Joomla frontend publishing options not shown correctly - joomla

I am creating a Joomla template with the use of Bootstrap.
When editing at the frontend, some options are not shown correctly.
For example: the options under 'Categorie'.
Login using name: test password: user
Edit page (arrow down menu) and go to publishing
I am not able to find a solution, hopefully someone can help me.

Add the following rows to your CSS:
.chzn-container {
width: 100%!important;
or with fixed width:
.chzn-container {
width: 200px!important;


Adding SASS modules to Netlify CMS custom preview breaks Gatsby

The project works without issues with SASS modules.
Trying to use SASS inside src/cms/cms.js for the purposes of customizing the CMS admin preview panel breaks the project.
Using regular CSS or CSS modules works without any problem for the admin preview panel.
I've checked for this issue on GitHub, the Netlify CMS forums and documentation, Stack Overflow, and everywhere that Google has led me.
Describe the bug
My project uses Netlify CMS and Gatsby. I have no issues with SASS when working on the project. The issue only comes up when I try to use SASS inside components that I want to use as custom preview with CMS.registerPreviewTemplate() for the CMS Admin panel at http://localhost:8000/admin/.
I've setup up everything without any issues and there are no problems when I use CSS modules.
The problem is that my project uses SASS and when I just rename import * as styles from PreviewTesting.module.css to import * as styles from './PreviewTesting.module.scss' inside PreviewTesting.jsx I get this error:
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error 6:03:26 PM
error in ./src/templates/previewTesting/PreviewTesting.module.scss
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
> .previewTestingDescription {
| background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow;
| font-family: 'Montserrat-Regular', sans-serif;
Also, just adding import '../styles/global.scss' inside the src/cms/cms.js file causes the same error that prevents the build from happening.
I've tried updating and downgrading any package I could think of and this did not help. I've also tried to register the files as preview styles with CMS.registerPreviewStyle(file); and I've tried Raw CSS with None of these solved the issue.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior. For example:
Create a React component.
Import a SASS module component into the React component.
Register that component as a preview component with CMS.registerPreviewTemplate('name', PreviewTesting) inside src/cms/cms.js
An alternative way to reproduce:
Add import '../styles/global.scss' inside the src/cms/cms.js. global.scss hold regular SASS things like imports for fonts, variable and other such things.
Expected behavior
The project should run and apply the CSS styling to the preview panel at http://localhost:8000/admin/
Applicable Versions:
"gatsby": "^4.9.0"
"gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms": "6.25.0"
"gatsby-plugin-sass": "5.25.0"
"netlify-cms-app": "^2.15.72"
"sass": "1.49.9"
"gatsby": "^4.9.0" (updated to the latest version "4.25.1")
Node.JS version:
Did not work on v16, updated to v18.12.1, still does not work.
CMS configuration
- name: "name"
label: "names"
label_singular: "name"
description: >
create: true
slug: "{{category}}-{{slug}}"
- { name: title, label: Title }
- { name: subtitle, label: Subtitle, required: false }
Additional context
Any help would be very appreciated.
A friend of mine provided me with a solution:
The plugin order in gatsby-config.js actually matters in this case. gatsby-plugin-sass must come before gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms
The plugin segment in gatsby-config.js should look like this:
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-sass',
options: {
additionalData: '#use "/src/styles/global" as *;',
sassOptions: {
includePaths: ['src/styles'],
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms',
options: {
modulePath: `${__dirname}/src/cms/cms.js`,

Vuetify (Vue + Laravel) Navigation bar active link is not set after a router push

I have a quite simple problem but I can't solve it. I used a navigation drawer with a v-list-item-group and the navigation is functioning fine. Just when I use router-link or a this.$router.push() the active link is not changing and stays at the previous site.
For example. When the current site is home and a link from there leading to documentations don't rerender the active-link of the documentations tab and stays on home. If I click it directly in the navigation-bar the active links are set just fine.
I tried following things:
name: "documentations",
params: { id: user_id}
name: "documentations",
params: { id: user_id}
A router link in template with the options exact and exact-path:
<router-link :to="{ name: 'documentations', params: { userId:}}">
Does someone experienced a similiar problem? Did I oversee something crucial?
with a v-list-item-group
v-list-item-group is not supposed to be used with navigation, it's for making selectable lists like this:
If you just use v-list + v-list-item it should work.

