Jmeter applying load with limited number of users - jmeter

I have a very few actually a couple of users for a particular profile. Will it be a good performance test only with these 2 users? May be putting them in a loop with a timer?

If you are looking concurrency that it is not a good idea. If the user is allowed to have multiple sessions then you can try to reuse the same user in multiple jmeter threads.


How do I test multiple parallel threads per-user in JMeter?

I am using JMeter to simulate a user running our Android app. This app has several background threads that poll different services at different intervals. I'd like to test a large number of these types of users. Is there a way to do that in JMeter?
If "different intervals" come into play the only solution I can think of is using different Thread Groups for representing different services consumers as due to JMeter's threads model all Samplers inside a single Thread Group will act at a speed of the "slowest" sampler and given the application has "background" services these calls need to be non-blocking.
There are other approaches like using Throughput Controller, Weighted Switch Controller, etc. but they fall under the aforementioned limitation.
I may have figured it out. I use a combination of Parallel Controller, and nested within those are Loop Controllers with a Flow Control Action that pauses for the right number of seconds. I'll leave this question open for a bit in case anyone has a better recommendation.

how much requests are made for 100 concurrent users on 5 page application on Jmeter load test

I am running jmeter tests with 100 to 1k users successfully,
But I suspect if response time is higher than expected.
My test plan include: get login and post login, get test page , post test page, get search page, post search page....
in total 5 get and 5 post forms.
For same number of users if I reduce number of pages the overall response time decreases
so should I run test for pages separately?
Should I reduce number of users for realistic numbers (5 pages*20 users=100 concurrent users)--for performance test?
Or should I be using distributed system?
What is the best practice?
Current Setup: i5, 8GB Ram, One windows machine with Jmeter 3.1
You load testing should be realistic, otherwise it does not make sense. You need to simulate anticipated users behaviour as closely as possible, only this way you will get the real life picture.
So you need to implement your test scenario to match the way, your site will be used in the real world. If it is alive already you can use Access Log Sampler to replay the traffic. If it is not, you can think about "user groups", like:
50% of not authenticated users will be browsing the site
20% of authenticated users will be browsing the site
5% of users will be in login process
3% of users will search for something
You can use different Thread Groups to represent different groups of users and Throughput Controller to control the frequency of samplers execution inside the Thread Group. See Running JMeter Samplers with Defined Percentage Probability article for more information on how to distribute the load in a realistic way.
There are N number of factors that will affect the overall response times. number of users / pages etc are also few of them. Do you have any specific requirement for performance test? If you are not sure of non functional requirements, then I think all your questions will be clarified in these posts -
I think you could be running into jmeter issues. What is the JVM heap and GC algorithm that you are using? How are you measuring the performance of each page? If you are using "Transaction Controller" to measure the performance, any slowness in jmeter will affect your transaction controller values.
Have you correlated with the application logs to really understand that the application is indeed slowing down when you decrease the # of pages? If your application response time is constant, I think jmeter is the culprit here. Move all your measurements to the sampler level instead of transaction controllers and update the results

Difference between Jmeter load test scenarios

I am testing website using Jmeter. I have used below scenarios to load test. Scenario 1 give me correct result(What I expect and can be wrong) and Scenario 2 is not giving same result. But I have used same number of requests within same time. Can someone explain me why is this?
Scenario 1.
Scenario 2.
Ramp up time does not determine when any of your tests are going to complete. It only controls when your test is going to start.
Also, the number of threads any test can create concurrently is limited to the memory you've allocated to JMeter. Even though you've set the thread count to 60000, if you've hit the maximum memory you've allocated, the threads will either queue up or never generate (you can watch the JMeter logs for thread creating or errors).
I recommend tuning your JMeter instance so you have some stability to your tests, here's a good guide. LINK
No of requests you have sent might be same. But the concurrent user load on the server is completely different.
I had clarified similar question few weeks ago. You can check the answer here.
Check Here

JMeter: What is a good test structure for load testing REST APIs?

I am load testing (baseline, capacity, longevity) a bunch of APIs (eg. user service, player service, etc) using JMeter. Each of these services have several endpoints (eg. create, update, delete, etc). I am trying to figure out a good way to organize my test plans in JMeter so that I can load test all of these services.
1) Is it a good idea to create a separate JMeter Test Plan (jmx) for each of the APIs rather than creating one JMeter test plan and adding thread groups like "Thread Group for User Service", "Thread Group for Player Service", etc? I was thinking about adding one test plan per API, and then adding several Thread Groups for different types of load testing (baseline, capacity, longevity, etc).
2) When JMeter calculates the Sample Time (Response Time), does it also include the time taken by the BeanShell Processors?
3) Is it a good idea to put a Listener inside of each Simple Controller? I am using JMeter Plugins for reporting. I wanted to view the reports for each endpoint.
Answers to any or all of the questions would be much appreciated :)
I am using a structure like below for creating a test plan in JMeter.
1) I like a test plan to look like a test suite. JMeter has several ways of separating components and test requirements, so it can be hard to set a rule. One test plan is likely to be more efficient than several, and can be configured to satisfy most requirements. I find there can be alot of repetition between plans, which often means maintaining the same code in different places. Better to use modules and includes on the same plan to reduce code duplication, but includes are equivalent and can be used with test fragments to reduce duplication.
Threadgroups are best used as user groups, but can be used to separate tests any way you please. Consider the scaling you need for different pages/sites. ie User/Administrator tests can be done in different Thread Groups, so you can simulate say 50 users and 2 admins testing concurrently. Or you may distinguish front-end/back-end or even pages/sites.
2) It does not include beanshell pre- and post-processing times. (But if you use a beanshell sampler, it depends on the code)
3) listeners are expensive, so fewer is better. To separate the results, you can give each sampler a different title, and the listeners/graphs can then group these as required. You can include timestamps or indexes as part of your sampler title using variables, properties and ${__javaScript}, etc. This will cause more or less grouping depending on the implementation you choose.

Multiple thread groups affecting each other

I have created a test plan with multiple thread groups that I want to execute simultaneously.
One group (A) involves tagging a folder with 1000 images in it, so it takes approx 10 seconds to respond.
The other group (B) is real quick.
What I've found is that group B seems to "stick" and wait for thread A to complete. Now all the reading I've done says that thread groups should be totally independant, but this doesn't seem to be the case in my test plan.
I have an HTTP defaults manager, cookie manager and user defined variables that are shared between groups (but have tried adding them in the separate thread groups).
Anyone got any idea why this should be?
Script is here:
(likely will not run or stick though as this uses internal URL's)
This issue is not in JMeter, it is the application that is locking.
Looking at your test, you seem to use one user to do your load test, this clearly explains your issue and makes your test unrealistic as you have around 20 Users logged with the same user/password.
