How to implement distributed transaction in CouchDB? - hadoop

We are moving our database from oracle to couchDB, for one of the use case is to implement the distributed transaction management.
For Ex: Read the data from JMS Queue and update it in multiple document, if any thing fails then revert back and throws an exception to JMS queue.
As we know couchDB does not support distributed transaction management.
Can you please suggest any alternative strategy to implement this or any other way out?

More than technical aspects I feel you might be interested in the bottom line of that.
As mentionned distributed transactions are not possible - this notion doesn't even exist, because it is not necessary. Indeed, unlike in the relational world, 95% of the time when you feel that you need them it means that you are doing something wrong.
I'll be straightforward with you : dumping your relational data into couchdb will end up being a nightmare both for writes and reads. For the first you'll say : how can I do transactions ? For the laters : how can I do joins ? Both are impossible and are concepts which do not even exist.
The convenient conclusions - too - many people reach is that "CouchDb is not enterprise ready or ACID enough". But the truth is you need to take the time to rethink your data structures.
You need to rethink your data structures and make them document oriented because if you don't you are off the intended usage of couchdb - and as you know this is risky territory.
Read on DDD and aggregates design, and turn your records into DDD entities and aggregates. So there'd be an ETL layer to CouchDb. If you don't have the time to do that I'd recommend not using CouchDb - as much as I love it.

CouchDB doesn't have properties which are necessary for distributed transactions so it's impossible. All major distributed transaction algorithms (Two-Phase commit protocol, RAMP and Percolator-style distributed transactions, you can find details in this answer) require linearizability on the record level. Unfortunately CouchDB is an AP solution (in the CAP theorem sense) so it can't even guarantee record-level consistency.
Of cause you can disable replication to make CouchDB consistent but then you'll lose fault-tolerance. Another option is to use CouchDB as a storage and to build a consistent database on top of it but it's an overkill for your task and doesn't use any CouchDB-specific feature. The third option is to use CRDT but it works only if your transactions are commutative.


CQRS (Lagom) elasticsearch read-side

I've read that ElasticSearch isn't the most reliable in terms of durability, but I would like to use it to store data on the read-side for optimal searching.
If we store events (write-side) in a cassandra database, that means that data is never really lost.
I don't really understand what is meant with 'data durability'.
If we use ES on the read-side, does that mean that some data may not be properly imported? Does it mean that one day data may randomly be lost, or the risk that all data may one day just have disappeared?
The use case is a Twitter-like geolocation based app.
How reliable is it in the end to use ES exclusively on the read-side, without needing a more reliable datastore (write-side) to store the data?
Depending on what is meant with this "durability", I wonder what measures should be taken to replay events and keep ES consistent at all times.
I don't have a huge amount of experience running ES in production, but essentially, ensuring that when you persist data, it stays persisted, especially in a distributed system, is hard. There are many, many edge cases that are very hard to get right, and it takes time for a database to mature and sort those edge cases out. A less durable database is one that probably hasn't ironed all these issues out.
Of course, ElasticSearch is popular open source database with a thriving community maintaining it, so there's likely no well defined cases where "your data will be lost in this circumstance", rather, there's likely cases that either haven't been come across yet, or when they have been come across by users in the wild, the users that came across them didn't care enough to debug it because they were only using ES as a secondary data store and were able to rebuild it from their primary data store. Whenever a case is identified that ES loses data under well understood circumstances, the maintainers of ES would be quick to fix that.
The most typical use cases for ES are as a secondary database store, and in such a use case, durability isn't as important because the data store can be rebuilt from the primary. Accordingly, you'll find durability isn't as high a priority to the maintainers of ES because their users aren't asking for it - that's not say it's not a high priority, just relative to other databases, it's not as high.
So, if you use ES, you've got a higher chance of encountering bugs where you'll lose data, than with other databases that are either more mature or put more of a focus on durability in their development.
As to whether you should regularly drop your ES database and replay the events, it really depends on your use case and how important it is for your ES database to be consistent. A lot of the edge cases around ES's durability probably result in major corruptions with significant data loss - ie, you'll know if it happens, so there's no need to drop and replay regularly in that case. Another thing to consider is that because of the way CQRS read sides work, you'll only have a limited number of writers to your ES store, and you can easily control that concurrency. What this means is that a spike in load won't result in a spike in concurrent writers, what will happen is that your ES store might temporarily lag behind in consistency from your primary store. Due to this, you're probably less likely to encounter the edge cases that might trigger ES to lose data.
So, you're probably fine not bothering dropping and rebuilding unless something catastrophic happens, unless the consequences of silently losing small amounts of data in a way that you won't notice are so high that the incredibly small chance that that might happen is unacceptable.
I know this topic is more then 3 years old but I am also using Elasticsearch for the read side of the CQRS but I think there are other platforms fitting better to write side but it is not just a database technology, in todays Event Sourced paradigm more is necessary, I am using Akka's Finite State Machine with Cassandra, which in my opinion fits better that sort extreme write loads better then Elasticsearch.
I wrote a blog about it, if anybody likes to see, Write Side for Elasticsearch CQRS

