Getting #rid while Update-Upsert in OrientDB without searching again - insert

I am currently using OrientDB to build a graph model. I am using PyOrient to send commands for creating the nodes and edges.
Whenever I use INSERT command I get a list of things which includes #rid in return.
result = db.command("INSERT INTO CNID SET connected_id {0}".format(somevalue))
print result
OUTPUT: {'#CNID':{'connected_id': '10000'},'version':1,'rid':'#12:1221'}
However if I use the Update-Upsert command I only get one value as return which is not the #rid.
result = db.command("UPDATE CNID SET connected_id={0} UPSERT WHERE connected_id={0}".format(cn_value))
print result
I want to know is it possible to get #rid as well while doing UPDATE-UPSERT operation.

I created the following example in PyOrient:
A useful method to retrieve the #rid from an UPDATE / UPSERT operation could be the usage of the RETURN AFTER $current syntax in your SQL command.
PyOrient Code:
import pyorient
db_name = 'Stack37308500'
print("Connecting to the server...")
client = pyorient.OrientDB("localhost",2424)
session_id = client.connect("root","root")
print("OK - sessionID: ",session_id,"\n")
if client.db_exists( db_name, pyorient.STORAGE_TYPE_PLOCAL ):
client.db_open(db_name, "root", "root")
result = client.command("UPDATE CNID SET connected_id = 20000 UPSERT RETURN AFTER $current.#rid WHERE connected_id = 20000")
for idx, val in enumerate(result):
By specifying $current.#rid you'll be able to retrieve the #rid of the resulting record (in this case a new record).
Code Output:
Connecting to the server...
OK - sessionID: 25
You can also modify the query to retrieve the whole resulting record by use only $current without specifying #rid (in this case I updated the record #12:1).
UPDATE CNID SET connected_id = 30000 UPSERT RETURN AFTER $current WHERE connected_id = 20000
Code Output:
Connecting to the server...
OK - sessionID: 26
{'#CNID':{'connected_id': 30000},'version':2,'rid':'#12:1'}
Hope it helps


Very slow connection to Snowflake from Databricks

I am trying to connect to Snowflake using R in databricks, my connection works and I can make queries and retrieve data successfully, however my problem is that it can take more than 25 minutes to simply connect, but once connected all my queries are quick thereafter.
I am using the sparklyr function 'spark_read_source', which looks like this:
query<- spark_read_source(
sc = sc,
name = "query_tbl",
memory = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE,
source = "snowflake",
options = append(sf_options, client_Q)
where 'sf_options' are a list of connection parameters which look similar to this;
sf_options <- list(
sfUrl = "https://<my_account>",
sfUser = "<my_user>",
sfPassword = "<my_pass>",
sfDatabase = "<my_database>",
sfSchema = "<my_schema>",
sfWarehouse = "<my_warehouse>",
sfRole = "<my_role>"
and my query is a string appended to the 'options' arguement e.g.
client_Q <- 'SELECT * FROM <my_database>.<my_schema>.<my_table>'
I can't understand why it is taking so long, if I run the same query from RStudio using a local spark instance and 'dbGetQuery', it is instant.
Is spark_read_source the problem? Is it an issue between Snowflake and Databricks? Or something else? Any help would be great. Thanks.

Passing xml vallues from windows events as a variables

I appreciate any advice from Powershell wizards out there.
I am trying to setup an email alert that will be triggered on event but having problems passing values as a variable so I can use it later in the body and subject of an email.
I have a few lines of script that pulls an event and stores it as XML but have no luck converting the value to variable to call it later.
$event = wevtutil qe 'Microsoft-Windows-Base-Filtering-Engine-Connections/Operational' /rd:true /c:1 /q:"*[System[(EventID=2000)]]" /f:renderedxml
$xmlresults = [xml]$event
$eventDate = $xmlresults.event.system.timecreated.systemtime
$eventTime = get-date $eventDate -Format ('dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss')
Now when calling $ I can see all values in a table:
PS C:\Windows\system32> $xmlresults.Event.EventData.Data
Name #text
---- -----
ConnectionId 1324000000003942
MachineAuthenticationMethod 2
UserAuthenticationMethod 2
IPsecTrafficMode 1
DHGroup 0
StartTime 2021-05-17T13:52:38.103Z
How do I store the values of RemoteMachineAccount and RemoteUserAccount as a variable so I can call upon it later in the script when composing email alert and log input by simply using something along the lines of $computer and $user?
Any help greatly appreciated.
If you just need a few specifically named properties, you can use the .Where({}) method to filter the nodes returned by the XML provider and grab the text from that specific property:
$RemoteMachineAccount = $xmlresults.Event.EventData.Data.Where({$_.Name -eq 'RemoteMachineAccount'}).InnerText
$RemoteUserAccount = $xmlresults.Event.EventData.Data.Where({$_.Name -eq 'RemoteUserAccount'}).InnerText
If you need to discover/use them dynamically, another option is to convert the node list into a hashtable:
$eventData = #{}
$xmlresults.Event.EventData.Data.ForEach({ $eventData[$_.Name] = $_.InnerText })
At which point you can dereference the individual property values by name:

H2 show value of DB_CLOSE DELAY (set by SET DB_CLOSE_DELAY)

The H2 Database has a list of commands starting with SET, in particular SET DB_CLOSE_DELAY. I would like to find out what the value of DB_CLOSE_DELAY is. I am using JDBC. Setting is easy
cx.createStatement.execute("SET DB_CLOSE_DELAY 0")
but none of the following returns the actual value of DB_CLOSE_DELAY:
cx.createStatement.executeQuery("GET DB_CLOSE_DELAY")
cx.createStatement.executeQuery("SHOW DB_CLOSE_DELAY")
Help would be greatly appreciated.
You can access this and other settings in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS table - for example:
String url = "jdbc:h2:mem:;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=3";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "sa", "the password goes here");
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS where name = 'DB_CLOSE_DELAY'");
while ( {
In this test, I use an unnamed in-memory database, and I explicitly set the delay to 3 seconds when I create the DB.
The output from the print statements is:

Is there any way to view the physical SQLs executed by Calcite JDBC?

