Upgrading Visual Studio - visual-studio

I am upgrading Visual Studio and it's 14 gigs in size. My worry is with my internet connectivity.
If my connection fails, would it start afresh or continue with what's not loaded in the system?
I know this isn't a programming question but I would appreciate your help.

I can't give you a definitive source, but in my experience the VS installer simultaneously downloads and installs its components. The already downloaded components are locally stored (I think even in the directory from where you start the installer) and will be re-used if you cancel the installer and restart it. That way you could even share the downloaded files among multiple computers.
However, as state in the comments, there are offline installers available. If your connection is wonky, the web installer might even be a better bet since your ISO or whatever may or may not be resumed if partially downloaded.


Installing VS2005 on Windows 7

I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows 7 box but am repeatedly getting the same error. When I run the installer it starts to run then pops up with a message saying:
"A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup."
Various suggestions has said that maybe the install is corrupted so I downloaded a fresh copy of the ISO from MSDN today, same issue. Another suggestion is that installing from the ISO may be the issue so I extracted the contents of the ISO to a folder on my HDD, same issue. I have also tried running the files as administrator and in XP compatability mode, same issue.
Searching for this issue the most common responses I've found have been about installing SP1, however I cannot get the base product to install and therefore cannot apply SP1.
Does anyone have any further suggestions as to what I can do to fix this issue and get VS2005 installed? If anyone wants any log files of any variety I am happy to supply so long as you tell me where to look as I'm not sure.
As for why I am using VS2005 and not a newer product, it is required for the ongoing support and maintenance of some older applications we manage. These cannot be easily migrated to a newer version of Visual Studio without some considerable investment of time and that would probably be longer than the time it will take to develop newer, replacement applications (which is currently in progress). Until the new applications are available though we need to maintain an environment to use.
Did you try running setup.exe in compatibility mode with Windows XP? Some discussion here on how to do this.
Another alternative since you alluded to having an MSDN subscription. Download Windows XP and install it into a VM. (If HyperV isn't already in installed with your Win7, you can add it from Control Panel->Programs&Features->Turn Windows Features on/off). Then install VS2005 from there.

Compile a Visual Studio program to run without installation

I'm writing a C# program in VS 2012 and am trying to figure out how to get it to run with having the user install it. What I'm looking to do is toss this small program out on the network and just have the users run it or put it on a USB drive and give it to them that way. How can I go about doing this?
Ask yourself this, why do installers exist? They exist to ensure that the client machine has all of the pre-requisites installed prior to running the application. Copying the bin directory will work, provided the machine has all of those pre-requisites, and if you can guarantee that (like in some corporate environments), then you are good to go.
If you are developing in VS 2012, then you may be targeting .net 4.5, which many people may not have installed on their machines. If you use any third party COM components then you will require steps to register those before you start your application.
If your application requires admin rights and the user doesn't run it as admin, it could fail unexpectedly, if you don't have an installer set it up properly.
There are a lot of scenarios that are helped by installers. If you have a very simple application, then all should be OK by copying the bin folder, but make sure you understand the scenarios where it will not work, so you know how to support it.

