Yammer - is it possible to activate a user via api? - yammer

I need to be able to activate a group of users programmatically. You can enable users for Yammer, but they don't actually get activated until they login the first time.
I need to simulate this first-time login via Rest API or any other method possible.
Any ideas?

By design, user activation is done at first login only. There isn't any (supported) API endpoint that can be used to activate users. Perhaps there might be other ways to achieve your aim if you shed more light into why you're looking to activate users programmatically?


Mixpanel not able to identify users using "alias" or "identify"

I an developing a chrome extension which doesn't has any sign up or sign in flow, instead depends on authentication of a separate web app. I started integrating mixpanel and tracking user events anonymously, Now i want to identify those anonymous users using "alias" and "identify" api. I have a user_id for identifying users from the web app exposed REST api. Now if i apply a boolean check and make sure i call mixpanel "alias(user_id)" once and call "identify(user_id)" every time user visits a page, I can see a user entry in explore tab of mixpanel but live events tab has a anonymous user with same user_id and its tracked data, I wish to link such anonymous users with appropriate user profiles.
Please help me with this if you have some understanding of mixpanel. I am new at this.
Since I didn't had a sign in or sign up flow, I cannot use
Hence i am now calling
As soon as user installs the plugin, Since "identify" api can be called any number of times for an user, We are able to track all future events as soon as plugin gets installed.
This way by not letting the user generate anonymous events we can handle such situation.

Spring Security check if specific user(s) are online

I'm trying to write a function that shows if certain users are currently authenticated with Spring Security. Basically, just to display if a certain user is logged in right now.
I know I can get all logged in users via sessionRegistry.getAllPrincipals(), but what I just want to see if a specific user is logged in right now (e.g. on their profile page).
Is there a built-in function for this? If not, where's an entry point I can use to implement this functionality myself?

Google+ API - Moments visibility

I am currently researching Google+ REST API to post to a user's stream.
The basic requirements are:
The post should be created without user's review using server side request (user should give his permission to post on his behalf in the future).
The post must be visible to all user's friends.
As i understand from reading the documentation, posting to the stream without actually getting permission in creation time from the user is impossible, however, creating 'moments' doesn't require permission upon-posting, so the user should give his permission when authorizing the app.
Since i didn't find anything that explains how can a moment be created to be visible to all user's friends - can someone who is familiar with this API explain how visibility of a moment is being determined and on which step? reference to an API documentation would be good as well, but i didn't find any.
The moment methods do not write directly to a user's Google+ stream. They instead write to a user's profile, and are not necessarily viewable by others depending on the user's preferred sharing settings.
Manage app activities in Google
During authorization the user chooses who their activity is visible to.
Once authorized a user should be able to see their own activities on Google+ and you can view other people's activities by clicking on an app from their profile about page.

Openerp restrict user with one session at a time

Hi I am customizing OpenERP. I want to restrict user to login into application once at a time. That means; I have a user called "Accountant". I want only one session should be allowed to login with "Accountant" user name at a time. Others can login with their own user names.
Like that application should allow only one session for each user at a time.
I have not seen any plugin for this. Can I do this through customization?
Please guide me.
This blog highlights how to do it. But I don't think there is a live implementation of this available as open source http://www.zbeanztech.com/blog/how-restrict-multiple-logins-user-openerp-0
We do plan to do it ourselves as well but haven't had a moment yet.

How to share only on twitter?

I'm aware I can use the ShareLinkTask class to share something on my favourite social network. I'm trying to add a button to share on twitter only. I don't want to enable the user to chose.
I can't find a workaround for that class, is it possible to do that?
There are many ways to share something with social networks. Few are:
User will not have to SIgnIn, but would be presented with many networks.
External Browser Mechanism (Recommended)
You can launch a popup with BrowserControl in it and redirect it to URL of form
User will be asked to SIgnIN with all text filled and ready to Tweet, as shown (Desktop Browser)
Dedicated WP Libraries such as TweetSharp, LINQtoTwitter n others.
These will require you to use API 1.1 and send OAuth authenticated requests. Its a little comples if you only want Share capability.
It is not possil using the ShareLinkTask. You need to implement it by yourself, e.g: using TweetSharp.
