sed not working as expected (trying to get value between two matches in a string) - bash

I have a file (/tmp/test) the has a the string "aaabbbccc" in it
I want to extract "bbb" from the string with sed.
Doing this returns the entire string:
sed -n '/aaa/,/ccc/p' /tmp/test
I just want to return bbb from the string with sed (I am trying to learn sed so not interested in other solutions for this)

Sed works on a line basic, and a,b{action} will run action for lines matching a until lines matching b. In your case
sed -n '/aaa/,/ccc/p'
will start printing lines when /aaa/ is matched, and stop when /ccc/ is matched which is not what you want.
To manipulate a line there is multiply options, one is s/search/replace/ which can be utilized to remove the leading aaa and trailing ccc:
% sed 's/^aaa\|ccc$//g' /tmp/test
^aaa # Match literal aaa in beginning of string
\| # ... or ...
ccc$ # Match literal ccc at the end of the sting
// # Replace with nothing
g # Global (Do until there is no more matches, normally when a match is
# found and replacement is made this command stops replacing)
If you are not sure how many a's and c's you have you can use:
% sed 's/^aa*\|cc*$//g' /tmp/test
Which will match literal a followed by zero or more a's at the beginning of the line. Same for the c's but just at the end.

With GNU sed:
sed 's/aaa\(.*\)ccc/\1/' /tmp/test
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ


sed replace string with pipe and stars

I have the following string:
in file text.txt.
I would like to replace it with the following:
So I run:
sed -i "s/\|\*\*$module\*\*.version\|2001.0132012031539/|**$module**.version|$version/" text.txt
but the result is a duplicate instead of replacing:
What am I doing wrong?
Here is the value for module and version:
$ echo $module
$ echo $version
lines of interest start and end with a pipe (|) and have one more pipe somewhere in the middle of the data
search is based solely on the value of ${module} existing between the 1st/2nd pipes in the data
we don't know what else may be between the 1st/2nd pipes
the version number is the only thing between the 2nd/3rd pipes
we don't know the version number that we'll be replacing
Sample data:
$ module='barak'
$ version='2001.01.2012031541'
$ cat text.txt
**barak**.version|2001.0132012031539| <<<=== leave this one alone
|**barak**.version|2001.0132012031539| <<<=== replace this one
|**barak**.peanuts|2001.0132012031539| <<<=== replace this one
One sed solution with -Extended regex support enabled and making use of a capture group:
$ sed -E "s/^(\|[^|]*${module}[^|]*).*/\1|${version}|/" text.txt
\| - first occurrence (escaped pipe) tells sed we're dealing with a literal pipe; follow-on pipes will be treated as literal strings
^(\|[^|]*${module}[^|]*) - first capture group that starts at the beginning of the line, starts with a pipe, then some number of non-pipe characters, then the search pattern (${module}), then more non-pipe characters (continues up to next pipe character)
.* - matches rest of the line (which we're going to discard)
\1|${version}| - replace line with our first capture group, then a pipe, then the new replacement value (${version}), then the final pipe
The above generates:
|**barak**.version|2001.01.2012031541| <<<=== replaced
|**barak**.peanuts|2001.01.2012031541| <<<=== replaced
An awk alternative using GNU awk:
awk -v mod="$module" -v vers="$version" -F \| '{ OFS=FS;split($2,map,".");inmod=substr(map[1],3,length(map[1])-4);if (inmod==mod) { $3=vers } }1' file
Pass two variables mod and vers to awk using $module and $version. Set the field delimiter to |. Split the second field into array map using the split function and using . as the delimiter. Then strip the leading and ending "**" from the first index of the array to expose the module name as inmod using the substr function. Compare this to the mod variable and if there is a match, change the 3rd delimited field to the variable vers. Print the lines with short hand 1
Pipe is only special when you're using extended regular expressions: sed -E
There's no reason why you need extended here, stick with basic regex:
sed "
# for lines matching module.version
/|\*\*$module\*\*.version|/ {
# replace the version
" text.txt
or as an unreadable one-liner
sed "/|\*\*$module\*\*.version|/ s/|2001.0132012031539|/|$version|/" text.txt