Which caching mechanism to use in my spring application in below scenarios

We are using Spring boot application with Maria DB database. We are getting data from difference services and storing in our database. And while calling other service we need to fetch data from db (based on mapping) and call the service.
So to avoid database hit, we want to cache all mapping data in cache and use it to retrieve data and call service API.
So our ask is - Add data in Cache when it gets created in database (could add up-to millions records) and remove from cache when status of one of column value is "xyz" (for example) or based on eviction policy.
Should we use in-memory cache using Hazelcast/ehCache or Redis/Couch base?
Please suggest.
I mostly agree with Rick in terms of don't build it until you need it, however it is important these days to think early of where this caching layer would fit later and how to integrate it (for example using interfaces). Adding it into a non-prepared system is always possible but much more expensive (in terms of hours) and complicated.
Ok to the actual question; disclaimer: Hazelcast employee
In general for caching Hazelcast, ehcache, Redis and others are all good candidates. The first question you want to ask yourself though is, "can I hold all necessary records in the memory of a single machine. Especially in terms for ehcache you get replication (all machines hold all information) which means every single node needs to keep them in memory. Depending on the size you want to cache, maybe not optimal. In this case Hazelcast might be the better option as we partition data in a cluster and optimize the access to a single network hop which minimal overhead over network latency.
Second question would be around serialization. Do you want to store information in a highly optimized serialization (which needs code to transform to human readable) or do you want to store as JSON?
Third question is about the number of clients and threads that'll access the data storage. Obviously a local cache like ehcache is always the fastest option, for the tradeoff of lots and lots of memory. Apart from that the most important fact is the treading model the in-memory store uses. It's either multithreaded and nicely scaling or a single-thread concept which becomes a bottleneck when you exhaust this thread. It is to overcome with more processes but it's a workaround to utilize todays systems to the fullest.
In more general terms, each of your mentioned systems would do the job. The best tool however should be selected by a POC / prototype and your real world use case. The important bit is real world, as a single thread behaves amazing under low pressure (obviously way faster) but when exhausted will become a major bottleneck (again obviously delaying responses).
I hope this helps a bit since, at least to me, every answer like "yes we are the best option" would be an immediate no-go for the person who said it.
Build InnoDB with the memcached Plugin

Use Vertica Database for OLTP data?

