Sorry if this is a noob question, I am just trying to learn this lovely program known as applescript.
tell application "Numbers" ¬
tell application "Numbers" to ¬
make new document with properties {name:"document 3"}
I can use this format of script to open most any other application (other than iWork) and it will open up, make a new document, and name it, but for whatever reason it will not work with iWork.
I have even tried to set a variable to use in the {name:variable} or {name:"variable"} with no luck.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
PS...Snide comments will be tolerated if they bring me the solution!
I do have Numbers. Try this:
tell application "Numbers"
set myDoc to make new document with properties {name:"document 3"}
name of myDoc
end tell
The results window should show "document 3". Why do you say it is not working? Possibly because the window that contains the document is labeled "Untitled"? That's because a window does not show the document name until the document is saved. If you choose "Save" from the menu, you will see your document name right there in the save dialog, and the window title will update after the save.
i do not have "numbers" on my computer, would you try this:
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document at front with properties {name:"hello darkness"}
end tell
replace "textedit" with "numbers"
have fun :)
ok, try this one:
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document at front
tell document 1
set name to "hello darkness"
end tell
end tell
I also do not have Numbers to test this, but this should work in theory.
tell application "Numbers"
set mydoc to make new document
set name of mydoc to "My New Document"
end tell
In my opinion this approach is "safer" than the previous answer because you are capturing a reference to the document that you've just created rather than getting a generic reference to "document 1" after you create your document. Most of the time, you should have an issue with the "document 1" approach, but the time you do, it will be very frustrating and cause a lot of confusion.
Best of luck
Just to keep the whole solution within applescript, which allows creation without intervention:
tell application "Numbers"
set nDoc to make new document
save nDoc in file ((path to desktop as text) & "crap.numbers")
end tell
While these Numbers commands (make, save) have multiple parameters, they don't seem to work as defined in the dictionary.
I can't manage to find how to use the selected text as a variable for AppleScript and Automator.
Any ideas?
For Applescript, it works with other applications. To get the selected text of the front window in an app, Applescript has to use the language/syntax that this app understands/responds to. For very scriptable, text document based apps, there is much similarity, looking something like:
tell app "xyz" to get selection of document 1
However, there really is no standard. Many apps don't have a 'text selection' object in their scriptable dictionary, so you have to do all kinds of workarounds. See these examples:
tell application "Safari" to set selectedText to (do JavaScript "(''+getSelection())" in document 1)
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "TextEdit" to tell attribute "AXSelectedText" of text area 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1 to set selectedText to its value
tell application "Microsoft Word" to set selectedText to content of text object of selection
You can also script "System Events" to simulate the keystroke of command-c in order to copy text.
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down}
delay 1
set selectedText to the clipboard
If you need more specific help, post your code and indicate what app you are working with. If it is not a scriptable app, then you'll have to use the last method, calling System Events. Or, it's possible you can use an OS X Service, which you also asked about.
When you create a Service in Automator, you create a new Workflow of the type Service. Then, simply make sure that at the top of the window it says:
"Service receives selected text".
You can then use Automator actions to interact with the selected text that gets passed to the actions that follow.
Not all programs are compatible with Services, unfortunately.
To see how it works, try this very simple Automator service:
Create a Service in Automator and choose Text and Every application as input.
The first workflow step is Execute Applescript.
The Applescript's input parameter contains the selected text.
Set the Applescript to
on run {input, parameters}
display dialog (input as text)
return input
end run
After saving, you will have this action available in the context menu whenever you have selected text.
Maybe the naming is different, I don't know the English descriptions. But I hope this is a good starting point for you.
Have fun, Michael / Hamburg
I am writing some text in to word file i want to change the color of that text any one can help on that one plz.
I want to print the 'message' from following script in red color.
Here is the Script:
set message to "mostly these windows are popup in application"
on ResultCreationFuction(message)
set text_to_save to message as text
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Finder"
set sortedList to sort (get files of folder "SofTestAutomationResult" of desktop) by modification date
set FileCount to get count of sortedList
set theFile to (item FileCount of sortedList) as alias
end tell
set file_ref to open for access theFile with write permission
write (text_to_save & return) to the file_ref starting at eof
close access file_ref
delay 2
end tell
end try
end ResultCreationFuction
Some Details:
The file is word which is all ready present on above location having name "10.012.2014_17_4_20.doc" (the name of .doc file is not fix)
What you are attempting is the wrong way to do it.
To manipulate content like that, including formatted text (not plain
text), you need to work within, ideally, a well-scriptable app, like
Pages (or Word, perhaps, but I don't have that on the machine I'm
writing this from).
