trim value till specified string in oracle pl/sql - oracle

i want to trim value of the given string till specified string in oracle pl/sql.
some thing like below.
In the above string i want to trim till $$ so that i will get "flex-Flex_Image_Rotator-1443680885520".

You can use different ways; here are two methods, with and without regexp:
with test(string) as ( select 'OyeBuddy$$flex-Flex_Image_Rotator-1443680885520.' from dual)
select regexp_replace(string, '(.*)(\$\$)(.*)', '\3')
from test
union all
select substr(string, instr(string, '$$') + length('$$'))
from test

You want to do a SUBSTR where the starting position is going to be the position of '$$' + 2 . +2 is because the string '$$' is of length 2, and we don't want to include that string in the result.
Something like -
INSTR ('ABCDEF$$some_big_text', '$$') + 2)


How substr works on dates

I am trying to understand a query in my application where it uses substr function.
I have gone through the documentation for substr, which looks simple and clear.
Now below is my query without using substr:
select last_day(to_date(to_char(add_months(TO_DATE('2004/10/25', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),1),'YYYY')||'0201','YYYYMMDD')) from dual;
This gives me result as 2/29/2004. The above query just returns last day of Feb in simple words.
Now I am using substr as below:
select substr(last_day(to_date(to_char(add_months(TO_DATE('2004/10/25', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),1),'YYYY')||'0201','YYYYMMDD')),5,1) from dual;
So here the start value is 5 & length is 1, so I am expecting output as 2 looking at 2/29/2004. but the actual output is E, I am not clear from where this E is coming as result.
You cannot use SUBSTR() on DATE values. SUBSTR() works only on strings!
When you run SUBSTR({DATE_VALUE}, ...) then Oracle actually does following:
{DATE_VALUE}, (SELECT VALUE FROM nls_session_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT')
), ...
FROM dual;
What is the purpose of this query? Do you like to find out whether input year is a leap-year?
Try this instead -
select substr(to_char(last_day(to_date(to_char(add_months(TO_DATE('2004/10/25', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),1),'YYYY')||'0201','YYYYMMDD')),'dd/mm/yyyy'),5,1)
from dual;

How to apply regular expression on the below given string

i have a string 'MCDONALD_YYYYMMDD.TXT' i need to use regular expressions and append the '**' after the letter 'D' in the string given . (i.e In the string at postion 9 i need to append '*' based on a column value 'star_len'
if the star_len = 2 the o/p = ''MCDONALD??_YYYYMMDD.TXT'
if the star_len = 1 the o/p = ''MCDONALD?_YYYYMMDD.TXT'
inputs ( filename, position, symbol, len ) as (
select 'MCDONALD_20170812.TXT', 9, '*', 2 from dual
-- End of simulated inputs (for testing purposes only, not part of the solution).
-- SQL query begins BELOW THIS LINE.
select substr(filename, 1, position - 1) || rpad(symbol, len, symbol)
|| substr(filename, position) as new_str
from inputs
select regexp_replace('MCDONALD_YYYYMMDD.TXT','MCDONALD','MCDONALD' ||
from dual
This is how you could do it. I don't think you need it as a regular expression though if it is always going to be "MCDONALD".
EDIT: If you need to be providing the position in the string as well, I think a regular old substring should work.
select substr('MCDONALD_YYYYMMDD.TXT',1,position-1) ||
decode(star_len,1,'*',2,'**') || substr('MCDONALD_YYYYMMDD.TXT',position)
from dual
Where position and star_len are both columns in some table you provide(instead of dual).
EDIT2: Just to be more clear, here is another example using a with clause so that it runs without adding a table in.
with testing as
(select 'MCDONALD_YYYYMMDD.TXT' filename,
9 positionnum,
2 star_len
from dual)
select substr(filename,1,positionnum-1) ||
decode(star_len,1,'*',2,'**') ||
from testing
For the fun of it, here's a regex_replace solution. I went with a star since that what your variable was called even though your example used a question mark. The regex captures the filename string in 2 parts, the first being from the start up to 1 character before the position value, the second the rest of the string. The replace puts the captured parts back together with the stars in between.
with tbl(filename, position, star_len ) as (
select 'MCDONALD_20170812.TXT', 9, 2 from dual
select regexp_replace(filename,
'^(.{'||(position-1)||'})(.*)$', '\1'||rpad('*', star_len, '*')||'\2') as fixed
from tbl;

How Can I Extract String in Oracle

I would like to extract following string in Oracle. How can I do that?
Original String: 011113584378(+) CARD, STAFF
Expected String: STAFF CARD
I presume you have the luxury of writing a PL/SQL function? Then just use "SUBSTR", and/or "INSTR", and || concatenation operator to parse your input.
Here is an example:
...The field may contain the following value:
In this case, I need to return the value of '1-60SS', as this is the value that resides between the 3rd and 4th underscores.
create or replace function parse_value (pValue varchar2)
return varchar2
v_pos3 number;
v_pos4 number;
/* Return 3rd occurrence of '_' */
v_pos3 := INSTR (pValue, '_', 1, 3) + 1;
/* Return 4rd occurrence of '_' */
v_pos4 := INSTR (pValue, '_', 1, 4);
return SUBSTR (pValue, v_pos3, v_pos4 - v_pos3);
end parse_value;
Ok, I'll bite. This example uses REGEXP_REPLACE to describe the string, saving the parts you need in order to rearrange them before returning them. It would be better if you showed some real-world examples of the data you are dealing with as I can only guarantee this example will work with the one line you provided.
The regular expression matches any characters starting at the beginning of the string and ending with a close paren-space. The next set of any characters up to but not including the comma-space is "remembered" by enclosing them in parens. This is called a captured group. The next captured group is the set of characters after that comma-space separator until the end of the line (the dollar sign). The captured groups are referred to by their order from left to right. The 3rd argument is the string to return, which is the 2nd and 1st captured groups, in that order, separated by a space.
SQL> with tbl(str) as (
select '+011113584378(+) CARD, STAFF' from dual
select regexp_replace(str, '^.*\) (.*), (.*)$', '\2 \1') formatted
from tbl;

REGEXP_SUBSTR for portion of string

I would like to get:
from the following expression
Does someone know how I can get this using regexp_substr ?
Basically I have a field which has 7 sets each separated by _ . The string I gave is just one example. I wanted to retrieve everything after the second _ . There is no fixed character length so I can not use a substr function. Hence I was using regexp_substr. I was able to get away by using a simplified version
Select FILE_NAME, ( (REGEXP_SUBSTR(FILE_NAME,'[^_]+_',1,3)) ||
(REGEXP_SUBSTR(FILE_NAME,'[^_]+_',1,4)) ||
(REGEXP_SUBSTR(FILE_NAME,'[^_]+_',1,5)) ||
(REGEXP_SUBSTR(FILE_NAME,'[^_]+_',1,6)) ||
(REGEXP_SUBSTR(FILE_NAME,'[^_]+',1,7)) ) as RegExp
from tbl
Here is some more data from the FILE_NAME field
To get everything after the second underscore, you do not need regular expressions, but can use something like the following:
select substr(FILE_NAME, instr(FILE_NAME, '_', 1, 2) +1 ) from tbl
The instr returns the position of the second occurrence of '_', starting by the first character; the substr simply gets everything starting from the position given by instr + 1
From your Requirement, you can just go ahead and use the simple SUBSTRfunction. Its faster, and it addresses the simple need to remove the String LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.
select substr('LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_82961_01B04WZXQQSUGJ4YMRRT2A7TRHK_MR_2_1of1', 20) data_string
from dual;
Unless you have another underlying logic you need to address?
Kindly clarify so i can edit the answer accordingly.

How to split varchar in oracle

I have a procedure in where I am taking the input parameters as array of strings.
This String contains like 5-Deal deleted
I want to split this varchar into 5 and Deal deleted.
Here split conditions is -
Try using regexp_substr:
select regexp_substr ('5-Deal deleted' , '[^-]+', 1, rownum) split
from dual
connect by level <= length (regexp_replace ('5-Deal deleted' , '[^-]+')) + 1;
Then you can use BULK COLLECT INTO for store into a variable
For such a simple task, I would go with SUBSTR and INSTR. REGULAR EXPRESSION would be too much resource consuming.
INSTR would find the position of -, i.e. hyphen, and SUBSTR would pick the required portion of the string.
If your example data is what it looks like for all the rows, then, just extract DIGIT and ALPHA from the string and just concatenate them. This would obviously need REGULAR EXPRESSION.
Try this:
SELECT SUBSTR ('5-Deal deleted', 1, INSTR ('5-Deal deleted', '-') - 1)
SUBSTR ('5-Deal deleted', INSTR ('5-Deal deleted', '-') + 1) AS second
