All threads in tracee process stop when tracer exits before detach using ptrace - behavior

I am having trouble creating the behaviour described in the attaching and detaching section in ptrace:
If the tracer dies, all tracees are automatically detached and
restarted, unless they were in group-stop.
I have a process (the tracee) that consists of multiple threads which I attach to using ptrace. Using a separate process(the tracer) using the following calls:
ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0);
When the tracer dies(using ctrl+c or kill -9) while sleeping and still attached to a process, I notice that all the threads of the tracee process are being put in a stopped state instead of continuing execution.
I have also tried using GDB to reproduce this problem since GDB also attaches to a process using ptrace. But when killing gdb(using kill -9) while attached the the tracee, all the threads of the tracee do continue executing as expected.
I have tried looked at source of GDB but have yet been unable to figure anything out.
Does anyone know what could cause the behaviour of all the tracee's threads being stopped when the tracer dies?
This is being evaluated on an ARM Cortex-A9 CPU using kernel 3.6.5


Killing a process that is hanging on disk IO

I've got an SSD that is failing. Some of its data can't be read anymore.
I would like to know which files are affected.
I've created some small program that uses regular functions (CreateFile, ReadFile) to read files.
The program has some watchdog thread that monitors the thread that issues the IO functions. If they take too long, the thread marks somewhere the file is damaged and tries to kill the IO thread and the process.
My issue is using TerminateThread and TerminateProcess does not kill the thread/process. It hangs there, forever, until I log out.
Trying to kill using TaskManager also fails, of course (it used to use NtTerminateProcess, I don't know what it does nowadays).
Does anyone know a way that would kill my process?
According to the Doc: TerminateProcess function
This function stops execution of all threads within the process and
requests cancellation of all pending I/O. The terminated process
cannot exit until all pending I/O has been completed or canceled. When
a process terminates, its kernel object is not destroyed until all
processes that have open handles to the process have released those
When a process terminates itself, TerminateProcess stops execution of
the calling thread and does not return. Otherwise, TerminateProcess is
asynchronous; it initiates termination and returns immediately. If you
need to be sure the process has terminated, call the
WaitForSingleObject function with a handle to the process.
I suggest you could try to use Job Objects.

Windows service cannot be killed

I've got a service that needs to be resarted, but all attempts to kill it fail.
I have tried everything i've found online and nothing has seemed to work.
The core issue seems to be that Services is holding onto the process and not allowing it to be killed
ERROR: The process with PID 11204 (child process of PID 572) could not be terminated.
Reason: There is no running instance of the task.
this happens when i try to force kill the task using taskkill/f /pid 11204 /t
PID 572 is services, so i cannot kill it without crashing windows.
There is also an Interactive Services detection that is activating but just leads to a blank screen i can't exit out of (since the process is dead) but turning this off still doesn't allow me to kill it.
I've found similar issues around but none seem to have the problem of the program being a child of services, and so can't kill the parent.
Is a system restart the ONLY option here? This is a production server and so restarting has to be done only at scheduled downtime, so looking for other options.
Services should be controlled via services APIs, or SCcommand-line tool. Try SC stop command.
On a call to ControlService[Ex] with SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, explicitly from your SW or from SC tool, service's Handler[Ex] should receive SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP. At this point service should
Stop all its own started threads and free its own allocated resources
If it takes long, should also call SetServiceStatus with SERVICE_STOP_PENDING before that
Call SetServiceStatus with SERVICE_STOPPED to inform the system that is is no longer running
Return from Handler[Ex]
If the service was the only service in its process, StartServiceCtrlDispatcher is likely to return shortly, and at this point service process should exit. If there are other services in the process, StartServiceCtrlDispatcher will not return, and process should not exit, but the service being stopped is considered stopped anyway.

Nifi 1.8.0 - Thread termination in nifi while using fetchHDFS processor

I'm trying to pull some data from HDFS. I'm running the listHDFS and fetchHDFS processor for this.
When I stopped the fetchHDFS processor, there were a number of active threads even after stopping the processor. To kill these threads, I used the "terminate" option.
Just wanted to know the working of the terminate option.
Does it gracefully shut all the connections with the FS?
Since all the threads are killed, do I lose out on the data that was consumed by these threads?
Is it advised the terminate option only when the threads are stuck or the flow enters a frozen state?
When you stop a processor it tells the NiFi framework to no longer schedule/execute the processor, but there may already be threads executing which need to finish what they were doing. Usually these threads should complete and you will see the active threads go away, but sometimes a thread is blocked (typically when trying to make a network connection somewhere without having proper timeouts set) and this thread may never complete, and therefore needs to be terminated.
The terminate option will issue an interrupt to the thread and then quarantine it, which takes it out of the pool for further execution. The thread may then complete in the background, or if it did not respond to the interrupt and is blocked then it may stay stuck in the background until the next restart of NiFi.
In the FetchHDFS case, assuming it was successfully fetching data, it was most likely in the middle of reading a file from HDFS and just needs a few minutes to complete and shouldn't need to use terminate. If it was never fetching data and was stuck connecting to HDFS then you would use terminate.

