Abort ArrayEach callback in jsonparser early - go

Looking at this callback (line 412), is it possible to break out of the callback loop from inside the callback function itself? Or would I need to wrap it or extend it in some way to create that capability?
This is the code:
jsonparser.ArrayEach(data, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
if v, err := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(value, "username"); nil == err && v == lookFor {
z = v
return // Abort in some way?
The library is still waiting for a query-like update so for now this is the cheapest way to find a value, which still outperforms any full json parser by far (doing about 9.21x to 9.38x faster on benchmarks). So I'm kind of aiming for a LIMIT 1-ish solution.
I was thinking of doing a full copy-paste and making an cloned version on the interface and making..
if t != NotExist {
cb(v, t, o, e)
if t != NotExist {
boolVal = cb(v, t, o, e) // Extending it to have a return value
... return a boolean and validate as a continue indicator. But would there be a more clean way without fully duplicating this code?


Correct way of handling an error when implementing Less()

I'm writing a sort function for a specific type. When writing the receiver "Less()" I call another function that might return an error. As Less() itself returns a bool what is the right way to handle this scenario? I don't want to panic, but I'd like to indicate that the attempt at sorting has failed, such that the function calling sort.Sort() can decide what to do with the error. However, sort.Sort() does not seem to return an error either so I'm guessing there is another way to go about this.
func (t MyType) Less(i, j int) bool {
retval, err := myOtherFunc(t[i])
// How do I handle err?
You can't; the closest solution would be to use sort.Slice instead, with a closure you can use to trap the error(s) in the outer scope:
errs := make([]error)
sort.Slice(mySlice, func(i, j int) bool {
retval, err := myOtherFunc(mySlice[i])
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return retval
if len(errs) > 0 {
// do something about errors
This won't stop sorting at the first error (you can't), but it at least lets you collect them. The sort package is meant for typical sorting heuristics like alphabetical, numeric, or alpha/numeric on a struct field or the like; not for more complex processes with the possibility of failure.

Simplifying error handling in go

In C and similar languages the following shortcuts can be applied to detect an error and stop on first non-zero result
(void)(result = dosomething() ||
result = dosomething() ||
result = dosomething()
if (result == 0 && ...
In golang, I can't seem to do that.
For example:
if result = dosomething() ||
result = dosomething(); result < 0 {
fmt.Printf("Error occurred\n");
C is able to treat integers as a boolean expression when checking for non-zero.
for example I can write
if (result = dosomething() || ... )
Instead of
if ( (result = dosomething()) == 0 || ... )
But in go, you can't do that.
I thought I could write:
if result = dosomething() == 0 ||
result = dosomething() == 0; result < 0 {
fmt.Printf("Error occurred\n");
But I get an error.
syntax error: result = dosomething() || result used as value
There has to be a way of chaining these together. Or in the style of
javascript promises could a dosomething().doSomething.doSomething.error() approach be possible?
Any creative solutions to this problem? I'm really just wanting to avoid
lots of repetitive code where I want to do a whole bunch of things, but if there is an error at any point stop. Because the error handling logic for each is exactly the same.
See Errors are values on The Go Blog. This article, written by Rob Pike, has an interesting and powerful method of handling errors in a group of functions that works very well.
I have used this technique before several times, and it really works.
For reference, the code used for this technique looks like this (copied from the article):
// Helper type
type errWriter struct {
w io.Writer
err error
func (ew *errWriter) write(buf []byte) {
if ew.err != nil {
_, ew.err = ew.w.Write(buf)
ew := &errWriter{w: fd}
// and so on
if ew.err != nil {
return ew.err
You could use a slice and a for loop.
s := []func() error{do1,do2,do3,do4}
for i := range s {
if err := s[i](); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Really though, you probably SHOULD follow the examples in the other answer as they come directly from documentation.

Should true or false terminate callback iteration?