Don't use System Events if you don't need to. Use the apps with the appropriate AppleEvents/dictionary, etc. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to take advantage of the infinite resource known as the web.
"Fuction" is just bad form.
I would suggest doing a lot more reading up on how AppleScript works (or scripting in general), but to start you out, here is a script I just wrote in pages which sets the color of a specific word of the open document after putting text in there:
tell application "Pages"
set body text of document 1 to "hello there mister fancy pants"
set color of word 3 of body text of page 1 of document 1 to {64614, 0, 111}
end tell
If you have Pages, try this by starting with a blank page and running this script. Obviously, you could get rid of "word 3 of" in the 2nd line, and the whole body text will be red.
I hope this makes sense and is of help.
I should mention that even TextEdit is scriptable and can open Word documents. Here's an example using TextEdit:
tell application "TextEdit"
set text of document 1 to "hello mister fancy pants"
set color of words 2 thru 3 of text of document 1 to {65535, 0, 0}
end tell
There is a little danger of non-Word apps losing formatting of Word files. But it just seems you are attempting something very simple, and I'm not sure if Word is really necessary here.
You can't add color using the write to eof. You should open the document in Word and then insert the line and add the color. Here's a script that should demonstrate how:
set text_to_add to "mostly these windows are popup in application"
set theFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "10.012.2014_17_4_20.doc") as string
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set theFile to theFile as string -- assuming theFile is an alias or :: path
open file theFile
tell active document
set endOfDoc to end of content of text object -- insert the text to end of document
set theRange to create range start (endOfDoc - 1) end endOfDoc
insert text text_to_add at theRange
set myRange to create range start endOfDoc end (endOfDoc + (length of text_to_add))
set color index of font object of myRange to red
end tell
end tell
I want to open a document in the current tab in an external application (MacVim for example). Based on a StackOverflow answer I created an Automator service with following AppleScript code:
tell application "Xcode"
set current_document to last source document
set current_document_path to path of current_document
end tell
tell application "MacVim"
open current_document_path
end tell
The issue is, that it opens the file from the first tab and not from the current tab. How can I get the path of the current tab?
Following workaround based on SO answer works for me.
As noted in the comment there: This works EXCEPT if you are using the Assistant editor - then you end up with whatever happens to be in the Standard Editor. – Lloyd Sargent but for me it's better than the first tab.
on run {input, parameters}
set current_document_path to ""
tell application "Xcode"
set last_word_in_main_window to (word -1 of (get name of window 1))
if (last_word_in_main_window is "Edited") then
display notification "Please save the current document and try again"
-- eventually we could automatically save the document when this becomes annoying
set current_document to document 1 whose name ends with last_word_in_main_window
set current_document_path to path of current_document
end if
end tell
tell application "MacVim"
if (current_document_path is not "") then
open current_document_path
end if
end tell
return input
end run
try the following
tell application "Xcode"
set docs to source documents
if length of docs is less than 1 then
display dialog "for ....... I need at least 1 document"
end if
path of last item of source documents
end tell
What I try to do:
When I'm in one of my text editors (TextEdit, Byword, FoldingText) I want this AppleScript to display the file path.
I figured asking for the frontmost window app get's me the apps name nice and easily and then I can ask for the POSIX path in the next step.
The Problem:
The script is already 99% there, but I'm missing something. When I try to use the variable of activeApp it doesn't work and I get this error:
Error Number:System Events got an error: Can’t get application {"TextEdit"}.
Here's the script:
tell application "System Events"
set activeApp to name of application processes whose frontmost is true
--This doesn't work either:
--do shell script "php -r 'echo urldecode(\"" & activeApp & "\");'"
tell application activeApp
set myPath to POSIX path of (get file of front document)
end tell
display dialog myPath
end tell
If I exchange activeApp with "TextEdit" everything works. Help would be appreciated.
Maybe there's something in here that helps: Get process name from application name and vice versa, using Applescript
Either get the path property of a document or use System Events to get value of attribute "AXDocument":
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
(path of document 1) as text
end tell
on error
tell application "System Events" to tell (process 1 where frontmost is true)
value of attribute "AXDocument" of window 1
end tell
do shell script "x=" & quoted form of result & "
x=${x/#localhost} # 10.8 and earlier
printf ${x//%/\\\\x}"
end try
end try
The first method didn't work with Preview, TextMate 2, Sublime Text, or iChm, and the second method didn't work with Acorn. The second method requires access for assistive devices to be enabled.
You are asking for...
set activeApp to name of application processes whose frontmost is true
Notice "processes", that's plural meaning you can get several processes in response so applescript gives you a list of names. Even though only one application is returned it's still in list format. Also see that your error contains {"TextEdit"}. The brackets around the name mean it's a list, so the error is showing you the problem.
