How to use Jest to test React rendered async data? - ajax

I am using React for render and Jest/Jasmine for test. I have test written using old Jest/Jasmine waitsFor and runs but these are gone now in Jasmine 2 and I am not sure how to replace with new done asyncs.
In my code React renders a small page about a user. That page has an AJAX call to fetch user posts. I want to test that user posts have come back nice, and waitsFor was very, very good at this: wait until user has some post, then continue.
I looked online at lots of people talking about using AJAX calls inside Jest test which is not what I want. My Jest test has no idea about AJAX call being made, so I need a way to wait until results come back.
Here is my current code with waitsFor and runs:
it('loads user post', () => {
var page = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<UserPage params={{user: 'fizzbuzz', 'pass': 'xxx'}} />
waitsFor(() => {
return page.state.posts.length > 0;
}, "post loaded", 10000);
runs(() => {
var posts = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(page, 'post');
How can I delete the waitsFor and runs and replace with Jasmine 2.0 code that works? All Jest test knows is that page.state.posts.length must be greater than 0 before expecting anything.

You should refactor this test into two unit tests that will provide a more rigorous testing of your code. It would make the tests more independent of one another and help identify errors in a more refined scope. These won't be exact as I do not know what your code is like, but here's something along the lines I would expect to see: -
it('generates the expected properties for a page', function () {
var page = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<UserPage params={{user: 'fizzbuzz', 'pass': 'xxx'}} />
it('generates the correct number of posts from a given page object', function () {
var fakePage = {
// put your fake mock data here that TestUtils expects
var posts = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(fakePage, 'post');
I am not too sure what is happening in your renderIntoDocument function so the top test may be a little broken... It looks like there is either too much going on inside the function, or you need to test the calls that function is making instead. If you elaborate on what it does I'll edit the answer.


Protractor does not perceive a quick change

This is my protractor test:
it("should check email validity", function(){
var resetButton = element('reset-button'));
element.all(by.css('.form-control-error')).each(function (elem, index) {
if (index===1) {
Behind that code there is a form with some input texts. The second one includes the email.form-control-erroris an error message which appears whenever the email format is not correct. The first time expect(elem.isPresent()).toBe(true);passes the test, the second time it does not, even if the error message disappears from the UI. It seems that Protractor does not perceive the fast change; however, it should because it is inside a promise. Do you have any explanation for that?
You should make things more reliable by adding a wait for the element to become not present ("stale") after sending the keys:
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.stalenessOf(elem), 5000);

Protractor - select element in repeater after $http call

I'm starting out on protractor testing of my sails.js / AngularJS app. Simplified, I have a following kind of ng-repeat in my HTML:
<div ng-repeat="book in books">
My test clicks a button that sends a $http POST call to the server, creating another book, and upon success, adds another book to $scope.books. The problem is that the test fails since the book hasn't been created yet when the test checks for its existence. I know my locator/filter works since when running the test again (= the book exists before sending the call) the test succeeds.
filter(function(elem) {return elem.isDisplayed();}).
browser.sleep(500); // even this doesn't work :(
element.all(by.repeater('book in books')).filter(function(elem, index) {
return elem.getText().then(function(text) {
return text === "nameOfBook";
.then(function(books) {
So far the answers I've run into seem to suggest that protractor should automatically wait for the $http call to be finished before continuing, but in my case it doesn't seem to be so.
I even tried sleep times of 4000ms or so in which I can already see the new element in the repeater, but the test still sees the books[0] as undefined. The works when running the test again so the problem should not be in the filter but somewhere else.
Any insights on the matter?
You can explicitly wait for the new book name to be present in the DOM:
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var elm = element(by.xpath("//div[. = 'nameOfBook']"));
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(elm), 10000);
You can also wait for the count of elements in a repeater to increase:
var countOfElementsToBe = function(elms, expectedValue) {
return elms.count().then(function (actualValue) {
return expectedValue === actualValue;
var books = element.all(by.repeater('book in books'));
books.count().then(function (booksCount) {
browser.wait(countOfElementsToBe(books, booksCount + 1), 10000);
(not tested)

Protractor : How to wait for page complete after click a button?

