contact since localhost to db hostinger - codeigniter

For work at the moment i need access from localhost of my computer (with Codeigniter) to DB into a server hostinger.
How can make it? How can change the configuration of phpmyadmin? I only want connect with my codeigniter to a remote DB.
I also accept a good server that permise me allow remote connection.


Containerized Laravel application that connects to a remote database

Good day everyone, I have a Laravel application that is supposed to connect to a remote MYSQL database in production, and to ease deployment I am using docker. I have setup a GitHub actions workflow that is triggered when I push to master branch, the workflow essentially runs a couple of tests and then builds my app into an image and then pushes to docker hub.
To avoid database connection issues when composer dump-autoload is run during the build process, I allowed connection from any host (changed bind-address to in mysql config) and also setup the mysql user to connect from any host. This seems to do the trick but my concern is obviously exposing my database service to the entire world. Fortunately its possible to setup my own dedicated server for Github actions, which means I can easily restrict my db service to that host. Would that be the Ideal solution or there is way to run the workflow without needing to connect to a database?.
Try to connect to remote database using an SSH Tunnel
ssh -N -L 3336: [USER]#[REMOTE_SERVER_IP]
With this you do not need to publish MySQL to the world and could bind it to on Remote host.

Laravel Homestead needs to access local web server

I have the following setup in my DEV environment which is running on Windows 10 (which should be irrelevant).
Homestead with Virtual box to develop my Laravel applications
on my local OS I have a IBM Domino server running as dev1.mydomain.local
I'm trying to access the REST API on the Domino server from my Laravel installations. At the moment I'm getting 404 errors when trying because the domino server is not available from within the VirtualBox of Homestead.
Here is the network configuration of the homestead virtual box
Both webservers Domino and nginx on the virtual box are running on standard ports
Here is the ifconfig output of the virtual box
How can I make that possible?
It just came to me that I am able to access the Domino server with LDAP, so perhaps changing the http and https port of the Domino server is already the answer...
I will test that and then get back here...
Changing the Port of the Domino server to 8080 enable me to access the server's REST API
The connection to the local machine seems to be enable through the VirtualBox's second network adapter and the my call to the REST API got confused with the 2 web servers listening to the same port on localhost(
although I was kind of able to connect to the server using the address above, still left me with the problem that authentication wasn't possible. In order to do so (and I have not the slightest idea why), I had to change to the local IP address of my PC to access the REST services
If someone could explain that I would be happy :-)

how to connect remote mysql database from local machine using jmeter

i have tried to connect from Jmeter to external mysql server using JDBC sampler. But I am getting erros. its possible to connect to the local mysql server.I am confused how to connect jmeter from my local machine to server database in other machine using JDBC CONNECTION
Make sure you remote MySQL server is accepting remote connections. Locate bind-address line in my.cnf file and set it to listen on all interfaces:
bind-address =
See Troubleshooting Problems Connecting to MySQL for more details. You will need restart MySQL server in order to pick up any changes made in my.cnf file
Make sure your operating system firewall on MySQL server side allows incoming connections to MySQL server TCP port (default is 3306).
Verify that you able to hit port 3306 with a telnet client or equivalent
If you will be still experiencing problems - update your question with JDBC Request sampler output and jmeter.log file contents. I would also recommend checking out The Real Secret to Building a Database Test Plan With JMeter to learn more about the concept of databases load testing using JMeter
If you are able to connect to that server using MySQL Workbench or another tool just use the below config for JMeter.
Just remember that you need to have mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar (or another version of it) under apache-jmeter-3.0\lib\ folder.
Hope this helps!

Connect to an ejabberd server from another machine

I have ejabberd installed on my windows 7 machine .I created users using the web admin and clients are connecting fine.(I am using psi). I want for the users on other machines to be able to connect and even users with android clients.
I have modified the hosts file in
like this: is the ip address of the machine the server is installed on.I can ping it from other machines but when i try to connect a user with let say usr: pwd: passwrd it says the server can't be reached. What do I need to do to let clients connect successfuly to my ejabberd server?I apologize if this is basic but this is my first trial on xmpp server administration.
It was a problem with my own understanding with DNS .The domain name you set up when you set up your xmpp server should be an already existing ACCESSIBLE address on the network. I found the name of my pc simply by running the famous
on windows and used the host name value as my domain while setting up ejabberd.It usually even finds it by default.
NOTE: To reconfigure ejabberd ,I uninstalled it and deleted everything in the
If i didn't do so ,the last settings of the server are not deleted and you can't create your new admin account.These are my findings on ejabberd so far and I hope it helps somebody some day.

How to find database host url in joomla

i have a website with Joomla 2.5.4, in the configuration file the DB host is coded as localhost. i know the DB name, username, password to access. But not the URL to access the Host. is that Possible to get the information without logging in to C PANEL etc..
in some situations my client fails to give me the url to access DB, if iopen the configuration file, there it says LOCALHOST.
Is there any other way to find out?
If the configuration.php has localhost then it should be the same as the website/the ip address of the website. Remember 'localhost' is just a synonym for the current computer.
I'm not sure why you would want the URL though.
If you're writing a software extension for Joomla! you don't need the database details you can just get the database object from the framework, eg. $db = JFactory::getDBO();
If you writing a PHP script external to Joomla! you can just use localhost in your connection code e.g..
$mysqli_connection = new MySQLi('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'db');
To check for errors in the connection you would the check the value in $mysqli_connection->[connect_error][2]
If you want to do a remote connection then the websites address will generally do if the configuration states localhost (obviously if it doesn't have local host or an equivalent then the value will be the database servers address), but you will also need to setup the remote access through cPanel.
I'm afaid you cannot find this information in other way than through your webhost, at least not to my knowledge.
localhost is the most usual way, but there are most likely other host adresses like: or by ip: 123.456.456.7
I also faced same problem. I left the host name as 'localhost' when the files are in the file server. Then it works fine for me. If its not working fine for you,just put your domain name instead of localhost (or) otherwise file hosting service provider needs to provide the details of host name when you signup.
