Is it possible to disable "Display hidden-mode notification tooltip" programmatically on UFT? - vbscript

I'm trying to run some automation tests in my application but the UFT Hidden-mode notification tooltip is coming in front of the objects in the screen, preventing my tests to run.
I know I can un-check the option "Display hidden-mode notification tooltip" in Remote Agent Settings to fix this issue and it works fine on my machine after I do this, but these tests are executed in other machines, by other users in my company, and it would be a real effort to tell each and everyone of them to change this setting on their machine.
Is it a way to disable this checkbox programmaticaly instead?
Here is a little more detail on where this is affecting me:
I'm testing a Web application and in some of my test cases I need to download a file from this application. I do that by clicking on "Save As" in the context menu which is displayed on a notification bar at the bottom of the browser.
Following is the portion of code to perform such operation:
Dim brwBottom
Set brwBottom = Browser("brw_Bottom_Save_As")
If brwBottom.WinObject("wo_Notification").WinButton("wb_Selector").Exist Then
brwBottom.WinMenu("wm_Selector").Select "Save As"
End If
This works fine on my machine because UFT notification is not being displayed, but in other machines where the UFT Notification is displayed, it overlaps the menu and my script is unable to select the "Save As" option. So, in case it is not possible to programmatically close this notification at runtime, is there any alternative solution to click on the "Save As" button, even with this notification overlapping it?

I managed to identify the UFT Notification tooltip and close it. With this, there is no more objects in front of the button I need to click and my script can be executed successfully.
Following is the code used. I'm not marking this as the acceptable answer yet because I am still waiting for my team to accept the solution, but this works.
Dim brwBottom
Set brwBottom = Browser("brw_Bottom_Save_As")
' To close UFT Notification Tooltip, if exists
If Window("regexpwndtitle:=NotificationWindow").Exist(2) Then
If InStr(Window("regexpwndtitle:=NotificationWindow").GetROProperty("nativeclass"),"UFTRemoteAgent") > 0 Then
End If
End If
If brwBottom.WinObject("wo_Notification").WinButton("wb_Selector").Exist Then
brwBottom.WinMenu("wm_Selector").Select "Save As"
End If

Create UFT GUI test and include these three lines:
extern.Declare micLong, "WritePrivateProfileString", "kernel32.dll", "WritePrivateProfileString", micString, micString, micString, micString
extern.WritePrivateProfileString "RemoteAgent", "ShowBallon", "0", Environment("ProductDir") + "\bin\mic.ini"
systemutil.CloseProcessByName "UFTRemoteAgent.exe"
From ALM, run it on all your UFT machines.
This will switch the flag that controls such tooltip to be off, so next time Remote Agent launches will read it and won't display the tooltip anymore.
The third line will kill UFT's remote agent for GUI testing which is in charge of the communication between UFT and ALM Client and this will cause an error in ALM's Automatic Runner (The RPC server is unavailable)... just ignore it. We need to kill it so it is re-launched next time we try to run a test from ALM (as mentioned above, new value for tooltip will be read)
I just found something interesting: this flag is actually saved in two locations:
but the one that actually makes the change effective is RemoteAgentGUISettings.xml (it seems they're switching from .ini files to .xml... which makes sense). In this case, the code will change a little, but the idea is the same:
filePath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%appdata%") + "\Hewlett-Packard\UFT\Persistence\Dialogs\RemoteAgentGUISettings.xml"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.load filePath
Set nNode = xmlDoc.selectsinglenode ("//SettingsViewModel/IsShowBalloon")
nNode.text = "false"
strResult =
systemutil.CloseProcessByName "UFTRemoteAgent.exe"
This time I made sure it works ;)

I totally understand your pain because my projects also need to interact with IE download bar. Usually, I use SendKeys to handle download activity in different projects.
When download bar comes out, you can send ALT+N first to set focus on download bar, then send some tab keys to select on Save, and some Down Arrow key to select SaveAs.
In this way, you don't need to bother handle UFT notifications...
Sample SendKeys codes can be easily Googled.