You can't pass a list of names to the next line of code. As such you have a couple of choices. 1) you can ask for only 1 process instead of all processes. That will return a string instead of a list. Try this code...
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
2) you can work with the list by using "item 1 of the list". Try this code...
set activeApps to name of application processes whose frontmost is true
set activeApp to item 1 of activeApps
Finally, you shouldn't be telling system events to tell the application. Separate those 2 tell blocks of code. Here's how I would write your code.
tell application "System Events"
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
end tell
tell application activeApp
set myPath to POSIX path of (get file of front document)
end tell
tell me
display dialog myPath
end tell
on error theError number errorNumber
tell me
display dialog "There was an error: " & (errorNumber as text) & return & return & theError buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
end tell
end try
I can't promise the "get file of front document" code will work. That depends on the application. Not all applications will understand that request. That's why I used a try block. In any case though you can be certain you are addressing the proper application. Good luck.
I've been using this snippet for a while, seems to work for all Cocoa apps (not sure about X11):
set front_app to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)
tell application front_app
-- Your code here
end tell
None of this seems to work with a compiled AppleScript saved as an application and placed on the Dock. Whenever you run the application, IT is the frontmost, not the application that is showing its front window. That application becomes inactive as my Applescript runs. How do I write an Applescript application that isn't active when it runs?
I may have found a solution to the problem listed above. Just tell the user to reactivate the desired application, and give them time.
tell application "Finder"
say "Click front window of your application"
delay 5
set myapp to get name of first application process whose frontmost is true
-- etc.
-- your code
end tell
I want AppleScript to loop through a set of of RTF files in folder and save them as HTML files.
This is my simple code so far. The XXXX is where I'm struggling:
tell application "Finder"
set source_folder to choose folder
set aList to every file in source_folder
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in aList
tell application "TextEdit"
set aFile to (item i of aList)
save as aFile XXXXXXXXX
end tell
end repeat
end tell
I'm really new to this... any help much appreciated.
You don't need TextEdit for this. There is a command line program textutil which will do the job without all the opening and saving stuff required with TextEdit. We can fix your TextEdit script (it has a few errors) but try this first and let us know if it does the job for you. The html files will have the same name but with the html extension and will be located in source_folder. The ouput path can be changed in the code by using the "-output" switch of textutil. See "man textutil" if you want to look at everything it can do.
And a general question... what is a RTD file? Do you mean rtf or rtfd? Textutil will work with rtf/rtfd but not rtd, so I hope that isn't really your file type.
set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a source folder."
set output_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose an output folder."
tell application "Finder"
set theFiles to (files of entire contents of source_folder) as alias list
end tell
repeat with aFile in theFiles
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of aFile
set fileExt to name extension of aFile
end tell
set outputPath to (output_folder as text) & text 1 thru -((count of fileExt) + 1) of fileName & "html"
do shell script "/usr/bin/textutil -convert html -output " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputPath & space & quoted form of POSIX path of aFile
end repeat
You mention you are new to applescript, so I'll give you some general pointers you should keep in mind when writing applescript code.
Avoid putting tell blocks of code inside each other. You have tell app TextEdit inside tell app Finder. That's bad. Doing this is a source of many conflicts because you are basically telling the Finder to tell TextEdit to do something. That's not good because commands can get confused and it's really hard to debug these kinds of issues. So keep your tell blocks separate.
Avoid telling an application to perform a command that is not in its applescript dictionary. You should only tell an application to do commands that it knows and an application only knows about the commands in its dictionary. So for example, you are telling the Finder to "choose folder". The Finder does not know that command. That's an applescript command. So doing as you have done is another possible source of errors. In this case that's a simple command and it will work but in general avoid doing this.
Regarding the Finder, you should avoid using it too much. The Finder is a major program on your computer and is often busy doing computer related stuff. As such it's best to only use it when necessary. As an example you can see in my code that I removed the "choose folder" and the repeat loop from the Finder. I purposely appended "as alias list" to the end of the Finder command to make the list of files usable outside of the Finder tell block of code. Of course use the Finder if needed but it's best to not use it if you don't need it.
Use the applescript dictionary of your applications. As mentioned above, the dictionary lists all of the terms and the syntax that an application understands (granted the dictionaries are difficult to understand but you will get better at it the more you use them). Under the file menu of AppleScript Editor choose "Open dictionary" and a list of all the applications that understand applescript is shown. Choose an application from that to see its dictionary. So for example, you are trying to figure out TextEdit's "save as" command. You can usually get good direction from the dictionary so you should take a look at that. Use the search field to search!
So I hope that helps! Good luck.