How to delete an element from any slice without generics? [duplicate] - go

This question already has answers here:
How to delete an element from a Slice in Golang
(20 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I have a function removeFrom that removes an item from a slice. It accepts a float64 slice and an index:
func removeFrom(slice []float64, index int) []float64 {
if len(slice) > index {
return append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)
It works fine, but now I have to remove from slices of integers also. So how could I change this to accept both types (and return a slice of the given type)? I tried to use empty interfaces but apparently I have to do some conversion inside the function and I didn't find out how to do it.

Short answer? you can't.
Long answer, you still can't directly do it, BUT:
func removeFrom(slice interface{}, index int) interface{} {
switch slice := slice.(type) {
case []float64:
if len(slice) > index {
return append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)
case []int64:
if len(slice) > index {
return append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)
case []int:
if len(slice) > index {
return append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)
log.Panicf("unknown type: %T", slice)

Go doesn't support generics, there is no "common ancestor" for all slice types ([]interface{} is not "compatible" with []int for example, see Cannot convert []string to []interface {} for more details).
So if you want your function to accept any slice types, you have to use interface{} (both for the "incoming" parameter and for the return type). But now you have an (interface) wrapper value to which you can't apply slicing and which you can't pass to the builtin append() function.
You could use type assertion and type switches for known types, but you would have to repeat code for each, so it's not really a step ahead.
Actually there's a way to create a removeFrom() function that will work for all slice types, with using reflection.
reflect.Value is a type describing any Go value. It has supporting methods for different types of Go values, including slices.
What's interesting to us is the Value.Slice() method:
func (v Value) Slice(i, j int) Value
We can use it to slice a slice. Good. It is a key point in our element-removal algorithm. What's still needed is to "join" 2 slices, the one before and the one after the removable element. Luckily the reflect package also has support for this: reflect.AppendSlice():
func AppendSlice(s, t Value) Value
As the last remaining key, we can use Value.Len() to get the length of any slice.
We now have everything that's needed for our general removeFrom() function, which is surprisingly simple:
func removeFrom(s interface{}, idx int) interface{} {
if v := reflect.ValueOf(s); v.Len() > idx {
return reflect.AppendSlice(v.Slice(0, idx), v.Slice(idx+1, v.Len())).Interface()
return s
Really, that's all. Testing it:
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
fmt.Println(removeFrom([]int{0, 1, 2}, i), "missing:", i)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
fmt.Println(removeFrom([]string{"zero", "one", "two"}, i), "missing:", i)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[1 2] missing: 0
[0 2] missing: 1
[0 1] missing: 2
[0 1 2] missing: 3
[one two] missing: 0
[zero two] missing: 1
[zero one] missing: 2
[zero one two] missing: 3
This solution uses reflection, so it will be slower than another solution not using reflection but having the concrete, supported types "wired in". Quick benchmarks show this general solution is 2.5 times slower than a non-reflection with wired-in types. Should be weighted whether performance or convenience/general solution is more important. Or you may combine this with concrete types: you may add a type switch to handle frequent types, and only revert to this general solution if the actual concrete type is not handled by the type switch.