Detach debugger(unknown) from process?

I am trying to attach debugger(windbg,ollydbg) to running process but there's an error saying Debugger is already attached then how can i detach that unknown debugger from that process?
Process includes multi thread, one thread can be attached to debugger and other can't.
The process might be spawning a second process which attaches to the first process for debugging using DebugActiveProcess() in order to prevent people from debugging the first process. Keep in mind that a process cannot debug itself using this method, so a second process must be spawned to do this.
Things you could try:
Use any sort of process monitor or even task manager to figure out what process the first process spawns
Inject code into the second process to call DebugActiveProcessStop() to detach it from the first process
Hook DebugActiveProcess() (kernel32.DebugActiveProcess, ntdll.ZwDebugActiveProcess, or in kernelmode) and redirect it to attach to a different dummy process
Kill the second process
Prevent the second process from getting a handle to the first process with the needed permissions - DebugActiveProcess() will then fail
Use alternative debugging methods (Cheat engine with VEH debugging for example) that don't use the normal debugging API's and therefore bypass this problem

In Windows 7, how to send a Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to a separate process

Our group has long running processes which run daily. The processes are typically started at 9pm on any given day and run until 7pm the next day. Thus they typically run 22hrs/day. They are started by scheduled tasks on servers under a particular generic user ID, and they start and run regardless of whether or not that user ID is logged on. Thus, they are windowless console executables.
The tasks orchestrate computations running on a large server farm. Generally these controlling tasks run uninterrupted for the full 22hrs/day. However, we often have a need to stop and restart these processes. Because they control a multitude of tasks running on our server farm, it is important that they be shut down cleanly, so that they can stop and shut down all the server farm processes. Which brings me to our problem.
The controlling process has been programmed to respond to ctrl-C and ctrl-break signals. This works fine when the process is manually started in a console where we have access to the console and can "type" ctrl-c or ctrl-break in the console window. However, as mentioned, the processes typically run as windowless scheduled tasks. Hence we cannot "type" anything into a non-existent console window. Because they are console processes that execute without a logon process, the also must be able to execute in a completely windowless environment. So, how do we set up the process to listen for a shut-down signal?
While the process does indeed listen for a ctrl-C and ctrl-break signal, I can see no way to send that signal to a process. This seems to be a fundamental problem in Windows, or am I wrong? I am aware of SendSignal.exe, but so far have been unable to get it to work. It fails as follows:
>SendSignal 26320
Sending signal to process 26320...
CreateRemoteThread failed with 0x00000005.
StartRemoteThread failed with 0x00000005.
0x00000005 == Access is denied.
Trying "taskkill" without -F results in:
>taskkill /PID 24840
ERROR: The process with PID 24840 could not be terminated.
Reason: This process can only be terminated forcefully (with /F option).
All other "kill" functions kill the process immediately rather than sending a signal.
One possible solution would be a file-watch based solution: create a watch for some modification of a specific file. But this is a hack and we would prefer to do it with appropriate signaling. Has anyone solved this issue? It seems to be so very basic a functionality, and it is certainly trivial to do it in a Unix environment. Surely Microsoft has provided SOME mechanism to allow clean shut down of a windowless executable?
I am aware of the thread below, whose question is virtually identical (save for the specification of why the answer is necessary, i.e. why one needs to be able to do this for a windowless, console-less process), but there is no answer there excpet for "use SendSignal", which, as I said, does not work for us:
Can I send a ctrl-C (SIGINT) to an application on Windows?
There are other similar questions, but no answers as yet.
Any help appreciated.
[Upgrading #Anon's comment to an answer for visibility]
windows-kill worked perfectly and managed to resolve access denial issues faced with SendSignal. A privileged user would have to run it as well of course.
windows-kill also supports both ctrl-c and ctrl-break signals.