Visual Studio 2008 Hangs

Visual Studio 2008 hangs a lot on my machine. I work in an team environment using Team Foundation Server and when the server has issues VS hangs forever, sometimes if I have two instances open one of them will hang even if TFS is working. I try to disconnect from TFS and work offline but even that hangs my VS. Is there any way to make VS more responsive in case TFS is down?
I have a quad core i5 CPU, 8gb ram, and am running locally (not in a VM).
This might help you set VS to work offline and should help with the server timeouts. Also kick the sys admin of your TFS server, it shouldn't be that unreliable.
Sometimes this is caused simply because the TFS dialogs appear off-screen and it appears to hang. If pressing Esc "unfreezes" Visual Studio, then this is likely the problem.
I found the solution at: http://www.imiscommunity.com/visual_studio_2008_hangs_tfs_compare_dialog_not_visible
TFS can be a serious nuisance when developing a solution that is used by many team members. Without knowing more specifics about your setup, I would ask a few more questions:
What is your machine spec?
Are all other developer machines the same spec? Do they experience the same kind of issues?
Have you tried watching the CPU and Memory usage in Windows Task Manager to determine the amount of resources being used?
In summary, I have found that this can often be down to a number of reasons. As a contract developer, I have to use many different systems from the latest desktop with 12GB of RAM and an i7 processor, through to Virtual Machines on a server (my preferred choice because it is scalable and easier to snapshot), down to using older machines that are insufficient for the task (one of the distasteful parts of the jobs is having to request an upgraded machine).
I suggest reinstalling you development environment from scratch, including operating system and everything. Make sure the hardware is the best you can get, and install on a virtual machine instance on that development machine. That way you can take incremental (albeit slightly large at a fair few GB) backups that will prove handy should you come across an issue.
BTW the most common problem I had was with Visual Studio plug-ins on a system that lacked sufficient RAM. ReSharper was my biggest offender as it compiles regularly in the background in order to highlight bugs - but personally I would not code without it now.

VB6 Package and deploy setup ask system restart

I found Vb6 tools package and deployment. I used it and created a package or setup file from my running vista operating system. Later when i tried deploying it in clients computer with winxp, it asks for update of system file and ask to restart. The process never ends just ask for update and restart. how should i create setup file to avoid this problem?
If i create setup file in Win98 and deploy it in clients Vista or winxp then it runs fine...
There is a very good chance you are trying to deploy system files that you shouldn't. Typical examples include MSVCRT components.
You receive multiple "System files are out of date" error messages when you install a Visual Basic 6.0 application
Using Win9x can mask the problem because ancient versions are packaged. During installation either setup1 will detect that newer versions are already in place or Windows will fend them off via System File Protection. Vista is much better at this than XP was.
Yes, the PDW is old. For that reason you should seek out the MSKB articles on usage tips, newer information, and on manually updating the files PDW uses as guidance (its REDIST folder, VB6DEP.INI and the .DEP files that accompany many controls).
Best practices for deploying Visual Basic 6.0 applications is a good generalized starting point.
Many of these sorts of issues have been answered over the years since VB6 and the PDW were released.
The VB6 package and deployment tool is really dated. It doesn't play well with some of the new security features.
It's probably trying to install old copies of the VB6 runtimes and then Windows is restoring its own copies.
It's been a while, but can you remove the VB6 runtime files from the files to deploy in the Package and Deployment Wizard? If so, do so. As long as the computer being installed on has the latest service packs it will already have the VB6 runtimes on it.
If that doesn't solve your problem then check what other system files your deployment project has in it. In most cases you won't need to deploy any system files as modern, patched systems should have them all. There are a few activeX controls that may not be on modern systems, but those shouldn't cause these endless restart problems.
Alternatively, try another install technology. You could create a setup project in modern versions of Visual Studio. Alternatively there are some very good open-source and commercial products.
I've used this one quite successfully in the past:

Two questions about installing Visual Studio 2010 (Beta 2)

Question 1: Can I work with Visual Studio 2008 while installing it?
Question 2: Can I download the whole thing somewhere (but as an installable file or files, not an ISO)?
I know it's theoretically better not to run anything while it installs. But my download speed is extremely slow, and it's wasting a lot of time waiting for this thing to finish.
Probably, but if there were any problems with the installation it would be tough to know whether using VS2008 during the installation was the source of the problem.
Probably not. There are tons of free ISO mounters out there, if that's your concern. Downloading the install as a bunch of files wouldn't be faster. If you're having problems downloading the ISO, look into using a download manager.
You cant run VS2008 while installation. Setup process will ask you at some point of installation to close any version of VS running on system.
The only option of full download in ISO, just burn a DVD and use it.
The only option for downloading 'the whole thing' is to download the ISO. You can find free ISO extractors. Just extract the ISO, and install from there.
I wouldn't recommend running VS2008 when installing it. The install doesn't take that long. It does require 2 reboots during install though, which might be quite disruptive when you're trying to work