In some languages it's necessary or cleaner to do iteration by providing a callback function that receives items and returns a boolean that indicates whether to continue or stop the iteration.
Which is the preferred value to indicate desire to stop/continue? Why? What precedents exist?
Example in Go:
func IntSliceEach(sl []int, cb func(i int) (more bool)) (all bool) {
for _, i := range sl {
if !cb(i) {
return false
return true
Which is the preferred value to indicate desire to stop/continue?
true for continue
Example 1:
func example(i interface{}) {
if w, ok := i.(io.Writer); ok {
// do something with your writer, ok indicates that you can continue
Example 2:
var sum int = 0
it := NewIntStatefulIterator(int_data)
for it.Next() {
sum += it.Value()
In both cases true (ok) indicates that you should continue. So I assume that it would be way to go in your example.
Foreword: The following answer applies to a callback function which decides based on the current item(s) whether the loop should terminate early - this is what you asked.
This is not to be confused with a function that progresses and reports if there are more elements to process, where a true return value is generally accepted to signal that there are more elements (for which a good example is Scanner.Scan()), and whose typical use is:
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(input)
for scanner.Scan() {
// Process current item (line):
line := scanner.Text()
fmt.Println(line) // Do something with line
Sticking to bool return type
Usually returning true to indicate termination results in code that is easier to read. This is due to the nature of for: if you do nothing, for continues, so you have to explicitly break if you want to terminate early, so having a clean termination condition is more common.
But it's a matter of taste. You may go whichever you like, but what's important is to name your callback function in a meaningful way that will clearly state what its return value means, and thus looking at the code (the condition in which it is used) will be easily understandable.
For example the following names are good and the return value is unambiguous:
// A return value of true means to terminate
func isLast(item Type) bool
func terminateAfter(item Type) bool
func abort(item Type) bool
// A return value of true means to continue (not to terminate)
func keepGoing(item Type) bool
func carryOn(item Type) bool
func processMore(item Type) bool
Using these results in easily understandable code:
for i, v := range vals {
if terminateAfter(v) {
break // or return
for i, v := range vals {
if !keepGoing(v) {
break // or return
// Or an alternative to the last one (subjective which is easier to read):
for i, v := range vals {
if keepGoing(v) {
As negative examples, the following callback function names are bad as you can't guess what their return value mean:
// Bad: you can't tell what return value of true means just by its name:
func test(item Type) bool
func check(item Type) bool
Having error return type
It's also common for the callback to not just test but also do some work with the passed item. In these cases it is meaningful to return an error instead of a bool. Doing so, obviously the nil return value indicates success (and to continue), and a non-nil value indicates error and that processing should stop.
func process(item Type) error
for i, v := range vals {
if err := process(v); err != nil {
// Handle error and terminate
Having enum-like return value
Also if multiple return values have meaning, you may choose to define constants for return values, which you can name meaningfully.
type Action int
const (
ActionContinue Action = iota
func actionToTake(item Type) Action
for i, v := range vals {
switch actionToTake(v) {
case ActionSkip:
case ActionTerminate:

How to do one-liner if else statement? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the idiomatic Go equivalent of C's ternary operator?
(14 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Please see https://golangdocs.com/ternary-operator-in-golang as pointed by #accdias (see comments)
Can I write a simple if-else statement with variable assignment in go (golang) as I would do in php? For example:
$var = ( $a > $b )? $a: $b;
Currently I have to use the following:
var c int
if a > b {
c = a
} else {
c = b
Sorry I cannot remember the name if this control statement and I couldn't find the info in-site or through google search. :/
As the comments mentioned, Go doesn't support ternary one liners. The shortest form I can think of is this:
var c int
if c = b; a > b {
c = a
But please don't do that, it's not worth it and will only confuse people who read your code.
As the others mentioned, Go does not support ternary one-liners. However, I wrote a utility function that could help you achieve what you want.
// IfThenElse evaluates a condition, if true returns the first parameter otherwise the second
func IfThenElse(condition bool, a interface{}, b interface{}) interface{} {
if condition {
return a
return b
Here are some test cases to show how you can use it
func TestIfThenElse(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, IfThenElse(1 == 1, "Yes", false), "Yes")
assert.Equal(t, IfThenElse(1 != 1, nil, 1), 1)
assert.Equal(t, IfThenElse(1 < 2, nil, "No"), nil)
For fun, I wrote more useful utility functions such as:
IfThen(1 == 1, "Yes") // "Yes"
IfThen(1 != 1, "Woo") // nil
IfThen(1 < 2, "Less") // "Less"
IfThenElse(1 == 1, "Yes", false) // "Yes"
IfThenElse(1 != 1, nil, 1) // 1
IfThenElse(1 < 2, nil, "No") // nil
DefaultIfNil(nil, nil) // nil
DefaultIfNil(nil, "") // ""
DefaultIfNil("A", "B") // "A"
DefaultIfNil(true, "B") // true
DefaultIfNil(1, false) // 1
FirstNonNil(nil, nil) // nil
FirstNonNil(nil, "") // ""
FirstNonNil("A", "B") // "A"
FirstNonNil(true, "B") // true
FirstNonNil(1, false) // 1
FirstNonNil(nil, nil, nil, 10) // 10
FirstNonNil(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) // nil
FirstNonNil() // nil
If you would like to use any of these, you can find them here https://github.com/shomali11/util
I often use the following:
c := b
if a > b {
c = a
basically the same as #Not_a_Golfer's but using type inference.
Thanks for pointing toward the correct answer.
I have just checked the Golang FAQ (duh) and it clearly states, this is not available in the language:
Does Go have the ?: operator?
There is no ternary form in Go. You may use the following to achieve the same result:
if expr {
n = trueVal
} else {
n = falseVal
additional info found that might be of interest on the subject:
Rosetta Code for Conditional Structures in Go
Ternary Operator in Go experiment from this guy
One possible way to do this in just one line by using a map, simple I am checking whether a > b if it is true I am assigning c to a otherwise b
c := map[bool]int{true: a, false: b}[a > b]
However, this looks amazing but in some cases it might NOT be the perfect solution because of evaluation order. For example, if I am checking whether an object is not nil get some property out of it, look at the following code snippet which will panic in case of myObj equals nil
type MyStruct struct {
field1 string
field2 string
var myObj *MyStruct
myObj = nil
myField := map[bool]string{true: myObj.field1, false: "empty!"}[myObj != nil}
Because map will be created and built first before evaluating the condition so in case of myObj = nil this will simply panic.
Not to forget to mention that you can still do the conditions in just one simple line, check the following:
var c int
if a > b { c = a } else { c = b}
A very similar construction is available in the language
**if <statement>; <evaluation> {
[statements ...]
} else {
[statements ...]
if path,err := os.Executable(); err != nil {
} else {
Use lambda function instead of ternary operator
Example 1
to give the max int
package main
func main() {
println( func(a,b int) int {if a>b {return a} else {return b} }(1,2) )
Example 2
Suppose you have this must(err error) function to handle errors and you want to use it when a condition isn't fulfilled.
(enjoy at https://play.golang.com/p/COXyo0qIslP)
package main
import (
// must is a little helper to handle errors. If passed error != nil, it simply panics.
func must(err error) {
if err != nil {
func main() {
tmpDir := os.TempDir()
// Make sure os.TempDir didn't return empty string
// reusing my favourite `must` helper
// Isn't that kinda creepy now though?
must(func() error {
var err error
if len(tmpDir) > 0 {
err = nil
} else {
err = errors.New("os.TempDir is empty")
return err
}()) // Don't forget that empty parentheses to invoke the lambda.
println("We happy with", tmpDir)
Sometimes, I try to use anonymous function to achieve defining and assigning happen at the same line. like below:
a, b = 4, 8
c := func() int {
if a >b {
return a
return b
} ()
Like user2680100 said, in Golang you can have the structure:
if <statement>; <evaluation> {
[statements ...]
} else {
[statements ...]
This is useful to shortcut some expressions that need error checking, or another kind of boolean checking, like:
var number int64
if v := os.Getenv("NUMBER"); v != "" {
if number, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64); err != nil {
} else {
With this you can achieve something like (in C):
Sprite *buffer = get_sprite("foo.png");
Sprite *foo_sprite = (buffer != 0) ? buffer : donut_sprite
But is evident that this sugar in Golang have to be used with moderation, for me, personally, I like to use this sugar with max of one level of nesting, like:
var number int64
if v := os.Getenv("NUMBER"); v != "" {
number, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
} else {
You can also implement ternary expressions with functions like func Ternary(b bool, a interface{}, b interface{}) { ... } but i don't like this approach, looks like a creation of a exception case in syntax, and creation of this "features", in my personal opinion, reduce the focus on that matters, that is algorithm and readability, but, the most important thing that makes me don't go for this way is that fact that this can bring a kind of overhead, and bring more cycles to in your program execution.
You can use a closure for this:
func doif(b bool, f1, f2 func()) {
case b:
case !b:
func dothis() { fmt.Println("Condition is true") }
func dothat() { fmt.Println("Condition is false") }
func main () {
condition := true
doif(condition, func() { dothis() }, func() { dothat() })
The only gripe I have with the closure syntax in Go is there is no alias for the default zero parameter zero return function, then it would be much nicer (think like how you declare map, array and slice literals with just a type name).
Or even the shorter version, as a commenter just suggested:
func doif(b bool, f1, f2 func()) {
case b:
case !b:
func dothis() { fmt.Println("Condition is true") }
func dothat() { fmt.Println("Condition is false") }
func main () {
condition := true
doif(condition, dothis, dothat)
You would still need to use a closure if you needed to give parameters to the functions. This could be obviated in the case of passing methods rather than just functions I think, where the parameters are the struct associated with the methods.
As everyone else pointed out, there's no ternary operator in Go.
For your particular example though, if you want to use a single liner, you could use Max.
import "math"
c := math.Max(a, b)
Ternary ? operator alternatives | golang if else one line
You can’t write a short one-line conditional in Go language ; there is no ternary conditional operator.
Read more about if..else of Golang

