How to intercept MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED on TableView on JavaFX8 - tableview

I am creating a custom CheckBoxTableView where the selected items are displayed with a CheckBox. If the user attempts to sort the table once items are selected, it appears to mess up. I would like to prompt the user to see if they would like to continue. If so, I would like to clear the selection, if not, simply consume the event so the sorting doesn't happen.
Unfortunately - my EventFilter seems to fire after the sort was completed.
On the TableView constructor, I placed the following code:
addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, event -> {
if(event.getTarget() instanceof TableColumnHeader) {
Alert a = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
a.setContextText("you sure?");
Optional<ButtonType> bt = a.showAndWait();
if(bt.isPresent() && bt.get() == ButtonType.OK){
//Clear selection
}else {
But by the time my EventFilter fires, the table has been sorted.
Any thoughts?

MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED is fired after MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED that's too late to intercept listeners and listeners :)


Fullcalendar Problems w/ filtering Events in agendaDay-View (works only one time, then no more events exist)

I have a problem with filtering events:
I use fullcalender in agendaDay-View
I use a drop-Down list to select a driver
I compare the name (it is a property of event-object) with the selected value
(this part is ok)
I remove all Events (.fullCalendar('removeEvents');)
Add the specific events
(add with renderEvents doesn't work proberly at the moment)
And now my problem appears:
For the first time it works, however, when I select another 'driver', the events are gone, because of the 'removeEvents'-Action before.
So, how can I solve this problem, that I can only display the filtered events and keep the other (actualley all events) to filter again for second, third n- time?
$('#' + id).fullCalendar('refetchEvents');
was the first idea, however, its brings all back and selected Issues were doubled (and so on).
I'm thankful for every hint.
Ok I think you can solve your problem with fullCalendar's eventRender function.
The function can also return false to completely cancel the rendering of the event.
Your event from events.json should have a property like 'driver_id'.
I would have select field instead of dropdown with option keys being driver ids, values - names or whatever. Lets say it's id would be 'driver_select'.
Then render events like this:
eventRender: function(event, element) {
//driver select should have default value assigned or else no events will be rendered
if ($("#driver_select").val() !== event.driver_id) {
return false; //do not render other driver events
Handle select changes to update
$("#driver_select").off('change').on('change', function() {
$("#calendar").fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );
Another approach would be to show all drivers in a timeline. For that you can use FullCalendar Scheduler.

Kendo Scheduler prevent editing/destruction of certain events

I've created a Kendo Scheduler that binds to a remote data source. The remote datasource is actually a combination of two separate data sources. This part is working okay.
Question is... is there any way to prevent certain events from being destroyed?
I've stopped other forms of editing by checking a certain field in the event's properties and calling e.preventDefault() on the edit, moveStart and resizeStart events if it should be read-only. This works fine, but I can't prevent deletes.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Just capture the remove event and process it as you have with the edit, moveStart, and reviseStart events. You should see a remove event option off the kendo scheduler. I can see it and capture it in version 2013.3.1119.340.
I think better way is to prevent user from going to remove event in the first place. Handling the remove event still has its validity as you can delete event for example by pressing "Delete" key).
In example below I'm assuming event has custom property called category and events with category equal to "Holiday" can't be deleted.
remove: function(e)
var event = e.event;
if (event.category === "Holiday")
dataBound: function(e)
var scheduler = e.sender;
$(".k-event").each(function() {
var uid = $(this).data("uid");
var event = scheduler.occurrenceByUid(uid);
if (event.category === "Holiday")
// use .k-event-delete,.k-resize-handle if you want to prevent also resizing
edit: function (e) {
var event = e.event;
if (event.category === "Holiday")
FYI, you can do this...
.Editable(e => e.Confirmation(false))
which will deactivate the default confirmation prompt for the scheduler. Then you can do your own prompt on items you want.
There is also a
.Editable(e => e.Destroy(false))
that you can do to remove the X on the event window. This particular example would remove it for all of the events, but there might be a way to remove it for specific ones.