how to remove all whitespaces in front and beind 3 consecutive periods

I'm trying to remove all white spaces before and after 3 consecutive periods and replace it with the actual ellipse symbol.
I've tried the following code:
sed 's/[[:space:]]*\.\.\.[[:space:]]*/…/g'
It replaces the 3 periods with the ellipse symbol, but the spaces before and after remain.
Sample Input.
hello ... world
Desired output
Expression you are using is ERE(extended regular expressions) you have to add -E option to sed as follows to allow it, since you are using character classes in your code [[:space:]].
sed -E 's/[[:space:]]*\.\.\.[[:space:]]*/.../g' Input_file
Without -E try:
sed 's/ *\.\.\. */.../g' Input_file
Here is another sed
echo "hello ... world" | sed -E 's/ +(\.\.\.) +/\1/g'
4 dots, do nothing?
echo "hello .... world" | sed -E 's/ +(\.\.\.) +/\1/g'
hello .... world
In bash, just use parameter substitution...
foo="hello ... world"
foo="${foo//+( )...+( )/...}"
Now, echo "$foo", outputs:
The syntax for BaSH regex variable substitution are as follows:
A single /replaces only the first occurrence from the left, while a double //replaces every occurrence.
One of ?*+#! followed by (pattern-list) replaces a specified number of occurrences of the patterns in pattern-list as follows:
? Zero or one occurrence
* Zero or more occurrences
+ One or more occurrences
# A single occurence
! Anything that *doesn't* match one of the occurrences
Pattern list can be any combination of literal strings, or character classes, separated by the pipe character |

Word after a particular word in a string

I have string say e.g. ab_abc_bbb_ccc_ssss_pppp, I want the word after ccc i.e. ssss from the string, how to achieve the same using unix command
you mean something like this?
echo "ab_abc_bbb_ccc_ssss_pppp" | sed 's/.*ccc_\([^_]*\).*/\1/'
s/ # substitute
.*ccc_ # find search pattern
\([^_]*\) # save all chars without '_' into arg1 (\1)
_.*/ # ignore trailing chars
\1/ # print \1

Get lines between two patterns

I'm using ksh shell and below is the sample text in a file
from the above text, I want to print only the line between AAA and XXX and final output will be like
You would use sed for a task like that. It supports a syntax like from lines matching AAA print everything up to and including a line matching XXX.
Alas your input is a bit ill-formed because the starting pattern AAA occurs twice without a matching XXX for the second AAA. sed default behavior is to match from the second AAA until the last line in the input when the XXX is not found after the second AAA. The details are explained in the last section of the sed faq.
But there is also a solution how to match only the first block: this code is directly taken from the FAQ and adopted to your question:
sed -n '/AAA/{:a; N;/XXX/! b a; p;} yourfile.txt'
/AAA/ and /XXX/ are sed expression to match your start and end line
/AAA/{:a;N;/XXX/! ba; ... } is a loop: from a line matching AAA it it
executes a N command reading the next line
if the line does not match /XXX/! (notice the ! which negates the match) it branches back (b) to label a reading the next line.
only when the line matches XXX we leave the branch loop and print p the lines
If your input has always a matching XXX for every AAA and those blocks are not nested, the command is much more intuitive:
sed -n '/AAA/,/XXX/ p' yourfile.txt

bash script: how to insert text between two specific characters

For example, I have a file containing a line as below:
I need to insert 123 between "abc":" and def" so that the line will become: "abc":"123def".
As "abc" appears only once so I think I can just search it and do the insertion.
How to do this with bash script such as sed or awk?
AMD$ sed 's/"abc":"/&123/' File
Match "abc":", then append this match with 123 (& will contain the matched string "abc":")
If you want to take care of space before and after :, you can use:
sed 's/"abc" *: *"/&123/'
For replacing all such patterns, use g with sed.
sed 's/"abc" *: *"/&123/g' File
$ sed -E 's/(:")(.*)/\1123\2/' <<<'"abc":"def"'
(:") gets :" and put in captured group 1
(.*) gets the remaining portion and put in captured group 2
in the replacement, \1123\2 puts 123 between the groups
$ awk -F: 'sub(".", "&123", $2)' <<<'"abc":"def"'
"abc" "123def"
In the sub() function, the second ($2) field is being operated on, pattern is used as . (which would match "), and in the replacement the matched portion (&) is followed by 123.
echo '"abc":"def"'| awk '{sub(/def/,"123def")}1'
