JavaFX RotateTransition indefinite halts - animation

The problem with the code below is that between two animations there is a pause of about half a second. I'd like the node to spin continuously.
RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition(Duration.seconds(2), syncNode);

The Interpolator used by default makes the rotation "speed up" at the start and "slow down" at the end, which is why you get the behaviour you described.
Use the LINEAR interpolator instead to get a animation with constant speed:


A better way to roll dice

I have a game that requires the player to roll two die. As this is a multiplayer game, the way I currently do this is have 6 animations (1 for each die's outcome). When the player clicks a button, it sends a request to my server code. My server code determines the die's outcome and sends the results to the client. The client then plays the corresponding animations.
This works ok, but has some issues. For instance, if the server sends back two of the same values (two 6's, for example) then the animations don't work correctly. As both animations are the same, they overlay each other, and it looks like only one die was rolled.
Is there a better way to do this? Instead of animations, using "real" dice? If that's the case, I always need to be sure to "pre-determine" the outcome of the dice roll, on the server. I also need to make sure the dice don't fall off the table or jostle any of the other player pieces on the board.
thanks for any ideas.
The server only needs to care about the value result, not running physics calculations.
Set up 12 different rolling animations:
Six for the first die
Six for the second die
Each one should always end with the same modeled face pointing upwards (the starting position isn't relevant, only the ending position). For the latter steps you'll probably want to adjust the model's UV coordinates to use a very tall or very wide texture (or just a slice of a square one). So not like this but rather all in a line 1-2-3-4-5-6.
The next step is picking a random animation to play. You've already got code to run a given animation, just set it to pick randomly instead of based on the die-roll-value from the server:
int animNum = Mathf.Floor(Random.Next()*6);
Finally, the fun bit. Adjusting the texture so that the desired face shows when the animation is done. I'm going to assume that you arrange your faces along the top edge of your square texture. Material.SetTextureOffset().
int showFace = Mathf.Floor(Random.Next()*6); //this value should come from the server
die.renderer.material.SetTextureOffset(1f/6 * showFace,0);
This will set the texture offset such that the desired face will show on top. You'll even be able to see it changing in the inspector. Because of the UVs being arranged such that each face uses the next chunk over and because textures will wrap around when reaching the edge (unless the texture is set to Clamp in its import settings: you don't want this here).
Note that this will cause a new material instance to be instantiated (which is not very performant). If you want to avoid this, you'll have to use a material property block instead.
You could simulate the physics on the server, keep track of the positions and the orientations of the dice for the duration of the animation, and then send the data over to the client. I understand it's a lot of data for something so simple, but that's one way you can get the rolls to appear realistic and synced between all clients.
If only Unity's physics was deterministic that would be a whole lot easier.

Is it "right" to use rigidbody forces to animate in Unity3D?

I wan't to implement a frictionless spring in unity3D to animate a gameobject as if it where floating by moving up and down. I am doing it with an animation but if I use forces they can combine an create richer sequences.
I could do:
rigidbody.addforce( springForce );
The force is just the change in the velocity so I could also do
rigidbody.velocity += Time.deltaTime * springForce / rigidbody.mass;
The question remains, is adding a force each frame efficient? Should I skip some frames or just do the animation to avoid performance issues? Note: I program for mobile.
The difference between Update and FixedUpdate is this:
Update is always called as quickly as possible. The time between calls is tracked in deltaTime. Even if "as quickly as possible" turns out to be really slow, only a single call to Update is made with a high DeltaTime value.
FixedUpdate is never called more often than the physics framerate. If things slow down and the time for several physics frames passes without the necessary calls being made, Unity will try to catch up by calling FixedUpdate multiple times. For example, if the physics framerate is 0.02 and slow code holds up the game for 0.06 seconds, Unity will call FixedUpdate 3 times to try and catch up.
You can probably see the problem at this stage: physics movement tends to be complicated with acceleration, deceleration, collisions etc. If you add forces in Update then the amount of force added and the exact timing with which it is added will vary based on the speed the game is running at. Also, if the game slows down, the physics engine will be doing multiple updates per physics frame to catch up (it works in the same way FixedUpdate does) and your Update method would be unable to compensate for this (actually, it is possible, but only if you basically duplicate the catch-up code Unity already has which is pointless)
To use your spring example, assuming you had all the spring behaviour correct but in Update instead of FixedUpdate, if the game was running fast then Update could be called several times with the object not moving - not because the spring force has failed to move it but because the physics engine has not yet run to actually pay attention to the force and make the object move. If the game was running slow then the object could hit the spring and then the effect of the forces on the object would be calculated multiple times before the spring was calculated again. This could cause the object to move a tiny bit out of contact with the spring and end up bouncing, or to actually interpenetrate the spring and force restitution to occur.
If an object is just moving in a straight line with no physics then its position over time is defined by very simple equations which can be evaluated at any value, so you can use Update.
Unlike the previous answer there is actually a good reason to use deltaTime in a FixedUpdate method - Unity automatically sets it equal to fixedDeltaTime in this case, so your code can adapt if you change the physics framerate.
First you would do physics updates in die FixedUpdate method. So the force wouldn't be applied every frame but every physics tick (default 0.02 seconds I think).
If you should do that heavily depends on your needs. If you want a realistic simulation of a floating object you probably need to apply the force every physics tick. Wether you should use a spring for that is another question. There are some floating scripts in the unify wiki:
Or you could have a look at this very interesting script:
When adding a force in Unity through the use of AddForce you have the choice of a couple of ForceModes ( So it might be a little different to your change of velocity depending on the mode you will use.
Another point: When using FixedUpdate you won't need to use Time.deltaTime as the ticks always have the same time-lag.
If you decide to apply the force less often you can change the time between physics ticks to increase performance:

Corona SDK performance. Animation or Sprite sheet

General Corona SDK question, what would get better performance having a runtime event listener on enterFrame or a sprite sheet. So essentially what i have is:
local function animate(e)
star.rotation = star.rotation +3;
Runtime:addEventListener ("enterFrame", animate);
return star;
Would this get better performance than having a sprite sheet that has the automation on loop. Both essentially go in a loop indefinitely (or until an action happens).
It's really a trade off. Your sprite is going to take up more memory, but it's probably faster to flip frames than it is to calculate the new angle and rotate the image. But it's going to be a pretty trivial difference.

Writing a paint program à la MS Paint - how to interpolate between mouse move events?

I want to write a paint program in the style of MS Paint.
For painting things on screen when the user moves the mouse, I have to wait for mouse move events and draw on the screen whenever I receive one. Apparently, mose move events are not sent very often, so I have to interpolate the mouse movement by drawing a line between the current mouse position and the previous one. In pseudocode, this looks something like this:
var positionOld = null
def handleMouseMove(positionNew):
if mouse.button.down:
if positionOld == null:
positionOld = positionNew
positionOld = positionNew
Now my question: interpolating with straight line segments looks too jagged for my taste, can you recommend a better interpolation method? What method do GIMP or Adobe Photoshop implement?
Alternatively, is there a way to increase the frequency of the mouse move events that I receive? The GUI framework I'm using is wxWidgets.
GUI framework: wxWidgets.
(Programming language: Haskell, but that's irrelevant here)
EDIT: Clarification: I want something that looks smoother than straight line segments, see the picture (original size):
EDIT2: The code I'm using looks like this:
-- create bitmap and derive drawing context
im <- imageCreateSized (sy 800 600)
bitmap <- bitmapCreateFromImage im (-1) -- wxBitmap
dc <- memoryDCCreate -- wxMemoryDC
memoryDCSelectObject dc bitmap
-- handle mouse move
onMouse ... sw (MouseLeftDrag posNew _) = do
line dc posOld posNew [color := white
, penJoin := JoinRound
, penWidth := 2]
repaint sw -- a wxScrolledWindow
-- handle paint event
onPaint ... = do
-- draw bitmap on the wxScrolledWindow
drawBitmap dc_sw bitmap pointZero False []
which might make a difference. Maybe my choices of wx-classes is why I'm getting a rather low frequency of mouse move events.
Live demos
version 1 - more smooth, but more changing while you draw:
version 2 - less smooth but more stable:
The way to go is
Spline interpolation of the points
The solution is to store coordinates of the points and then perform spline interpolation.
I took the solution demonstrated here and modified it. They computed the spline after you stop drawing. I modified the code so that it draws immediately. You might see though that the spline is changing during the drawing. For real application, you probably will need two canvases - one with the old drawings and the other with just the current drawing, that will change constantly until your mouse stops.
Version 1 uses spline simplification - deletes points that are close to the line - which results in smoother splines but produce less "stable" result. Version 2 uses all points on the line and produces much more stable solution though (and computationally less expensive).
You can make them really smooth using splines:
But you'll have to delay the drawing of each line segment until one frame later, so that you have the start and end points, plus the next and previous points available for the calculation.
so, as I see the problem of jagged edge of freehand made curve, when the mouse are moved very fast, is not solved !!! In my opinion there are need to work around with the polling frequency of mousemove event in the system i.e. using different mouse driver or smf.. And the second way is the math.. using some kind of algorithm, to accuratly bend the straight line between two points when the mouse event is polled out.. For clear view you can compare how is drawed free hand line in photoshop and how in mspaint.. thanks folks.. ;)
I think you need to look into the Device Context documentation for wxWidgets.
I have some code that draws like this:
//screenArea is a wxStaticBitmap
int startx, starty;
void OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
xstart = event.GetX();
ystart = event.GetY();
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event)
if(event.Dragging() && event.LeftIsDown())
wxClientDC dc(screenArea);
dc.DrawLine(startx, starty, event.GetX(), event.GetY());
startx = event.GetX();
starty = event.GetY();
I know it's C++ but you said the language was irrelevant, so I hope it helps anyway.
This lets me do this:
which seems significantly smoother than your example.
Interpolating mouse movements with line segments is fine, GIMP does it that way, too, as the following screenshot from a very fast mouse movement shows:
So, smoothness comes from a high frequency of mouse move events. WxWidgets can do that, as the example code for a related question demonstrates.
The problem is in your code, Heinrich. Namely, drawing into a large bitmap first and then copying the whole bitmap to the screen is not cheap! To estimate how efficient you need to be, compare your problem to video games: a smooth rate of 30 mouse move events per second correspond to 30fps. Copying a double buffer is no problem for modern machines, but WxHaskell is likely not optimized for video games, so it's not surprising that you experience some jitter.
The solution is to draw only as much as necessary, i.e. just the lines, directly on the screen, for example as shown in the link above.
I agree with harviz - the problem isn't solved. It should be solved on the operating system level by recording mouse movements in a priority thread, but no operating system I know of does that. However, the app developer can also work around this operating system limitation by interpolating better than linear.
Since mouse movement events don't always come fast enough, linear interpolation isn't always enough.
I experimented a little bit with the spline idea brought up by Rocketmagnet.
Instead of putting a line between two points A and D, look at the point P preceding A and use a cubic spline with the following control points B = A + v' and C = D - w', where
v = A - P,
w = D - A,
w' = w / 4 and
v' = v * |w| / |v| / 4.
This means we fall into the second point with the same angle as the line interpolation would, but go out a starting point in the same angle the previous segment came in, making the edge smooth. We use the length of the segment for both control point distances to make the size of the bend fit its proportion.
The following picture shows the result with very few data points (indicated in grey).
The sequence starts at the top left and ends in the middle.
There is still some level of uneasiness here which may be alleviated if one uses both the previous and the next point to adjust for both angles, but that would also mean to draw one point less than what one has got. I find this result already satisfactory, so I didn't try.

CAAnimation that calls a method in periodic animation-progress intervals?

Say I want to animate a ball rolling 1000 pixels to the right, specifying a timing function in the process – something like this:
UIView *ball = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,30,30)];
CABasicAnimation* anim =
[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform.translation.x"];
anim.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:ball.frame.origin.x + 1000.0];
// move 1000 pixels to the right
anim.duration = 10.0;
anim.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithControlPoints:
0.1 :0.0 :0.3 :1.0]; // accelerate fast, decelerate slowly
[ball.layer addAnimation:anim forKey:#"myMoveRightAnim"];
What I ultimately want is to have a method, say -(void)animationProgressCallback:(float)progress, be called during the animation, in regular intervals of the animation's progress in terms of the absolute "distance" between start and end values, i.e. ignoring the timing function.
I'll try to explain with the above example with the ball rolling 1000px to the right (charted by the y axis, in our case 100%=1000px):
I want my callback method to be invoked whenever the ball has progressed 250 pixels. Because of the timing function, the first 250 pixels might be reached in ti0=2 seconds, half the total distance reached just ti1= 0.7 seconds later (fast acceleration kicks in), the 750px mark another ti2= 1.1 seconds later, and needing the remaining ti3= 5.2 seconds to reach the 100% (1000px) mark.
What would be great, but isn't provided:
If the animation called a delegate method in animation-progress intervals as described, I wouldn't need to ask this question… ;-)
Ideas how to solve the problem:
One solution I can think of is to calculate the bezier curve's values, map that to the tik values (we know the total animation duration), and when the animation is started, we sequentially perform our animationProgresssCallback: selector with those delays manually.
Obviously, this is insane (calculating bezier curves manually??) and, more importantly, unreliable (we can't rely on the animation thread and the main thread to be in sync – or can we?).
Any ideas??
Looking forward to your ideas!
Ideas how to solve the problem:
One solution I can think of is to
calculate the bezier curve's values,
map that to the tik values (we know
the total animation duration), and
when the animation is started, we
sequentially perform our
animationProgresssCallback: selector
with those delays manually.
Obviously, this is insane (calculating
bezier curves manually??) and, more
importantly, unreliable (we can't rely
on the animation thread and the main
thread to be in sync – or can we?).
Actually this is reliable. CoreAnimation is time based, so you could use the delegate to be notified when the animation really starts.
And about calculating the bezier path... well look it this way: It could be worse if you would want to implement a surface in OpenGLES you would have to calculate a Cubic Bezier!. lol. Your case is only one dimension, is not that hard if you know the maths.
