SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status while vagrant up - vagrant

I have added debian os to vagrant, then run vagrant up command, but it will throw the following error.
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
mount -o 'vers=3,udp''/u01/ChennaiBox/mage2_vagrant' /vagrant
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
stdin: is not a tty
mount.nfs: Connection timed out
Next i added /etc/sudoers
Defaults:vagrant !requiretty
This is My Syn_Folder code in vagrantfile:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :mount_options => ["dmode=777", "fmode=777"]
# config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => { :mount_options => ["dmode=777", "fmode=777"] }
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs", mount_options: ["dmode=777", "fmode=777"]
#rsync_args = ['--verbose', '--archive', '-z']
#config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant",
# rsync__args: rsync_args, rsync__exclude: ['.vagrant/'], rsync__auto: true, type: 'rsync'
Now also throw same error, suggest me how to solve this problem.

I solve my Problem to stop firewall
Using follwing command:
systemctl stop firewalld
Its worked for me.

i had the same problem suddelny vagrant up doesn't work any more and the error msg "mount.nfs: Connection timed out". was shown
i just remove the old version of vagrant and download the new version "2.2.4"


Vagrant and Docker nfs failed: Bad file descriptor

After a lot of review trying to use rsync in Vagrant with Docker as provider. (bidirectional sync)
I moved on to use nfs to sync my files inside the VM boot2docker
I have this vagrant error message after vagrant up
dockerhost: Mounting NFS shared folders...
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
mount -o 'vers=3,udp''/Users/myMac/workspace/docker-vagrant/test' /project
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
mount: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = No route to host
mount: mounting on /project failed: Bad file descriptor
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "dduportal/boot2docker"
config.vm.define "dockerhost" "forwarded_port", guest: 8000, host: 8000 "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder "../", "/project", type: "nfs"
My mac already have nfs because started up the service using nfsd start
In the Vagrant documentation recommend to use rsync but I didn't find a way to rsync from VM to my MAC and vice versa.
I'm using
Mac Yosemite
Vagrant 1.8.1
VM dduportal/boot2docker
I posted my question directly on the dduportal/boot2docker project.
and this is the correct configuration if you have your custom Docker Host in different directory.
config.vm.synced_folder "../", "/vagrant", type: "nfs", mount_options: ["nolock", "vers=3", "udp"], id: "nfs-sync"

Vagrant 'permission denied' on Windows

I am having trouble accessing files through Vagrant on Windows. I have been using it on OS X for quite some time and have my Vagrantfile setup correctly which works every time.
I have sent my colleague the same Vagrant file, he is on Windows and receives 'Permission Denied' when trying to access files through the browser.
Just to be clear, the permission errors are returned by the server when accessing 'dev.local' in the browser and not from Vagrant itself... it will be a configuration error on Windows or within the VM.
The VM is CentOS 6.5
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "chef/centos-6.5" "private_network", ip: "" :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080
config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""
config.vm.hostname = "dev.local"
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home", id: "vagrant", :nfs => false, :mount_options => ["dmode=777","fmode=777"]
config.ssh.insert_key = false
config.ssh.username = "vagrant"
config.ssh.password = "vagrant"
Can any Windows Vagrant users shed any light on this?
It was VBGuestAdditions out of date. The permission error was caused by not being able to sync to my local folder (which contained an index.php) so it was using the servers /home folder which didn't contain anything and since viewing directory structure is disabled it returned permission errors.
I had 4.X.X installed, and VirtualBox is on 5.X.X Here is the fix:
run command: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
the run vagrant up which may still throw an error as the plugin fails to copy a file.
vagrant ssh to get into the box and run the following command:
sudo ln -s /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-5.X.X/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions
Replace 5.X.X with the version of your VirtualBox.
logout and run vagrant reload
do a happy dance

Cannot mount vagrant synced folder with nfs

I managed to setting up my Symfony2 project inside a ubuntu vagrant box. But it takes around 20 seconds to load the website through it's webserver. After some research, i came up with using nfs for the sync folder. Here're my setting from Vagrantfile: "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => true, :mount_options => ["dmode=777","fmode=777"]
After starting de vagrant box i get the following error
==> default: Mounting NFS shared folders...
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
mount -o 'dmode=777,fmode=777''/Users/marcschenk/Projects/' /vagrant
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
stdin: is not a tty
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
The VM seems to work, but the synced folder's obviously empty. What did i wrong?
My setup:
Vagrant 1.6.5 & Virtualbox 4.3.18
Host: OS X 10.10
Guest: Ubuntu 12.04
Found the solution for the problem here
The correct syntax for vagrant version 1.3 to 1.6 is:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => { :mount_options => ["dmode=777","fmode=777"] }

How do I use rsync shared folders in Vagrant on Windows?