In a test spec, I need to click a button on a web page, and wait for the new page completely loaded.
// ...Here need to wait for page complete... How?
expect(ptor.getCurrentUrl()).toEqual(url + 'abc#/efg');
Depending on what you want to do, you can try:
or {
// do some stuff
to solve the promise. It would be better if you can do that in the beforeEach.
NB: I noticed that the expect() waits for the promise inside (i.e. getCurrentUrl) to be solved before comparing.
I just had a look at the source - Protractor is waiting for Angular only in a few cases (like when element.all is invoked, or setting / getting location).
So Protractor won't wait for Angular to stabilise after every command.
Also, it looks like sometimes in my tests I had a race between Angular digest cycle and click event, so sometimes I have to do:;
using sleep to wait for execution to enter AngularJS context (triggered by click event).
You don't need to wait. Protractor automatically waits for angular to be ready and then it executes the next step in the control flow.
With Protractor, you can use the following approach
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Wait for new page url to contain newPageName
browser.wait(EC.urlContains('newPageName'), 10000);
So your code will look something like,
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Wait for new page url to contain efg
ptor.wait(EC.urlContains('efg'), 10000);
expect(ptor.getCurrentUrl()).toEqual(url + 'abc#/efg');
Note: This may not mean that new page has finished loading and DOM is ready. The subsequent 'expect()' statement will ensure Protractor waits for DOM to be available for test.
Reference: Protractor ExpectedConditions
In this case, you can used:
Page Object:
waitForURLContain(urlExpected: string, timeout: number) {
try {
const condition = browser.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(condition.urlContains(urlExpected), timeout);
} catch (e) {
console.error('URL not contain text.', e);
Page Test:
page.waitForURLContain('abc#/efg', 30000);
I typically just add something to the control flow, i.e.:
it('should navigate to the logfile page when attempting ' +
'to access the user login page, after logging in', function() {
function login() {
// Adding this to the control flow will ensure the resulting page is loaded before moving on
Use this I think it's better
For you to use this setting of isAngularSite should put this in your protractor.conf.js here:
global.isAngularSite = function(flag) {
browser.ignoreSynchronization = !flag;
to wait until the click itself is complete (ie to resolve the Promise), use await keyword
it('test case 1', async () => {
This will stop the command queue until the click (sendKeys, sleep or any other command) is finished
If you're lucky and you're on angular page that is built well and doesn't have micro and macro tasks pending then Protractor should wait by itself until the page is ready. But sometimes you need to handle waiting yourself, for example when logging in through a page that is not Angular (read how to find out if page has pending tasks and how to work with non angular pages)
In the case you're handling the waiting manually, browser.wait is the way to go. Just pass a function to it that would have a condition which to wait for. For example wait until there is no loading animation on the page
let $animation = $$('.loading');
await browser.wait(
async () => (await animation.count()) === 0, // function; if returns true it stops waiting; can wait for anything in the world if you get creative with it
5000, // timeout
`message on timeout`
Make sure to use await
you can do something like this
browser.waitForAngular(); { Do Something });
to solve the promise.

Issues with angular $watch and retrieving data from database

I'm a novice programming trying to put together a web application with Angular, node.js, and the graph database neo4j.
I would like to load content from my database dynamically based on the user selecting (or rejecting) terms (clicking buttons). Every time a button is clicked the relevant term is added to an array (either exclude or include). The idea is a new call to the database would be made each time a new term is selected.
I'm stuck right now on how to go about making calls to the database to retrieve the content. I'm trying to watch the arrays for changes using $watch. Something is going wrong and I'm having issues troubleshooting the problem.
Here is the controller code:
angular.module('myApp.controllers', []).
controller('content',function($scope,$http, queryTerms, $watch){
//watch arrays of terms for changes and fetch results based on what is selected
$watch(function() { return angular.toJson( [ queryTerms.includedTerms, queryTerms.excludedTerms ] ) },
function() {
params: {includeTerms:queryTerms.includedTerms , excludeTerms:queryTerms.excludedTerms}
//feed content data to display for viewing
$scope.test = "Error :("
I'm getting the following error when I use $watch:
Error: Unknown provider: $watchProvider <- $watch
Is this a terrible stupid way to go about this in general? Any advice would be greatly appreciated- I'm learning as I'm going and so far the advice I've gotten on here has be amazing. Thanks!
Use $scope.$watch instead.
controller('content', function ($scope, $http, queryTerms) {
$scope.$watch(function () {
return angular.toJson([queryTerms.includedTerms, queryTerms.excludedTerms])

Run multiple specs using jasmine and jstestdriver

I have written multiple spec files for unit testing various modules on the webpage. If i run them individually, one at a time they work fine. But when i try to run all the files in a sequence, only the first file in the spec folder works while all other tests fail. Any help would be appreciated.
Every spec file loads a static page using requirejs and renders them on the page. Once the page is rendered i check whether the title, text etc is proper or not. The spec files looks like this.
require(["views/About", "nls/messages"], function (About, messages) {
var temp = new About();
describe("Test for About Page", function () {
it("Check For About Title", function () {
var aboutTitleText = $('.eight.columns h2').text();
require(["views/Footer", "nls/messages"], function (Footer, messages) {
var temp = new Footer();
describe("Test for Footer Page", function () {
it("Check For Footer Content", function () {
var footerText = $('.five.columns h2').text();
- jasmine/lib/jasmine-1.3.1/jasmine.js
- jasmine/lib/adapter/JasmineAdapter.js
- js-src/javaScript/require.js
- js-src/javaScript/default.js
- js-test/AboutSpec.js
- js-test/FooterSpec.js
When i run this setup, the About page does not render. Only the Footer page renders due to which all the test cases of about page fails.
We're facing the exact same problem, and I've spent--how many hours, now? Oh yeah, too many!-- trying to solve this problem.
Today I discovered Karma, a JsTD replacement from Google which runs every test in a fresh iframe. It also integrates with Jenkins. I'm in the process of installing it now and will report back on how it went.
