Q: AutomationId not getting set on Android with Forms - xamarin

I have a suite of UITest for our Xamarin Forms project. All of the AutomationId's are present in the XAML file and work fine on the iOS project. However when running the tests on Android the AutomationId is not there which is causing my tests to fail.
I've doubled checked using REPL and tree to inspect each view for it's Id's

Are you initializing the AutomationId's in the OnCreate of the MainActivity in the Android native project?
After the Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init (this, bundle); :
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.ViewInitialized += (object sender, Xamarin.Forms.ViewInitializedEventArgs e) => {
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (e.View.AutomationId)) {
e.NativeView.ContentDescription = e.View.AutomationId;

In android app build using Xamarin Forms, the automation id is converted to cont-desc. You can use cont-desc for your test.

There is no automationId itself visible in REPL, but only label or id with the value equal to that set on the automationId, so you should just use Marked passing in the value.


Xamarin WebView sometimes doesn't show in UWP

I have a WebView that shows the terms and conditions when the user starts the app. That WebView contains a few links. Currently, I have the terms and conditions as a html file that I store in resources.
In the code-behind I fill the WebView via:
public partial class Agb : ContentPage
public Agb()
BindingContext = new ViewModel.AgbViewModel();
Web.Source = new HtmlWebViewSource
Html = Properties.Resources.Agb
Web.Navigating += WebViewNavigating;
Most of the time this works well. On UWP this WebView sometimes fails to show. It always shows on my own computer but randomly fails in production.
Is there anything I can do to get the WebView to work reliably?
Option 1:
I've made a pull request to fix this bug in Xamarin.Forms, so simply update Xamarin.Forms to a version, where it will be merged.
However, while the fix is not yet there and while the fix may not be available for earlier versions of Xamarin.Forms before 4.4.0, here's how to fix it in your project:
Option 2
Add the WebViewRenderer_fix.cs file to your project. This file is based on v4.4.0, but if you see build errors, you may need to apply the fix yourself to earlier version of this file.
And don't forget to register it as a custom renderer for your WebView
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(WebView), typeof(WebViewRenderer_fix))]

Xamarin.Forms targeting macOS

I am using Visual Studio for Mac 7.6.6 to create a Xamarin.Forms app targeting macOS (to be shared with something running on Windows). I create a new Project and select
Multiplatform App | Blank Forms App. Click Next
Configure your Blank Forms App. There are target platforms: Android and iOS.
(There is nothing for macOS). Since I have not installed the build toolkits for either iOS and android, both of these checkboxes are disabled. Therefore the Next button on this wizard page is disabled.
How do I proceed? I assume there is no way to use the New Project wizard for this.
I came across an old post for starting with a Xamarin Cocoa app and using NuGet to put the Xamarin Forms functionality but don't understand the code
LoadApplication(new App()); // <-- don't know what App is
I suspect the VS Mac and Xamarin.Forms are out of sync being on the bleeding edge. Has anyone gotten this to work?
I would suggest following SushiHangover's suggestion since that is simpler which is what you have done already:
Add a new CocoaApp project to your solution.
Install Xamarin.Forms NuGet package into your CocoaApp.
Reference the shared project or .NET Standard project from your CocoaApp project.
Edit info.plist and remove the source entry (NSMainStoryboardFile).
Change the AppDelegate to derive from Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS.FormsApplicationDelegate.
Update Main.cs to initialize the AppDelegate
In the AppDelegate's DidFinishLaunching add the code to initialize Xamarin.Forms.
Create a new NSWindow which should be returned from the MainWindow property in the AppDelegate.
static class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = new AppDelegate();
public class AppDelegate : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS.FormsApplicationDelegate
NSWindow window;
public AppDelegate()
var style = NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled;
var rect = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(200, 1000, 1024, 768);
window = new NSWindow(rect, style, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false);
window.Title = "Xamarin.Forms on Mac!";
window.TitleVisibility = NSWindowTitleVisibility.Hidden;
public override NSWindow MainWindow
get { return window; }
public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
LoadApplication(new App());
public override void WillTerminate(NSNotification notification)
// Insert code here to tear down your application
However Visual Studio for Mac does include a Mac project with the Xamarin.Forms project templates. However it does not expose this in the New Project dialog currently. You can create a Mac Forms project from this template but it is a bit more work than what SushiHangover suggested and you have used.
Install the Xamarin.Forms project template into the .NET Core project templates
dotnet new --install "/Applications/Visual Studio.app/Contents/Resources/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/Xamarin.Forms.Addin/Templates/Xamarin.Templates.Multiplatform.0.0.1.nupkg"
Create a new Forms project including the Mac project (you may want to review and set other template parameters - the following creates a blank Forms app with Android, iOS, Mac, UWP and a Shared project).
dotnet new forms-app --CreateMacProject -k blank
Create a new blank solution (Other - Miscellaneous - Blank Solution) in the parent directory of the projects you just created.
Add all those projects created to the solution.
Then you can build and run the Mac project which includes Xamarin.Forms.
Note you may want to remove the Xamarin.Forms project template from the .NET Core project templates which you can do by running the following:
dotnet new --debug:reinit
In addition to the approved answer, which is incomplete with recent updates, now you have to do one more step.
Link the delagate in the Mac project main class
static class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = new AppDelegate();
nota. My edit was refused and I'm not allowed to add comments. So I added a complementary answer to help those looking for help now.

