Python 2.7 + win 7: how to detect file copy process completed - windows

I wrote a simple python script to automatically detect a file added in the directory, and then I would do sth to this new-added file. One issue I tried to solve is how to determine if the file copy process has completed.
1) how to detect a file added in the directory - solved
2) how to detect a file copy process completed?
One solution is to compare size as suggested in the following post. But I tried this method, I found it did not work. When the file was still copying (Win7 pop-up window still showed 13 mins left), the piece of code has indicated that file copy has completed.
Can anyone help check why it did not work? Is there any better way to detect file copy process completed?
Python - How to know if a file is completed when copying from an outside process
file_size = 0
while True:
file_info = os.stat(file_path)
if file_info.st_size == 0 or file_info.st_size > file_size:
file_size = file_info.st_size
I camp up the following solution by myself.
Rather than checking file size, I tried to open this file. If IOError is seen, sleep 2 seconds and then retry.
Let me know if you have a better solution.
result = None
while result is None:
result = open(logPath)
except IOError:


"Too many open files" error when using named pipes

I'm running 2 scripts and after a while, I'm getting Too many open files # error/blob.c/ImageToFile/1832.
Simplified version of the first scripts. It's supposed to read images written to image_pipe, process them, and write them to ocr_pipe for the OCR to read.
# creates 2 named pipes
File.mkfifo(image_pipe) rescue nil
File.mkfifo(ocr_pipe) rescue nil
while image =
# do some stuff with `image`...
The second script is using ffmpeg to extract frames from a video, writing them to image_pipe
# image_pipe is the same as the script above.
( do
`/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg [some options...] #{image_pipe}`
I think the issue is RMagick opening too many file descriptors when reading the images in the loop of the first script, but I'm not sure how to stop that from happening. The Magick::Image class doesn't have a close method or anything, afaik.
I did not find the root cause of the issue, but ulferts helped me find a workaround that's acceptable for me.
Instead of letting RMagick open the file itself, we should handle it on our side, and then use .from_blob to create the Magick::Image instance.
while f =
image = Image.from_blob(f)
# ... do stuff with image.

Some .txt files will open with the wrong encoding

I have been working on a project for a while now, and I just reached another big step! However, for some .txt files that my program creates, it will give me this message:
File was loaded in the wrong encoding: 'UTF-8'
Most of the .txt files are fine, but it gives me this error for others at the top (I can still read them). Here is my code:
from socket import *
import codecs
import subprocess
ipa = '192.168.1.' # These are the first 3 digits of the IP addresses that the program looks for.
def is_up(adr):
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
if not s.connect_ex((adr, 135)):
return 1
def main():
for i in range(1, 256):
adr = ipa + str(i)
if is_up(adr):
with"" + getfqdn(adr) + ".txt", "w+", 'utf-8-sig') as f:'ipconfig | findstr /i "ipv4"', stdout=f, shell=True, check=True)'wmic/node:'+adr+' product get name, version, vendor', stdout=f, shell=True, check=True)
# Most code provided by Ashish Jain
Unfortunately I don't think I'm allowed to say exactly which files are giving me trouble, because I might be distributing information that someone can use for malicious intent.
Since your script only writes to files, there's no reason to open it in w+ mode, which enables reading. Opening the files in w mode should be enough.
Furthermore, the commands that your script runs must not be outputting in utf-8-sig-encoded text, and hence the error. In most cases outputting with default encoding by not specifying an encoding will suffice.
Lastly, you're missing a space between wmic and /node: in the second command you run.

Errno::EMFILE - "Too many open files # rb_sysopen" when opening first file

I have an application that's using ruby 2.2.3 . For most users the application is working fine but for 2 users they are running into the error "Too many open files # rb_sysopen - C:\Users\Samuel\AppData\Roaming\Oneshot\save.dat (Errno::EMFILE)"
This is happening on the first file that the game tries to write to from the ruby level. I've had the affected users run process explorer to check how many file handles the program has open but it only has 30 open at most, so I don't think they actually have too many open files. The directory exists on the user's computer so it's not an issue with that either. Does anyone have any ideas what else could be causing this error to be thrown?
This is the ruby code that's causing the issue, I don't think anything is wrong with it (it's breaking right when it opens, not during the dump):
def save
if ($game_variables[3] == 0) #don't save if intro variable isn't set
end, 'wb') do |file|
# Wrire frame count for measuring play time
Marshal.dump(Graphics.frame_count, file)
# Increase save count by 1
$game_system.save_count += 1
# Save magic number
# (A random value will be written each time saving with editor)
$game_system.magic_number = $data_system.magic_number
# Write each type of game object
Marshal.dump($game_system, file)
Marshal.dump($game_switches, file)
Marshal.dump($game_variables, file)
Marshal.dump($game_self_switches, file)
Marshal.dump($game_screen, file)
Marshal.dump($game_actors, file)
Marshal.dump($game_party, file)
Marshal.dump($game_map, file)
Marshal.dump($game_player, file)
Marshal.dump($game_followers, file)
Marshal.dump($game_oneshot, file)
Marshal.dump($game_fasttravel, file)
Marshal.dump($game_temp.footstep_sfx , file)

