how to prevent message re-queue within rabbitmq server? - spring

I'm using direct exchange to publish messages to certain queues with routing keys, all configured in rabbit-server not code, I'm consuming messages with spring micro-service then some failures happens within the receiving method, then the message re-queued causing loop, so I'd like to add a policy with rabbit-server to prevent that kind of re-queuing, could it be added as an argument while binding queue with exchange with specific routing key, or it should be a policy ?

On any exception by default spring send nack with requeue "true". If in your spring consumer application you want to send requeue false, then throw the exception "AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException". So your consumer code should loook something like this :
`void onMessage(){
// Your Code Here
} catch(Exception e){
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException();


How to get number of subscribers in spring boot for redis

I am new to redis and i am using spring data redis for implementing some task queue feautre. Since i wanna do some failover checking, is there any a way to get the number of subscriber like in command "pubsub numsub " for a specific channel. Many thanks
if you use spring reactive-Redis with spring boot you can create a specific topic and get the all subscribers that received the published event as a return by publishing a vent ny using convertAndSend method of ReactiveRedisTemplate. but the spring doesn't provide that in imperative way. the convertAndSend method of RedisTemplate doesn't return anything. the return type is void.
"your topic",
"event message"
).subscribe(receivedCount -> {
System.out.println("num of subscribers the event received: " + receivedCount);
you can another way by using the redis connection. it doesn't matter if you use with spring boot. you can get the connection from the redisTemplate and call the publish method to publish the event like below. then you have to provide your channel name and the message by byte[].
Long receivedCount = redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().publish(
"your channel".getBytes(),
now you will receive how many live subscribers that event received. (only for that mentioned topic name).
read more

Throwing exception outside of Flux/Mono reactive pipeline

In my spring JMS listener onMessage method, I am using a reactive pipeline as as below where I receive a JMS message from a queue and transform that to a different format and publishing to another topic. Without the reactive flow, in the case of failure in output publishing, I can throw a runtimeexception for the same message to redeliver from the queue. But by using the below flow of reactive approach, I cannot find a way to throw an exception outside. Can you please help on what should be the approach here for throwing the exception outside to get the message redelivered
public void onMessage(Message message) {

Redeliver message to MQ when using #JmsListener

I'm using #EnableJms and #JmsListener annotation to register a queue listener in my application, basing on this tutorial. I'm connecting to IBM MQ, getting connection factory using jndi. I have read about acknowledge modes etc. but still it's a new thing to me. And my problem is that the message is not being returned to a queue (the listener is never called again).
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory
= new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setSessionAcknowledgeMode(Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); //I have tried also CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE
return factory;
#JmsListener(containerFactory = "jmsListenerContainerFactory", destination = "myQueue")
public String testListener(String message){
if(true) throw new NullPointerException();
else return message;
Any help would be much appreciated.
I would have also a second question. From what I understand if I would like to implement any operation on a database, only way to rollback a commit (if something went wrong after this) would be to create a transaction manager? If not, I would need to detect a duplicated message.
First set the acknowledgement mode to Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE
and when receiving the messages, if it's processed correctly then just call message.acknowledge() method or else don't call.
It will automatically stay in the queue and you don't need to resend it.
You need to use
import javax.jms.Message
I created simple Spring Boot app and Docker container of IBM MQ to test your case.
I found good instructions in this tutorial:
And in your case this environment behaves as expected: endless cycle of receive message -> NullPointerException -> return message -> ...
Than I found feature of IBM MQ called "Backout Queues & Thresholds", you'll found the explanation in this blog post:
Briefly, it is possible to restrict number of times message returned to queue after exception, and after this limit send message to another queue.
May be in your case this feature used on your destination queue.

What's the correct exception type to NACK a message using annotation based listener in spring-boot with amqp?

I'm using spring boot with spring-amqp and annotation based listener to consume message from a rabbitmq broker.
I've a spring component which contains a method like this:
#RabbitListener(queues = "tasks")
public void receiveMessage(#Payload Task task) {...}
I'm using the AUTO mode to acknowledge messages after successful execution of receiveMessage(...). If i detect a special error, i'm throwing AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException to get this message into a configured dead letter queue. Now i need to nack a message only, so that the message gets requeued into the main queue of rabbitmq and another consumer has the possibility to work on that message again.
Which exception should i throw for that? I wouldn't like to use channel.basicNack(...) like described here ( if possible.
As long as defaultRequeueRejected is true (the default) in the container factory, throwing any exception other than AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException will cause the message to be rejected and requeued.
The exception must not have a AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException in its cause chain (the container traverses the causes to ensure there is no such exception).

What happens on a JMS queue when onMessage() throws a JMSException?

I'm using Spring 2.5 with my custom class that implements MessageListener. If a JmsException is thrown in my onMessage( ) method, what happens to the state of the queue?
Is the message considered "delivered" by the queue the moment onMessage is called? Or does the JmsException trigger some kind of rollback and the message is re-entered on the queue?
Thanks in advance!
From the JMS 1.1 spec...
4.5.2 Asynchronous Delivery
A client can register an object that implements the JMS MessageListener interface with a MessageConsumer. As messages arrive for the consumer, the provider delivers them by calling the listener’s onMessage method.
It is possible for a listener to throw a RuntimeException; however, this is considered a client programming error. Well-behaved listeners should catch such exceptions and attempt to divert messages causing them to some form of application-specific ‘unprocessable message’ destination.
The result of a listener throwing a RuntimeException depends on the session’s acknowledgment mode.
will be immediately redelivered. The
number of times a JMS provider will
redeliver the same message before
giving up is provider-dependent. The
JMSRedelivered message header field
will be set for a message redelivered
under these circumstances.
CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE - the next message
for the listener is delivered. If a
client wishes to have the previous
unacknowledged message redelivered,
it must manually recover the session.
Transacted Session - the next message
for the listener is delivered. The
client can either commit or roll back
the session (in other words, a
RuntimeException does not
automatically rollback the session).
JMS providers should flag clients with message listeners that are throwing
RuntimeExceptions as possibly malfunctioning.