Can Vertica Database be used for OLTP data?
And if so what are the pros and cons on doing this?
Looking for a Vertica vs Oracle fight :)Since Oracle license is so costly, would Vertica do it job for a better price ?
thx all
Using Vertica as a transactional database is a bad idea. It's designed to be a data warehousing tool. Essentially, it reads and writes data in an optimized fashion. Lots of transactions? That's not what it is designed to do.
I would recommend that you look into VoltDB. Michael Stonebreaker who is the force behind Vertica founded that company as well. His basic philosophy is that Oracle, SQL Server, et al do not do well for high performance since they are designed to do everything. The future is having databases designed for specific tasks.
So he had some concepts for a data warehousing which became Vertica. For transactional databases, there's VoltDB. Not owned by HP, for the record.
For the record, I haven't used VoltDB. From what I know, it isn't as mature as Vertica is as a solution but it looks like it has a ton of promise.
HP Vertica is a column store database. The nature of the way that data is organised within a column store does not lend itself to rapid writes.
HP Vertica gets around this by having a WOS (Write Optimised Store) and ROS (Read Optimised Store which is file based).
Data is moved out of the WOS into the ROS fairly rapidly and the ROS itself has a "merge up" process that takes small ROS files and merges them together to form larger and therefore more easily scanned files.
If you tried to use Vertica for OLTP then what would happen would be that you'd get loads of ROS containers and possibly hit the default limit of 1024 ROS containers very quickly.
If you fronted the store with some form a queuing mechanism to pass through records in larger batches then this would result in fewer and larger ROS files. It would work but if you wanted to take your OLTP system to be reading very close to its writing activity it would not fit the use case.
The WOS/ROS mechanism is a neat work around for the fundamental performance penalty of writes in a column store DB but fundamentally Vertica is not an OLTP DB but rather a data mart technology that can ingest data in near real time
I think there are different ways to read into this question.
Can you use Vertica as an OLTP database?
First I'll define this question a bit. An OLTP database means the database itself is responsible for the transaction processing, not simply receiving somewhat normalized data.
My answer here is absolutely not, unless perhaps it is a single user database. There is practically no RI, no RI locking, table locks on DELETE/UPDATE, and you're likely to accumulate a delete vector in normal OLTP type usage.
You can work around some of these with some extensive middleware programming (distributed locks, heavy avoidance of DELETE/UPDATE, etc). But why? There are tons of options out there that are not Oracle, don't carry a huge price tag but give you everything you need for OLTP.
Can you use Vertica to ingest and query OLTP data?
Yes, definitely. Best to use Vertica towards its strengths, though. Queries in Vertica tend to have a fair amount of overhead, and you can plow through large amounts of data with ease, even normalized. I would not be using Vertica to primary run point queries, grabbing a few rows here and there. It isn't that you can't, but you can't with the same concurrency as other databases that are meant for this purpose.
TL;DR Use the right tool for the right job. I really love using Vertica, but just because I like to swing a hammer doesn't mean that every problem is a nail.
This question is a little old now but i'll share my experience.
I would not suggest vertica as OLTP unless you very carefully consider your workload.
As mentioned in other answers, Vertica has 2 types of storage. ROS is the Read Optimized Storage and WOS is the Write Optimized Storage. WOS is purely in memory so it performs better for inserts but queries slower as all the small updates need to be queried and unioned. Vertica can handle small loads in theory but in practice it didn't work out very well for us performance wise. Also there are drawbacks to WOS namely being that when the database fails WOS is not necessarily preserved when it rolls back to last good epoch. (ROS isn't either but in practice you lose a lot less from ROS).
ROS is a lot more reliable and gives better read performance but you will never be able to handle more than a certain number of queries without a careful design. Although vertica is horizontally scalable, in practice large tables get segmented across all nodes and therefore queries must run on all nodes. So adding more nodes doesn't mean handling more concurrent queries it just means less work per query. If your tables are small enough to be unsegmented then this might not be an issue for you.
Also worth noting is the OLTP typically implies lots concurrent transactions so you'll need to plan resource pools very carefully. By default vertica has a planned concurrency for the general resource pool of the minimum of number of cores per server or RAM/2GB. Essentially what this value does is determine the default memory allocation PER NODE for a segmented query. Therefore by default vertica will not let you run more queries than cores. You can adjust this value but once you hit a cap on memory theres no much you can do because the memory is allocated per node so adding more nodes doesn't even help. If you hit any errors at all for resource pool memory allocations that is the first config your should look at.
Additionally, Vertica is bad with deletes and updates (which resolve to a delete and an insert in the background) so if these are a regular part of your workload then Vertica is probably a bad choice. Personally we use MySQL for our dimension tables that require deletes/updates and then sync that data periodically into vertica to use for joins.
Personally I use Vertica as an OLTP-ish realtime-ish database. We batch our loads into 5 minute intervals which makes vertica happy in terms of how many/large the inserts are. These batches are inserted using COPY DIRECT so that they avoid WOS entirely (only do this if they are large batches as this forces ROS container creation and can be bad if you do it too often). As many projections as we can have are unsegmented to allow better scale out since this makes queries hit only 1 node and allocate memory on only 1 node. It has worked well for us so far and we load about 5 billion rows a day with realtime querying from our UI.
Up_one - considering the telecom use-case - are you doing CDR or something else?
To answer your original question yes Vertica may be a great fit but it depends on how you are loading the data, how you are doing updates, what your data size is and what your SLA is. I am really familiar in this space because I implemented Vertica at a telecom that I worked for at the time.

Performance impact of having a data access layer/service layer?

I need to design a system which has these basic components:
A Webserver which will be getting ~100 requests/sec. The webserver only needs to dump data into raw data repository.
Raw data repository which has a single table which gets 100 rows/s from the webserver.
A raw data processing unit (Simple processing, not much. Removing invalid raw data, inserting missing components into damaged raw data etc.)
Processed data repository
Does it make sense in such a system to have a service layer on which all components would be built? All inter-component interaction will go through the service layers. While this would make the system easily upgradeable and maintainable, would it not also have a significant performance impact since I have so much traffic to handle?
Here's what can happen unless you guard against it.
In the communication between layers, some format is chosen, like XML. Then you build it and run it and find out the performance is not satisfactory.
Then you mess around with profilers which leave you guessing what the problem is.
When I worked on a problem like this, I used the stackshot technique and quickly found the problem. You would have thought it was I/O. NOT. It was that converting data to XML, and parsing XML to recover data structure, was taking roughly 80% of the time. It wasn't too hard to find a better way to do that. Result - a 5x speedup.
What do you see as the costs of having a separate service layer?
How do those costs compare with the costs you must incur? In your case that seems to be at least
a network read for the request
a database write for raw data
a database read of raw data
a database write of processed data
Plus some data munging.
What sort of services do you have a mind? Perhaps
why is the overhead any more than a procedure call? Service does not need to imply "separate process" or "web service marshalling".
I contend that structure is always of value, separation of concerns in your application really matters. In comparison with database activities a few procedure calls will rarely cost much.
In passing: the persisting of Raw data might best be done to a queuing system. You can then get some natural scaling by having many queue readers on separate machines if you need them. In effect the queueing system is naturally introducing some service-like concepts.
Personally feel that you might be focusing too much on low level implementation details when designing the system. Before looking at how to lay out the components, assemblies or services you should be thinking of how to architect the system.
You could start with the following high level statements from which to build your system architecture around:
Confirm the technical skill set of the development team and the operations/support team.
Agree on an initial finite list of systems that will integrate to your service, the protocols they support and some SLAs.
Decide on the messaging strategy.
Understand how you will deploy your service/system.
Decide on the choice of middleware (ESBs, Message Brokers, etc), databases (SQL, Oracle, Memcache, DB2, etc) and 3rd party frameworks/tools.
Decide on your caching and data latency strategy.
Break your application into the various areas of business responsibility - This will allow you to split up the work and allow easier communication of milestones during development/testing and implementation.
Design each component as required to meet the areas of responsibility. The areas of responsibility should automatically lead you to decide on how to design component, assembly or service.
Obviously not all of the above will match your specific case but I would suggest that they should at least be given some thought.
Good luck.
Abstraction and tiering will introduce latency, but the real question is, what are you GAINING to make the cost(s) worthwhile? Loose coupling, governance, scalability, maintainability are worth real $.
Even the best-designed layered app will exhibit more latency than an app talking directly to a DB. Users who know the original system will feel the difference. They may not like it, so this can be a political issue as much as a technical one.

Recommendation for a large-scale data warehousing system

I have a large amount of data I need to store, and be able to generate reports on - each one representing an event on a website (we're talking over 50 per second, so clearly older data will need to be aggregated).
I'm evaluating approaches to implementing this, obviously it needs to be reliable, and should be as easy to scale as possible. It should also be possible to generate reports from the data in a flexible and efficient way.
I'm hoping that some SOers have experience of such software and can make a recommendation, and/or point out the pitfalls.
Ideally I'd like to deploy this on EC2.
Wow. You are opening up a huge topic.
A few things right off the top of my head...
think carefully about your schema for inserts in the transactional part and reads in the reporting part, you may be best off keeping them separate if you have really large data volumes
look carefully at the latency that you can tolerate between real-time reporting on your transactions and aggregated reporting on your historical data. Maybe you should have a process which runs periodically and aggregates your transactions.
look carefully at any requirement which sees you reporting across your transactional and aggregated data, either in the same report or as a drill-down from one to the other
prototype with some meaningful queries and some realistic data volumes
get yourself a real production quality, enterprise ready database, i.e. Oracle / MSSQL
think about using someone else's code/product for the reporting e.g. Crystal/BO / Cognos
as I say, huge topic. As I think of more I'll continue adding to my list.
HTH and good luck
#Simon made a lot of excellent points, I'll just add a few and re-iterate/emphasize some others:
Use the right datatype for the Timestamps - make sure the DBMS has the appropriate precision.
Consider queueing for the capture of events, allowing for multiple threads/processes to handle the actual storage of the events.
Separate the schemas for your transactional and data warehouse
Seriously consider a periodic ETL from transactional db to the data warehouse.
Remember that you probably won't have 50 transactions/second 24x7x365 - peak transactions vs. average transactions
Investigate partitioning tables in the DBMS. Oracle and MSSQL will both partition on a value (like date/time).
Have an archiving/data retention policy from the outset. Too many projects just start recording data with no plans in place to remove/archive it.
Im suprised none of the answers here cover Hadoop and HDFS - I would suggest that is because SO is a programmers qa and your question is in fact a data science question.
If youre dealing with a large number of queries and large processing time, you would use HDFS (a distributed storage format on EC) to store your data and run batch queries (I.e. analytics) on commodity hardware.
You would then provision as many EC2 instances as needed (hundreds or thousands depending on how big your data crunching requirements are) and run map reduce queires against.your data to produce reports.
Wow.. This is a huge topic.
Let me begin with databases. First get something good if you are going to have crazy amounts to data. I like Oracle and Teradata.
Second, there is a definitive difference between recording transactional data and reporting/analytics. Put your transactional data in one area and then roll it up on a regular schedule into a reporting area (schema).
I believe you can approach this two ways
Throw money at the problem: Buy best in class software (databases, reporting software) and hire a few slick tech people to help
Take the homegrown approach: Build only what you need right now and grow the whole thing organically. Start with a simple database and build a web reporting framework. There are a lot of descent open-source tools and inexpensive agencies that do this work.
As far as the EC2 approach.. I'm not sure how this would fit into a data storage strategy. The processing is limited which is where EC2 is strong. Your primary goal is effecient storage and retreival.
