If I shadow a buit-in function, how can I recover it? - scheme

Take this example:
(define sqrt (lambda (x) (* 2 (sqrt x))))
(sqrt 2)
2.828427 ...
How can I call the original built-in sqrt procedure without restarting my interpreter (or undefine the shadowing define)?
Actually, what happens internally when we do this? Does the built-in get overwritten, or do two procedures coexist in different namespaces?

Your definition of sqrt will actually cause a stack overflow, because it recurses into itself, not the built-in sqrt. :-P
Anyway, in Racket, your definition of sqrt will affect your current module only. It is possible to reimport the built-in sqrt under a different name, and call that from your module-specific sqrt:
(require (rename-in racket/base [sqrt racket-sqrt]))
(define sqrt (lambda (x) (* 2 (racket-sqrt x))))
Note that your code won't affect other modules that don't import your module's sqrt definition; they will continue to use the built-in sqrt.


Main difference between using define and let in scheme [duplicate]

Ok, this is a fairly basic question: I am following the SICP videos, and I am a bit confused about the differences between define, let and set!.
1) According to Sussman in the video, define is allowed to attach a value to avariable only once (except when in the REPL), in particular two defines in line are not allowed. Yet Guile happily runs this code
(define a 1)
(define a 2)
(write a)
and outputs 2, as expected. Things are a little bit more complicated because if I try to do this (EDIT: after the above definitions)
(define a (1+ a))
I get an error, while
(set! a (1+ a))
is allowed. Still I don't think that this the only difference between set! and define: what is that I am missing?
2) The difference between define and let puzzles me even more. I know in theory let is used to bind variables in local scope. Still, it seems to me that this works the same with define, for instance I can replace
(define (f x)
(let ((a 1))
(+ a x)))
(define (g x)
(define a 1)
(+ a x))
and f and g work the same: in particular the variable a is unbound outside g as well.
The only way I can see this useful is that let may have a shorter scope that the whole function definition. Still it seems to me that one can always add an anonymous function to create the necessary scope, and invoke it right away, much like one does in javascript. So, what is the real advantage of let?
Your confusion is reasonable: 'let' and 'define' both create new bindings. One advantage to 'let' is that its meaning is extraordinarily well-defined; there's absolutely no disagreement between various Scheme systems (incl. Racket) about what plain-old 'let' means.
The 'define' form is a different kettle of fish. Unlike 'let', it doesn't surround the body (region where the binding is valid) with parentheses. Also, it can mean different things at the top level and internally. Different Scheme systems have dramatically different meanings for 'define'. In fact, Racket has recently changed the meaning of 'define' by adding new contexts in which it can occur.
On the other hand, people like 'define'; it has less indentation, and it usually has a "do-what-I-mean" level of scoping allowing natural definitions of recursive and mutually recursive procedures. In fact, I got bitten by this just the other day :).
Finally, 'set!'; like 'let', 'set!' is pretty straightforward: it mutates an existing binding.
FWIW, one way to understand these scopes in DrRacket (if you're using it) is to use the "Check Syntax" button, and then hover over various identifiers to see where they're bound.
Do you mean (+ 1 a) instead of (1+ a) ? The latter is not syntactically valid.
Scope of variables defined by let are bound to the latter, thus
(define (f x)
(let ((a 1))
(+ a x)))
is syntactically possible, while
(define (f x)
(let ((a 1)))
(+ a x))
is not.
All variables have to be defined in the beginning of the function, thus the following code is possible:
(define (g x)
(define a 1)
(+ a x))
while this code will generate an error:
(define (g x)
(define a 1)
(display (+ a x))
(define b 2)
(+ a x))
because the first expression after the definition implies that there are no other definitions.
set! doesn't define the variable, rather it is used to assign the variable a new value. Therefore these definitions are meaningless:
(define (f x)
(set! ((a 1))
(+ a x)))
(define (g x)
(set! a 1)
(+ a x))
Valid use for set! is as follows:
(define x 12)
> (set! x (add1 x))
> x
Though it's discouraged, as Scheme is a functional language.
John Clements answer is good. In some cases, you can see what the defines become in each version of Scheme, which might help you understand what's going on.
For example, in Chez Scheme 8.0 (which has its own define quirks, esp. wrt R6RS!):
> (expand '(define (g x)
(define a 1)
(+ a x)))
(set! g (lambda (x) (letrec* ([a 1]) (#2%+ a x))))
You see that the "top-level" define becomes a set! (although just expanding define in some cases will change things!), but the internal define (that is, a define inside another block) becomes a letrec*. Different Schemes will expand that expression into different things.
MzScheme v4.2.4:
> (expand '(define (g x)
(define a 1)
(+ a x)))
(lambda (x)
(letrec-values (((a) '1)) (#%app + a x))))
You may be able to use define more than once but it's not
idiomatic: define implies that you are adding a definition to the
environment and set! implies you are mutating some variable.
I'm not sure about Guile and why it would allow (set! a (+1 a)) but
if a isn't defined yet that shouldn't work. Usually one would use
define to introduce a new variable and only mutate it with set!
You can use an anonymous function application instead of let, in
fact that's usually exactly what let expands into, it's almost
always a macro. These are equivalent:
(let ((a 1) (b 2))
(+ a b))
((lambda (a b)
(+ a b))
1 2)
The reason you'd use let is that it's clearer: the variable names are right next to the values.
In the case of internal defines, I'm not sure that Yasir is
correct. At least on my machine, running Racket in R5RS-mode and in
regular mode allowed internal defines to appear in the middle of the
function definition, but I'm not sure what the standard says. In any
case, much later in SICP, the trickiness that internal defines pose is
discussed in depth. In Chapter 4, how to implement mutually recursive
internal defines is explored and what it means for the implementation
of the metacircular interpreter.
So stick with it! SICP is a brilliant book and the video lectures are wonderful.

