Joomla 3.4.x article ordering - joomla

I can't seem to get an 'ordering' column in joomla when looking at the articles under a category. I need this to specify the ordering of the articles in a module (RokStories). I followed these instructions but it did not help - still no ordering column.
Please see this screenshot:

The ordering column is the first one shown, with the up/down arrow sets. Click the top set (the column heading) to sort by order, and then you can change the order to suit.


Adding the article in joomla below the existing article by admin privelage

Have problem in adding new article in joomla the articles are getting added at the top instead of the bottom of existing article.
The sorting order of Joomla articles can be set in several different places, ranging from default settings to menu-specific settings, each one taking precedence over the previous setting.
The best way to make sure you have control over the way your articles are sorted is in your menu item editor. You should check several settings in the "Layout" tab (or "Blog Layout" if that's what you're using):
Category Order - I recommend using "No order", or else the articles will be sorted by category first.
Article Order - Use "Oldest first".
Date for Ordering - Created/modified/published. You probably want to use "Published" here. If you set this to "Modified", any article will be placed last when you save it.

Order articles in joomla

I'm trying to order some articles from a category in joomla at this url:
After put the order at the administration panel, optical harmessing I have it on the fourth place but it appears at the 3rd place, why?.
Regards and thank you
The reason is that Joomla doesn't order the articles by the backend ordering by default.
There are two ways to change this.
Do this ordering Global
Set the ordering method in the Menu
The first one could be changed in the Article List->Options (Top Left Button)->Shared Options (Tab)->Article Order (Drop Down) - Change this to Ordering. This will change all Blog and Category views to this type of ordering.
The second option is in the Menuitem. On the right site you have a Slider called "Blog Layout" there is a Option "Article Order" change this to "Article Manager Order". This will change only this Blog or Category view to this type of ordering.

How (& where) does Magento decide the order of list items in the configurable product view dropdown?

image #1:
When examining a Magento configurable test product (ski goggles with a color option), I see that the colors of the dropdown list (see image #1) are ordered like this: White, Blue, Red, Silver. However, when I examine the product in the admin view and select the "Associated Products" tab, there seems to be no correlation between the frontend list organization and the product ID numbers, price, or anything else for that matter.
To demonstrate, if I connect the product ID numbers to the above list, I get: White (170), Blue (169), Red (168), Silver (175) - see image #2 below.
image #2:
At the time I initially created the configurable product, I had added three color options (168, 169, 170) and they appeared to be displaying in descending order by ID in the dropdown on the frontend. But I just now added another individual product (the color Silver), with an ID of 175, and it doesn't follow this trend.
Question: What logic does Magento use to order these lists, and what file is this function located in? I'm looking for a way to arrange the config. product dropdown list(s) in ASCENDING order, regardless of price or any other factor, ex. from 168-175.
Someone with more experience or knowledge may override me on this, but I believe the order the attribute values appear in the drop down list is based on the order they are given on the attribute label definitions when you create the attribute.
Sort order of the attributes is determined in the attribute. The furthest column on the right is called Sort Order.
Otherwise it should sort alphabetically.
I think what you are looking for is to sort dropdown values (i.e. small, medium, large, extra-large) by some value, and not by its label. If this were done, sorting would make more sense. We would be able so sort by increasing or decreasing size, rather than alphabetical (which does not make sense).
In order for this to happen, we would need magento to support enumerations or oordinal values (, Magento - Sort by Position and Name?). There are NUMEROUS requests for this, which are being ignored.
Please be aware, dropdown values can already be re-ordered. In the admin pages, you can simply drag a dropdown value in M2 in order to change its position (M 1.9 calls this "Sort Orer"). However, the question then becomes how to use the position or sort order [s=1 m=2 l=3 xl=4] of the attribute-value for sorting, rather than its label.

Joomla Blog article layout order problem

I'm having problems with a Joomla install (problem exists in both 1.5.13 and 1.5.15) that won't order articles in a category or section blog layout.
I've tried setting the sort order on the layout manually to all the different sort options but it has no effect.
Ordering on the front page works fine.
Any ideas?
You need to Enable Custom Ordering...
In the options for the menu item (i.e. when you click the item name), look on the right hand side and click "Parameters (Advanced)".
You should set Category Order to "No, order by Primary Order only" and Primary Order to "Default" (or "Most recent first" if that doesn't work).
If a Category is tuned to be shown in several columns (f.e. 2), but only 1 column fits in template, the soring may be broken.

How can I keep one specific article always on top on the front page?

On my Joomla website, I'd like to have a "about our company" article always be the first article on the front page. I want the other articles to shift down in position as new articles are added, but to keep the "about our company" one constantly on top.
I tried setting the order of that article on the front page manager to -1, but it still shifted down when I added a new article.
Any ideas?
You could write that info in a module and publish that module in a position that shows up before the component.
Do you have the front page sorted by date? If you do then make the about us article have a created date of 2099-01-01 and make sure you switch off show date for that article
Unless you find an adequate plugin for this specific need, I'm afraid you have to manually modify the template.
Depending on the setup, you can use the section or category info as a "fake" article. Enable showing the section/category description in the menu item (it's off by default) and you'll have a text that is always at the top.
I was struggelng with the same issue,... and have found the solution in the joomla documentation.
In the frontpage manager set order number for the article that you want to be "always-on-top" to -1 (minus one). This will make sure it will always have a lower order number than the other articles, even when other people submit articles.
For Joomla 1.5, go to your FrontPage Manager. The article you want to always have at the top, type is -1 in the ORDER column (as William said above). Now next to the name of this column, there is a picture of a floppy disk - you MUST click on this icon to SAVE the order.
Now your WELCOME article is numbered -1 and will always be at the top of your front page.
This question is Google top result, yet Joomla has been upgraded many times since it was asked and answered. Here is a more recent option:
In Joomla 3.4, you can do this by going to the settings of the category that displays the articles, then to its Blog Layout, then set Article Order to Featured Articles Order. This makes featured articles appear above normal articles.
In 2020, one could add Custom Fields (available since Joomla 3.7) to Joomla articles, or just to articles in a certain category, and then modify the template to query this Custom Field and handle articles accordingly.
in the order number in joomla 1.5 setting the order number to a minus figure doesn't work, it keeps reverting back to the default number.
