Can't get example code on to run - scalafx

I'm trying to get the example code (HelloScalaFX) on to run. However, the line
fill <== when (hover) choose Color.Green
otherwise Color.Red
give me the error
overloaded method value <== with alternatives: (v:
scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[_ <:
javafx.scene.paint.Paint, _ <: javafx.scene.paint.Paint])Unit <and> (v:
javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[_ <: javafx.scene.paint.Paint])Unit cannot be applied to
If I delete the offending lines, I get no compile errors, but running it gives:
Error: Could not find or load main class HelloStageDemo
How do I resolve the overloading and get this to work?
OSX 10.11.5
Scala IDE build of Eclipse SDK (4.3.0)
Scala Library container 2.11.8

First, there should be no line break before otherwise, that code would not compile in Scala. It should be:
fill <== when (hover) choose Color.Green otherwise Color.Red
There was a break on the due to page layout, it is now corrected.
The second error, "Could not find or load main class", is not ScalaFX or JavaFX related but probably something with your code that you did not include in the question or with Eclipse setup.


ansi-terminal and native io manager doesn't work

i'm using 2 functions simultaneously, one that takes input with getChar and other that draws some characters con the terminal, however, i'm using ansi-terminal to move the cursor on the screen
the problem is that when i compile throws the next error
user error (pattern match failure in do expression at libraries\Win32\System\Win32\Types.hsc
this only happens when i set "+RTS --io-manager=native" flag, but that is necesary 'cause getChar doesn's work properly without it
This has been fixed in version of Win32. See this issue.
If you're using cabal I think you can make a cabal.project file with these contents:
packages: .
constraints: Win32 >=
Or if you use stack I believe you can add Win32- to your extra-deps in your stack.yaml.

Xcode watch 'invalid expression'

I'm stepping through some Swift code in Xcode and I'd like to watch values. Following the advice in many of the answers here (e.g. this one) I can add the expression to the local variables window.
The breakpoint I am on is the last line of this fragment from the Starscream library (by daltoniam) which I include as a pod.
for i in 0..<dataLength {
buffer[offset] = data[i] ^ maskKey[i % MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size]
offset += 1
var total = 0
I've added two expressions to watch:
buffer[0] and
For both the value I see is "invalid expression":
These expressions are clearly are not invalid, if they were the code would have thrown an exception when they were encountered executing the previous few lines. What am I missing? How should I watch and not get 'invalid expression'
N.B. If I call p buffer[0] from the lldb prompt I get the cryptic error:
(lldb) p buffer[0]
error: warning: :12:9: warning: initialization of variable
'$__lldb_error_result' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_'
or removing it
var $__lldb_error_result = __lldb_tmp_error
error: :19:5: error: value of type 'WebSocket' has no member
^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have tried changing the podfile (as per Jim's answer) so that it explicitly gets the debug code:
pod 'Starscream', '~> 3.0.6', :configuration => 'Debug'
and I have even gone as far as removing the pods, cloning Starscream, and including the source code as a sub-project. I still get the same error.
An expression that accesses buffer[0] where buffer is a UnsafeMutablePointer works correctly in the expression parser when I'm stopped in some simple function. And from your experience with the expr command directly, it looks like your problem is not with this particular expression. Rather it looks like there's something about the context you are stopped in that's tripping up the expression parser altogether.
Make sure that you aren't using binary cocoapods's and that you've rebuilt all your code and all the pods you are using have been rebuilt from scratch with the same swift compiler. At present, lldb and swiftc are version locked - lldb can only debug programs built with the swiftc that it ships with.
If that doesn't fix the issue, then we'll need to figure out what about the particular function you are stopped in that's causing the problem. This seems like the sort of thing better dealt with by filing a bug with the swift project (