How do I load my file at DrRacket

I am a undergraduate who wants to go through "The Scheme programming language" as a self-study.
Here is a simple program and I named it as "reciprocal.ss"
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if(= n 0)
(/ 1 n))))
Then I wanted to load my procedure:
(load "reciprocal.ss")
It produces this error:
reciprocal.ss:1:0: #%top-interaction: unbound identifier;
also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: #%top-interaction
I did each parts as what the book says. Perhaps I am just making a rookie mistake. Any insight would be appreciated.
Since load uses eval, using it outside of a REPL generally will not work — for reasons described in Namespaces
Using racket/load can work for you here however:
#lang racket/load
(load "reciprocal.ss")
(display (reciprocal 10))
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0) "oops!"
(/ 1 n))))
In Racket (and Scheme at large) has a more complex story than the average language regarding running external code. In general, you should use import when you want to directly 'include' a file, you should use provide/require when you want to establish module boundaries and you should use load when you are sophisticated enough to be stretching the limits of either.
The simplest approach is not to use load at all.
In "reciprocal.ss" make the first lines:
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(/ 1 n))))
Then use (require "reciprocal.ss") in the file where you need to use the function reciprocal.
The load mechanism was used back in the good old days before module systems had arrived. Writing (load "foo.ss") basically works as if you manually pasted the contents of foo.ss into the repl and excecuted it. This means that the result of your program is dependent of the order of loading files (if you are using side effects). Module systems handle this (and other things too) much better.

which is the reason to use lambda in this scenario?

For what I know in functional languages is common to use lambda for referring to anonymous functions, but I do not see to be really useful to use:
(define square
(lambda (x) (* x x)))
instead of
(define (square x)
(* x x))
why is the first form used in almost all documents that I found regarding Scheme?
I always use this syntax because it is explicit. lambda defines a function. Functions have no name. Then you assign this function to a variable. Variables have names. The form (define (f x) ...) is merely syntactic sugar for a very common case, but obscures the fact that scheme is a lisp-1.

Why is a Lisp file not a list of statements?