Can you activate the desired browser with the following, and then try to do Save as
hwnd = Browser("title:=.*").GetROProperty("hwnd")
Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Activate


Selectors only work when webpage is opened in Internet Explorer

I created a login sequence and my selectors for the input email, password, click login and element exists are valid. But only when I have the Internet Explorer page open on the website I'm working with.
I did that sequence again, and I ran it, initially it worked but when I ran the hole project it broke again, I tried "repair" and "indicate", I tried to eliminate the title but nothing is working.
As far as I can see, you are using selector attribute:
"title=ACME System 1 - Dashboard"
Try using a wildcard: title='ACME System 1*', so it can work when you leave the dashboard.
This worked for me when I took those UiPath Academy courses.
In order to automate tasks within a browser with UiPath, the browser must be open. There is an activity called Open Browser that's included in the default activities for every project. You need to add this activity to the beginning of your sequence and pass in the appropriate parameters, (ie. URL, browser type) you can then pass the outputted browser variable to an attach browser sequence and execute your browser automation acivities within that.
Browser activity sceenshot
In addition, the selector that you have shared does not look like a stable selector. There may be other 'H1' elements on the screen that will cause your automation to fail. I would use the UI explorer to help you build a better, more stable selector.
Did you initially use IE to indicate screen elements and then changed the BrowserType property to use a different browser? Please share the sequence to suggest you a fix for your issue.
I would also suggest you to modify the selector to 'title='ACME System *'.
In order for selector to work the application needs to be open and the desired element needs to be available. So when you close the browser the selector disappears.
You may consider swithching to 'Modern Design Experience' and use 'Use Application/Browser' scope to make this more intuitive, and it will also automatically open the browser for you if it is closed.

Trigger a script (AppleScript or JXA) on .app running?

I have a small computer lab for students to use fairly unsupervised, with a printer attached on the network. I am trying to implement a simple scripting additions alert dialog with all the rules about the printer that I need to pop up when they select print from any number of different applications.
I am trying to attach the script directly to the printer itself in the User/Library/Printer directory, ( so any browser, or pdf viewer, etc. will get the message displayed when they try to run the printer.
I have tried using automator with applescript, I have tried renaming the printer and calling the applescript the name of the printer, so far no good.
What am I missing?
In this answer I will show how to create a JavaScript for Automation (JXA) applet that listens for app-launch and screensaver-stop notifications and then displays an alert when it receives one, thereby producing the desired outcome described in the question. I also describe how this approach can be adapted to trigger an AppleScript script, which would produce the specific behavior described in the title of the question.
Open the Script Editor app and create a new document
From the pop-up near the top-left of the window, select JavaScript instead of AppleScript
Paste in the code provided below
Save the script as an applet by changing the 'File Format' to 'Application' in the save panel and enabling the 'Stay open after run handler' option.
Run the applet by choosing 'Run Application' from the 'Script' menu
Launch an app and notice an alert
Start and then stop the screensaver and notice an alert
var me = Application.currentApplication(); me.includeStandardAdditions = true
name: 'MainController',
methods: {
'appDidLaunch:': {
types: ['void', ['id']],
implementation: function(notification) {
var appName = notification.userInfo.objectForKey('NSApplicationName').js
me.displayAlert(`Hello, ${appName}!`, {message: 'Nice to meet you.'})
'screensaverDidStop:': {
types: ['void', ['id']],
implementation: function(notification) {
me.displayAlert('Goodbye, screensaver!', {message: 'It was nice knowing you.'})
var controller = $
$.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace.notificationCenter.addObserverSelectorNameObject(controller, 'appDidLaunch:', $.NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification, undefined)
$.NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserverSelectorNameObject(controller, 'screensaverDidStop:', '', undefined)
First, the applet code creates a new class named 'MainController', which implements two methods, 'appDidLaunch:' and 'screensaverDidStop:'. These methods are implemented to use the 'display alert' functionality from Standard Additions.
Next, the applet code instantiates an object of this class, and registers that instance as on observer of the notifications that are posted when apps are launched, and when the screensaver stops.
The applet continues to run after the JXA code executes, and when the events occur, the JXA functions are invoked.
Next Steps
If you want to run an AppleScript script from JXA, you can refer to the answer to this question.
If you want to make it harder to quit the applet accidentally, you can make the applet a 'UI Element' by setting the LSUIElement key to 'true' in the applet's Info.plist.
Finally, you might want to add the applet to the user's Login Items so that it starts automatically after a reboot.