How can I disable the Preview button while in Source Mode with CKEditor 4?

We are using the latest version 4.7.3 of CKEditor (Full) available from nuget. We've tried a number of suggested solutions to disable the Preview toolbar button while in Source Mode, but could not get it to work. There are cases when there are more than one editor on a page, and they are added as user controls (.ascx) due to some unrelated logic. For example we've tried the below:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (instance) {
instance.editor.addCommand('preview', {
modes: { wysiwyg: 1, source: 0 }
We configure the toolbar buttons via config.js.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {
config.toolbar_CMToolbar =
{ name: 'sourcedialog', items: ['Source', '-', 'Preview'] }
The reason we need this is to avoid a security issue when malicious script has been added while in Source Mode and the Preview was immediately requested, causing javascript to execute. Ordinarily the wysiwyg mode would clean this up and the malicious scripts would have been validated.
Below is the sample script that triggers the issue, for reference. (include everything from double-quote to tag close)
"><img src=x onerror=alert(7)>
Granted this is just evading the main issue rather than fixing it, but this workaround would be handled quicker.
Hoping to hear suggestions on how to correct this. Thanks!
You can change properties of commands like this:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(evt) {
evt.editor.commands.preview.modes.source = 0;

Add-on sdk : Message passing from contentscript to panel

How can I emit an event from content script to panel add-on script and vice versa? And how can I dynamically update the panel content. Please help. An example in this regard will be greatly helpful for beginners. The basic example given here is not working the example is:
var panel = require("panel").Panel({
contentScript: "self.port.emit('showing', 'panel is showing');"
panel.port.on("showing", function(text) {
Nothing is shown in console
This example is given in Add-on SDK tutorial but still it is not working. Any one please Help?
That example works for me. I see the panel and I see the console.log messages.

lotusSpellChecker and ckeditor Xpages?

I'd like to activate the spellcheck plugin in CKEditor but it seems that IBM has disabled the native plugin.
Looking at the config.js in the data\domino\html\ckeditor directory on the Domino server I see this code describing a plugin called lotusSpellChecker but enabling this plugin doesn't seem to do anything.
config.lotusSpellChecker = {
highlight: { element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : 'yellow', 'color' : 'black' } },
preventCache: true
Does anybody know how to activate this plugin and why the native one has been disabled?
I've only successfully activated the built-in spell checker by downloading the latest CKEditor release, copying it to the server and using that on an Xpage. See my post on the XPage forum for details:
I've tried activating it in the default CKEditor installation but couldn't get it to work.
I can't make an official statement as to why it is disabled, but it is most likely for licensing reasons.
CKEditor uses Web Spell Checker. Details are here.
The plugin can be activated by making some changes to the config.js file located in the ckeditor folder. Uncomment the folowing block:
//Example Lotus Spell Checker config.
config.extraPlugins += ',lotusspellchecker';
config.lotusSpellChecker = {
highlight: { element : 'span', styles : { 'background-color' : 'yellow', 'color' : 'black' } },
preventCache: true
Note: you need to provide the restUrl of whatever spell checking service you are going to use. Instructions here only solve the "how to activate plugin" question.
You also need to provide some Dojo properties in your rich text control:
This one adds the spell check button (LotusSpellChecker) to the toolbar.
Property name: toolbar
Property value: var myToolbar = "[['Format', 'Font','FontSize'], \n"
+"['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','TextColor','BGColor','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','NumberedList','BulletedList'], \n"
+"['Indent','Outdent'], \n"
+"['Subscript','Superscript'], \n"
+"['RemoveFormat', '-','MenuPaste','-','Undo','Redo','Find','LotusSpellChecker','-','Image','Table','Link','Flash','-','PageBreak','HorizontalRule','SpecialChar','Blockquote','Smiley','ShowBlocks'], \n"
+"['BidiLtr','BidiRtl'], \n"
return myToolbar;
This one activates the plugin.
Property name: extraPlugins
Property value: lotusspellchecker
This is what you get:
Domino 9.0.1 FP2 adds spell checker functionality through the default CKEditor toolbar and through the 'IbmSpellChecker" toolbar button.
I have an update on this. SPR PHAN8R2GRE is created to look at including this functionality in a later release. In case you need to add a customer report to it.
All modern browsers come with spell checking capabilities which should activate for you on the field.
