dynamically filter the content based on current quarter month using search api in drupal - full-text-search

I created the content type called topic. I have added field called date in topic content. Configured the search_API and created index for search for the title and date. Now i want to display the content of the current quarter month from April to may and also want to change next quarter dynamically in the full text search using views.


can gspread create/manipulate a chart?

i have a python script using gspread that creates a new spreadsheet every month and performs updates on the current month sheet (ie sheet 2019-09).
when a new month is detected, i create a new sheet with the month as the name, and copy everything from the previous month, so as to start with a new fresh template.
the problem i have is there's a chart in the sheet that has specific date ranges that reference the current month sheep (ie '2019-09 Trend'!A4:B35).
so my question is, how can i edit this chart when a new month sheet is created? or do i need to just create the chart somehow and specify the chart values? i just dont see any reference to chart in gspread.

TIBCO spotfire date filter control - apply greater than date expression on date filter control

I am a sportfire beginner and just learned to customize Date filter using below URL,
Spotfire Calendar Filter
Just want to filter and display report data (report mapping column : LastModifiedDate) greater than date based on this filter date selected value.
Please help.
From the main tool bar: Insert > New Text Area
From the text area: Right Click > Edit Text Area
Then, Click the Insert Filter button. If you don't see it, click the >> button on the top right to see all of your options.
Select the column which contains your dates. Click Ok.
From the text area: Right Click > Un-select Edit Text Area
Tibco's Documentation lists in detail how to accomplish most everything you need. Be sure to keep this reference handy. About 3/4 of the way down on this specific page you'll see instructions on how to do what I listed above.
I added 2 Date text filters on the text Area.
As you can see there is one filter text for the start date and one for end date.
Exist any possibility to use then as a range filter because they only filter matching equal date. I want to use them as minimum(start date) and maximum date(end date).
Text filter 1 : 10/10/2000
Text filter 2 : 09/09/2015
Result : all records between the 2 dates.

How to add Column in Drupal's content View using VBO?

I want to add column into drupal's Content View.
In Drupal's admin panel, when we click on content Management-->Content-->List
the contents are loaded in table with columns Title|Type|Author|Status|Operations
I want add one more columns to this table and that is date and want to sort according to date.
How I can do this?
I wouldn't go through the trouble of altering that table. If you do so decide on going on that path here's a post that will help you: Add column to content list
The easiest way to do this is to install the Views module. Then
add a new node type view
add a page display
Fields (After you add the fields you can put them in the desired order):
Node: Title
Node: Type
Note: Published (Status)
Node: Post date (Created)
User: Name (Author)
Sort criteria
Node: Post date (Created)
Basic settings
Style: Table
click the small settings (gear link next to it) and specify Default sort and which fields are Sortable.
You might have to do some small other tweaks for the view or fields. Views is a very powerful module and once you master it you can get just about any page you can image.

Changing the default ordering of Keywords in a dropdownlist

I have a category "Year" in Tridion and it has keyword values listed 1900s-2012. I am trying to access the category in a component via a dropdownlist. The problem is, I am seeing values in dropdownlist in ascending order 1900s-2012. And user has to scroll all the way down to select the current year - 2012. Is there a way I can reorder keyword values in the category so users see the current year first. I have searched quite a bit, but found no answer on the web or in documentation.
Is it possible to specify the ordering in any dropdownlist created from a category used in a component or at the schema level?
There is no way to specify the order for a dropdown list without creating an eXtension (should be easy using jQuery).
What you could do is set the default value of the field to "2012" and that way the user has the current year selected and if they need to change to a previous year, they'll scroll up.

wp7 record filtering

For a Windows Phone 7 app, I have several Customer records that I need to display based on when the customers where created, so something like a start date and end date filter (maybe some canned entries listbox that lets you pick - tomorrow, week, month, custom)
Any UI guidance of how to do this so that the interface is kept clean and still leaves enough space for the records to get displayed?
You could reserve the majority of the display space for your data and show a brief indication of the current filter in place.
This filter could be an active control of your choice that when tapped takes the user to another page where you provide the criteria selection.
Initially it could show "No filter (tap for criteria)" or some such.