parent & child browsers view got switched during automated execution by HP UFT

I am facing a strange issue with my test automation scripts when executed through HP UFT 12.01
Our AUT is a web based application developed in actimize. During my test flow, lets say at 5th step i need to invoke a popup browser (child) from my main page. The new popup browser will not have any menus or back/fwd buttons.
3 out of 10 executions, during 5th step my main browser gets refreshed to invoke the popup and when popup rendered fully, contents and views got switched now. i.e., main browser has the contents which are supposed to display in popup window (with menu bar and back/fwd buttons) and pop-up window has main page contents (without menu bar, back/fwd buttons) & state when i performed click operation.
This is strange and i could not really conclude if its browser issue or UFT issue. I have also checked with functional team and they never faced, so this is happening only through UFT execution and speculating it could be UFT issue.. any help pls?
This sounds like it could be either:
1) an actual bug in your UAT
2) a problem with QTP object identification.
If it's #2, here's some things to check. First, make sure that QTP can correctly and reliably identify the two different "browsers". (i.e. while both are on the screen, use the "Highlight in Application" button found the Object Repository window while each of the objects is selected. I would try this for both a normal run and immediately after the browsers get switched (use a break point if necessary)
If there is a problem with QTP identifying the windows incorrectly, then you might want to add additional Description properties to the test object in the OR so that it can lock onto the right one more reliably. I usually use GUISpy to spy on something on the page, then in Object hierarchy I click on the top object (the browser), then click "Copy identification properties to the Clipboard" button, then paste the results into a notepad. Find one of those properties that uniquely identifies the browser objects from anything else. Sometimes I have to use the URL property (with some REGEX magic to isolate the specific page without making it TOO specific)

Start Internet Explorer 8 in a separate process using vbscript

Due to the recently added "feature" in IE8 where new windows are automatically associated with a single session, some of our code is behaving erratically.
This is because a separate app would launch a new IE window when it was activated, and once the user was finished, close the window. This worked fine in IE7 because the session information in the windows stayed separate. However in IE8, since the session is shared among IE windows, we find that the "pop up" app would corrupt the session on the first app.
I have read about the nomerge switch, so that is a workaround, but I was wondering if there was a way of working the solution into the "CreateObject" of vbscript; i.e:
Dim ieWin As Object
Set ieWin = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Is there a way of sending parameters when calling the CreateObject function?
No, there's no way to use COM to create an IE instance that specifies this behavior (or any of the others, e.g. InPrivate, No Add-ons, etc). The only thing you can do is create an automation instance that defaults to MediumIL using the CLSID provided for that purpose.
If you have control over the web application you are loading with your IE window you can set it's session to "cookieless" ( which will avoid the issues you're having with multiple instances.
The solution we ended up going with, although it's more a work around than anything else - was assigning a new url to the popped up window.
Previously, it worked as follows:
Call centre agents would be using our internal app for other duties
e.g. "http://internalsite/somepage.faces" on a day to day basis.
When they got a phone call, a third party app would fire up
"http://internalsite/customerdetails.faces". This caused the issues mentioned above.
The solution we went with:
We assigned "http://internalsite/customerdetails.faces" it's own url e.g."http://customerdetailminisite/customer.faces".
This way the call center agent could keep their main window open for other stuff and still be able to handle calls when they came in.

Problem with Pop-up Windows using Selenium

I'm new to the testing world, so my question might seem a lil' bit too naive and stupid. At risk of looking/sounding stupid, my question is this:
I've been trying to test the contents in a pop-up window on my company's web app. I've figured out how to detect the pop-up window for now, but i can't get selenium to 'click' on the link inside of that pop-up window. there are multiple pop-ups in this web app so it's really difficult for a newbie like to create a test case.
I tried the click, clickAndWait, mouseDown and mouseKey as an option but it is still not working. can somebody guide me through this?
When the popup appears you will need to move the context of the script over to the window.
You can do this by using the selectWindow | window_ID_from_the_link and then do the clicking.
If that doesn't work you may need to use the openWindow command to create the popup and then start testing against that.
Use getConfirmation/getassert/getprompt according to the type of the pop up you use .....By default they will be clicked with ok option by the server and you have to consume the message from the pop up for the other selenium commands to work correctly.............
The above suggestion is given from my experience in working with selenium RC used with perl..........
Perhaps you can try the FireFox Plugin. You can click through your application and record your steps. After recording the steps you can easily save it as some sort of file or unittest.
I'm not sure about the command you should use for the popups, maybe the firefox plugin will help in this manner (it will create your commands).
If you created the popup with a div tag, U can use following code to stop the selenium server until the popup opens.
int second = 0;
if(second >= 5)
After a popup opens, Now you can click on any link inside the popup.You have to use the below code."id=popup_link"); (popup_link is the id of the link present on the popup)
Good Luck.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you want to click on something specific that Selenium is not able to handle - like browser pop-ups or other pop-ups, you can use Sikuli Script. Sikuli does an image comparison and clicks on the same - this is very powerful.
Here is the link:
