Swift- Use of unresolved identifier - xcode

I have the following Swift code where I am sending a POST request to a webserver and receiving a value back. The error that I receive is on the second to last line saying "Use of unresolved identifier"
func download_request() -> String {
let url:NSURL = NSURL(string: "http://url.com/read.php")!
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequestCachePolicy.ReloadIgnoringCacheData
let paramString = "data=name"
request.HTTPBody = paramString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let task = session.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) {
(let location, let response, let error) in
guard let _:NSURL = location, let _:NSURLResponse = response where error == nil else {
let urlContents = try! NSString(contentsOfURL: location!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
guard let _:NSString = urlContents else {
return urlContents
How would I fix this error? I think that it means that I cannot use urlContents outside of the let task = session.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) { } but how would I declare the variable so that I can use it outside?

Try declaring urlContents outside of the session.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) { } block. Like so:
func download_request() -> String? {
let url:NSURL = NSURL(string: "http://url.com/read.php")!
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
var urlContents: NSString?
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequestCachePolicy.ReloadIgnoringCacheData
let paramString = "data=name"
request.HTTPBody = paramString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let task = session.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) {
(let location, let response, let error) in
guard let _:NSURL = location, let _:NSURLResponse = response where error == nil else {
urlContents = try? NSString(contentsOfURL: location!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
guard let _:NSString = urlContents else {
return (urlContents as! String)
Then when you need to use urlContents unwrap it with an if let binding
if let contents = download_request() {
//Use safely unwrapped contents

You could make return type optional like below
func download_request() -> String? {
var urlContents: String?
let task = session.downloadTaskWithRequest(request) {
(let location, let response, let error) in
guard let _:NSURL = location, let _:NSURLResponse = response where error == nil else {
urlContents = try! NSString(contentsOfURL: location!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as String
guard let _:NSString = urlContents else {
return urlContents
And call the method like
if let request = download_request() {
//do anything with your request
Suggesting you to rename your method properly since you are returning the downloaded data not the request.
And this is not the correct way to get your downloaded data back as a return to the method since the completionHandler will be called once the operation is done so urlContents will be nil. Hence create another method which takes String as input and call it within the completionHandler of downloadTaskWithRequest


swift 3 core data fetch results

i have a core data modal with the entity "Users"
There are two attributes "firstName" and "secondName"
this is actually my code to fetch the results:
var content:[String] = []
func RequestData() {
let appdelegate = NSApplication.shared().delegate as! AppDelegate
let context = appdelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
let request = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "Kunden")
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
do {
let results = try context.fetch(request)
if results.count > 0 {
for result in results as! [NSManagedObject] {
if let firstname = result.value(forKey: "firstname") as? String {
if let secondname = result.value(forKey: "secondname") as? String {
} catch {
this works fine.
Problem is. I dont belive that
var content:[String] = []
is the correctly variable to take the results.
Because the output of print(content) is:
["Max", "Mustermann", "Max2", "Mustermann2", "Max3", "Mustermann3"]
Which variable type will be the best for this situation?
i think the result should be something like this:
You should create custom User objects that are subclasses of NSManagedObject.
But if you don't need custom logic, you could change your variable to a Int:[String] Dictionary:
var content:[Int: [String]] = [:]
And append the data like this:
if let id = result.value(forKey: "firstname") as? Int {
let firstName = result.value(forKey: "firstname") as? String ?? "Unknown"
let secondName = result.value(forKey: "secondname") as? String ?? "Unknown"
let user = [id: [firstName, lastName]]
print("Fetched user: \(user.debugDescription)")

