Play authenticate create roles and signup page for different roles - playframework-2.5

Please am using Play authenticate play framework and am trying to create many roles and how to create different signup and login form for each role i created.

You don't have to create different signup for every role. Role is assign to user after the user get created. Assigning of role should be handle by admin and super user. So I would suggest you initially don't assign any role or give the lowest priority role. And then make the user ask the admin for a particular role.
But if you really want to assign user a role during sign up you can add a dropdown field in your form which contains the values of all the roles and assign the role while creating the user.
I hope this answer your question.


On which entities do any user have read access when access is given to crm org?

I wanted to know on which entities does an user have by default a read access initially when no security role is assigned to the user?
I wanted to know because any user who do not have any security role can still access case & accounts entity through advanced find! Is this expected behavior? If yes then is this documented any where?
All users must be assigned to at least one security role in order to have access to Dynamics 365. The security roles can be assigned to the user directly or to the access team he belongs to.
Can you double-check the security roles assigned to the user and verify team's security roles ?
The user has to have a security role assigned to get into CRM. Check existing teams to see if the user is a member of and also he/she will have access to the records shared to him/her. Which entities user can access to are based on the roles/team he/she has been assigned. Check role/team setting for details.

laravel users with several roles having several permissions

I want to create a RBAC system in laravel where a user can belong to several roles, and each role can have several permissions. The middleware should check if the user has a certain permission (within any of their roles) before it continues with the request.
I am able to implement a case where
A user belongs to one role which has many permissions
A user belongs to several roles which are used to determine access control (without the permissions bit)
I need to implement a user with multiple roles having multiple permissions. Any pointers?
If you are not interested in coding this yourself the a package like Laravel permissions would do exactly what you want.
Otherwise you need to create pivot tables between the users ans their roles and the roles and their permissions
So you would have a user_roles table that would consist of user_id and role_I'd.
You would also have a role_permissions table which would have role_id and permission_id.
This would allow you to have many to many relationship and have many through relationship to get straight from user to role and role to user.
Hope that helps
As an overview. You need to have a roles table in your database which defines different types of user's your application can have , Like (Admin, Author, Editor, Moderator etc)
You also need to define a table role_user which contains data on which user has which role. This will be a Many to Many relationship since a user can have multiple roles.
Next you need to define a Middleware CheckRole which basically checks if user has a particular role. You can use this Middleware on different parts of your application to restrict authentication.
You might find this tutorial useful :

Spark: Assigning Roles to Invited Users

Using Laravel Spark, is there a way to -- either via UI or programmatically -- assign a team role to an invited user?
That is, Laravel Spark doesn't allow admins to create users. Instead, a owner user invites them. This creates an entry in the invitations table, and sends an email URL to the potential user. Users can then follow this URL, and sign up for a user account. Once they've signed up, an admin can change their role via UI.
Laravel Spark lets you set a default role for all invited users. What I want to know is: Does Laravel Spark provide a mechanism that would let me invite user A and have them end up with role B, and invite user C and have them end up with role D.
I can think of a number of ways to achieve this myself with custom code, but before I do that I want to know if this wheel's been invented.
Spark Roles is useful as it will allow you to assign user roles/permissions as the user signs up and/or is assigned to a team.

How to set correct roles for login users

I am trying to set roles with
My aim is to set role to get all the data only for login users.
can you please proved step by step how should it be done with,
I tryed to play with it and read the tutrial but I am all the time getting accecss to data even if I am not logined.
thnx for helping!
When you create your data object you should be adding an ACL to it, created with the current user and limiting read and write to that user. This is done before you save the data object. You don't need to use a role. A role would be used where you had a group of users who all needed access, then you would add the users to the role and create the ACL for the role instead of a user.

How to Get Security Roles of Another User in CRM 2013 Using Javascript

Getting current (logged) user security roles from the context is trivial:
But I can't find an answer how to get the roles for another user by Id or Name? (Different from the user who is logged on currently)
You can use odata to get roles assigned to user:
http://<server>/<org>/xrmservices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/SystemUserRolesSet?$filter=SystemUserId eq guid'<user guid>'
in similar way you possibly want to check for roles assigned to teams that user belongs to