In Go, can you have function parameters with two distinct types? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Go Generics - Unions
(2 answers)
Closed 11 months ago.
Can you write a function in Go whose parameter can be two different types? For example, if I write a simple function that takes in an array/slice of int and simply returns the first value:
func First(array []int) int {
return array[0]
Is there a way to type this such that we can also pass in a []string, etc.? In TypeScript for example, we can do it like such without having to type the array as any:
const first = (array: (number | string)[]): number | string => {
return array[0];
I've seen answers explaining the use of interface{} for situations like this... and maybe that's the only way, but it seems to close to any in TS and it feels like there might be a better way of doing this.
(I haven't used Go for a few years, long before they introduced generics - so I'm basing my answer off their documentation for generics)
TypeScript's "generics" (in quotes) aren't really comparable to Go's generics. TypeScript is all about being able to describe an interface (in an abstract sense) for a runtime system built around type-erasure (i.e. JavaScript), while Go's is... honestly, I have no idea. I just don't know how Go's generics are implemented nor their runtime characteristics: Articles on Go's generics, even from the language authors blog or their own documentation site fail to mention key-terms like type erasure, reified generics, (template) instantiation or monomorph, so if anyone has a better understanding please edit this post, or let me know in a comment!
Anyway, the good news is that as-of the Go 1.18 Beta, its support for generics includes support for generic constraints, but also support for union types as a constraint for generic type parameters (though I haven't yet found any information regarding support for other ADTs like product types and intersection types).
(Note that, at least for now, Go won't support union types as concrete types, but in practice that shouldn't be an issue)
In your case, if you want a function that returns the first element of a slice that could be either []int or []string (or returns some default-value if the slice is empty), then you can do this:
func First[T int | string](arr []T, ifEmpty T) T {
for _, v := range arr {
return v
return ifEmpty
While at first-glance you might think that this would allow for the arr slice to simultaneously contain both int and string values, this is not allowed (see below). Remember that generic parameters arguments are supplied by the caller and have to be valid concrete types, so First can only be instantiated as either First[int] or First[string], which in-turn implies that arr can be either []int or []string.
Anyway, the full example below compiles and runs in the Go dev branch on the Go playground:
package main
import "fmt"
func First[T int | string](arr []T, ifEmpty T) T {
for _, v := range arr {
return v
return ifEmpty
func main() {
// First[int]:
arrayOfInts := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
firstInt := First(arrayOfInts, -1)
fmt.Println(firstInt) // 2
// First[string]:
arrayOfStrings := []string{"life", "is short", "and love is always over", "in the morning"}
firstString := First(arrayOfStrings, "empty")
fmt.Println(firstString) // "life"
You can also extract the constraint T int | string and move it to an interface, and then use that as the constraint, which I personally think is easier to read, especially when you might need to repeat the same constraint in multiple places:
type IntOrString interface {
int | string
func First[T IntOrString](arr []T, ifEmpty T) T {
for _, v := range arr {
return v
return ifEmpty
Things you can't do...
Note that Go does not (currently, at least) allow using a type that describes a union as a variable's type by itself (nor can you use as a slice's element type either); you can only use a union as a constraint, otherwise you'll get the "interface contains type constraints" error. Which means you can't describe an array that can contain both int and string values and then use that interface for a concrete array type:
package main
import "fmt"
type IntOrString interface {
int | string
func First[T IntOrString](arr []T, ifEmpty T) T {
for _, v := range arr {
return v
return ifEmpty
func main() {
arrayOfIntsOrStrings := []IntOrString{2, "foo", 3, "bar", 5, "baz", 7, 11, 13} // ERROR: interface contains type constraints
firstValue := First(arrayOfIntsOrStrings, -1)
./prog.go:19:28: interface contains type constraints
Go build failed.

Generic function which appends two arrays

Not able to figure out how to convert interface{} returned from function into an array of structs
As part of some practise i was trying to create a function which can take 2 slices of some type and concatenates both and returns the slice.
The code can be found here -
type mystruct struct {
name string
value string
func appendarr(array1 interface{}, array2 interface{}) interface{} {
p := reflect.ValueOf(array1)
q := reflect.ValueOf(array2)
r := reflect.AppendSlice(p, q)
return reflect.ValueOf(r).Interface()
func main() {
array1 := []mystruct{
mystruct{"a1n1", "a1v1"},
mystruct{"a1n2", "a1v2"},
array2 := []mystruct{
mystruct{"a2n1", "a2v1"},
mystruct{"a2n2", "a2v2"},
arrayOp := appendarr(array1, array2)
fmt.Printf("arr: %#v\n", arrayOp) // this shows all the elements from array1 and 2
val := reflect.ValueOf(arrayOp)
fmt.Println(val) // output is <[]main.mystruct Value>
fmt.Println(val.Interface().([]mystruct)) // exception - interface {} is reflect.Value, not []main.mystruct
I may have slices of different types of structs. I want to concatenate them and access the elements individually.
If there is any other way of achieving the same, please do let me know.
reflect.Append() returns a value of type reflect.Value, so you don't have to (you shouldn't) pass that to reflect.ValueOf().
So simply change the return statement to:
return r.Interface()
With this it works and outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
arr: []main.mystruct{main.mystruct{name:"a1n1", value:"a1v1"}, main.mystruct{name:"a1n2", value:"a1v2"}, main.mystruct{name:"a2n1", value:"a2v1"}, main.mystruct{name:"a2n2", value:"a2v2"}}
[{a1n1 a1v1} {a1n2 a1v2} {a2n1 a2v1} {a2n2 a2v2}]
[{a1n1 a1v1} {a1n2 a1v2} {a2n1 a2v1} {a2n2 a2v2}]
You also don't need to do any reflection-kungfu on the result: it's your slice wrapped in interface{}. Wrapping it in reflect.Value and calling Value.Interface() on it is just a redundant cycle. You may simply do:
On a side note: you shouldn't create a "generic" append() function that uses reflection under the hood, as this functionality is available as a built-in function append(). The builtin function is generic, it gets help from the compiler so it provides the generic nature at compile-time. Whatever you come up with using reflection will be slower.

