Bulk TFS Migration - visual-studio

I have downloaded 30+ TFS projects (containing close to 100 cs projects) from my Team Services (was TFS Online). I have modified many of those cs projects and would now like to check the changes into a different Team Services repository. Is there an easy way to do this in bulk?
I know I can add the "files" to new Team Services repository through source control explorer, however, that appears to screw up the nuget package restore when they are downloaded. The only way I have found that the nuget package restore works is if I open each project, disconnect it from source control, and change the source control on the open project and check it in.

You can use TFS Integration Tool to achieve Visual Studio Online migration (VSO-To-VSO)
Detail steps please see my answer in this question: Move Team Project to another Project Collection TFS 2013 (Just need to change the TFS to VSO)


Unsupported pending change error when moving folder

I am trying to move a folder in TFS 2010. After coming to grips with the fact that TFS can't do this without losing the folder's history (see this question and users' responses to Microsoft), I tried the following TF.EXE command:
tf rename Apps "Test Main\Apps"
But I get an error message.
TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted on team project folder $/Apps. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer to create a project or the Team Project deletion tool to delete one.
The Apps folder does not appear to have any pending changes but I tried some other folders for good measure and got the same result.
I do not want to create or delete any Team projects. What am I missing?
$/Apps is not a folder, it is the root of a team project. Think of it as "C:\". You can create folders underneath it, but it's a special entity with its own set of rules.
So, what does this mean for what you're trying to do? It looks like your goal is to rename the team project. Unfortunately, TFS 2010 does not support renaming team projects, although TFS 2015 and beyond do.
If you want to rename the "Apps" team project, you will have to upgrade to a modern version of TFS, but at a minimum TFS 2015.
Otherwise, you will have to manually create a new team project with your desired name and check in the source code. You won't be able to move it from within the source control explorer.
However, keep in mind that there is more to a team project than just source code -- any work items or build definitions will not transfer to the new team project, and there is not a mechanism for moving them.
So, your options are:
Live with the name
Upgrade to TFS 2015 or beyond (ideally the most recent version, of course)
Create a new team project

Not Working: Add a Project to Team Foundation Server 2012 using Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to add new projects to the Team Foundation Server and every way I have tried to add them has failed. We are running TFS 2012 Version: 11.0.50727.1 (RTM) and I am running Visual Studio 2015. I am a member of the Administrators Group.
I have tried at least 3 ways that MS support says how to do it on the website and none of them have worked:
I have tried to add it through Visual Studio
I have tried to add it through the Team Foundation Server Administration Console on the Server.
I have tried to add it through the TFS Web Management Portal.
When I try to add it through Visual Studio, I get an error when trying to check it in. It shows on the Source Control Explorer with a pending change of 'Add'. Here is a screenshot of the team explorer and output:
Since the message tells me to add it to the server, I opened the TFS Server Admin Console and When I go into the Team Projects Tab under Team Project Collections, it lists the existing projects, however, there is no way to add a new project. Here is a screenshot of the Admin Console:
There is only a help icon with a link on How to add a Team Project, although like with most MS help articles, it is useless. It provides information about how to do it on the web. So I tried it. I accessed the web portal for our TFS server and there isn't any option to add a project there either. When I go in to the "View the collection administration page" It tells me "Not all Collection level administration is exposed in the web experience. For all administration operations at the collection level please use the Administration Console on your Team Foundation Server.". Here is a screenshot of the online portal:
Can someone please help me with this issue? How can I add the projects to the Team Foundation Server?
I figured out how to Add the projects to the Team Foundation Server using Visual Studio 2015. It is very simple and can be done right from the File Menu in Visual Studio.
First open Visual Studio 2015. (I am not sure if it works the same in other versions.)
Go to File -> New -> Team Project...
The New Team Project Wizard will popup where you can then enter the project name and project description.
Then you can choose the template type and whether you will be using TFS Version Control or Git Distributed Version Control.
Once you click Finish, the Project will be added to TFS.
You can then add the files to the workspace folder on your dev machine.
Then you can check the files into TFS using the Team Explorer. *Note: First, you may need to add the files to the project by going to the Solution Control Explorer and right clicking on the newly created project and selecting Add Items to Folder. From there you can add the files then check them in using the Team Explorer.
Please clarify you want to create a code project/solution and add it to a TeamProject, or you want to create a TeamProject. TeamProject and code project/solution are different.
If you want to create a new TeamProject, according to Client compatibility, TFS 2012 supports VS 2015 RTM or latest update. Check your VS 2015 edition and re-try to create a TeamProject.
If you want to add a code project/solution to a TeamProject, you'll have to connect a TeamProject first and create a workspace, then perform a check-in: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/tfvc/set-up-team-foundation-version-control-your-dev-machine
Last, try to clean the Cache folder on your dev computer. The folder path is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache.
If none of above works, try on another dev machine to see whether you can reproduce this issue.

visualstudio reference one project in many solutions located in different TFS

I have my own TFS (visual studio online) and work TFS. In my TFS located my own projects and, in particular, the project with useful utilities. I want to connect it to the work TFS solution, but keep getting an error, which essentially boils down to the fact that you can not connect a project in more than one TFS. Can I achieve the desired result?
No you cannot use multiple Team Foundation Server instances at one time. When you switch a project, you switch to the TFS server that it's stored in.
The recommended way to share utility code like you're talking about is by sharing only the binaries. This can be done using NuGet. You can setup your own NuGet repository and then let your utility project publish to your NuGet server. Other projects can include your NuGet packages just as you use external packages.
You can find a great overview of what NuGet can do here.

Disable TFS support for a Visual Studio 2010 project/solution

I inherited a project at my new company that used to connect to a TFS server. Now I only have the zip of the source/solution which I have dumped into my Kiln (mercurial) repo.
The issue I am having is every time I open the solution I see this prompt
"Please provide credentials to connect to team foundation server"
If I hit cancel I see this...
Any ideas as to how to avoid this every time I open the solution?
You need to remove the binding to TFS from the inside your projects.
In Visual studio, with the projects loaded, open the file menu->source control->change source control->Unbind for all the projects.
This will remove a section of xml from your .csproj (or whatever type).
Save your projects and you should be free of TFS.

Project management with Visual Studio, without TFS?

Can I have some basic project management in Visual Studion without TFS or is TFS what I need?
Basically I like to get a list with my projects, last edited dates, and if possible project tags (customer for example), and when selecting one VS should load it. From the right repository (Mercurial/Git/Svn). I can move my project to some repo host if they have this solution (Addon).
At the moment I handle the projecs manually with Windows standard folders + SVN/Hg in folder context menu, and thats a headache.
Thank you
As far as I know Visual Studio doesn't support that functionality natively.
TFS isn't my forte but I know it comes with MSDN subscriptions and the retail version is around $500 if that is the path you are interested in. If you do go the TFS route you have an option to use TFS Basic during install which is a greatly simplified install of TFS that can even use SQL Express.
You can check out pricing and download the trial from here if you want more info:
