Odata service for two tables and how to make a master table using both tables in UI5 - user-interface

I want to create an OData service to fetch details from two tables of SAP and fit it using Master detail template in UI5. The first table contains only the product Id and description , while the second table contains the Product Id and product details like manufacturer address,cost , exp date etc
Currently two RFC are created writing the SELECT query on the tables to generate OData service from RFC. Shall i create One Entity set and use both RFC from Read and Query each at Map to Data Source ? or create two entity sets to map one RFC for each Entity set ?
How should be the Odata service query look to develop a master detail application in ui5 fetching data from two tables ? As well as how will make a local master table in UI5 using both table which are fetched.

Well, it depends :)
It looks like you have a 1:1 association between the product header and the details.
So you could model header and details as separate entities and define a 1:1 association between them or you could simplify you model and merge both header and detail attributes into one entity. With the information i have, i would prefer the single entity. You can use ODatas $select parameter to request only specific properties. Your DPC implementation could make use of $select and call only the header RFC if only header fields are requested.
I'm not shure if the master detail template can be used with 1:1 associations. Normally they are used with 1:n as the detail page displays a list of detail items. But you can of course leave the details unbounded in the wizard and bind additional fields later in the object header of the detail page.


How to fetch data from relationship in strapi.js?

I have created two content type builder which are category and sub-category respectively. While adding sub-category I had define one relationship which is one-to-many.
After creating successfully, I found that the basic CRUD API has been created and it works fine.
Now I need to find data like if I pass category-id then it has to return me it's all sub-category list.
Well, for this I can also write API manually, But I thought that strapi provides a feature of relationship though it may have some way to fetch data from the relationship table. In my app, I had set up a project with MySQL.
Expected output: Need a way to fetch data from a relation without writing custom API. Looking for inbuilt feature of strapi.
You have to use deep filtering.
📚Here is the documentation https://strapi.io/documentation/3.0.0-beta.x/guides/filters.html#deep-filtering
So you will be able to do /categories?sub-category.id=[your id]

WebAPI - odata service adding ForeignKey

i am building my the model using ODataModelBuilder, i am trying to create navigation property however in the metadata i dont see any foreginkey indication, in my solution i am not using EF, so there is no foreignKey attribute, is it possible to add it by code?
As you clarified in your comment, the reason you want to add foreign key information is because your client application is not including related entities when you query the main entity. I don't think foreign keys are the problem here.
As an example, I'll use two entity types: Customer and Order. Every Customer has some number of associated Orders, so I have a navigation property on Customer called Orders that points to a collection of Orders. If I issue a GET request to /MyService.svc/Customers(1), the server will respond with all of the Customer's information as well as URLs that point to the related Order entities*. I won't, by default, get the data of each related Order within the same payload.
If you want a request to Customers(1) to include all of the data of its associated Orders, you would add the $expand query option to the request URI: /MyService.svc/Customers(1)?$expand=Orders. Using the WCF Data Services client (DataServiceContext), you can do this with .Expand():
DataServiceQuery<Customer> query = context.Customers.Expand("Orders");
However, WebAPI OData doesn't currently support $expand (the latest nightly builds do though, so this will change soon).
The other approach would be to make a separate request to fill in the missing Order data. You can use the LoadProperty() method to do this:
context.LoadProperty(customer, "Orders");
The LoadProperty approach should work with WebAPI as it stands today.
I know this doesn't answer your original question, but I hope addresses your intent.
*In JSON, which is the default format for WebAPI OData services, no links will show up on the wire, but they are still there "in spirit". The client is expected to be able to compute them on its own, which the WCF Data Services Client does.

How to handle dynamic tables in Entity Framework

we have requirement like below :
For each customer will upload different files having different columns, column names are different from one client to another client and change in the number columns also.
For that one we will stored all the details in one table like
column1,column2,column3 ...........columnN
And will store column mapping some other table
First name=column1
Second Name=Column2
like this, up to this is ok ,but if we are using entity framework how stronly types will work in this case.
In the front end will show the combox box which will display all the client and we will show the data in the grid
Here is important thing is we have to show the End user column name instead our column name like column1,column2
Out put sholud be like below
Combox box ---- Client name
First name Second Name
Harish Kumar
EF is not good choice for this type of application. It will map exactly what you have in database - one big entity with Column1, Column2, etc. properties and one entity with properties like ColumnName, PropertyName. That is all because EF doesn't support advanced data driven mapping.
Your UI / logic will need some logic to correctly interpret these data and moreover it will also have to correctly transform user input and actions back to EF understandable form.
Imho using EF for this is overhead, use ADO.NET directly. Also check SharePoint because it has this already implemented.

how to join arbitrary view in tableMethod

I have a doctrine data model with a table Person, however my Symfony application is only part of a bigger web application, which is build in Joomla. For a module, I need to add a number of fields from a view, which spans 8 tables with the person table. The view is already established for the Joomla part of things.
Short of creating a schema for all the tables involved, is there a way to arbitrarily join the view in my tableMethod? As another shortcut I am thinking of creating a minimal schema.yml table to just represent the field of the view that I need.
another solution would be to use native sql with doctrine

MVC3 (Models) ...what is the right way to display complex data on the view?

I’m having a philosophical problem with understanding how to use Models on MVC3.
I believe the problem lies from the fact that I come from WebForms :--)
Let's say I have 10 tables on my DB and as expected when I get them into my EF4, I get those Entity classes that represent the tables (and all their FK integer values).
When I want to display data on the View, I cannot display a select * from table because those FK integers means nothing to my users …and also because some data lies on related tables.
So my understanding is that I can create a Stored Proc, create a Complex Type that represent the actual data to display, coming from separate tables via different SQL joins.
On the view, id MVC compliant to use as #model ..that Complex Type?
or shall I always use Models that are created on the Models folder? And if so, does that mean that I have to replicate the Complex Type on a new model inside the Models folder?
Question 2:
Is this the right way …to create specific SP to collect data that will be displayed or ..is it better to use linq and lambda to be applied to the EF4 Types that come from importing the DB into the EMDX designer.
Thoughts ??
The correct way is to always define view models. View models are classes which are specifically tailored to the needs of a given view and would be defined in the MVC application tier. Those classes would contain only the properties that would be needed to be displayed by the view. Then you need to map between your domain models (EF autogenerated classes?) and the view models.
So a controller action would query a repository in order to fetch a domain model, map it to a view model and pass this view model to the view. Top facilitate this mapping you could use AutoMapper. A view shouldn't be tied to a domain model and always work with a view model. This works also the other way around: a controller action receives a view model from the view as action argument, maps it to a domain model and passes this domain model to the repository in order to perform some action with it (CRUD).
So a view model could be a class that is mapped from multiple domain models or multiple view models could be mapped to a single domain model. It all depends on how your domain looks like and how do you want to represent the information to the user.
As far as validation is concerned, I distinguish two types: UI validation and business validation. As an example of UI validation is: a field is required, or a field must be entered in a given format. A business validation is : the username is already taken or insufficient funds to perform wire transfer. UI validation should be done on the view models and business validation on the domain models.
I'm not sure why you need to use a stored proc, LINQ to Entities is able to generate complex types without needing to create stored procs (in most cases). You select subsets of data, just like you would with regular SQL.
As Darin says, the use of a View Model is appropriate for situations where you have a lot of complex data that isn't represented by a single entity. This View Model would contain multiple entities, or even multiple collections of entities. It all depends on how your data needs to be consumed.
