overload get to use different routes - asp.net-web-api

I have a single ApiController: recordsController and I have the basic 4 CRUD methods in it, I need to somehow have the ability for the user to do something like:
records/users - this is achieved by the default Get method
I am brand new to webapi
This is the error I am getting trying to do:
The request is invalid.
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.String Get(Int32)' in 'RESTServices.Controllers.recordsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter.


NiFi ifelse invalid because returning a string instead of a boolean

I am working on a NiFi workflow. JSON is coming into the workflow and I am using EvaluateJsonPath and RouteOnAttribute processes. In the EvaluateJsonPath, I have the Null Value Representation set to empty string.
I use a JsonSplitter to split the array so each element in the JSON array is handled separately.
In the first EvaluateJsonPath I do the following.
In the RouteToAttribute (I am using the same property, if I use a different or new property, I get the same issue)
a=${a:isEmpty():ifElse('NOT PROTECTED', 'PROTECTED')}
b=${b:isEmpty():ifElse('', 'ACTIVE')}
The RouteToAttribute processor is providing the following error for both properties:
'a' validated against '${a:isEmpty():ifElse('NOT PROTECTED', 'PROTECTED')}' is invalid because Expected Attribute Query to return type BOOLEAN but query returns type STRING
'b' validated against '${b:isEmpty():ifElse('', 'ACTIVE')}' is invalid because Expected Attribute Query to return type BOOLEAN but query returns type STRING
It's really not clear what you are trying to do.
You are using RouteOnAttribute, but it looks like you are trying to replace attribute values. This is not what RouteOnAttribute does.
RouteOnAttribute is designed to evaluate a query, and then route matching FlowFiles to a specified relationship.
With RouteOnAttribute you have 3 options for the Routing Strategy which are
Route to Property name
Route to 'matched' if all match
Route to 'matched' if any matches
When using option 1, that is, Route to Property name, the NAME of the property is the RELATIONSHIP that the FlowFile will be routed to. The VALUE of the property is a QUERY that must return a BOOLEAN (true or false). If the result of the query is True, the FlowFile is routed to this relationship. If you have multiple properties configured, it will evaluate them in order.
When using option 2 or 3, you do not specify the name of the relationship, it is always called matched. You can specify multiple properties, and the NAME of the property is irrelevent. The VALUE of the property is a QUERY that must return a BOOLEAN. With option 2, if ALL of the queries return True, the FlowFile is routed to matched. With option 3, if ANY of the queries return True, the FlowFile is routed to matched.
Read the documentation.
Your error is caused because ${a:isEmpty():ifElse('NOT PROTECTED', 'PROTECTED')} does not return a BOOLEAN. It returns a STRING. There is nothing RouteOnAttribute can do with this result.
Either way, you would be better off looking at Records.
Specifically, if you want to update the value of fields inside the data, look at UpdateRecord.
If you want to do routing logic on fields inside the data, look at QueryRecord and PartitionRecord.
Splitting each JSON element out using SplitJson is inefficient and avoidable when using Records.

How to set a default value for empty fields in Moshi

I have a model written in Kotlin, where all the fields are non-nullable. how do i set a default value for null JSON fields.
Moshi will throw a JsonDataException if a Non-null field in the class is null when parsing the JSON.
You could either change your class to set fields to defaults after the JSON has been parsed as detailed here:
Alternatively you can create your own custom adapter which handles null values. The example below checks whether a JSON value is null and then sets it to an empty string.
Moshi/Kotlin - How to serialize NULL JSON strings into empty strings instead?

How to check a field value is must be a string when it filled out in laravel 5.4 validator

I have a field called middle name which is an optional field. I want to check this field if it has some value otherwise I dont want to check this field value.
How can I do this in laravel 5.4 validator.
String is an object type its not primitive type like integer or char. I didn't check how laravel handles this validation but based on documentation you have to put nullable. Probably because string returns an object with empty attribute. so #Gaurav Gupta's answer not going to work.
The field under validation must be a string. If you would like to
allow the field to also be null, you should assign the nullable rule
to the field.
'middle_name' => 'nullable|string'
you can just simply write
'middle_name' => 'nullable|string',
in your validation array it check only when some value exits .Means it not required value

Grails parent child form validation

I have an Invoice
class Invoice{
static hasMany = [lineItems: InvoiceItem]
double total
class InvoiceItem{
String description
double price
double qty
My issue is with form validation. If a user enters a string or invalid number format in either price or qty I get a
Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String
to required type double for property price
BUT the error is in the Invoice object NOT in the LineItems object therefore I cannot highlight in RED the form appropriately. (And field value remains at zero when displayed so message is somewhat meaningless to user)
I was thinking of using COMMAND object with String parameters and validating their numeric value but I can't figure how to bind the InvoiceItem List.
What is the appropriate Grails way?
I could do all validation on the client side in javascript but that is not my question
You can do it with command objects. You need to read:
command object data binding
Grails command object data binding

Entity Framework - Linq - Unable to create a constant value of type ‘System.Object’. Only primitive types

I have a method to build an expression for a linq query for a given type, property, and value. This works wonderfully as long as the property on the type is NOT nullable. Here is the example I am working from (http://www.marcuswhitworth.com/2009/12/dynamic-linq-with-expression-trees) I am calling the Equals method on the property. However I have discovered that the Equals method for Nullable types takes an Object as a parameter instead of the Nullable type. I attempted to use GetValueOrDefault to hide the null values but EF doesn't support that method. As a simple example the following code will throw an error:
decimal? testVal = new decimal?(2100);
var test = (from i in context.Leases where i.AnnualRental.Equals(testVal) select i).ToList();
However if you use == instead of the Equals() method it will work OK. I am not sure how to convert the code to use == instead of Equals() however. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
If you say ==, you generate a BinaryExpression with NodeType as ExpressionType.Equal. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb361179.aspx
If you say .Equals(x), you generate a MethodCallExpression. The MethodCallExpressions that LinqToEntities may translate into Sql is a limitted list (for example none of your own undecorated methods are in that list). Nullable<T>.Equals(x) is apparently not on that list.
Don't say .Equals(x) to LinqToEntities.
