::size_t M, typename = std::enable_if_t<not (N>M)>>
The SFINAE expression is almost the same. It is based on a specialization of std::enable_if_t and I would expect the same result (success or failure) for both of the examples.
Are my expectations wrong?
Note that GCC works fine in either cases.
I think this is a gcc bug actually, as a result of [temp.class.spec]:
The type of a template parameter corresponding to a specialized
non-type argument shall not be dependent on a parameter of the
specialization. [ Example:
template <class T, T t> struct C {};
template <class T> struct C<T, 1>; // error
template< int X, int (*array_ptr)[X] > class A {};
int array[5];
template< int X > class A<X,&array> { }; // error
—end example ]
In your example, the type of the 3rd template parameter is dependent on a parameter. When you swap it to typename = std::enable_if_t<...>, then this rule no longer applies.
Note: is there any reason to use SFINAE here anyway, as opposed to static_assert-ing?

Creating a new tuple class by popping the last type

I tried the following code but it gives:
main.cpp:29:22: error: aggregate 'pop<std::tuple<int, char, float> > p' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
What am I missing?
template <typename T>
struct pop;
template <typename E, typename... Ts>
struct pop<tuple<Ts..., E>> {
using result = tuple<Ts...>;
tuple<int, char, float> t;
typename pop<decltype(t)>::result p;
If Ts... must be at the end in a type list, why does it work in this example from http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/parameter_pack:
template<class A, class B, class...C> void func(A arg1, B arg2, C...arg3)
container<A,B,C...> t1; // expands to container<A,B,E1,E2,E3>
container<C...,A,B> t2; // expands to container<E1,E2,E3,A,B>
container<A,C...,B> t3; // expands to container<A,E1,E2,E3,B>
tuple<Ts..., E> is a non-deduced context. [temp.deduct.type]/9:
If P has a form that contains <T> or <i>, then each argument Pi of the respective template argument list P is compared with the corresponding argument Ai of the corresponding template argument list of A. If the template argument list of P contains a pack expansion that is not the last template argument, the entire template argument list is a non-deduced context.
That means that your partial specialization is never matched.
With C++14, one could use
template <class T, class=std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<T>::value-1>>
struct pop;
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... indices>
struct pop<Tuple, std::index_sequence<indices...>>
using type = std::tuple<std::tuple_element_t<indices, Tuple>...>;
template <typename T>
using pop_t = typename pop<T>::type;
Such that
using t = std::tuple<int, char, float>;
static_assert( std::is_same<pop_t<t>, std::tuple<int, char>>{}, "" );
Ts... must be the last element of a type list if you want it to be deduced. tuple<Ts...,E> will not deduce Ts... to be all but the last, but rather never match anything.
Getting rid of the last argument is a bit tricker. live example:
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
namespace details {
template<class Lhs, class Rhs>
struct pop_helper;
template<template<class...>class Tup, class L0, class...Lhs, class...Rhs>
struct pop_helper<Tup<L0,Lhs...>, Tup<Rhs...>>:
pop_helper<Tup<Lhs...>, Tup<Rhs...,L0>>
template<template<class...>class Tup, class L0, class...Rhs>
struct pop_helper<Tup<L0>, Tup<Rhs...>> {
using type=Tup<Rhs...>;
template <typename T>
struct pop;
template<template<class...>class Tup, class...Ts>
struct pop<Tup<Ts...>>:
template<typename T>
using pop_t=typename pop<T>::type;
std::tuple<int, char, float> t;
typedef pop_t<decltype(t)> p;
int main() {
p x = std::make_tuple( 7, 'x' );
std::cout << std::get<0>(x) << std::get<1>(x) << std::tuple_size<p>{} << "\n";
pop_helper moves the types over one at a time to the right hand side, until there is only one type left on the left hand side. Then it returns the right hand side type.
pop just passes the tuples over.
I used template<class...>class Tup instead of std::tuple, because why not support almost every template instead of just std::tuple?
pop_t gets rid of the annoying typename spam at point of use.
I use the inhertance-as-type-map-forwarding pattern, which saves on typing. With a type-map, the structure:
template<class X>
struct bob: foo<X> {};
can be read as bob<X> is foo<X>. The alternative is the more verbose
template<class X>
struct bob {
using type = typename foo<X>::type;
expanding variardic type lists is different than matching them. When it was designed, matching was kept simple in order to make compiler vendors be able to implement the feature. There may even be thorny issues beyond "it is tricky" down that path.
Another C++11 way to skin this cat:
#include <tuple>
template<class Tuple>
struct pop;
struct pop<std::tuple<>>
using type = std::tuple<>;
template<typename T1>
struct pop<std::tuple<T1>>
using type = std::tuple<>;
template<typename First, typename... Rest>
struct pop<std::tuple<First,Rest...>>
using type =
std::declval<typename pop<std::tuple<Rest...>>::type>()));
// Test...
This is the solution I had come up with:
template <typename T>
struct pop;
template <typename E, typename... Ts>
struct pop<std::tuple<E, Ts...>> {
using type = decltype(tuple_cat(
declval<typename pop<tuple<Ts...>>::type>()
template <typename E>
struct pop<std::tuple<E>> {
using type = std::tuple<>;

Length of user-defined string literal as a template argument?

Is there any way to get behavior like this?
// Some definition(s) of operator "" _my_str
// Some definition of function or macro MY_STR_LEN
using T1 = MY_STR_LEN("ape"_my_str);
// T1 is std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 3U>.
using T2 = MY_STR_LEN("aardvark"_my_str);
// T2 is std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 8U>.
It seems not, since the string literals are passed immediately to some_return_type operator "" _my_str(const char*, std::size_t); and never to a literal operator template (2.14.8/5). That size function parameter can't be used as a template argument, even though it will almost always be a constant expression.
But it seems like there ought to be some way to do this.
Update: The accepted answer, that this is not possible without an extra definition per literal, is accurate for C++11 as asked, and also C++14 and C++17. C++20 allows the exact result asked for:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string_view>
struct cexpr_str {
const char* ptr;
std::size_t len;
template <std::size_t Len>
constexpr cexpr_str(const char (&str)[Len]) noexcept
: ptr(str), len(Len) {}
// Essentially the same as
// std::literals::string_view_literals::operator""sv :
template <cexpr_str Str>
constexpr std::string_view operator "" _my_str () noexcept
return std::string_view(Str.ptr, Str.len);
#define MY_STR_LEN(sv) \
std::integral_constant<std::size_t, (sv).size()>
Reading C++11 2.14.8 carefully reveals that the "literal operator template" is only considered for numeric literals, but not for string and character literals.
However, the following approach seems to give you constexpr access to the string length (but not the pointer):
struct MyStr
char const * str;
unsigned int len;
constexpr MyStr(char const * p, unsigned int n) : str(p), len(n) {}
constexpr MyStr operator "" _xyz (char const * s, unsigned int len)
return MyStr(s, len);
constexpr auto s = "Hello"_xyz;
#include <array>
using atype = std::array<int, s.len>; // OK

Merge two variadic templates in one

Im trying to implement a variadic template wrapper of the loki typelist.
Merging two typelists in loki-style is easy, but im having problems with merge in variadic-template style.
This is my implementation (Simplified, without push_back , index_of , ... , methods).
template<typename... Ts>
struct dl32TypeList;
template<typename HEAD , typename... TAIL>
struct dl32TypeList<HEAD,TAIL...>
static const unsigned int size = sizeof...(TAIL) + 1;
using value = dl32Loki_like_TypeList<HEAD, typename dl32TypeList<TAIL...>::value>;
struct dl32TypeList<>
using value = dl32NoType;
static const unsignedint size = 0;
I want something like:
template<typename OTHER_TYPELIST>
using merge = dl32TypeList<HEAD , TAIL... , typename OTHER_TYPELIST::???>;
And this is the problem: We cannot store variadic template args as a using/typedef, so i have any idea about how i can do this. (Note the OTHER_TYPELIST::???).
I don't know what Loki or DL32 are, and it's not clear you should be implementing anything at all.
std::tuple is a common tool for type lists. It is designed as a runtime storage container but works as a compile-time utility as long as the types are complete. Here is one way to catenate tuples:
template< typename ... t >
struct tuple_cat
{ typedef decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval< t >() ... ) ) type; };
If you want to do it manually, try partial specialization:
template< typename ... t >
struct type_list {};
template< typename ta, typename tb >
struct type_cat;
template< typename ... a, typename ... b >
struct type_cat< type_list< a ... >, type_list< b ... > >
{ typedef type_list< a ..., b ... > type; };
As for the size member, you can make a universal metafunction to solve the problem once and for all.
template< typename >
struct count_types;
template< template< typename ... > class t, typename ... a >
struct count_types< t< a ... > >
{ static constexpr std::size_t value = sizeof ... a; };