creating generic functions for multi type arrays in Go

I am trying to create a generic function that can handle actions on slices in Go... for instance, append an item of any type to a slice of that same type. This is simply a generic purpose for a more complex solution, but overall the issue boils down to this example:
package main
type car struct {
make string
color string
type submarine struct {
name string
length int
func genericAppender(thingList interface{}, thing interface{}) []interface{} {
return append(thingList, thing)
func main() {
cars := make([]car, 0, 10)
cars[0] = car{make: "ford", color: "red"}
cars[1] = car{make: "chevy", color: "blue"}
subs := make([]submarine, 0, 10)
subs[0] = submarine{name: "sally", length: 100}
subs[1] = submarine{name: "matilda", length: 200}
newCar := car{make: "bmw", color: "white"}
genericAppender(&cars, newCar)
The code playground is at this location
The above errors as follows:
prog.go:14: first argument to append must be slice; have interface {}
After this change you're still getting a runtime error (index out of range) however the problem is that thingList is not of type []interface{} but rather interface{} so you can't append to it. Here's an updated version of your code on playground that does a type assertion to convert it to an []interface{} in line with the append. In reality you need to do that on a separate line and check for errors.
So to put some code here;
func genericAppender(thingList interface{}, thing interface{}) []interface{} {
return append(thingList.([]interface{}), thing)
will solve the basic problem you're facing. As noted, you still get runtime errors when indexing into the slice. Also, you could change the argument to avoid this by making it;
func genericAppender(thingList []interface{}, thing interface{}) []interface{} {
return append(thingList, thing)
Here's a complete example of the second type;
Note I also corrected the runtime error. When you use make with 3 args they are, in this order, type, length, capacity. This means the length of the array is 0 so when you try to assign to indexes 0 and 1 it was causing a panic for IndexOutoFRange. Instead I removed the middle argument so it's make([]interface{}, 10) meaning the length is initially set to 10 so you can assign to those indexes.
In the answer above if you do the following then it throws error. This is what the original question was about:
//genericAppender(subs, newCar). // Throws "cannot use subs (type []submarine) as type []interface {} in argument to genericAppender"
The trick is to convert your slice of specific type into a generic []interface{}.
func convertToGeneric(thingList interface{}) []interface{} {
input := reflect.ValueOf(thingList)
length := input.Len()
out := make([]interface{},length)
for i:=0 ;i < length; i++ {
out[i] = input.Index(i).Interface()
return out
This you can call the function like this:
genericAppender(convertToGeneric(subs), newCar)
You can check modified working code here:
With Go 1.19 (Q4 2022), no need for interface, or "convert your slice of specific type into a generic []interface{}"
CL 363434 comes with a new slices packages:
// Package slices defines various functions useful with slices of any type.
// Unless otherwise specified, these functions all apply to the elements
// of a slice at index 0 <= i < len(s).
package slices
import "constraints"
// Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
// another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended
// to the slice without another allocation. If n is negative or too large to
// allocate the memory, Grow panics.
func Grow[S ~[]T, T any](s S, n int) S {
return append(s, make(S, n)...)[:len(s)]
// Equal reports whether two slices are equal: the same length and all
// elements equal. If the lengths are different, Equal returns false.
// Otherwise, the elements are compared in index order, and the
// comparison stops at the first unequal pair.
// Floating point NaNs are not considered equal.
func Equal[T comparable](s1, s2 []T) bool {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
return false
for i, v1 := range s1 {
v2 := s2[i]
if v1 != v2 {
return false
return true
// ...
Ian Lance Taylor confirms in issue 45955:
This package is now available at
Per this thread, it will not be put into standard library until the 1.19 release.
We may of course adjust it based on anything we learn about having it in x/exp.