fatal : Array index out of range

Every child has a pick up point location consists of latitude and longitude that i fetch from sqlite database. I have childIdArray which is array of childID's. I want to calculate the estimate time(ETA) from current location of their respective drivers location i fetch from getCurrentLocationOfRespectiveDrivers() method with pickUp point of children that i fetch from sqlite database in form of array of latitude and longitude.
but i get error
fatal error: Array index out of range
in getCurrentLocationOfRespectiveDrivers() method.
Any help would be highly appreciated.. thanks in advance
var etaArray : [String] = []
var estimatedTime : String?
var latitudeArray : [Double] = []
var longitudeArray : [Double] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
let rs = ModelManager.sharedInstance.fetchingPickUpAnnotationsArray(ChildDetailsVC.parentID)
latitudeArray = rs.latPickUp
longitudeArray = rs.longPickUp
print("pickUpLatitudeArray = \(latitudeArray)")
print("pickUpLongitudeArray = \(longitudeArray)")
let result = ModelManager.sharedInstance.fetchingChildren( ChildDetailsVC.parentID)
self.childNameArray = result.childNames
self.childImageArray = result.childImages
self.childIDArray = result.chidIDs
self.childDriverArray = result.childDrivers
for (var i = 0; i < childIDArray.count; i++)
func getCurrentLocationOfRespectiveDrivers()
for( var i = 0 ; i < latitudeArray.count ; i++)
let url:NSURL = NSURL(string:"http://development.ssntpl.com/gogo_app/api.php?action=getDriverCurrentLocation")!
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL:url)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
let post:NSString = "child_id=\(childIDArray)"
request.HTTPBody = post.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request)
data, response, error in
if error != nil
print("error is \(error)")
let myJSON = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .MutableContainers) as? NSDictionary
if let parseJSON = myJSON
let Status = parseJSON["status"] as! Int
let Code = parseJSON["code"] as! Int
if (Status == 1 && Code == 200)
let Result = parseJSON["result"] as! NSArray
//here i get the crash fatal error: Array index out of range
let latitudePickUp = self.latitudeArray[i]
let longitudePickUp = self.longitudeArray[i]
let CoordinatePickUp = CLLocation(latitude: latitudePickUp, longitude: longitudePickUp)
for res in Result
self.estimatedTime = ""
if (res["exists"] as! Int == 1)
let lastLatitude = res["latitude"] as! CLLocationDegrees
let lastLongitude = res["longitude"] as! CLLocationDegrees
let Location : CLLocation = CLLocation(latitude: lastLatitude, longitude: lastLongitude)
let meters:CLLocationDistance = Location.distanceFromLocation(CoordinatePickUp)
let ID = res["child_id"] as! String
let time = round(meters/40000 * 60)
self.estimatedTime = String(time)
//executing the task
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in

cannot convert value of type, swift 2.0, error handling

func refreshResults() {
let theWidth = view.frame.size.width
let theHeight = view.frame.size.height
messageX = 37.0
messageY = 26.0
messageArray.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
senderArray.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
let innerP1 = NSPredicate(format: "sender = %# AND other = %#", userName, otherName)
var innerQ1: PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "Messages", predicate: innerP1)
let innerP2 = NSPredicate(format: "sender = %# AND other = %#", otherName, userName)
var innerQ2: PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "Messages", predicate: innerP2)
var query = PFQuery.orQueryWithSubqueries([innerQ1, innerQ2] )
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(objects:[AnyObject]?, error:NSError?) -> Void in // this is line with error
if error == nil {
for object in objects! {
self.senderArray.append(object.objectForKey("sender") as! String)
self.messageArray.append(object.objectForKey("message") as! String)
Using Swift 2.0 I get the error
'cannot convert value of type [AnyObject]?, NSError? -> void to expected argument type PFQueryArrayResultBlock'
I figured out that it's because of new error handling in Swift 2.0, but I am still not figuring out what I need to do to fix this.
**(objects:[PFObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in**
Parse changed, and recommends to use PFObject

Cannot invoke initialiser for type 'JSON' with an argument list of type (data: NSUrlConnection?)

I am getting this error:
Cannot invoke initialiser for type 'JSON' with an argument list of type (data: NSUrlConnection?)
When I try to execute this code:
var url = NSURL(string: "http://****")
var request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!, cachePolicy: NSURLRequestCachePolicy.ReturnCacheDataElseLoad, timeoutInterval: Double.infinity);
if IJReachability.isConnectedToNetwork(){
request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!, cachePolicy: NSURLRequestCachePolicy.UseProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: Double.infinity);
var response: NSURLResponse?
let data = NSURLConnection?
do {
data = try NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(request, returningResponse: &response)
} catch (let e) {
if data != nil {
var dataArray = JSON(data: data)
let dutch_sentence = dataArray[id]["dutch_sentence"]
let polish_sentence = dataArray[id]["polish_sentence"]
let navigationTitle = dutch_sentence.string!.uppercaseString
self.title = navigationTitle
//Populate labels
dutchSentenceLabel.text = dutch_sentence.string!
polishSentenceLabel.text = polish_sentence.string!
I am new to Swift and I am trying to fix the errors out of my code since it is updated but I am having a hard time on it since I am not experienced with the language.. can someone please help me out? I wouldn't be surprised if I messed up the whole code already actually..
I also tried this:
let url = NSURL(string: "http://****")
var request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!, cachePolicy: NSURLRequestCachePolicy.ReturnCacheDataElseLoad, timeoutInterval: Double.infinity);
if IJReachability.isConnectedToNetwork(){
request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!, cachePolicy: NSURLRequestCachePolicy.UseProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: Double.infinity);
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error) -> Void in
var dataArray = JSON(data: data!)
let dutch_sentence = dataArray[self.id]["dutch_sentence"]
let polish_sentence = dataArray[self.id]["polish_sentence"]
let navigationTitle = dutch_sentence.string!.uppercaseString
self.title = navigationTitle
//Populate labels
self.dutchSentenceLabel.text = dutch_sentence.string!
self.polishSentenceLabel.text = polish_sentence.string!
It has no errors but I don't know if it is the correct way and if it will work. I have to replace it on a lot of places so I want to be sure about if it works before I do that.
I believe you were intending to use JSONObjectWithData:options:error
Unless you were doing this using SwiftyJSON. If so, here is an excellent article detailing how to install and use it.

Replacing NSNulls inside NSDictionary

this question is similar to Replace occurrences of NSNull in nested NSDictionary
In swift I am getting an error (I believe because of NSNull's) I don't really care if the NSNull becomes an empty string or a nil. I am just wanting to get the code to work.
I have a large data structure coming in from JSON as an NSDictionary. Then I am saving that to a temporary file. Here is the code:
var jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .MutableContainers, error: &err) as! NSDictionary
let json = JSON(jsonResult)
if (json["errors"].array?.count > 0) {
println("could not load stuff")
} else {
println("retrieving the stuff")
let file = "file.txt"
let file_path = NSTemporaryDirectory() + file
let dict:NSDictionary = jsonResult
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
if dict.writeToFile(file_path, atomically: true) {
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
//--- need to handle the NSNull junk here
if let dict = readDict {
println("Temp file created, here are the contents: \(dict)")
} else {
println("!!!Failed to READ the dictionary data back from disk.")
else {
println("!!!Failed to WRITE the dictionary to disk.")
Here's an example of what jsonResult looks like
things = (
"one" = one;
two = "<null>";
"three" = three;
"four" = "<null>";
"five" = five;
"six" = "six-6";
seven = 7;
eight = eight;
nine = "<null>";
ten = "<null>";
eleven = "<null>";
"twelve" = "<null>";
Problem: I have a very large amount of JSON (roughly 600kb as text) Within that JSON data there are nulls. The problem I was having is that when you NSJSONSerialization as NSDictionary, it converts the nulls into NSNull objects (it looks funky if you print this out because they appear as a string, this is wrong.
Solution: You need to have a "pruned" or "sanitized" dictionary. What this means is to throw out the key and value entirely. To do this, I added a sanitized_dict function. Here is the function:
func sanitize_dict(obj: AnyObject) -> AnyObject {
if obj.isKindOfClass(NSDictionary) {
var saveableObject = obj as! NSMutableDictionary
for (key, value) in obj as! NSDictionary {
if (value.isKindOfClass(NSNull)) {
//println("Removing NSNull for: \(key)")
if (value.isKindOfClass(NSArray)) {
let tmpArray: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(value as! NSArray)
saveableObject.setValue(tmpArray, forKey: key as! String)
if (value.isKindOfClass(NSDictionary)) {
let tmpDict: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(value as! NSDictionary)
saveableObject.setValue(tmpDict, forKey: key as! String)
return saveableObject
//--- because arrays are handled differently,
//--- you basically need to do the same thing, but for an array
//--- if the object is an array
} else if obj.isKindOfClass(NSArray) {
var saveableObject = [AnyObject]()
for (index, ele) in enumerate(obj as! NSArray) {
if (ele.isKindOfClass(NSNull)) {
// simply don't add element to saveableobject and we're good
if (ele.isKindOfClass(NSArray)) {
let tmpArray: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(ele as! NSArray)
if (ele.isKindOfClass(NSDictionary)) {
let tmpDict: (AnyObject) = sanitize_dict(ele as! NSDictionary)
return saveableObject
// this shouldn't happen, but makes code work
var saveableObject = [AnyObject]()
return saveableObject
So your other code needs to call that function, it should look something like this:
var err: NSError?
var jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .MutableContainers, error: &err) as! NSDictionary
//--- right now jsonResult is not actual json, and actually has the NSNulls
//--- get that result into the sanitized function above
let saveableDict: (AnyObject) = self.sanitize_dict(jsonResult)
let json = JSON(saveableDict)
if (json["errors"].array?.count > 0) {
println("!!!Failed to load.")
} else {
println("Load json successful. Attempting to save file...")
//--- set up basic structure for reading/writing temp file
let file = "file.txt"
let file_path = NSTemporaryDirectory() + file
let dict:NSDictionary = jsonResult
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
if dict.writeToFile(file_path, atomically: true) {
let readDict:NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: file_path)
if let dict = readDict {
println("Temp file created, here are the contents: \(dict)")
} else {
println("!!!Failed to READ the dictionary data back from disk.")
else {
println("!!!Failed to WRITE the dictionary to disk.")
Hope this helps somebody out there with a big JSON dataset and nulls. It is all about that sanitize function!
