Elasticsearch Indexed Script Issue - elasticsearch

I am using elasticsearch 2.3.3. I am trying to set up a template query using the following mustache script:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "{{query}}",
"type": "most_fields",
"fields": [ "meta.court^1.5",
I have successfully indexed this script as follows:
POST /_search/template/myscript
,"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "{{query}}",
"type": "most_fields",
"fields": [ "meta.court^1.5", "meta.judge^1.5", "meta.suit_no^4", "meta.party1^1.5", "meta.party2^1.5", "meta.subject^3", "content"]
However when I try to render the template for example with:
GET _render/template
"id": "myscript",
I get the following error:
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "json_parse_exception",
"reason": "Unexpected character ('=' (code 61)): was expecting a colon to separate field name and value\n at [Source: [B#39f8927e; line: 1, column: 8]"
"type": "json_parse_exception",
"reason": "Unexpected character ('=' (code 61)): was expecting a colon to separate field name and value\n at [Source: [B#39f8927e; line: 1, column: 8]"
"status": 500
The funny thing is I can successfully execute the script if it is stored as a file in the config/scripts directory of an es node.
What am I missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks


Getting error action_request_validation_exception while mapping new field in already exist Elasticsearch index

I am trying to add a new field to my already exist Elasticsearch index but I'm getting the below exception:
"type": "action_request_validation_exception",
"reason": "Validation Failed: 1: mapping type is missing;"
I'm using the below API
PUT order/_mapping
"properties": {
"title": { "type": "text"}
You need to add the mapping type to the PUT request, and modify the request as :
PUT order/{{mapping-type}}/_mapping
"properties": {
"title": { "type": "text"}

How to add and/or as part of the string to query?

Some of my keywords contain and/or. The string query I made breaks when I use that data. My string queries need to be able to handle that data within its queries
Here is my query and error:
POST /test/_doc
"keyword":"pizza oven and/or pizza"
GET /test/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"query_string": {
"default_field": "keywords.english",
"query": "(pizza oven and/or pizza) OR (bread)"
"shard": 0,
"index": "test",
"node": "V3XGiCPAS0ej2PmYuk12qw",
"reason": {
"type": "query_shard_exception",
"reason": "Failed to parse query [(pizza oven and/or pizza) OR (bread)]",
"index_uuid": "OXSS-p_DTqeddnFkSjwWOw",
"index": "test",
"caused_by": {
"type": "parse_exception",
"reason": "parse_exception: Cannot parse '(pizza oven and/or pizza) OR (bread)': Lexical error at line 1, column 37. Encountered: <EOF> after : \"/or pizza) OR (bread)\"",
"caused_by": {
"type": "token_mgr_error",
"reason": "token_mgr_error: Lexical error at line 1, column 37. Encountered: <EOF> after : \"/or pizza) OR (bread)\""
How can I make that the and/or doesn't break the string query?
The / is a reserved character in the query string query language, you need to escape it:
"query": "(pizza oven and\/or pizza) OR (bread)"

Elasticsearch sql query object in array

I am trying out the new elasticsearch feature elasticsearch sql with elasticsearch 6.3.0
I have a question that it seems not able to query an object in an array with this sql feature.
for example I have indexed a doc as below:
PUT /test/_doc/1
"orderId": "123456",
"items": [
"itemId": "1234",
"name": "ipad"
and I try an query:
POST /_xpack/sql?format=txt
"query": "select items.itemId from test"
it gives me error as below:
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "sql_illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "Cannot extract value [items.itemId] from source"
"type": "sql_illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "Cannot extract value [items.itemId] from source"
"status": 500
may I know is there a way to query the data in objects of an array?

Elasticsearch Filter Query by CIDR

For example, how would you build an Elasticsearch query that filtered by documents containing an ip field that matches
query: {
filtered: {
filter: {
To clarify, the documents I am searching have a property that is indexed as an IP field, and I want to find all documents that have an IP that matches a CIDR mask (to be specified in a filter).
try this if using ES 2.2 or later:
{"query": {"term" : {"<ip_field_name>" : ""}}}
The elasticsearch type ip does not support that type of input. Here is an example showing that it will fail:
PUT index1
"mappings": {
"type1": {
"properties": {
"ip_addr": {
"type": "ip"
POST index1/type1
ip_addr: ""
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "failed to parse [ip_addr]"
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "failed to parse [ip_addr]",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "failed to parse ip [], not a valid ip address"
"status": 400
Instead, if you strip off the /24 it will work properly.

Update type of a field in Elasticsearch

I have a index in Elasticsearch, and want to update the type of a field named currentTimeStamp from long to date, so that Kibana can work on it. Following is my current output of _mapping (Other fields have been removed for brevity).
"myIndexname": {
"mappings": {
"myType": {
"properties": {
"currentTimeStamp": {
"type": "long"
When I try to run the following command for updating the type of the column to date type, I get the below mentioned error response. Any help on this is highly appreciated.
curl -X PUT myIndexname/_mapping/myType with the following payload
"myIndexname": {
"properties": {
"currentTimeStamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "date_optional_time || epoch_millis"
Error response:
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters: [optimizationframework : {properties={currentTimeStamp={type=date, format=date_optional_time || epoch_millis}}}]"
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters: [optimizationframework : {properties={currentTimeStamp={type=date, format=date_optional_time || epoch_millis}}}]"
"status": 400