I want to develop WordPress websites locally using Vagrant (Host: Windows 8 64-bit; Guest: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). I am using Chris Wiegman's Primary Vagrant (an Apache version of VVV)
I got it working, but as soon as I added all my files the site ran incredibly slow. After research I'm guessing this is down to shared folders being slow. The work around as mention in this blog post on the Vagrant website, is to use rsync.
Despite their being no instructions on how to get rsync working on Windows, I came across this article which recommends the free version of cwrsync. I also had to add the path environmental variable so that rsync worked across all folders on Windows (this answer helped with this)
I edited the vagrant file so that rsync would be used by appending ,"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/" to the Primary Vagrant vagrant file:
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/stable.wordpress.vagrant", "/var/www/stable.wordpress.vagrant", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/stable.wordpress.vagrant/uploads", "/var/www/stable.wordpress.vagrant/wordpress/wp-content/uploads", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/trunk.wordpress.vagrant", "/var/www/trunk.wordpress.vagrant", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/trunk.wordpress.vagrant/uploads", "/var/www/trunk.wordpress.vagrant/wordpress/wp-content/uploads", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/Search-Replace-DB", "/var/www/replacedb.vagrant", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/phpmyadmin", "/var/www/phpmyadmin.vagrant", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
config.vm.synced_folder "sites/webgrind", "/var/www/webgrind.vagrant", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ],"rsync", rsync__exclude: ".git/"
Then I did a vagrant up --provision. But unfortunately I am getting the following error messages. Despite trying to find the issue online, I can't.
Here are the error messages:
==> default: Rsyncing folder: /cygdrive/c/Users/IanAnderson/Documents/Sites/Vagrants/Primary-Vagrant/vagrant-local/sites
/stable.wordpress.vagrant/ => /var/www/stable.wordpress.vagrant
==> default: - Exclude: [".vagrant/", ".git/"]
There was an error when attempting to rsync a synced folder.
Please inspect the error message below for more info.
Host path: /cygdrive/c/Users/IanAnderson/Documents/Sites/Vagrants/Primary-Vagrant/vagrant-local/sites/stable.wordpress.v
Guest path: /var/www/stable.wordpress.vagrant
Command: rsync --verbose --archive --delete -z --chmod=ugo=rwX --no-perms -e ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
'C:/Users/IanAnderson/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key' --exclude .vagrant/ --exclude .git/ /cygdrive/c/Users/IanAnderson
/Documents/Sites/Vagrants/Primary-Vagrant/vagrant-local/sites/stable.wordpress.vagrant/ vagrant#
Error: Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605) [Receiver=3.0.9]
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(759) [sender=3.0.6]
Try using MinGW. It brings its own ssh.exe in /bin
and rsync.exe in /msys/<version_number>/bin.
Adding these directories to my PATH made it work on my machine.
Adding to Sebastian Kliem's answer: for me it was necessary to add the MinGW /bin directory to the start of my PATH. I got the error you mentioned when using git's ssh with MinGW's rsync. Putting MinGW at the start made sure the two worked well together.
This is no rsync solution, but it works for sharing files to a windows host with better performace than regular virtual box shares.
I successfully used this plugin which starts a nfs daemon on windows:
I haven't tested it thoroughly because it is a work in progress and first time supporting windows on my project. It seems to do the trick and performs decently so far. Haven't tried it with MySQL data shared onto the host, which was the slowest resource of the server stack.
Also, i use it along the vagrant-bindfs plugin to route the user uid/gid. This probably ads overhead to the mix though but automates the whole process.
I know this question is older than the issue, but in case this might help someone: there is a known issue with Vagrant >=1.8.0 and Windows hosts that triggers this kind of error messages.
To prevent this, try removing the following lines (77 to 79) in $VAGRANT_HOME\embedded\gems\gems\vagrant-1.8.0\plugins\synced_folders\rsync\helper.rb :
"-o ControlMaster=auto " +
"-o ControlPath=#{controlpath} " +
"-o ControlPersist=10m " +

Vagrant failed permissions with nfs only when mounting to apache folders

I am using Linux Mint as Host and CentOS as guest, whenever i am trying to share a folder to an apache folder (example below) it fails and all other apache actions fail to.
config.vm.share_folder "apache", "/var/www/html", "../src", :extra => 'dmode=775,fmode=775', :nfs => (FFI::Platform::IS_WINDOWS ? false: true)
I get following error then:
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /var/www/html: cpio: chown failed - Operation not permitted
However, when i mount the folder to lets say /html, there is not a single problem and my vagrant runs clean.
I am desperatly trying to get things in the folders they are meant to be, any idea how i can fix this?
here we've having some kind of this problem too.
The way it worked here was to adjust the syntax of nfs exporting to:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => { :mount_options => ["dmode=777","fmode=777"] }
as stated in 26710386
note the :nfs line and mount options. You must to use it as
nfs => { :mount_options => ["dmode=777","fmode=777"] }
and not as the latter way type: "nfs", mount_options: ... was.
Hope it helps.