ChangeValueHandler not fired when clicking on the back button In GWT

I have a form and I want to display a confirmation dialogBox when the user presses the back button. Let say that I have one Texbonx that listens to a ChangeValueHandler
addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
This is the short scenario
1) I enter text in the TextBox
2) I hit the back button
3) The ValueChangeEvent is not called
I tried the fire the BlurEvent programmatically on the TextBox with textBox.fireEvent(new BlurEvent() { }); but still no result.
Any suggestions ?
When the page is closed (by pressing the back button, or closing the page) no events will be fired by the controls. What will fire first is window.onbeforeunload to give you a chance to warn the user about data loss and offer to stay on the page. If the user chooses to stay on the page, then all the events that were supposed to be fired, will fire (so your change event will fire).
You can attach a handler to the native onbeforeunload event by using Window.addClosingHandler.
Window.addWindowClosingHandler(new ClosingHandler() {
public void onWindowClosing( ClosingEvent event )
event.setMessage("If you leave the page now all data will be lost.");
It's worth noting that the ClosingEvent and it's underlying onbeforeunload event, cannot, under any circumstances, be cancelled programmatically. The only way to prevent the user from leaving the page is if the user itself chooses "Stay On This Page" in the popup that results from the code above.
What I did is to set the focus of the TextBox to False and then check if it's changed, that forces the TextBox to unfocus when hiting the back button.
This is the code that check if a form is changed
public boolean isChanged(){
if(formPanel == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < formPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) {
if(formPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof BaseWidget){
BaseWidget w= (BaseWidget) formPanel.getWidget(i);
return true;
return false;

YUI DataTable Button events lost after filtering

I'm using a YUI2 DataTable.
Some of the rows of the tables have an icon button that when clicked on will popup additional details for the row.
I'm doing the following to define the panel which gets displayed with the additional information:
MyContainer.panel2 = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("popupPanel2",
{ width:"650px", visible:false, constraintoviewport:true, overflow:"auto" } );
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("showButton2", "click",, MyContainer.panel2, true);
So, everything works well with that. Then I added a button that when clicked on filters out some of the rows.
MyContainer.oPushButton1.onclick = function onButtonClickp(p_oEvent)
var filter_val = "xxx";
{success: myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable},myDataTable);
This filters and redraws the table. But after doing that, the buttons on the remaining rows that should popup a panel no longer work.
Nothing happens when I click on the buttons.
I'm sure I've done something wrong, but I don't know what. The buttons and panels with the correct id's still seem to be available on the page.
Do I somehow have to re-enable the listener for the click event after the datatable redraw? I'm not sure where to look for trying to debug the failed listener.
I got this working by making a call to addListener again after resetting the data for the Datasource.
MyContainer.oPushButton1.onclick = function onButtonClickp(p_oEvent)
var filter_val = "xxx";
{success: myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable},myDataTable);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("showButton2", "click",, MyContainer.panel2, true);

jqgrid - search. Which event gets fired when find button is clicked?

I am using multisearch on my jqgrid to enable users search data from the server side.
My requirement is, I want to capture the search parameters specified by the user in the search grid as soon as they press the Find button.
a. Is there any event that gets fired when a user clicks the Find button in the search grid?
b. how will I capture the search parameters specified in the search grid?
Thanks in advance.
In case anyone is looking for an answer to the above question:
I found that if we set the closeAfterSearch:true, then clicking 'Find' button triggers onClose event.
for Reset button, set the closeAfterReset:true, this again triggers onClose event.
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', "#pager",{},{},{},{},
{multipleSearch:true,closeAfterSearch:true, closeAfterReset:true,
//do work
return true; // return true to close the search grid
Sorry did not visit this thread for a while.
To determine the search criteria that user selected before pressing find use below code:
var ofilter = $("#list").getGridParam("postData");
for (var i = 0; i < ofilter.rules.length; i++)
alert(ofilter.rules[i].field); //- field name
alert(ofilter.rules[i].data); //- value
alert(ofilter.rules[i].op); //- which operation performed