Updating the tab/file status after saving in a Sublime Text Plugin

This may be an old bug; I found this report. I'm using Sublime 3 but I think this code also works on 2.
When I call self.view.run_command('save') within a plugin, the save does happen -- I can type the file in a console window and see the results. The dirty flag seems to get cleared. But the tab for the file contains a dot rather than an x, indicating the file hasn't been saved. And sure enough, if you try to close it, it asks if you want to save the file.
Is there any way to refresh the file window so it recognizes that the file has been saved?
Here's my plugin code: (This is my first plugin so please excuse obvious style issues)
# Sublime Text plugin to insert output in the OUTPUT_SHOULD_BE comment
# Bind to key with:
# { "keys": ["f12"], "command": "insert_output" },
import sublime, sublime_plugin, pprint, os, re
class InsertOutputCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
outfile = self.view.file_name().rsplit('.')[0] + ".out"
if not os.path.exists(outfile):
sublime.error_message("Not Found: " + outfile)
out_data = open(outfile).read().strip()
region = self.view.find(r"/\* OUTPUT_SHOULD_BE\n", 0)
if region:
self.view.insert(edit, region.end(), out_data)
sublime.error_message("Not Found: OUTPUT_SHOULD_BE")
I'm sure this is probably a terrible hack, but it works:
# Refresh the buffer and clear the dirty flag:
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self.view.run_command("revert"), 10)
The revert command, which must be delayed in order to work, simply brings back whatever is stored in the file. Since the file was successfully saved on disk, this is just the same file that we already see on the screen. In the process, the dirty flag is cleared and the dot on the file tab becomes an x.
Feels very hacky to me and I'd love a more proper solution. But at least it works, ugly or not.

Reopening closed file: Lua

I have a file called backup.lua, which the program should write to every so often in order to backup its status, in case of a failure.
The problem is that the program writes the backup.lua file completely fine first-time round, but any other times it refuses to write to the file.
I tried removing the file while the program was still open but Windows told me that the file was in use by 'CrysisWarsDedicatedServer.exe', which is the program. I have told the host Lua function to close the backup.lua file, so why isn't it letting me modify the file at will after it has been closed?
I can't find anything on the internet (Google actually tried to correct my search) and the secondary programmer on the project doesn't know either.
So I'm wondering if any of you folks know what we are doing wrong here?
Host function code:
function ServerBackup(todo)
local write, read;
if todo=="write" then
write = true;
read = true;
if (write) then
local source ="Mods/Infinity/System/Read/backup.lua", "w");
System.Log(TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(2).." for 2, and for 1: "..TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(1))
System.LogAlways("[System] Backing up serverdata to file 'backup.lua'");
source:write("--[[ The server is dependent on this file; editing it will lead to serious problems.If there is a problem with this file, please re-write it by accessing the backup system ingame.--]]");
source:write("Backup = {};Backup.Time = '""%H:%M").."';Backup.Date = '""%d/%m/%Y").."';");
source:write(XFormat("TeamInstantAction:SetTeamScore(2, %d);TeamInstantAction:SetTeamScore(1, %d);TeamInstantAction:UpdateScores();",TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(2), TeamInstantAction:GetTeamScore(1) ));
for i,player in pairs( or {}) do
if (IsModerator(player)) then
CMPlayer(player, "[!backup] Completed server backup.");
--local source ="Mods/Infinity/System/Read/backup.lua", "r"); Can the file be open here and by the Lua scriptloader too?
if (read) then
System.LogAlways("[System] Restoring serverdata from file 'backup.lua'");
Backup = {};
if not Backup or #Backup < 1 then
System.LogAlways("[System] Error restoring serverdata from file 'backup.lua'");
Thanks all :).
Although the file is now written to the disk fine, the system fails to read the dumped file.
So, now the problem is that the "LoadScript" function isn't doing what you expect:
Because I'm psychic, i have divined that you're writing a Crysis plugin, and are attempting to use it's LoadScript API call.
(Please don't assume everyone here would guess this, or be bothered to look for it. It's vital information that must form part of your questions)
The script you're writing attempts to set Backup - but your script, as written - does not separate lines with newline characters. As the first line is a comment, the entire script will be ignored.
Basicallty the script you've written looks like this, which is all treated as a comment.
--[[ comment ]]--Backup="Hello!"
You need to write a "\n" after the comment (and, I'd recommend in other places too) to make it like this. In fact, you don't really need block comments at all.
-- comment