Go: Making a daemon that is callable from other Go apps

I'm working on a giant dictionary of words -> language, the data for which I have, but what I need is to have one thread running a daemon, written in Go, which keeps all of this in memory (yes, I have that much memory too) and is "callable" by other Go apps.
I'm sure this is a standard type of thing to do, but to be honest I've never attempted such a thing before and am not familiar enough to know where to find information on how to do this.
Having it run as a daemon is easy. My problem is what is an efficient way of calling this app from another Go app, which will need to be done many millions of times.
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
connection, err := InitateConnectionToApp()
for _, someword := range mysliceofstrings {
languageofword := connection.FindIt(someword)
Then the daemon somehow receives this request, looks up the value in its map and delivers it back.
I hope that makes sense. I have tried looking on Google but there is nothing I can find specific to Go.
If anyone can tell me where to start that would be great.
You could use RPC Go's standard Remote Procedure Call package.
Just Expose your api and then create a client to invoke the method remotely.
Simple example copy pasted from the docs:
package server
type Args struct {
A, B int
type Quotient struct {
Quo, Rem int
type Arith int
func (t *Arith) Multiply(args *Args, reply *int) error {
*reply = args.A * args.B
return nil
func (t *Arith) Divide(args *Args, quo *Quotient) error {
if args.B == 0 {
return errors.New("divide by zero")
quo.Quo = args.A / args.B
quo.Rem = args.A % args.B
return nil
func main() {
arith := new(Arith)
l, e := net.Listen("tcp", ":1234")
if e != nil {
log.Fatal("listen error:", e)
go http.Serve(l, nil)