How to create a literal slice of an alias to a builtin type in Go

I have some golang code that manipulates slices of an interface type (Comparable). To test my code, I want to create some fake data and operate on it. However, I'm having trouble doing this in a way that is not incredibly tedious. The only thing I can think to do is create a new type for testing (in this case an alias of type int) that satisfies the Comparable interface, and then feed my tests literal slices of that type. I envision it looking something like the following:
type Comparable interface {
LT(Comparable) bool
AsFloat() float64
type testInt int
func (self testInt) LT(other Comparable) bool {
return float64(self) < other.AsFloat()
func (self testInt) AsFloat() float64 {
return float64(self)
func TestAFunction(t *testing.T) {
FunctionToTest([]Comparable{7, 4, 2, 1})
However, with this example, the compiler will complain that type int cannot be used as a Comparable. I understand why this is happening, but I'm not sure how to solve it. First, I don't know how to create a literal of type testInt. Second, I have to write a significant number of these functions. Working with literal ints is far more convenient for my purposes.
Is there a way to work with type aliases of builtin types such that the compiler can correctly infer the correct type of literals with a minimum of code?
Additionally, is there perhaps a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, i.e., generate hard data that satisfies an interface for use in testing?
func NewWhatevers(a (r []Whatever) {
r = make([]Whatever, len(a))
for i, v := range a {
r[i] = Whatever(v)
myWhatevers := NewWhatevers(7, 4, 2, 1)
There are a number of ways to accomplish this. The problem, as you correctly state, is that the Go compiler cannot automatically convert int to Comparable (since doing so would require finding all possible equivalent types, and figuring out which of those equivalent types satisfy the Comparable interface, and then if there are more than one... you get the idea). Thus, you'll have to do one of two things:
Write an explicit type conversion:
FunctionToTest([]Comparable{ testInt(7), testInt(4), testInt(2), testInt(1) })
However, if you need a lot of literals, this could get really annoying. Thus, you could also:
Write a function to convert []int to []Comparable:
func intToComparable(i []int) []Comparable {
c := make([]Comparable, len(i))
for i, v := range i {
c[i] = testInt(v)
return c
and then you'd only have to do:
FunctionToTest(intToComparable([]int{ 7, 4, 2, 1 }))
Additionally, is there perhaps a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, i.e., generate hard data that satisfies an interface for use in testing?
Maybe. The problem you encountered is that []Comparable and []testInt are fundamentally different and cannot be exchanged as the underlying representation in memory is different.
If your code is less about individual item which are Comparable but more about slices of items which can be compared than you could refactor your code to work on whole Slices.
Have a look at how package sort does this: It doesn't operate on a slice of comparables but on a "comparable slice".
// FloatOrder is a slice with comparable and float-convertible elements
type FloatOrder interface {
Less(i, j int) bool // Compare element i and j and return true first is less than the other
Float(i int) float64 // Return element i as a float64
type testInts []int
func (n testInts) Less(i, j int) bool {return n[i] < n[j]}
func (n testInts) Float(i int) float64 { return float64(n[i]) }
func FunctionTotest(fo FloatOrder) { ... }
func TestAFunction(t *testing.T) {
(Completely untested, illustration-only code)

Variadic generic arguments in Go [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Generic variadic argument in Go?
(3 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
Let's say I want to make the equivalent of the JavaScript Array.splice function in Go, for Slices. I have the following code:
func splice(slice []int, index, amount int, elements []int {
newslice := make([]int, 0)
for i := 0; i < index; i++ {
newslice = append(newslice, slice[i])
for i := index + amount; i < len(slice); i++ {
newslice = append(newslice, slice[i])
for _, el := range elements {
newslice = append(newslice, el)
return newslice
This example will work, but only for arguments of type int. I want to make it generic, and I know that I should give the variadic argument elements the type interface{}, but how do I create a new slice with the type of that interface from inside the function?
In other words, how can I specify the type of the slice dynamically depending on the type of the arguments in the first line of the function, where newslice is created?
Using reflection
If you really want to do generic stuff, reflection is the ultimate answer.
See the MakeSlice documentation
in the reflection package for details on your problem.
You just need to retrieve the type of the incoming slice (using TypeOf(...))
and applying MakeSlice correctly.
Example of using reflection to create a slice:
y := []int{1,2,3}
t := reflect.TypeOf(y)
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(t, 0, 10)
slice = reflect.Append(slice, reflect.ValueOf(2))
Run it here.
Using []interface{}
Another way to work with, is []interface{}, which can store any value
but may lead to runtime panics as you omit compiler type checking completely
(this is a bad thing).
Here is an example for using []interface{}
as storage for arbitrary values. With this you don't need to know the type in
your splice implementation, you just splice and use []interface{} for new slices.
This method has the drawback, that you can't convert some slice to []interface{} easily. You have to copy it manually, as described in posts before.
Regardless of which version you use, you will never get back type safety without
knowing the type and converting it back manually. There's no such thing in Go
which will do that for you. That means, that you'll have something like this
in your code to regain type safety:
x := []int{1,2,3,4}
y := splice(x, ...)
yn := []int(y)
Instead of emulating JavaScript in Go (why ???) I would like to suggest to compose simmilar required operations from the building blocks of SliceTricks.
They are:
Completely type agnostic (think "generics" for free).
Quite probably pretty faster compared to packing/unpacking whatsoever in/from a []interface{}.
