Cannot initialize Direct3D with rastertek tutorial - directx-11

I have a problem with this rastertek tutorial:
The problem happens at the following line of code
result = m_device->CreateRenderTargetView(backBufferPtr, NULL, &m_renderTargetView);
where the result gets the value E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid.
I can't figure out what happens. Could someone help me? I use visual studio 2015 community edition, HP Pavilion, Windows 8.1
Thank you

Enable the Direct3D Debug layer by passing D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG as the Flags parameter to D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain:
// Create the swap chain, Direct3D device, and Direct3D device context.
result = D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, NULL,
D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, &featureLevel, 1,
D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &swapChainDesc, &m_swapChain,
&m_device, NULL, &m_deviceContext);
return false;
This will enable additional debug information which should provide a hint as to what went wrong before you got E_INVALIDARG.
The Rastertek tutorials are quite old and make extensive use of deprecated APIs. I suggest taking a look at the Direct3D Game VS Template and the DirectX Tool Kit tutorials as your first introduction to Direct3D 11. Once you have the modern basics down, you can revisit the Rastertek tutorials and glean any additional information out of them.
Troubleshooting: If you get a failure from D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain when you add the debug flag, you may not have the correct debug device installed--although it should have already been handled by the VS 2015 install. See this post.


System overlay window with Android NDK C++, inc. OpenGL-ES for graphics

I am very experienced with Visual C++ and I am just starting to program native Android C++ apps with Visual Studio 2015 C++.
I need to do a homescreen overlay-style app, presumably by using a TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY window and SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission.
Is it possible to do this with the NDK? Will all required API calls be available to use?
Am I correct to assume that I won't be able to use OpenGL-ES to display my graphics in the window (since it isn't full-screen)? I would love to be able to use cocos2d-x for graphics, input etc but I have a feeling that won't be possible at all.
Is it just going to be too difficult to use NDK for this type of app, and should preferably just sit down and learn Java and SDK?
(last question is probably a bit opinional)
On Android, anything you can do with Java, you can do with the NDK, because you can simply use JNI. If you are making many calls into Java from the NDK, you should consider creating an JNI wrapper class, which reduces the calling mechanism to fewer lines.
Although I haven't tried it, there is nothing in the Android documentation to suggest that GLSurfaceView cannot be used with a particular type of window layout.

DirectX 11 & Windows SDK: any modern project setup tutorials for Windows 7?

Note: I just wanna say at first that I tried literally everything I could find about the subject (MSDN, Stack Overflow, D3DCoder, etc.) without any success (after solving one, another error was waiting for me). So I am posting here by pure demotivation (there are similar posts already, yes, but none of them actually helped me out).
Here is how it goes:
A few months ago, I decided to start learning modern OpenGL by pure curiosity, and finally decided to switch to DirectX after reading the downsides of OpenGL (I was also only targeting Windows platform). I think it was one of the worst move I ever made: I heard that OpenGL was lacking of documentation and everything was a mess with third party libraries, but I realized that DirectX was way worst than what it seemed to be compared to OpenGL. In fact, trying to code in modern DirectX 11 using Windows 7 and VS2013 is just a pain (especially shaders) and the time it takes to figure it all out is just a time waster. After reading a lot of porting articles on MSDN about alternative libraries, like DirectXTK, DirectXTex, DirectXMesh, Effects11 and DXUT, I still don't know what to do and how to setup a fully working modern project in Windows 7. Specifically, the 5 (/5_0) shader model (deprecated) combined with the new Effects11 library (not deprecated) is the thing that confuse me the most.
By the way, I am currently reading the latest Frank Luna book about the subject ('Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct3D 11') and I still can't get his samples working at all (even with DirectX SDK). Also, I don't know if what I am learning is relevant or not since he wrote it before the Windows SDK switch. For your information, the latest error I am trying to solve with his samples (for those who know the book) is a E_NOINTERFACE from D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory function (at runtime):
HR(D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory(compiledShader->GetBufferPointer(), compiledShader- >GetBufferSize(),
0, md3dDevice, &mFX));
// Done with compiled shader.
ReleaseCOM(compiledShader); -> crash here
All that being said, here is what I wanna know:
Are there any clear step-by-step tutorials on how to setup a modern DirectX 11 project in Windows 7 using VS2013 or it is still in pre-alpha stage (just kidding)?
What is actually going on with the shader model, the HLSL compiler, and the .fx files and what should be used (I hear everywhere that it is deprecated but no replacement seems to exist yet)?
For those who know the book, any idea on how to build the old DirectX SDK samples without getting this silly runtime error?
Thanks a lot!
E_NOINTERFACE is an usual error in that context, so likely there's something wrong with the code around it you are not showing in your question.
You can still use the legacy DirectX SDK with VS 2013, but it takes a slightly different procedure than was used with VS 2010. In VC++ Directories set Executable to $(ExecutablePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x86 or $(ExecutablePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x64;$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x86, Include to $(IncludePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Include, and Library to $(LibraryPath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x86 or $(LibraryPath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x64. Read MSDN for some other details of doing this. I've also made some notes w.r.t. to that book here.
You actually don't need the legacy DirectX SDK, but you may find it easier to do that for now using that book. VS 2013 comes with the Windows 8.1 SDK that has all the OS headers for DirectX 11 along with D3DCompile #47.
You can use the Direct3D tutorial for a simple example of setting up a Win32 desktop app (i.e. one that works on Windows 7) with a device, swapchain, and window. This makes no use of legacy DirectX SDK.
There are some additional Effects Tutorial Win32 Sample you can use as well. Instructions on adding the Effects 11 library is on the CodePlex wiki under Documentation / Effects 11 / Adding to a VS solution.
Your questions about FX vs. not are also covered on the CodePlex: Is Effects 11 deprecated? and How do I avoid using fx_5_0?. Also on StackOverflow.
Many of the older DirectX SDK samples have been reposted to MSDN Code Gallery and do not require the legacy DirectX SDK to build. You should read these posts for the fate of various DirectX SDK things:
DirectX SDK Samples Catalog
DirectX SDK Tools Catalog
Living without D3DX
DirectX SDKs of a certain age
The story for learning DirectX 11 with Windows Store apps / Windows phone 8.x aps is a lot cleaner, and is well supported by VS templates and MSDN documentation. Win32 desktop apps are of course a completely reasonable option, but you have to distinguish between legacy and modern with a bit of research. You still start with the standard Win32 desktop app project template in VS.
Note: Windows by default only supports OpenGL v1.5 software renderer. You have to install 3rd party ICD to get anything else, and there are no OpenGL VS templates.

How do you guys debug GLSL?

I recently attempted to write some GLSL shader code and did not have much luck when the shader didn't draw what I expected (basically, everything is black on screen). Here are the tools I tried:
Nvidia NSight VS integration - It crashes right away when I start the application, try couples other application even with the simple triangle drawing and still have no luck. Search through the internet and Nvidia forum and seem it is a common issue, and didn't seems to find any solution.
glslDevil - It can start the application but then the program keeps exiting before any rendering happens, the GL Trace is
wglMakeCurrent(0, 0)
ChildProcess exited
Get another crash when running another application when after calling
glDeleteTexture(1, 0314EF74)
Child process exited
I have no clue what is going on.
AMD PerfStudio 2 - It seems it is the most promising tools, successfully run my application and display the required information. However, it didn't seems support debugging GLSL, I cannot step through the shader and watching the local variables etc? It seems only support DirextX shader
gDebugger - It works pretty well tool, similar to AMD PerfStudio, but again it is not a debugger, cannot step through the shader code and watching any local variables.
Printf - ?? Someone on stack overflow saying using printf, how can I do printf() in the shader?
Convert DirectX shader to GLSL - Since DirectX shader have better debugging tool, and there are tools like to automatically convert the hlsl to glsl, it seems it can be an alternative. I personally didn't like this solution, and really wish I have another choice.
Can anyone suggest how you debug your GLSL? What tool you are using successfully?
I am running on:
NVidia GFX 460v2
Visual Studio 2008 and 2010
OpenGL 2.0
You can specify extra outputs using the glDrawBuffers and then inspect that (your printf).
However that doesn't fixes anything when the primitive is outside the drawing area.
Otherwise it's old school programming by pure reasoning and mental debugging.
After many hours struggle, I finally make my NSight working on my machine, and I write up the process in here and hope it will help someone with similar problem,
Download NSight from, and it involves couple download steps, just follow the instruction. I have Nsight Tegra install before and get a NSight menu in my Visual Studio, however, when I start the graphics debugger, the application crash right away. I think the NSight integration come with the NSight Terga is broken, and reinstall the NSight follow the above link seems fix the problem
When running the NSight graphics debugger, I am not able to debug my shader code due to the fact that my app is using some incompatible function, such as
and much more. The graphics debugger told me I can call a tool named Nav.Launcher.exe to find out a list of incompatible functions in my application. However, I cannot find the tool in my hard drive.
Then I decide to use the gDEBugger to run my application again and turn on Breakpoints->Break On Deprecated Function. This allow my to know all deprecated functions I called in my code. After removed all deprecated functions, the NSight graphics debugger's frame debugger feature can be enabled and I can finally step through my shader code line by line in Visual Studio
Hope this help.

OpenGL fails to render on windows 8

I am encountering an issue where nothing is rendered when running a simple OpenGL application through VS 2012 on Windows 8.
I had a little debug renderer I was using to prototype some projects and had it up and running on Windows 7 using VS 2012 Express Edition.
I upgraded to Windows 8, and cloned the git repository with my work on. After installing the latest drivers and installing VS 2012, I ran my application, but nothing displayed, all I get is the screen clear colour. I was getting an exception before but that's because I didn't have the right drivers so when calling glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION,...) I'd get -1 as OpenGL wasn't set up correctly. It is initialised correctly now and when stepping through, it looks like everything is working fine, the only problem is I'm not seeing anything.
To make sure it wasn't just my code I downloaded some of the Swiftless OpenGL examples and got the exact same thing. My application was using OpenGL 3.2 and no deprecated functionality. My hardware can support up to 3.3, and if it is of any use I am running Window 8 through Boot Camp on a Macbook air.
I have been bashing my head against a wall for the last couple of days trying to solve this but I'm not having much luck, I thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has had a similar problem, I'd be really grateful if anyone can offer any information. If someone with Windows 8 could download and build a simple OpenGL application though VS just to see if they can get something up on screen that would be interesting!
Do you use the good old and deprecated fixed function pipeline, namely immediate mode draw calls like glBegin(), glVertex*() and glEnd()? If so, try to draw your stuff using vertex arrays. Even if this doesn't help in your specific situation, immediate mode draw calls should be avoided at all cost to make the code forward compatible. The OpenGL 3.x core profile doesn't contain these old API functions anymore. I had also a blank screen on my new Win 7 notebook (OpenGL 3.3) because of some stale immediate mode draw calls (FTGL).
For independent GL debugging, I recommend this:
This program allows you to pause the execution and investigate buffer contents, shader programs and more.
After installing the latest drivers
Where did you get the drivers from? Only drivers you download directly from the GPU vendor's website ship with proper OpenGL support. The drivers automatically installed by Windows have only poor OpenGL support.
opengl support is not available for windows 8.their are still techniques to use it on windows its better to search on google coz i tried for minecraft game or u can check here too

