Conditionally run tests at runtime using Nightwatchjs - nightwatch.js

I'm using nightwatch to run my end to end tests but I would like to conditionally run certain tests based on some global settings at runtime.
// globals.js
module.exports = {
FLAG: true
// test.js
describe('Something', () => {
it('should do something', client => {
if (client.globals.FLAG) {
The above works fine, but I want to silent the whole test and conditionally include the it e.g:
// test.js
describe('Something', () => {
// client does not exist out here so it does not work.
if (client.globals.FLAG) {
it('should do something', client => {
I am aware I can skip tests by defining them in the nightwatch.js and excluding files etc etc but thats not the approach I can use in this implementation. Another solution might be to use tags but I'm not sure this is possible using Mocha.

You could access the flag in the second example by importing your module globals.js:
// test.js
const globals = require('../globals.js');
describe('Something', () => {
if (globals.FLAG) {
it('should do something', client => {
you could also create a function to ignore the test when the condition is met:
// test.js
const FLAG = require('../globals.js').FLAG;
const not = function(v){ return {it: v ? function(){}: it} };
describe('Something', () => {
not(FLAG).it('should do something', client => {


How to skip a cypress test in beforeeach hook?

I want to skip and allow tests in the before each hook as follows
beforeEach(() =>{
if(Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.title === `Skip this`){
// skip the first test case only but run the second one [How?]
it(`Skip this`, () => {
it(`Don't skip this`, () => {
In the place of [How?] I tried using the following:
cy.skipOn(true) from the cypress skip-test plugin but apparently it skips the beforeEach hook not the test itself.
this.skip() but apparently this is not a valid function. Also, if I changed the beforeEach from an arrow function expression, the skip function works but it skips the whole suite and not just the desired test case.
Any ideas?
Change the function type from arrow function to regular function, then you can use the built-in Mocha skip() method.
beforeEach(function() {
if (condition) {
Your code sample will look like this:
beforeEach(function() { // NOTE regular function
if (Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.title === 'Skip this') {
it(`Skip this`, () => {
it(`Don't skip this`, () => {
Or use the Mocha context you already use for test title
beforeEach(() => { // NOTE arrow function is allowed
const ctx = Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx
if (ctx.currentTest.title === 'Skip this') {
If you have an afterEach() hook, the this.skip() call does not stop it running for the skipped test.
You should check the condition inside that hook also,
afterEach(function() {
if (condition) return;
... // code that should not run for skipped tests.

Looking for a way tu use Cypress fixtures for all my custom commands outside an it block

I'm building some custom commands and trying to use my fixtures data for all my commands. Right now I'm forced to define it inside an it block.
Looks similar to this:
it("Commands", () => {
cy.get("#data").then((data) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
cy.get('#login-pass').type(data.userPass, {log: false});
Cypress.Commands.add('createTagMedia', () => {
cy.get(".form-group-adTag > .CodeMirror > .CodeMirror-scroll").type(data.mediaTag);
This it block is being count as a test case, Is there a better way to pass this for more than one command at the same time?
The workaround I found was to put everything inside a before block, for example:
before(() => {
cy.get("#data").then((data) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
cy.get('#login-pass').type(data.userPass, {log: false});
Cypress.Commands.add('createTagMedia', () => {
cy.get(".form-group-adTag > .CodeMirror > .CodeMirror-scroll").type(data.mediaTag);
Is there a reason why you won't use the following:
import {data} from '../fixtures/FixtureFile'
Considering you have the following JSON file:
"data": {
"userEmail": "blah",
"userPass": "blah",
"releaseVersion": "1"
You can include this on your tests, commands (Cypress.custom.commands), etc.
before(() => {
const data = cy.fixture("fixtureFile");
You could literally do something like the above. With your Cypress.Commands in your command.ts or js whichever you're using.
And make the commands take in a parameter. Then the above before hook would just be in your tests.

How to run few test suit in browser and few in Nodejs environment Mocha?

I have scenario like this:
const isBrowser = new Function("try {return this===window;}catch(e){ return false;}");
//Run browser specific code
}else {
// run nodejs specific code
I am setting up a test environment using Mocha, Chai and istanbul. How can i setup in such a way that few test suits should run on browser and few on NodeJs.
The goal is to get the combined coverage report.
how can I configure the Mocha to run in both browser and in NodeJs environment, using karma or without karma ?
for example:
//this should run in NodeJS Environment
describe('Loader Node Js', () => {
it('Load files from File system', (done) => {
loader.load('file path')
.then((files) => {
//this should run in Browser Environment
describe('Loader Browser', () => {
it('Load files from Server AJAX', (done) => {
loader.load('file url')
.then((files) => {
You should be able to test for Node.js and browser specific globals in your suite.
if (typeof module === 'object') {
//this should run in NodeJS Environment
describe('Loader Node Js', () => {
it('Load files from File system', (done) => {
loader.load('file path')
.then((files) => {
} else {
//this should run in Browser Environment
describe('Loader Browser', () => {
it('Load files from Server AJAX', (done) => {
loader.load('file url')
.then((files) => {
You have other options, too, like testing for typeof self === 'undefined', which is true in Node.js and false in a browser.
There are a few related question you may find interesting:
Environment detection: node.js or browser
How to check whether a script is running under node.js?
How to detect if script is running in browser or in Node.js?

How to detect all tests (in multiple files) finished

I would like to drop database after all tests in all files ran. Is there a hook for it in Mocha?
after() hook can be applied only within 1 file only.
There is a root level hook in mocha. For your case, you can create a new file and specify drop database command in after function. That's it!
// init-test.js
after(function() {
// drop database
You don't need to move any test in other test file for this solution.
Create a parent file that includes/requires all other tests, then use after within that file:
describe('User', () => {
describe('Post', () => {
describe('Tag', () => {
describe('Routes', () => {
after(() => {
// drop database
I'm using process.on('exit'). It works when running only one file as well as when running tests from package.json.
process.on('exit', async () => {
console.log('All tests finished. Droping database')
module.exports = {
applyHooks() {
before(async () => {
// truncate tables
I'm including database.mocha-base.js in all tests that need database access:
const dbMochaBase = require('./path/to/database.mocha-base.js')
describe('Tests', () => {

Synchronous simple command stops test run

I've written tons of Nightwatch custom commands which use execute and everything has been fine except now I want to do something that doesn't use execute or any of the element API.
I've found that in it's simplest form like below, it breaks all my tests from running. The callback is triggered but no subsequent tests will run, and the after callback is not called. As soon as I do something that uses the element API in this command, everything is fine.
// getTest.js command
exports.command = function (callback) {
// this.execute(function () {}, [], function () {}); uncomment this and everything works
if (typeof callback === 'function') {, 'test');
return this;
module.exports = {
'this test does run': client => {
.getTest((res) => {
console.log(res); // 'test'
'nope, this will not run': client => {
console.log('Please run!'); // NOPE
