Kendo UI Grid to Excel Format header in MVC 5 - export-to-excel

I can export excel to Kendo ui grid. But I want format header of file excel before export.

To format the cell values, set the format option of the cells
Hope it will Help you.


Exporting kendo grid to excel shows encoded values for one column

In kendo grid after exporting to excel, the resulting sheet shows encoded values for one of the columns. I want decoded values in my excel sheet.
I am seeing this:
<p>Test</p><p>adding</p><p>note</p><p>note2</p><p>checking the value</p>

Copy paste data from Excel to grid using JQGrid

this is my first time use of JQGrid, I want to copy data from excel and paste it into grid using jQGrid. I thought to create a textarea to paste excel data which act like a clipboard and then this data will display in grid, but I don't have any idea how to do that also I searched for two days, but I can't find the solution using JQGrid.
Any help is appreciated :)

Kendo Grid Footertemplate export to Excel

I have a Kendo UI Grid with footertemplate. The grid is all working fine, but if I want to export it to Excel, I also want the footertemplate to be included but in different rows. How can I make the footer in Excel to be on different rows like the grid? Thanks for the help.
If I have footertemplate with Table and 2 TR, then I export to excel I want it to 2rows. Currently it combines everything on a single cell.
I'm just new on using this site so I cannot upload any image yet.

Kendo UI Grid Export to excel with extra info in the file?

I have an application which uses Kendo UI grid. The excel export features works fine. Now, I added some extra controls on the page. User can select some values, and then click 'refresh' button to update the data source of the grid. So that the grid won't load too much data all in once.
The question is: the export will export whatever on the screen (including all pages). When user opens the excel file, he/she won't know what parameters used to generate this.
For example, on the page, it has a date control, use select 1/1/2015, click refresh, grid shows all data for that date. When export, how the user know this selected date? It is not in the columns in grid.
What I want to have is an extra row at the top, which shows something like:
Date: 1/1/2015, Para2: value2, ...
Is this possible in current Kendo ui grid? or have to manipulate the excel file (which we want to avoid at any cost)?
we can use mult-column feature of latest kendo to add one more row at the top and covers all existing columns, and use it for extra information.
However, I need to dynamically change the title of this row, i.e. when user select a parameter from drop down list, I need to reflect the change in the title. This can be done by jQuery. The problem is Export of Kendo. The export seems using whatever the initial title is. i.e. if I change parameters to:
Date: 2/1/2015, Para2: value2, ...
jQuery changed the title in this multi-column row. But the export still has:
Date: 1/1/2015, Para2: value2, ...
Anyone knows how to fix this? Or, can't be done in current Kendo?

export to excel from value converts to date

I am exporting some values from datagrid to excel. My problem is values like 2-3, 3-4 is converted in to date format - 3-Feb,4-March etc.
Please advice how to fix this? I tried setting the column format to text only but it is not working.
Inside the grid rowdatabound function you have to set the format of the cells as below
e.Row.Cells(4).Attributes.Add("style", "")
