Laravel ORM Detail -> Master History - laravel

I want to orderby 'desc', but it no luck, even I added the function ($query) { $query->orderBy('date', 'desc'); } inside the "with", but it can show correctly.
OrderDetail::with('orderMaster', 'item')->get(),
The relations of the these tables
orderMaster ->(one to many) orderDetail ->(one to one) Item
I want to show the items purchase histories order by desc in current order.
Thanks a lot

In your orderMaster relation you could simply do something like this:
$this->hasMany('SomeClass')->orderBy('date', 'desc');


Laravel eloquet check non existing many to many relation

I'm having trouble to write query in laravel eloquent ORM.
I have a proyect table, where you can assign users, in a many to many relationship
In the view to asign users, I have a selector, but I want to show only the users not already assigned to the proyect and checking also that the user belongs to the company that created the proyect (user.company_id=proyect_id)
In a normal query should me something like this, having $company_id and $proyect_id from the controller.
select * from users u left join proyect_user pu on and
pu.proyect_id = $proyect_id where u.company_id=$company_i and
proyect_id is null;
The query works, but I would like to use Eloquent. ¿Any idea how to do it?
It depends on how you declared the relationship in the User model. But I would do something like this:
$users = User::whereHas('company', function ($query) use ($companyId) {
$query->where('id', $companyId)
})->whereDoesntHave('proyects', function ($query) use ($proyectId) {
$query->where('id', $proyectId);

OneToMany + ManyToMany

I have 3 main tables (sellers, stores, products), and there is another table for relation between stores and products (store_product)
A seller has many stores (One to Many relationship)
A store has many products, but any of those products can be assigned to multiple stores, maybe in another seller's stores (Many To Many relationship)
Now, I have a confusion, I want to get all products for a specific seller.
If you defined the reserve of the relationships, you can do:
// your seller's id
$seller_id = 1;
// get your products
$products = Product::whereHas('stores.seller', function ($query) use ($seller_id) {
$query->where('id', $seller_id);
To get the count of products under every seller, you could use the withCount() method, just like this:
$sellers = Seller::withCount(['stores' => function ($query){
which will place a {relation}_count column inside the stores relationship of your resulting models. In this case, products_count:
foreach ($sellers as $seller) {
echo $seller->stores->first()->products_count;
What you need is the builder function whereHas('relation', $callback). With it your query is very straight forward:
$products = Product::query()
->whereHas('stores.seller', function ($query) use ($sellerId) {
$query->where('', $sellerId);
Apparently using (where sellers is the table name) is important because you most likely have a column called id on all three tables. If you omit the table name, the query will fail.

How to order by eager loaded relationship in Laravel 5.5?

The code below works perfectly and displays all products with discounts in JSON Format for my API. But I want the result ordered by id in the discounts table. Something like orderBy('', 'desc'). Can anyone provide a solution for this? How it is possible to use orderBy with id column in discount table using has()?
public function promotions()
return $this->prepareResult(true, Product::has('discount')->where([
'company_id' => 1, 'is_active' => 1
])->with('category')->with('discount')->get(), [], "All Promotions");
You can use a function within your with statement:
public function promotions()
return $this->prepareResult(true, Product::has('discount')
->where(['company_id'=> 1, 'is_active'=>1])
->with(['discount' => function ($query) {
return $query->orderBy('id','DESC');
}])->get(), [],"All Promotions");
You can read about this here in the documentation.
If you want to go the collection method route instead of Alex's answer (which is also valid), you can just continue to chain collection methods after get. Since you included the with(), you can do
Not related to your question, but wanted to point out that you can pass multiple arguments to with() so that you don't call it twice.
Product::has('discount')->where(['company_id'=> 1, 'is_active'=>1])->with('discount', 'category')->get()
As DevK mentioned, you need to do a join and then you can sort your products by that. The trick here is that you join the discounts table to your products table, but only select the id column (named as discount_id) from your discounts table so you can sort by those records.
In the below example, I assumed that your
Category model's table is categories
Product model's table is products
Discount model's table is discounts
products table references a as discount_id
This code will return every column from the products table plus a discount_id column, which you can ignore, it's only there for the sorting. It will also keep it as a collection with the relationships that you stated above.
public function promotions()
return $this->prepareResult(
->where(['company_id' => 1, 'is_active' => 1])
->selectRaw('products.*, as discount_id')
->join('discount', 'products.discount_id', '=', '')
->orderBy('discount_id', 'DESC')
"All Promotions"

Eloquent select with() based on foreign key

I have a table with user data (users) and a table with prices (prices).
My prices table can contain multiple prices pr. user since I want to keep historical data.
I've defined my relation as a one-to-one
to allow me to see the users current price.
What I want to do now, is to select every user that has a current price of 100, but how do I do this? I know I could go for a left join, but as I read the documentation, it should be possible without a left join.
I've built a pseudo-query to explain what I'm after;
I've read through the documentation (Eloquent: Querying relationships), but that doesn't seem to be useful to my question.
I've also read several questions here on SO but unfortunately to no avail.
You may try this:
$currentPrice = 100;
$users = User::whereHas('price', function($query) use ($currentPrice) {
$query->where('price', $currentPrice); // price is the field name
Since you have more than a single price for per user then you may also declare another relationship method to get all the price models instead of one and you may do it using something like this:
// In User model
public function prices()
return $this->hasMany("App\Model\Price", "userid", "id");
In this case, with::price will give you the last single record and with::prices will give you all the related prices. So, if you want then you may write something like the following to get all users with their all related prices who has the (latest/current) price of 100:
$currentPrice = 100;
$users = User::whereHas('price', function($query) use($currentPrice) {
$query->where('price', $currentPrice); // price is the field name
->with("prices") // with all prices
You can use the combination of whereHas() and with() as:
$users = User::whereHas("price", function($q) use ($currentPrice) {
$q->where("price", $currentPrice);
->with(["price" => function ($q) {
$query->where("price", $currentPrice);

Laravel 5.0 how to order an eloquent with() query

I have two models: item and faq. The are in a belongsToMany with each other with a correctly created join table: item_faq (singular of both). My join table has an additional field on it for order.
In my view I get all the faq's and if they have a pivot table record I output "checked" on a checkbox. I also have drag and drop ordering on the checkbox list and that works well.
A few code notes:
public function faqs(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Faq');
public function items(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Item');
public function hasItem($item) {
$items = $this->items->lists('id');
return in_array($item, $items);
Schema of join table:
My issue is that they faq's don't load sorted by the order column on the pivot table.
I am using a very simple:
$faqs = \App\Faq::with('items')->get();
To retrieve the FAQ's and this works at getting all the faq's and if they are related, it checks the checkbox.
How can I order these by the order column on the join table?
Have a look at Eager Load Constraints and I think it will help provide a solution. From the docs:
Of course, eager loading Closures aren't limited to "constraints". You may also apply orders:
$users = User::with(['posts' => function($query) {
$query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