I've been learning Scheme through the Little Schemer book and it strikes me as odd that a file in Scheme / Lisp isn't a list of statements. I mean, everything is supposed to be a list in Lisp, but a file full of statements doesn't look like a list to me. Is it represented as a list underneath? Seems odd that it isn't a list in the file.
For instance...
#lang scheme
(define atom?
(lambda (x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))
(define sub1
(lambda (x y)
(- x y)))
(define add1
(lambda (x y)
(+ x y)))
(define zero?
(lambda (x)
(= x 0)))
Each define statement is a list, but there is no list of define statements.
It is not, because there is no practical reasons for it. In fact, series of define statements change internal state of the language. Information about the state can be accessible via functions. For example , you can ask Lisp if some symbol is bound to a function.
There is no practical benefit in traversing all entered forms (for example, define forms). I suppose that this approach (all statements are elements of a list) would lead to code that would be hard to read.
Also, I think it not quite correct to think that "everything is supposed to be a list in Lisp", since there are also some atomic types, which are quite self-sufficient.
When you evaluate a form, if the form defines something, that definition is added to the environment, and that environment is (or can be) a single list. You can build a program without using files, by just typing definitions into the REPL. In Lisp as in any language, the program “lives” in the run-time environment, not the source files.

how is the efficiency and cost of nested function in scheme language

In SICP, I have learned using functions, it's amazing and usefull. But I am confused with the cost of function nested, like below code:
(define (sqrt x)
(define (good-enough? guess)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
(define (improve guess)
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(define (sqrt-iter guess)
(if (good-enough? guess)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess))))
(sqrt-iter 1.0))
It defines three child-functions, how is the efficiency and cost? If I use more function
calls like this?
look at code below, in Searching for divisors
(define (smallest-divisor n)
(find-divisor n 2))
(define (find-divisor n test-divisor)
(cond ((> (square test-divisor) n) n)
((divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor)
(else (find-divisor n (+ test-divisor 1)))))
(define (divides? a b)
(= (remainder b a) 0))
(define (prime? n)
(= n (smallest-divisor n)))
Q1: the divides? and smallest-divisor are not necessary, just for clarification. How are the efficiency and cost? Does Scheme compiler optimize for this situation. I think I should learn some knowledge about compiler.(͡๏̯͡๏)
q2: How about in interpreter?
It's implementation dependent. It does not say anything about how much cost a closure should have, but since Scheme is designed around closures any implementation should stride to make closures cheap. Many implementations does CPS conversions and that introduces a closure per evaluation operation.
There is a compiler technique called lambda lifting where local functions get transformed to global by changing free variables not in global scope to bounded ones and lifting the procedure out of the procedure it was defined in. The SICP code might get translated to something like:
(define (lift:good-enough? x guess)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
(define (lift:improve x guess)
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(define (lift:sqrt-iter x guess)
(if (lift:good-enough? x guess)
(lift:sqrt-iter (lift:improve x guess))))
(define (sqrt x)
(lift:sqrt-iter x 1.0))
Where all the lift:-prefixed identifiers are unique so that it does not collide with existing global bindings.
The efficiency question breaks down to a question of compiler optimization. Generally anytime you have a lexical procedure, such as your improve procedure, that references a free variable, such as your x, then a closure needs to be created. The closure has an 'environment' that must be allocated to store all free variables. Thus there is some space overhead and some time overhead (to allocate the memory and to fill the memory).
Where does compiler optimization come to play? When a lexical procedure does not 'escape' its lexical block, such as all of yours, then the compiler can inline the procedures. In that case a closure with its environment need not be created.
But, importantly, in every day use, you shouldn't worry about the use of lexical procedures.
In one word: negligible. Using nested functions instead of top-level defined functions won't have a noticeable effect on performance, we use nested functions ("block structure" in SICP's terms) for clarity and better structuring a procedure, not for efficiency:
Such nesting of definitions, called block structure, is basically the right solution to the simplest name-packaging problem
There might be a small difference in the time it takes to look up a function depending on where it was defined, but that will depend on implementation details of the interpreter. It's not worth worrying about it.
Not relevant.
One of the important aspects of designing a programming language is often choosing between efficiency on one side, and expressiveness on the other side. In most situations these two aspects defines the charactersistics of a low-level and high-level language, respectively.
Scheme is a small, but powerful high-level language from the family of Lisp languages. One of the most powerful feature of Scheme is it's expressiveness and ability to abstract. As a programmer of Scheme you use block structure inside procedures because it encapsulates related behaviour and solves your problem in a structured way, but you don't consider low-level properties of this behaviour, such as runtime-cost of calling procedures or allocating lists. This is part of the joy of programming in a high-level language such as Scheme.
As you say: It's amazing and useful, so continue your work and create something nice. Until the program becomes considerably slow in operation I wouldn't care about these things and just concentrate on the harder problems like defining concepts and behaviour in your program.