Windows Phone 7 and native C++/CLI

Microsoft recently released tools and documentation for its new Phone 7 platform, which to the dismay of those who have a big C++ codebase (like me) doesn't support native development anymore. Although I've found speculation about this decision being reversed, I doubt it. So I was thinking how viable would be to make this codebase available to Phone 7 by adapting it to compile under C++/CLI. Of course the user interface parts couldn't be ported, but I'm not sure about the rest. Anyone had a similar experience? I'm not talking about code that does heavy low-level stuff - but there's a quite frequent use of templates and smart pointers.
c++/cli can theoretically be used with WPF/Silverlight using the trick of replacing the C# generated from the XAML with a macro definition that can be used inside the main class in a code behind file. I worked out this technique but haven't had the motivation to take it beyond theory - I'm quite happy mixing languages.
As far as using c++/cli in a pure safe mode for your logic code, this may still not be possible but I'd love to hear how someone goes trying it now. Whilst researching it for Silverlight back in 2008 I found this daunting silverlight forum comment:
I just gave Silverlight&C++ it a try by compiling the MSIL from my C++ project into a Silverlight-compatible DLL. The good news: it works, and you can call this code from a Silverlight project. The bad news: The C++ compiler apparently uses MSIL instructions that Silverlight disallows.
So, if you try this, even with the simplest of programs, you'll almost immediately get the exception "Operation could destabilize the runtime." To me, this makes it seem less likely that we'll see Silverlight for C++ soon, as the compiler will need to behave quite a bit differently.
You can generate verifiable managed code in C++/CLI using the /clr:safe option. The problem is that most of your normal c++ code will not compile with that option.
C# is currently the only supported language for WinPhone7.
I fully expect that MS will add support for VB and C++/CLI in the future too, but don't expect to open up the native-code kimono anytime soon.
Native code just has too many issues to overcome, specifically around security, reliability, etc. Managed code is FAR easier to statically verify and FAR easier to control while running.
If you're upset about porting C++ code to C#, just be glad MS didn't force you to have to move to Objective-C ;)
From our own experience, the proces of porting well-written C++ to C# actually takes a lot less effort than one might at first expect. Sure, there's a learning curve, but you have that with any port. We actually got so much benefit from porting our core app and data engines to C# that we re-tooled our entire team to code in C# and port our C# back to C++ where necessary rather than the other way around! So far, we've only ported two modules back to C++ and call our C# code from our native code via interop instead.
Again, remember, WinPhone is a brand new platform using best of breed, highly-productive, next-generation development tools and platforms. It is not your father's WinMo.
If support for C++ is something you find to be crucially important, then make sure MS know - (respectfully and professionally) state your position in the MSDN forums and at developer events near you.
Update1: 2012-12-17:
While native C++ still isn't officially supported for Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8 now supports native C++ code so you can more easily port your existing C++ codebase(s) to Windows Phone 8 (as well as Windows 8 and Windows desktop apps).
While there isn't 100% compatibility between the Windows8/Phone8 platforms and API's right now, I expect the two platforms to become increasingly integrated over the next couple of releases.
This is especially true now that one of the key barriers to closer cooperation between Windows and other groups at Microsoft recently left the company ;)
Update2: 4/15/2014:
As per the recent announcements at //BUILD/ 2014, you can now start building "universal" apps in C++ & XAML, C#/VB & XAML or JavaScript & HTML that will run on Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 and Xbox One! For more details on building Windows Phone 8.1 Universal Apps, read this article.
The whole development idea is built on Silverlight. I think you can add your managed dll written in C++ without any problem to this Silverlight project, but it could not use native code.
I am planning to install the tools on my machine tonight and will try this out.
It is fine if MS decides to leave the path and create something new, that is MS' decision. So let's face the facts. Silverlight is no success yet. MS lost significant share due to Apple, Android and RIM. Application developers simply have to evaluate the business case for their own applications and decide if they trust in a share gain of Windows 7 phone or not. For the company that I run, we decided not to support any more MS Windows phone 7, not because of this or the other technical reason, but just because that we don't believe in the return of our investment for the port.
We start supporting Apple, Symbian, Andoid and MeeGo in the future if we see a market success of this new platform. All support C/C++ and enable us to reuse our proven application cores. So why worry at all. Personal technology preferences should not be gating. If personal preferences worry, then I would kick MS out for their to me ugly looking UI.
It is on the horizon finally!
So a survey sent to windows phone developers about their future
development preferences and XNA isn't mentioned once in the Survey (A
survey sent to windows phone developers - did I mention that)
They do however ask:
How would you prefer to use C++ in your mobile apps/games?
Develop apps/games that are C++ from top to bottom (UI, business logic, and platform
Use C++ for business logic and then write platform abstraction layer
Use C++ for business logic use 3rd party runtime engines
I don’t want to use C++
