Kendo upload change color when hover with file - kendo-upload

I'm using the Kendo Upload-control to upload files.
When I hover over the button, it changes color.
How can I achieve the same thing, when I hover over the button while dragging a file to it?

You can hook on dragenter and dragleave jQuery events of the upload input element and change the color of the button as for example it is done in this dojo page.


Change the button color by onclick event using Animations in Xamarin.forms

I want to change the color of the button when a user clicks on it,the click event is bindable i.e., implemented in ViewModel....when the user clicks on the button some kind of animation has to be done so that the user can know his selection
There is a possibility to this by binding the button color and in the method I can change the colours..But I want to achieve it using Animations(FadeTo,FadeIn) from ViewModel
Is It possible to do like this??
Thank You

clickable link inside rich:tooltip

I have a data table, and on one of the columns, i have tooltip for specific information about the specific rows, now i am trying to place a link inside the tooltip, and that should be clickable (which should navigate to another page),
so here i am unable to click the link inside the tooltip, because when we try to move mouse inside tooltip the tooltip also moving,
and i want the tooltip to be displayed on mouseover as usual and also when i click a specific row that tooltip should stay there and it should allow me to click that link.
can some one help me out for this?
You should set the followMouse attribute to false

HorizontalFieldManager animation in Blackberry

Can I animate the HorizontalFieldManager in Blackberry?
I have a button in the bottom bar of the screen, and there is an array of images which display in a horizontal layout above the button.
When I click on the button, there should be a slide-in slide-out effect and the images appear one after the other.
Can anyone suggest me any tutorial or link for this?
I think the working approach will be in implementing your own custom bitmap field and placing it above the button, you want to press. When button is pressed, then intercept this event and update contents of your custom bitmap field.
Here is an example, how to create a custom field with RIM SDK.

How to make image visible in Blackberry when button is pressed?

I want to show image when button is pressed on main screen in blackberry, How can I do this?
Simply I have a button, when I do press it, the data is loading from xml, and I want to show that data is loading, how can I do this, I have image(having text on it).
You can add that image in a vertical field manageer and add the vertical field manager to the screen on the button click. that's it..

Mouse hover event in MVC

I am working in MVC and I want to show my data in an asp GridView and I also want to change the row backcolor whenever mouse hover that particular row. Please let me know how can I do that.
Thanks in advance,
Use Javascript (JQUERY!) and have an on hover event for the row. So when hovered over, you switch the previously highlighted row go back to normal and change the colour of the current row.
You could easily do it with Jquery and by having a row css class and a highlighted row css class.
