How to install/run a watch task in Gradle - gradle

I'd like to run a given task, every time a file in the folder src changes.
It seems that Gradle does not have a task like that, but there is the gradle-watch-plugin on github. Following the installation guide, I tried:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.bluepapa32:gradle-watch-plugin:0.1.5'
apply plugin: ''
task "sometask" << {
println "My Own task."
watch {
somename {
files files('src')
tasks 'sometask'
Unfortunately this results in an error:
Starting:watch FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':watch'.
> org.gradle.tooling.BuildLauncher.withArguments([Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/gradle/tooling/BuildLauncher;
So what's wrong with my build.gradle?

This can be done without a plugin by enabling continuous mode in your build via the --continuous or -t command line argument. For example, given the following build script running gradle -t myTask will automatically watch for changes in the folder src and reexecute the task when those files change.
task myTask {
inputs.files 'src'
doLast {
// do some stuff with files in 'src' folder


Create a second installDist task?

During development I am using a standard-function installDist (from the application plugin) in build.gradle:
... but I now want to have another task which installs/distributes/deploys a "production" version to the production location, which also incorporates the version into the directory structure. I tried this:
task deployOperativeVersion( type: installDist ) {
destinationDir = file( "$productionDir/$version" )
Build failure output:
Build file '/home/mike/IdeaProjects/JavaFXExp2/Organiser/build.gradle' line: 98
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'Organiser'.
> class org.gradle.api.tasks.Sync_Decorated cannot be cast to class java.lang.Class
(org.gradle.api.tasks.Sync_Decorated is in unnamed module of loader org.gradle.
internal.classloader.VisitableURLClassLoader #aec6354; java.lang.Class is in module
java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
It appears that installDist is not a "type" as in Test.
How can I achieve this? Incidentally I would be really keen on having two separate tasks: to get installDist to run I've found that you only have to type ./gradlew inst ... with a task called deployXXX it would be sufficient to type ./gradlew depl.
I also tried this:
task deployOperativeVersion{
destinationDir = file( "$operativeDir/$version" )
... which doesn't seem to have done anything. Nor this:
task deployOperativeVersion{
doFirst {
installDist {
destinationDir = file("$operativeDir/$version")
A bit later I thought I had indeed found the answer:
task deployOperativeVersion{
dependsOn installDist{ destinationDir=file("$productionDir/$version")
... but to my amazement (will I ever get to a reasonable understanding of Gradle before Hell freezes over?), including this actually appears to influence the "routine" installDist task: specifically, it stops the latter from operating normally, and means that even when I run installDist the deployment/distribution/installation still goes to productionDir/version, rather than the default location.
So then I wondered about two tasks both of which are dependent on installDist:
task deployOperativeVersion{
dependsOn installDist{ destinationDir=file("$productionDir/$version") }
task stdInstall{
dependsOn installDist{ destinationDir=file("build/install") }
... haha, no joy: I run one and it deploys OK. I then run the other... and get an error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':installDist'.
> The specified installation directory '/home/mike/IdeaProjects/JavaFXExp2/Organiser/build/install' is neither empty nor does it contain an installation for 'Organiser'.
If you really want to install to this directory, delete it and run the install task again.
Alternatively, choose a different installation directory.
... needless to say, this is NOT the case: under ...Organiser/build/install there is one directory only, Organiser, with /bin and /lib directories under it.
Your task should be declared as a Sync task, which is the actual type of the installDist task. The application plugin is using the distribution plugin. You can grab the content configuration from the main distribution, which is the source, or from the installDist task.
task deployOperativeVersion(type: Sync) {
destinationDir = file("${productionDir}/${version}")
with distributions.main.content
task deployOperativeVersion(type: Sync) {
destinationDir = file("${productionDir}/${version}")
with installDist

gradle copy file task not working in build

I am new to gradle, I want copy the jar file generated by gradlew build to another dir.
task myCopyTask(type: Copy) {
from "build/libs/gs.jar"
into "D:/bin/gs"
I add above task to the build.gradle which belong to gs module which will generate gs.jar.
The problem is the command gradlew build will not do the copy and this task indeed executed(I add println in myCopyTask). However, the command gradlew myCopyTask works.
First I thought maybe the copy task running too early, so I change it to
task myCopyTask(type: Copy) {
doLast {
from "build/libs/gs.jar"
into "D:/bin/gs"
This is not working even by gradlew myCopyTask. Only first version can work by command gradlew myCopyTask, the terminal will show: 1 actionable task: 1 executed
What is the problem?
You haven't wired the task into Gradle's DAG so currently it will only executed when you do gradlew myCopyTask
You'll probably do something like
apply plugin: 'base' // adds build and assemble lifecycle tasks
task myJarTask(type:Jar) {...}
task myCopyTask(type: Copy) {
dependsOn myJarTask
assemble.dependsOn myCopyTask

Gradle task not executed if added as a dependency

I have two gradle tasks in my build.gradle file, one to archive a folder and another to push it to a remote server.
task tarTask(type: Exec) {
commandLine 'tar', '-czf', 'javadocs.tgz', 'javadocs/'
If I execute tarTask alone with gradle tarTask and with the publish task commented out, the build succeeds.
I am using this task as a dependency in the publish task.
task publish(dependsOn: tarTask) { {
settings {
knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
fileTransfer = 'scp'
session(remotes.webServer) {
from: 'javadocs.tgz', into: 'publishingHouse/'
But when i execute gradle publish it fails saying that it is not able to find the tgz file which should have been created if the previous task is executed. javadocs.tgz
Being new to gradle i am not really sure what I am missing here. Any ideas on what I can do?
I suppose the reason is within the phase when tasks are executed. tarTask is configured at the configuration phase and will be executed at the execution phase.
And at the same time publish task doesn't have any behavior to execute at the execution phase, but has to be executed during configuration.
This mean, that when you run gradle publish your logic to copy tar-archive is executed at the configuration phase, while tar-archive is not yet exists (it will be created later at the execution phase).
To make a copy execution at the execution phase you can simply add << to the publish task declaration as follows:
task publish(dependsOn: tarTask) << { {
settings {
knownHosts = allowAnyHosts
fileTransfer = 'scp'
session(remotes.webServer) {
from: 'javadocs.tgz', into: 'publishingHouse/'
Note, that << is the same as doLast and the closure will be excuted at the execution phase. You can read about Gradle build lifecycle here

Why gradle clean task starts all other non-default tasks?

I have gradle set up and running. My build.gradle has 2 tasks defined inside:
task setVersion() {
task setIntegrationEnv() {
When I run
./gradlew clean
gradle runs both tasks setVersion and setIntegrationEnv and then it runs clean for all my modules (app, cloud_module) in that project, output:
Relying on packaging to define the extension of the main artifact has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 2.0
Total time: 14.18 secs
Why this happens, where this behavior is defined?
Could You please provide full build.gradle script? I'd be much easier to help You. You've probably mistaken gradle build phase with configuration phase - it's a common topic here.
General rule is that code You'd like to be run at build phase should be added as an action:
task someTask << {
println 'runtime'
while code You'd like to run at configuration phase should be added in task body:
task someTask {
println 'configuration
or all together:
task someTask {
println 'configuration'
doLast {
println 'runtime'
Additional info can be found here, here and here.

How to add clean task - Task 'clean' not found

I am using and i would like to be able run task 'clean'. When i run 'gradle -d clean', it gives the following error
Task 'clean' not found in root project
To my understanding, gradle comes with task - 'clean', however the gradles-js-plugin doesn't seem to support that at this time or something. How do i add the task 'clean'?
Here is my build.gradle:
// Pull the plugin from Maven Central
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.eriwen:gradle-js-plugin:1.5.0'
// Invoke the plugin
apply plugin: 'js'
def jsSrcDir = 'public/js'
javascript.source {
dev {
js {
srcDir jsSrcDir
include "*.js"
exclude "*.min.js"
prod {
js {
srcDir jsSrcDir
include "*.min.js"
source = fileTree(
dest = file("${buildDir}/all.js")
The clean task is introduced by the base plugin. So you need to apply this plugin to get the clean task and the clean task rules for cleaning up specific task outputs:
apply plugin:'base'
Make sure you are running the
gradle -d clean
command from your project home path.
According to this guideline, the syntax is as follows:
plugins {
id "base"
Just run it from your /android/ folder, i.e navigate to your android folder and run the command from there in the project dir.
you can also add
plugins {
id "base"
to your gradle file
On android I added settings.gradle file with the a single line
include ':library'