Glib-GIO-ERROR when opening an file chooser dialog

I use GTK3 , codeblcks IDE, glade3 in windows 7...
In my application i have a button which when clicked should open a gtk_file_chooser_dialog...
But gives the fillowing error..
Glib-GIO-ERROR**:No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
static void on_save_clicked(GtkWidget *widget,gpointer data)
GtkWidget *dialog;
//dialog=gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new("Save it",GTK_WINDOW(gtk_builder_get_object(builder,"mainwindow")),GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,GTK_STOCK_OK,GTK_RESPONSE_OK,GTK_STOCK_CANCEL,GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
gint resp=gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
I use g_signal_connect(...) to call this function when the button is clicked...
I cannot understand the problem...
I got the very same error when trying to open a FileChooserDialog.
( GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_settings_schema_source_lookup: assertion 'source != NULL' failed
( GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
I 'm running a Gtk3 interface with python3 on Linux.
Gtk3 and all its dependencies were installed from the sources.
I found the solution on this forum
I just set XDG_DATA_DIRS variable with the path to where the gtk schema files are located and it works.
$ ls /home/user1/ctcils/dusserm/applications/gtk/3.12.1/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
gschemas.compiled org.gtk.exampleapp.gschema.xml org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.gschema.xml
org.gtk.Demo.gschema.xml org.gtk.Settings.ColorChooser.gschema.xml
$ export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.RH6/glib/2.40.0/share/:/home/user1/ctcils/dusserm/applications/gtk/3.12.1/share/
There are probably few errors in there.
If you commented both, the dialog.show_all () will produce error because, it hasn't been instantiate yet you asked to be shown.
If you use the first one, object Gtk.FileChooserDialog param has to end with NULL (in c), read the doc
If you use the second one, check your glade signal property in your glade window
Check your gtk installation
Quoting from this StackOverflow answer,
Seems you're not the one having this problem, and it also happens on Windows on MinGW. Luckily, that person gave a solution:
The thing, as it seems as I was running the test-widget example (that I
built with gtksourceview-3.0.0 using MSVC), was that I need to compile the
org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.gschema.xml file (from GTK+-3.x, under
$(srcroot)/gtk) with the glib-compile-schemas utility that is from GLib,
which will generate gschemas.compiled in the same folder.
After that, place that gschemas.compiled file in the this folder:
and one will be set to use the gtkfilechooser without the puzzling
[GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser'
is not installed] error.
I will add to my GLib project files to compile the glib-compile-schemas
utility and add to my GTK+-3.x project files to compile the
the org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.gschema.xml shortly.

jdk 1.7.25 CORBA idl build warning: Anonymous sequences and array are deprecated

My java project updated to jdk 1.7.25, over Solaris 10 environment, this is the first time seen that there is a new warning message in build log: Anonymous sequences and array are deprecated (build IDL)
problem: The main GUI(build by jdk 1.7.25) cannot been brought up
We think this maybe a problem(but not sure). The idl file is very simple:
$ cat UnsubscribeAttb.idl
include ../../../proj/request/requestIfc/subscribeKey.idl
module requestIfc {
struct requestIfc {
bool subscribeKeys;
sequence<subscribeKey> UnsubscribeAttbList;
I put in "typedef" at the front of the last line, but build immediately gives an error complained this line, but didnot give me a specific reason. Looking for your help.

Resurrecting old PLT-Scheme project (pre-1999)

I'm trying to resurrect an old (1999 or earlier) project written in Scheme (PLT-Scheme, using the mzscheme interpreter (?) commandline tool). To make the matters worse, I don't know Scheme, or Lisp (in fact, I want to learn, but that's another story).
I have the source code of the project at:
Now, when running the code, it bails out with an error message like below:
Sherman runtime version 0.5
Hosted on MzScheme version 52, Copyright (c) 1995-98 PLT (Matthew Flatt)
reference to undefined identifier: list->block
(I've tried PLT-Scheme versions 52, 53, 103, 103p1. Earlier versions don't allow mzscheme -L option, which is referenced in the sherman.bat script used in the project. Later versions also have some more serious problems with the code or options.)
The difficulty is, that from what I see, list->block actually is defined - see: collects/sherman/BLOCK.SS line 48. So, what is wrong?
To run the code, I perform the following steps:
Download PLT-Scheme v. 103p1 (from the old versions download page - first closing the "PLT Scheme is now Racket" banner) - for Windows, use:
Unzip (e.g. to directory c:\PLT).
Copy c:\sherman\collects\sherman directory with contents to: c:\PLT\collects\sherman (where c:\sherman contains the contents of the github repository).
Run cmd.exe, then cd c:\sherman.
set PATH=c:\PLT;%PATH%
sherman.bat run trivial.s
this command is in fact, from what I understand, equivalent to:
(require-library "" "sherman")
(parameterize ((current-namespace sherman-namespace)) (load "trivial.s"))
(current-namespace sherman-namespace)
After that, I get the error as described above (MzScheme version would be reported as 103p1 or whatever).
Could you help me solve the problem?
To whom it may concern, I've added a fully fledged "How to use this project" instruction on the project page, detailing the solution to the problem thanks to soegaard's help.
In short:
copy trivial.s
rem (the above is workaround for problems with 'r2s.exe < trivial.r >')
sherman.bat compile
sherman.bat run trivial.zo
rem (or: sherman.bat run
Not an answer, but a few notes too big for a comment.
1. Sanity Check
The error message says list->block is undefined.
Make sure that the code in is run, by
inserting (display " is loaded!") in
just to make sure, the code is run.
2. Random Thoughts
The file begins with:
(require-library "")
(require-library "")
(require-library "" "sherman")
The file "sherman/" is in the repository,
but where is "" and "" ?
Ah... This code is old! Here is a description of
how require-library worked. It lists
and as part of MzLib.
Let's check out how require-library worked:
When require-library is used to load a file, the library name and the
resulting value(s) are recored in a table associated with the current
namespace. If require-library is evaluated for a library that is
already registered in the current namespace's load table, then the
library is not loaded again; the result(s) recorded in the load table
is returned, instead.
So when the code in is run, the names are stored in a namespace. If the current namespace is the wrong one, when the code in is evaluated, it would explain you error message of list->block being undefined.