xamarin android uitest theme style conflicts

Recently I asked a question over trying to get my theme recognized within the android test project: Unit testing a Xamarin Forms Android specific code project
I'm not running into a conflict that shows up within xunit / nunit as the testing strategy. I feel like it's because the FormsAppCompatActivity with an older activity type, but I'm new to Xamarin and am unsure on how to approach this.
I get a lot of these type of errors:
Attribute "layout_anchorGravity" already defined with incompatible format.
The full list of the similar Attribute errors is:
finally I have the addition error:
Found tag styles where item is expected
//Within the Android Forms project, I have this inheritance:
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity {
// typical code
//within the Android UITest project
public class MainActivity : Xunit.Runners.UI.RunnerActivity {
// tests can be inside the main assembly
// or in any reference assemblies
// or in any assembly that you load (since JIT is available)
#if false
// you can use the default or set your own custom writer (e.g. save to web site and tweet it ;-)
Writer = new TcpTextWriter ("", 16384);
// start running the test suites as soon as the application is loaded
AutoStart = true;
// crash the application (to ensure it's ended) and return to springboard
TerminateAfterExecution = true;
// you cannot add more assemblies once calling base

IconToolbarItem with Iconize not click event

I am currently developing a Xamarin.Forms application. I am using IconizePlugin. The app is tabbedPage based and on toolbar I'm trying to include icons for some actions.
This is whay I'm getting:
Icons are showing well and in Xamarin.iOS gets the click event, while it is not working in Xamarin.Droid.
I included the corresponding nugets and followed every steps told in documentation and can't archive this. Other iconize controls in Droid are working fine except the IconToolbarItem.
Please help!
The workaround I found was to declare de IconToolbarItem in the c# code instead of xaml. Although I don't know why it wasn't working while on xaml.
Declaring the item li
ToolbarItems.Add(new IconToolbarItem
Icon = "fa-plus",
IconColor = Color.White,
Command = new Command(this.addBono)

How to trigger an Android LongClick in Xamarin UI Test

I've got a RecyclerView with a ActionMode which can be activated by a long click on a RecyclerView item.
How to trigger a long click in Android with Xamarin UI tests?
AndroidApp contains a method TouchAndHold(Func query) but this one seems not to trigger a long click.
Anyone here have a solution?
My code:
Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> test = c => c.Marked("Test");
app.WaitForElement (test);
app.TouchAndHold (test);
TouchAndHold should trigger a LongClick.
I forgot to build a new release apk where i implemented the OnLongClick functionality. After building a new apk the TouchAndHold worked as expected