Recently I am studying Apache Calcite, by now I can use explain plan for via JDBC to view the logical plan, and I am wondering how can I view the physical sql in the plan execution? Since there may be bugs in the physical sql generation so I need to make sure the correctness.
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:")
val calciteConnection = connection.asInstanceOf[CalciteConnection]
val rootSchema = calciteConnection.getRootSchema()
val dsInsightUser = JdbcSchema.dataSource("jdbc:mysql://localhost:13306/insight?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "insight_admin","xxxxxx")
val dsPerm = JdbcSchema.dataSource("jdbc:mysql://localhost:13307/permission?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "perm_admin", "xxxxxx")
rootSchema.add("insight_user", JdbcSchema.create(rootSchema, "insight_user", dsInsightUser, null, null))
rootSchema.add("perm", JdbcSchema.create(rootSchema, "perm", dsPerm, null, null))
val stmt = connection.createStatement()
val rs = stmt.executeQuery("""explain plan for select "perm"."user_table".* from "perm"."user_table" join "insight_user"."user_tab" on "perm"."user_table"."id"="insight_user"."user_tab"."id" """)
val metaData = rs.getMetaData()
while( {
for(i <- 1 to metaData.getColumnCount) printf("%s ", rs.getObject(i))
result is
EnumerableCalc(expr#0..3=[{inputs}], proj#0..2=[{exprs}])
EnumerableHashJoin(condition=[=($0, $3)], joinType=[inner])
JdbcTableScan(table=[[perm, user_table]])
JdbcTableScan(table=[[insight_user, user_tab]])
There is a Calcite Hook, Hook.QUERY_PLAN that is triggered with the JDBC query strings. From the source:
/** Called with a query that has been generated to send to a back-end system.
* The query might be a SQL string (for the JDBC adapter), a list of Mongo
* pipeline expressions (for the MongoDB adapter), et cetera. */
You can register a listener to log any query strings, like this in Java:
Hook.QUERY_PLAN.add((Consumer<String>) s ->"Query sent over JDBC:\n" + s));
It is possible to see the generated SQL query by setting calcite.debug=true system property. The exact place where this is happening is in JdbcToEnumerableConverter. As this is happening during the execution of the query you will have to remove the "explain plan for"
from stmt.executeQuery.
Note that by setting debug mode to true you will get a lot of other messages as well as other information regarding generated code.

How to get order username and provisionDate for all SoftLayer machines using Ruby?

Using Ruby I'm making a call like:
client = => user, :api_key => api_key, :timeout => 999999)
client['Account'].object_mask("mask[id, hostname, fullyQualifiedDomainName, provisionDate, datacenter[name], billingItem[recurringFee, associatedChildren[recurringFee], orderItem[description, order[userRecord[username], id]]], tagReferences[tagId, tag[name]], primaryIpAddress, primaryBackendIpAddress]").getHardware
But only some machines return a provisionDate and only some return orderItem information. How can I consistently get this information for each machine? What would cause one machine to return this data and another machine to not?
Example output:
[{"tagId"=>139415, "tag"=>{"name"=>"<removed_by_me>"}},
{"tagId"=>139417, "tag"=>{"name"=>"<removed_by_me>"}},
{"tagId"=>140549, "tag"=>{"name"=>"<removed_by_me>"}}]}
To be clear, most machines return this data so I'm trying to understand why some do not.
Please see the following provisioning steps, below is a little flow to consider:
1. Order a Server
* An orderId is assigned to the server
* The createDate has a new value
* activeTransaction value is = Null
* provisionDate value is = Null
2. The order is approved
* activeTransaction value is <> Null
* provisionDate value = Null
3. Server is already provisioned
* activeTransaction value is = Null
* provisionDate value has a New value
* billingItem property has a new value
To see if your machines have still ”activeTransaction”, please execute:
Method: GET
Now, after reviewing your example response, this server had some problems when completing the provisioning; for that reason this step was completed manually but the provisionDate was not set for any reason(please open a ticket if you want that the provisionDate can be set) . This is a special case. I can see that another server has a similar behavior. But the other servers that don’t have provisionDate, have still ”activeTransaction<>null” (it means that these server are not provisioned yet).
Other property can help you to know that your machine has been already provisioned although other kind of transaction is being executed, is “hardwareStatus”, it should have “ACTIVE” value.
https://[username]:[apikey][id, hostname, fullyQualifiedDomainName, provisionDate,hardwareStatus]
Method: GET
The response should be something like this:
"fullyQualifiedDomainName": ""
"hostname": " myhostname"
"id": 1234567
"provisionDate": "2015-06-29T00:21:39-05:00"
"hardwareStatus": {
"id": 5
"status": "ACTIVE"
